Mrs Burma's Ordeal - Cover

Mrs Burma's Ordeal

Copyright© 2022 by fungirl

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Teacher is subject to an attack in her home

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction  

When I posted online that I was available for tutoring I expected the parents to respond. Johnny needs help with math, Paula needs to buckle down in Science. I never thought a student would send me a message. His name was Reggie, a fourteen-year-old from a school close by. He wrote he wanted to ace his mid-terms so I set up an appointment for us to meet and talk about where he needed my assistance the most.

He came to my house that next Saturday morning. A very good-looking boy, not overly athletic but nice body structure. He had sandy hair, a big warm smile, and eyes as blue as the ocean. I felt something special about him the moment we met.

I know he sees me as and older, much older woman. The beauty I had in my twenties may be gone but I like to think I am still a catch. My tits might not stand on their own anymore, nipples don’t perk up at the sight of a hunk of a man but they are still bigger and nicer than anyone else my age. I only wish my ass wasn’t the disappointment it was. Back in the day I got more compliments and suggestive invitations from how great it looked. As a total package, I was still a hottie in my eyes, but to a young strapping boy, who could tell. I gave him the once over twice. I knew it was wrong but he was so damn cute.

We came to an arrangement and he would start right away. He was already a smart boy so if I wanted to enjoy his company I would have to prey on his weaknesses. He was no different than any other, at fourteen, tits were their number one need. it was something I haven’t done in a very long time but what’s life without a little fun and risk. All I wanted was a little attention from him. Make this old gal feel something that has been missing in her life. His eyes would tell me a lot but his body language would tell me if I struck a nerve.

I made it possible for him to get a quick look at my swaying tits when I leaned over to review his work. He had an eye full, I made sure of that. He didn’t say anything but his eyes followed them as I backed away. He liked what he seen and I knew he would be open for more. it made me feel so dirty, so wrong taking advantage of him for my own amusement. Before he finished our first session he would know my shape, my size, and if I got lucky and had some cooperation, maybe what an aroused nipple looked like. As for me, seeing that rise in his pants made me feel good about myself as a woman. Yup, the old gal could still wake the sleeping giant. Maybe if I get the courage I’ll risk letting him see more down the road.

I went to bed that night with Reggie on my mind. I recalled those dirty things I did for no reason other than self-amusement. I knew it was wrong, he was only fourteen but the look in his eyes when I gave him a peak into his future was priceless. I hadn’t tried in some time but tonight I wanted to feel young again and I attempted to masturbate. I hoped offering him things a teacher should never do might cause a flame but to my disappointment it did nothing. I was as dry and unaroused as a woman could be. Well I tried, and even if I didn’t get to play tonight, I bet he did.

I needed this additional study time. I wanted to be first in my class in everything. Mrs. B was a good teacher but she caught me off guard when she accidentally showed me her tits. I mean what I could see anyway. I’ve only seen one set before and they were a lot smaller. Mrs. B had big ones and I thought about the rest of the day was seeing them again, maybe the whole thing, no bra covering parts of them. She definitely made me want to go back on Monday. She made me want to go today but it was Sunday so I would just have to wait.

The next week I went back three times, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and on none of the first two days was she dressed so I could see anything. I guess it was an accident after all but one I would remember. On Friday she wore a dress in place of jeans. It fit loose like all sundresses do and today when she leaned over to look over my work I got my second look. Still not what I was hoping for but I now knew she liked different color bras, today she wore a light blue one. Just wasn’t meant to be and our lesson completed. We went out the back way through a nice little room that was made entirely of glass. We went out on the deck just as a breeze picked up and the back of her dress lifted. Talk about right place, right time. It went high enough for me to see a small tattoo of a butterfly on her butt cheek. Not only that but she didn’t wear anything else down there. If she turned I would see a lot and boy did I want her to turn.

This was enough to get things started for me. seeing her butt, and not looking that bad either had me filling the front of my jeans fast. When Mrs. B controlled her dress and turned only after it was down she must have spotted my growth. I was embarrassed and covered myself. she looked right into my eyes and said, it was a natural thing so not to worry, my little problem would go away. LITTLE PROBLEM! Now Mrs. B got me mad and I left not knowing if I wanted to come back.

I think I offended him. Maybe noticing his little hard on should not have been mentioned. He did appear to be bigger than I would have expected for a boy his age but it doesn’t matter, he was a boy and I was old to him. I bet on Monday, if he shows up I could sit across from him with my legs opened and my pussy showing and even if him seeing it did something for me, I doubt he would have any interest. Besides, it’s been so long I don’t know I could do anything pleasurable anyhow.

That night I thought of my cute student. I wanted to find that interest in sex and used him to promote my illusions of arousal. Didn’t help, dry as a bone like it has been for some time now. maybe my days of sexual activities has finally ended. Such a shame when I was still in what I considered prime condition.

I did go back on Monday. I had to forget what happened, Mrs. B was helping me a lot and I wanted to be on top. When I arrived she wore another dress, this time I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra from across the room, to much giggling going on. She must think it’s some kind of fun game to tease me this way. I wasn’t laughing.

She tried to make it just another day but it wasn’t. she made a remark about me wearing shorts and I knew it was her way of reminding me what happened on Friday. She was making my blood boil and I didn’t like it one bit. She tried making conversation but kept inserting little bits of sexual things. Did she think I was stupid, that I didn’t see what she was doing? She was busting my balls and I had enough. She wants to play dirty old lady I could play to. when she went to use the bathroom I gave her ten seconds to get herself settled and now it was time for me to join her sick game.

I opened the bathroom door with her sitting on the toilet. Mrs. B was in no position to do anything except yell at me to get out. I smiled and asked her why not tease me a little more teach, make your tits bounce in my face, I got an idea, show me that cute little butterfly again. No I said, the time for teasing me is over. I am in charge of this demented game now.

This was unacceptable and inappropriate behavior on his part. He caught me in a humiliating position. When I asked him to leave his eyes had me concerned. This was an invasion of my privacy. He laughed at me, mocked me saying I was the one that started all of this. I knew I had crossed the line a little but teasing him, no it hadn’t reached that point in my eyes. I repeated my demand for him to leave me in privacy to finish my business and then we could discuss what he felt was me acting unprofessional. He laughed again and said, NO!

My young student told me if I was going to play with his eyes by showing off my tits I needed to do it the right way. he reached for my dress and started to pull it up. I fought him tooth and nail to keep it in place. This was hard seeing as one hand was safely hiding me in other places. I was losing and soon felt him tug it over my head and hold it and my arms captive. He exposed my bare tits and as big as they were, one arm was not enough to keep him from seeing what he intended on.

Look at the size of them he blurted out. he kept my dress high and bunched up in his grip. I tried to push him away but he grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it until it hurt. He shouted at me to be quiet and ripped my dress off over my head and threw it across the floor near the door, out of my reach. I sat there on the toilet trying to cover myself the best I could, my student had me naked and in an embarrassing position. Did I really cause all of this? I wanted this young boy to bring back a few excitements I missed but never did I want this. He was humiliating me and I begged him to leave me alone to finish and I would talk to him in the other room. I asked him to show me the respect I have earned. He said no, not until I did something for him. He let my hands down and was staring at my bare tits. he asked if I liked knowing he could see them. I didn’t know what to say. I mean I knew what I could have said but chose silence. He let me finish my interrupted business and watched me intensely as I wiped myself. my hands were shaking so bad I almost made a small mess of myself.

I reached out for a towel to cover myself. he snatched it and tossed it to join my dress. He said it wasn’t allowed. I sat there as he started to open his shorts. He claimed his erection was my fault and I needed to do something about it. I knew what he meant and it has been a long time since I sucked a cock.

He took any hopes of this being a bluff when he forced his long but thin cock in my mouth. I admit to enjoying the familiar taste and feel but this has always been something I initiated and only when the desire was there. Reggie was a cute boy but that is what he was, a boy. I tried to make him hate it, I even bit it causing him to back off but he only came at me harder and stronger hitting the back of my throat. My throat instinctively started to open but not fast enough and I started to gag. I actually think he enjoyed watching me suffer. I think he smiled listening to me choke on his cock.

After a few minutes he gained a rhythm and I was deep throating him with some ease. I didn’t want to like it but the memories of years past came back and my love for cock came with it. I never let my enjoyment show, he was still brutalizing my throat and no matter how you looked at it, this was rape.

Reggie took away his sweet stick and forced me to stand. He told me I was nothing but a tease and had to pay for it. his hand found its way between my legs and unfortunately he found the same thing I did, a dryness that has no purpose. A dryness I have been living with for some time. he called me useless, that I didn’t even have a working pussy, then he shoved me to the floor. I was ordered to lean with my arms on the tub. I did as he said but not quick enough and I felt the harshness of his backhand. He swung and connected with my ass cheek and the bells rang in my head. I screamed out in pain and he warned me never to do that again and he made me feel him a second time. this time regardless of how it felt I kept my mouth shut. My cheeks were buzzing with a sensation I haven’t known for many years and as much as it pained me I couldn’t stop just a hint of a smile.

He knelt behind me and I didn’t know what he was planning to do, I was obviously not in any condition to help him. He tried rubbing my pussy but the combination of not wanting him and fearing him made it impossible for anything to be produced. He shoved his finger in me and said I better make it worth his while of there would be hell to pay. Dry fucking me even with his finger was the most uncomfortable thing imaginable. He definitely made his need known and honestly my wants, but neither of us were getting what we hoped. His finger was only becoming an irritation to me, one I could do without.

Reggie was getting miserable to me when he saw no signs of improvement. He said I would have to learn the hard way and I felt his slap once again. This time his aim was more defined and more on point. Reggie slapped me across my pussy lips and this didn’t sting, this time it fucking hurt. I squealed like a little pig and clamped my legs closed. I was ordered to open them or he would rip me apart someplace else. I felt him fingertip touching me the one place no man or anyone else has ever been. Please I begged, don’t do anything there. I will do as you say and I opened my legs for him and he returned to begin his efforts to ruin my pussy forever.

In a way I wish I had gotten wet for him. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed getting fucked. Reggie was not going to stop until he got what he wanted and right now he wanted to fuck me. What kept me from responding to touch the way the body should, I couldn’t answer but mine was totally shut down at the moment.

“You’re a useless fucking cunt! Maybe you fucked so many in your life you wore the fucking thing out. (Taking out my frustrations with repeated slaps to her ass and her pussy). Turn around you useless whore, turn so I can see your big tits and find a use for them. I said turn you fucking cunt”!

Something was different. What just happened? He tore me a new one and my cheeks burned. He did something that nobody has ever done and now my pussy lips were throbbing. What was it? Was it the horrible words he used, the filthy degrading names he called me? they just made me want to cry, I hated those words because it made me remember a time when that is exactly what I was, a useless cunt. My former would use them knowing I secretly loved it. he knew I wanted to be his sex toy to use any way he wanted. He knew the more humiliation I endured, the more my body embraced it. Hearing Reggie verbally abuse me had started something, something I hoped he wouldn’t see. My pussy was getting aroused and my wetness was showing in full force. Fuck, he noticed it.

“So it works after all. I guess you just needed to hear the truth before it would come to life. I bet if I dug into your life I would discover you fucked all of your brothers, maybe even your sisters. Is that it cunt? Were such an easy piece of ass even your family used you to unload in? Look at you (Pointing to her tits) just talking about your brothers fucking you has your nipples standing up to attention. Does me making you take a walk down slut memory lane make you horny? Sure looks like it to me. I guess once you proved you would fuck the family dog if he mounted you anything goes, useless fucking pig”.

He was right. I was a big whore back then. I would fuck anyone I was told to. now it’s been so long I don’t know if my body could handle sex. I haven’t had anything in me in so long.

No warning, no extra lube, not even spit and Reggie rammed his cock inside of me. just because the surface showed a little life didn’t mean it was everywhere. He pushed through my tight walls without mercy. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. Reggie wasn’t huge but it didn’t matter, the negative friction was destroying me. this was something I haven’t felt since I was fifteen, it hurt to get fucked. Reggie forced himself in and my pussy burned. He did this intentionally and it brought tears to my eyes. I asked him to stop, he was hurting me. he didn’t care and said as much.

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