The Protege - Cover

The Protege

by august_west

Copyright© 2022 by august_west

Erotica Sex Story: Sophisticated older woman in the 1950s leads a willing younger girl into a wild lesbian encounter.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   .

Betty Milburn gave a start as she felt something slide up the inside of her left leg, then a quick intake of breath as she realized it was the stocking-clad toe of her dining companion, Maureen McKinley, who was seated directly across the table from her at a swanky downtown restaurant.

As the toe slowly slid up the inside of her leg, also stocking-clad, Betty felt a warm feeling rush from her head to the hot spot between her legs, just as Maureen casually said in a low, sexy voice, “I want you. I want to take you back to my apartment, right now, take off all of your clothes and make love to you all night long. You are just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Tell me, Betty, have you ever been with another woman before?”

Maureen casually stared into Betty’s eyes, boring into her soul. The older woman was offering something Betty had thought about for years, since her early teens. She had never told anyone that she believed she was a lesbian. In late-50’s America, that just wasn’t done.

But she had never been able to work up any sexual desire for the boys she’d grown up with and dated in her small Southern town, nor at her college, where she had been considered bookish and a bit aloof.

She had always looked up to her “eccentric” aunt – who Betty now believed was a lesbian – and now here she was living in the big city, far away from home, where she could indulge her fantasies away from prying eyes.

She was being offered the chance – right here, right now – to bring her lurid lesbian fantasies to life with a gorgeous, sophisticated older woman who clearly wanted her. And, she realized, Maureen was a woman she wanted as well.

“N-no, never,” Betty replied after all those thoughts flew through her mind in but a flash.

“But you’ve thought about it. No?” Maureen said, still lightly rubbing the inside of Betty’s leg with her toe, sending little jolts of pleasure up Betty’s spine.

Maureen McKinley was a businesswoman, still a rarity in 1958. She was in her early 30s, but she had already begun to move up in the company. She was tall, with slightly narrow features, slender but not thin, with short red hair and penetrating green eyes.

She had noticed the cute little blonde at an after-hours mixer, not long after Betty first started, working in another department of the same company. Maureen had struck up a conversation, and the attraction was immediate, on both their parts.

Betty had blonde hair that she kept shortish in small waves, blue eyes behind a pair of rimless glasses, and she had the kind of petite body that made Maureen’s pussy drool. She had invited Betty to dinner with the full intention of seducing her.

The term gaydar hadn’t been invented yet, but Maureen had it when it came to finding lovers. She picked up on the vibes coming from Betty in an instant, and she was confident that she’d scored.

After their meal, which came with several drinks, loosening their inhibitions, Maureen slipped off her shoe and slid her silky toe up Betty’s legs, all under the cover of the long tablecloth, as she made her intentions clear.

Betty didn’t have to answer, her body did it for her when she spread her legs as Maureen’s big toe slid up to the girl’s crotch. Betty had on a snug pair of satin panties that pressed up close to her moistening pussy.

A few seconds of Maureen’s toe seductively boring into her panties and rubbing up between her labia and over her clit was all it took for Betty’s pussy to begin flooding with her arousal.

Betty just nodded and whispered, “yes.” Maureen smiled as she abruptly pulled her toe out of Betty’s crotch and slipped her shoe back on. She licked her lips suggestively and winked at the younger girl.

“I can make you feel really good,” she whispered. “Come, spend the night with me.” Then she called the waiter for the check and began to gather up her things. Betty was in a bit of a daze, slightly drunk, horny as hell and utterly bewitched by the redheaded goddess she was with.

Betty let herself by carried along in Maureen’s wake as she paid the bill, tipping handsomely, and strolled out of the restaurant. Betty felt just the subtlest hand on her butt as Maureen guided her out the door and onto the sidewalk.

Maureen hailed a cab, they climbed in the backseat, she gave the driver the address, he started the meter and off they went. As soon as they were seated in the back seat, Maureen put her hand on Betty’s thigh, then she slipped it to the inside and began softly caressing her leg.

She encouraged Betty to do the same, and Betty felt an erotic thrill as she touched another woman in an intimate manner for the first time. They were careful not to give any outward signs of affection, but it wasn’t easy.

Finally, after a few minutes they reached her apartment building. Maureen paid the driver, then they emerged from the cab and skipped to the entrance. They didn’t see the leering stare of the driver as he watched them walk into the building, and it wouldn’t have mattered if they did.

She unlocked the door to the apartment building, and they tumbled into the foyer and turned to the elevator which was to their left.

The elevator doors had barely closed when Maureen turned to pull Betty into a close embrace and bent her head down to kiss the younger girl full on the mouth. Betty’s mouth opened in acceptance and her tongue met Maureen’s in the opening salvo of mounting lust.

Betty couldn’t believe she was actually kissing another woman, and not just kissing, but French kissing, a sure signal of lust. Her excitement mounted as she realized that she was really going to do it, she was going to make love with another woman.

They kissed wildly, wantonly, their hands roaming over each other’s body, letting their passion begin to run. It barely registered when the bell sounded signaling the floor for Maureen’s apartment.

They were both panting slightly as they walked hand-in-hand to the door of the apartment, then Maureen put the key in the door, opened it and ushered Betty into her place.

It was stylishly appointed, fitting Maureen’s personality, and Betty was impressed. She especially liked the view out of the large picture window facing west, which showed their city spread out in front of them.

They placed their hats on the entry table, then Maureen walked over to the bar and began mixing drinks, while Betty sat back on the large comfortable sofa that dominated the living room area, facing the window. Betty was a bit nervous as she sipped her drink while she watched Maureen dim the lights then pull out a record and put it on the hi-fi. Cool jazz softly filled the room as Maureen walked over to pull the curtains over the window.

“Don’t want anybody peeking,” she said with a sly smile as she walked over and sat down next to Betty on the sofa, real close. She reached over and pulled Betty’s glasses off her face and set them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

“These are a nice look for you,” Maureen said. “But you are much prettier without them.”

Betty was completely under this woman’s spell as Maureen settled into the sofa and pulled the younger girl to her.

“Relax,” she said softly, as they simultaneously slipped off their shoes, “and go with the flow.”

Betty nestled in next to Maureen as they kissed again, this time a little slower, but with no less passion. As they kissed, Maureen fiddled with the buttons on Betty’s blouse, slowly opening them one by one until the shirt was completely opened.

Maureen got a charge out of the thin colored bra that didn’t quite hide Betty’s succulent A-cup breasts, with the pink nipples standing up at the ready. She pulled the blouse off Betty’s arms and tossed it to the side.

“Your titties are beautiful,” Maureen said as she lightly squeezed each little mound with a hand.

“Thank you,” Betty whispered. She had never been praised for her breasts, which had always been, “too small,” for the boys back home, or the ones at college.

Maureen adeptly reached around Betty’s back and quickly unhooked her bra. Betty’s itty-bitty titties sat up as Maureen swept her hands over the tender white flesh, rolling the nipples between her fingers and thumbs.

As she rolled the younger girl’s breasts, she bent down to kiss her again, and again it was passionate, with Betty feeling paroxysm of pleasure swell from her breasts. Maureen kissed and licked her way down Betty’s neck then captured a nipple between her lips and began suckling. Betty gasped loudly, this time at the sensations of another woman’s mouth on her breasts. Betty quickly found the zipper in the back of Maureen’s sweater, opened it then pulled the sweater over Maureen’s head and tossed it over with her own blouse.

Maureen’s breasts were a little larger, B-cups with a little bit of plumpness. Maureen quickly reached back, unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, giving Betty full view of her naked tits.

Betty clutched each hanging globe and marveled as Maureen’s nipples stiffened in her grasp. She instinctively lowered her head to capture one of the hanging teats between her lips and just did what came naturally, sucking and licking over the proffered flesh.

Maureen pulled that breast away and offered the other, letting both of her dark-pink nipples get the same treatment. Her pussy was flooding in her panties, and she was desperate to get down to it.

As was Betty. They both seemed to have the same idea at the same time. Maureen stood up abruptly, reached behind her back to unzip the skirt and shimmied as she pulled the skirt to the floor, right along with her panties.

Betty did the same with her skirt, lying back and lifting her legs as she pulled the skirt off and tossed it aside.

She left her panties on for the moment as she watched Maureen pull her right leg up onto the table, unsnap the stay to her stockings and slowly roll the nylon down over her leg.

Betty licked her lips lasciviously as she caught a glimpse of the dark juncture of Maureen’s legs, which covered forbidden flesh that she was eager to touch.

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