Sue's Fourteenth Birthday - Cover

Sue's Fourteenth Birthday

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 5

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Sue is a pretty teenage schoolgirl who, if anyone had asked, would probably have said that she was fairly happy with her life. On her fourteenth birthday, she gets some lovely, thoughtful presents from her family and a surprise gift of lingerie from an unknown benefactor. Things will never be quite the same for Sue again.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Doctor/Nurse   ENF  

After school on Wednesday, I hurry home so that I’ll have time to shower and shave; I want to look my very best for Kerry. I daren’t turn on the vibrate function of the Tinge because I know I may not be able to stop there. Afterward, I even put a few dabs of perfume on my vulva, which stings like mad for a few seconds but smells lovely.

When I enter Kerry’s room her smile is radiant and she’s just as gorgeous as I remember. It’s lovely to see her again and my own smile is every bit as joyous as hers.

“Hi Susan, how are you today?”

“Fine,” I reply.

“I’ve just got to take some blood for testing. Nothing to worry about though,” she tells me. After she’s taken a couple of little tube-fulls she hands me a paper robe.

“Sorry to put you through this again.”

“That’s OK,” I tell her, sorely tempted to say ‘You can poke around in my pussy any time you want’ but just about manage to control myself.

“You know the procedure now,” she says, pointing to the screen.

I strip off behind the curtain but have trouble with the ties again and get annoyed with it. Getting naked for Kerry has made me really excited and I just want to get out there.

I come out and hand her the robe.

“Hateful things,” I say to her. “it’s not as if you haven’t seen it all before anyway.” That may be true but it doesn’t stop Kelly’s eyes from tracking over me like a pair of searchlights. She doesn’t really try to hide the lust on her face and it’s turning me on even more.

“Whatever you’re most comfortable with,” she says. “Hop up on the table and adopt the position for me please.”

The other advantage of no gown is that I can watch as Kerry sits down between my wide-open legs. Kiss it! Kiss it! Kiss it! is all that’s going through my head.

When she pushes the speculum into my vagina it slips in really easily because I’m already so wet. I’m really hoping she’ll touch me but she’s very professional and takes the swab in a perfectly correct manner, damn her!

“There we are. All done,” she says, but, as she wipes my pussy with a tissue, she grazes my lips with her hand and it makes me gasp. I look down and only then realize that she’s not wearing gloves!

“Don’t you need to examine my ovaries again?” I ask her, and I’m embarrassed when it comes out a bit desperate. I literally have my fingers crossed as I say it.

“No. I’m afraid not,” she replies and I’m sure I can hear regret in her tone. “You did seem to rather enjoy it last time, didn’t you?” She chuckles and smiles at me. I feel myself turn bright red as I remember the way my holes gripped her fingers.

“I could get into a lot of trouble performing unnecessary procedures at work, but...”

“But?” I ask hopefully.

“But I do have some ... specialist equipment at home if you’d be interested in trying that?” I think hard about that for almost fifteen milliseconds.

“Yes,” I say. “I would. I definitely would. Yes.” Her smile lights up the room.

“I’ll just text my girlfriend, Jade, to let her know we’ll be home soon. Jade will ... assist me if that’s OK?” Oh my God, is that OK. Two of them, and specialist equipment! I gulp.

“That sounds...” Superb? Heavenly? F*ing awesome? “ ... lovely” I reply, a bit lamely. She taps away on her phone for a bit.

“We’d better not leave together. Hang around out the front and I’ll pick you up as I drive past.”

I wander off in a bit of a daze with my heart still pattering away at the prospect of Kelly and her girlfriend looking after me. A beeping of a car horn interrupts my daydreaming and, when I look round, I see Kerry in a tiny yellow sports car smiling up at me.

Getting in is a struggle, at the end of which my skirt is all rucked up and the front of my panties is on show. I leave it as it is and Kerry keeps glancing down and grinning at me.

When Jade opens the door I think all my Christmas’s have come at once. Where Kerry is pale and blonde and gorgeous, Jade’s skin is an ebony so dark it’s almost blue. and her face, framed by a mass of black curls is exquisite.

I don’t know what was in Kerry’s text but Jade is already dressed in a short white medical coat with a couple of fasteners at the top undone, showing a beautiful dark cleavage, and a couple at the bottom similarly open, displaying a lovely amount of thigh.

I feel totally inadequate against these two goddesses but Jade takes me by the hand.

“Welcome Sue, please come in. Kerry’s told me all about you but, to be honest, you’re even lovelier than she said.” Then she kisses me softly on the lips.

“You try putting into words how divine this little creature is then,” Kerry says, laughing and she puts her hand around my waist and kisses me too. All thoughts of inadequacy are gone and suddenly I feel like a million dollars.

“Would you like something to drink, or to eat or...?” says Kerry to me.

“I’d like to carry on where we left off with my exam,” I tell her, looking hungrily at Jade’s body in her white coat.

“You take Sue through to the bedroom and get her ready while I get changed,” Kerry says to Jade. Jade takes my hand again and leads me through to the bedroom which has the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in it.

“Would you like some help getting undressed, Miss?” Jade asks me, falling into her nurse’s assistant role.

“Yes please, nurse Jade,” I reply, dropping my head shyly and adopting a little girly voice.

I’m trembling like a, well, like a little girl, as Jade’s soft hands help me quickly out of my clothes. She then takes me by the elbow and leads me to the end of the bed. Just as she sits me down the door opens and Kerry comes in, wearing the same outfit as Jade, with a similar amount of lovely flesh on show. She’s carrying a bag with her which I hope contains the ‘specialist equipment’ she mentioned, which she puts to the side of the bed.

“Good,” she says, all efficiency. “you’re ready. We can start. If you could lie back for me please Susan.” I lie back and feel Kerry’s hands grip my ankles and raise my feet up onto the bed.

“If you could examine Susan’s breasts for me Jade that would be a great help.” Jade kneels on the bed and her hands fondle my little breasts in a most delightful way, but, infuriatingly, she’s avoiding my nipples which are crying out for attention.

Kerry, meanwhile has pushed my legs gently apart and I can feel her breath on my pussy.

“Oh dear...” she says solemnly. “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.”

“Is there a problem doctor?” Jade asks her. Oh, I think dreamily, Kerry’s been promoted, that’s nice.

“It’s just as I thought, it’s very swollen and wet.” She pauses as if considering the problem. “Have you finished examining her breasts yet nurse?”

“Yes doctor, they’re ... perfect.”

“And the nipples? You did check the nipples this time I take it?” Kerry says testily. All the time she’s berating Jade her fingers are stroking my labia ever so softly.

“Yes, doctor.” Jade lies, and immediately starts rubbing my aching nipples between her fingers which is only ever going to make Kerry’s problems even worse.

“And the oral test. Yes?” Kerry demands, and Jade leans over and takes my left nipple into her mouth before mumbling “Yes.” around it. She switches to the other nipple and I’m pretty much in heaven.

“And, how are they, girl!?” Kerry asks, exasperated.

“They’re lov ... all in order doctor.”

“Susan,” She says, in a much softer tone. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to take a peek inside. Is that OK?”

“If you must doctor,” I squeak. She pushes my legs further apart and then uses her hands to part my labia.

“Yes,” she says. “More inflammation and more secretions I’m afraid. I could take a sample and send it off to the lab or...”

“Or?” I breathe.

“Or I could perform what we in the medical profession call a gustatory test, which will give us an immediate result.”

“Will it hurt?”

“No darl ... Susan. It won’t hurt at all.”

When her tongue slips into the entrance to my vagina it makes my head spin. Her nose is pushed hard against my clit and, what with Jade still checking my nipples admirably thoroughly, I’m pretty much on cloud nine.

“Mmmmm,” Kerry moans. “I think that it’s fine but a second opinion is always a good idea.” I feel her finger inside me and then she reaches it towards Jade who sucks on it greedily.

“Yes,” Jade declares. “Seems ... wonder ... gorg ... fine to me too.”

“Er...” I whisper.

“Yes Susan, what is it?” Kerry asks me.

“Could I ... check it please.”

“Of course, of course,” she replies and gets another finger-full which she offers to me.

I instantly like it but find it hard to say why. It tastes sweet at first, then a bit tangy and maybe salty. It makes me think of salted caramel which I love, not that it tastes like that, it’s just the sweet with the salty I think.

“I need to check your clitoris. Do you know what that is Susan?” Kerry asks me. I guess that ‘yes’ isn’t the way to go here.

“No,” I say innocently. “never heard of it.” I feel her squeeze its base and gently pull back the hood and then touch it ever so gently with her fingertip.

“It’s this little chap here, see?” She says. “Silly me. Of course, you can’t see. Jade, could you demonstrate please?”

I watch as Jade undoes the remaining poppers on her coat and takes it off. Her skin is incredible: so shiny it looks like it’s been polished, and her body is beautiful, managing to be both slender and curvaceous at the same time. She climbs back onto the bed and kneels over my head. She has a carefully trimmed triangle of pubic hair above her slit, which looks lovely, and I wonder if I have enough hair to pull that look off, probably not yet, I think. Shame.

When she opens up her pussy with her hands it literally takes my breath away. The contrast between her luscious pink insides and her jet-black skin is just beautiful beyond words. She doesn’t have to do anything to expose her clit though it’s there, proud and erect and, compared to mine, it’s huge. I absolutely can’t resist it and raise my head and suck on it like a little cock. Jade throws her head back and I feel her trembling all over.

“Do you see it, Susan?”

“Uh-huh,” I mumble around Jade’s clit which makes her gasp out loud.

“Whatever you do don’t let her make you suck it. She’s always doing that!”

“Nuh-uh.” Jade’s clit is so long I can suck it and lick the end at the same time which, judging by the way she’s wriggling on my face, Jade really, really likes.

I fill my hands full of Jade’s luscious ass cheeks, sneaking my fingers between them to tease at her asshole. She seems to like that a lot too because I feel it open up and I can push my finger inside to the second knuckle.

“I’ll just make sure there’s no difference in taste around your clit.” Says Kerry and starts to suck on it which is just f*ing amazing.

“Mmmmmm,” I moan around Jade’s clit which, combined with the fingering and the licking and the sucking, which I’m still definitely not doing, makes her cum.

“Did I mention I’ve been having trouble with my ovaries?” I say to Kerry as Jade falls off my face and curls up into a quivering little ball next to me. I stroke her back and her bottom gently and she hums to herself, twitching happily.

“Well,” says Kerry, rummaging in her bag. “We could do that ... or we could... “ She holds up a large white dildo with what looks suspiciously like hand-drawn lines up the side. “ ... we could measure the depth of your vagina,” Then, with a flourish worthy of a magician, she produces a similar, but slimmer, dildo. “and your rectum!”

“Well, if it’s for science.” I rely nobly.

Jade seems to perk up at that, uncurls herself, kneels over my face, the other way around this time, and kisses me lightly over my clit.

“Well done Nurse. If you could make sure that the patient is fully lubricated for me please.” Jade attacks my clit, licking and sucking on it. I return the favor, but I’m ready to deny it should Kerry check again.

“OK Susan, I’m going to test your vagina first. You may feel a slight pressure.” She says in a business-like tone, and slips it in agonizingly slowly, and it feels fabulous. “Let me know when you want me to stop,” she says and keeps pushing it in. “Six inches ... Seven inches. Are you sure you’re still OK Susan?”

“I’m fine,” I grunt. “don’t stop! For God’s sake, don’t stop!”

“Eight inches ... That’s really very good for a girl your age...” I feel so, so full and it’s wonderful, but then I feel it pushing against something, my cervix?

“I think that’s all I can take,” I tell her breathlessly.

“Eight and a half inches. Well done!” Kerry says happily, and then I feel her start to apply lubricating saliva to my asshole via the handy dispenser of her mouth and tongue. Jade is still lapping at my clit and I feel myself teetering on the edge of an almighty orgasm.

“So I’m going to measure your anal depth now.” At the same time? I wonder, both panicking and dribbling a bit, from both ends, I think.

As she slides it into me I feel it stretch my ass while my pussy is stuffed, it drives me over the edge and I start cumming, squeezing down hard on both of the dildos.

“That’s a good girl!” Says Kerry encouragingly, and Jade increases her efforts on my clit to help me along.

Jade spins around and kisses me hard and deep on the mouth which means I get another chance to savor the taste of my pussy. That leaves Kerry to take over on my clit, which she does admirably well. It also means Jade can take over attending to my nipples leaving my hands free to explore both hers and finger her lovely slit.

The feeling of absolute fullness from Kerry’s experiments with my holes is extraordinary. I can feel the two dildos almost touching inside me and the pleasure they’re giving me is just extraordinary.

“Six inches!” She proclaims proudly.

I’ve been on the verge of cumming for a while now, just not quite getting there when I feel Kerry’s mouth leave my clit.

“Let’s try turning them on and see if we can get a bit deeper like that?” she says. Turn them on! Fuck, they’re vibrators! is all I get a chance to think before the most incredible sensations start going through my whole groin and I cum, hard, seemingly everywhere at once!

“Oooo!” cries Kerry joyfully. “You’re squirting!” I’ve never done that before and I feel liquid running down between my ass cheeks as I squirt on each of the aftershocks as well.

They are both so happy for me that they wriggle around until they can both kiss and cuddle me, and I’m about as happy as I think a girl can ever get.

After a while, I realize that I really have to go for a pee and I extricate myself from their loving embrace.

When I come back they are sixty-nining and they look so gorgeous, like the world’s sexiest ever yin and yang symbol.

Something makes me look at my watch and I see that I’m already late for dinner. I get dressed watching Jade and Kerry make delicious love to each other’s pussies.

I say goodbye to Kerry and she kisses me, getting Jade’s juices all over me. I can’t resist licking Jade’s pussy since it’s only inches away from my face.

I clamber around to the other end of the pair of bodies and kiss Jade goodbye too, and I see Kerry’s pussy for the first time. It’s the spitting image of mine and, funnily enough, tastes kind of similar too.

I look at them both and I desperately want to stay, but I know Mom will kill me, so I rush off with one last, longing look backward at the pair of them.

When I get home Mom kisses me and licks her lips.


“Well yes,” I admit. “and her girlfriend Jade actually.”

“Very nice,” she says fondly, ruffling my hair “Francine sends her love by the way.” She adds, with a cheeky grin. It takes me a few moments to place the name, then it comes to me.

“The lady in the department store?” I ask.

“Yes, that’s right. Her personal shopper service is very personal. I can definitely recommend it.”

“Oh yes?”

“I wanted to try on some panties,” She explains. “but she said I could only do it if my pussy was very clean. That lady’s tongue is incredible, almost prehensile,” she says, with a dreamy look on her face.

I try to imagine Francine’s tongue cleaning my pussy and decide to save up for some new undies as a matter of some urgency.

The following Saturday I’m round at Miranda’s. She’s so jealous of my new look but there’s no way her parents will let her dress like me.

“Why don’t we go to the mall, buy you some nice things, and then, before you go home, you can change back? I can take your sexy gear home and give it to you when you need it.”

When we get there I suggest we start with lingerie since that worked so well with me, and she gets a few pairs of bikini panties and some thongs, one of which she decides she wants to wear. She insists on me coming into the changing room with her so that I can tell her what I think of them.

I try not to be too obvious but, when you’re in a tiny changing room with mirrors all around, it’s hard not to see everything. She’s got a lovely little bod with tits a little bigger than mine and some cute fluffy pubes that look so darling I just want to ... I have to look up at the ceiling at that point before we get thrown out for making out in the store’s changing room.

We then go through loads of shops with Miranda trying stuff on. Watching her getting in and out of all these skirts is really turning me on and I can’t help but keep brushing the skin of her legs and arms as I admire some of the clothing.

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