Sue's Fourteenth Birthday - Cover

Sue's Fourteenth Birthday

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Sue is a pretty teenage schoolgirl who, if anyone had asked, would probably have said that she was fairly happy with her life. On her fourteenth birthday, she gets some lovely, thoughtful presents from her family and a surprise gift of lingerie from an unknown benefactor. Things will never be quite the same for Sue again.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Doctor/Nurse   ENF  

I’m tossing and turning in my bed, trying to work out what’s wrong with me. It’s like as soon as I get turned on I lose all self-control. I’ve heard of blokes thinking with their dicks but never girls thinking with their clits.

After a while, it occurs to me that this afternoon kind of makes me a motherf*er. I can’t even think the whole thing. Having said that I don’t regret a single second. Oh, except at the end - it turned out that we still had three-quarters of an hour, but I wasn’t to know that then.

I’m also still obsessing about Nick stealing my skirts and I have an idea that gets me up early.

I catch Mom coming out of her bathroom.

“Any chance you can take Dad out for the morning, like soonish?” I ask her, with my best pleading voice and look.

“I’m not going to ask you what you’re up to, but OK,” she replies. Yes!

“Just a little payback,” I assure her.

“Whatever,” she says. “I’ll take your father curtain shopping, he’ll love that,” she adds with a smirk.

I hog the bathroom I share with Nick until I think that my folks should have gone out. When I finally emerge, I check and Dad’s car’s not there. Game on.

Nick and I have always been very competitive, it comes from being just a year apart I suppose. One time, three or so years ago, we’d been playing Frisbee in the garden, which I distinctly remember I won by the way, when I said I had to stop because I needed to pee. He said he needed to pee more, and it rapidly became a race to the bathroom, with all the associated barging and squeezing through doorways.

Anyway, we both ended up in the bathroom at the same time. Still neither of us would give in, so I stood over the loo, reached up under my skirt, pulled my panties down, and had my wee while he watched me. He couldn’t see anything and it wasn’t a sex thing, it was just both of us being too pig-headed to give an inch.

When I’d finished he stood over the loo and glared at me, like he thought I should stop watching him. But he’d watched me so I was going nowhere. I saw his little wiener as he peed and I thought it was very funny. I never did admit it to him, but he was right, he did need it more than me: he pissed for ages and ages.

While Nick’s in the shower I take all of his trousers, shorts, and underwear and hide them in my room. In their place, I leave a pair of my own white spandex spinning shorts laid out on his bed. I never actually did any spinning, I’d bought them to go under my skirt while playing tennis in those days, long ago, when I was worried about people catching a glimpse of my bottom. I never even wore them then because they were so thin and tight you could see everything! I wore some baggy gym shorts instead.

That done I go off to the kitchen and have my breakfast, sitting with my back to the door.

I’m wearing a low cut singlet which shows off my tits and one of my new little skirts, the pink pleated one. Under that, I’ve got on the sexiest of my new lingerie - bright red satin with lace trimmings.

A bit later I hear him come into the room and cough, I studiously ignore him.

“Very funny,” he says to me, and he comes around and stands right in front of me. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and the shorts I left out for him. I guess he’s excited by showing it to me this way because his cock is already getting hard. The outline is so clear I can actually see a vein running up the side of it and it’s beating in time with his heart.

“Maybe you’ll get to like it, like I did with my old skirts,” I say to him pointedly. “That was you wasn’t it?” I finally manage to drag my eyes from his groin and look up at him, and he looks a bit sheepish.

“Yes,” he confesses. “Mom put the idea in my head though, going on about your old school skirts. I really wanted to see you in that sexy new underwear of yours and I thought I might get a few flashes if you had to go back to them.”

All the time we’re talking he’s looking down the front of my T-shirt and I watch as his cock gets harder and harder. Then he starts tracing the length of it with a single finger. I can’t help but start to treat this as if it were a tennis match. Fifteen-love, I think to myself. Obviously, I’m not letting him get away with that.

“This underwear?” I ask innocently, and I unzip the skirt, slip it off, and put it over the back of the chair. His eyes are like saucers as he stares at the silky red triangle barely covering my pussy. Fifteen all!

His cock is stretching the spandex right out now and it’s throbbing away like mad.

I finish my breakfast and take the bowl to the sink, knowing that he’ll be able to see my ass as I do. When I turn around I catch him pulling his hand away from his cock and smile to myself.

I go into the lounge and sit in one of the chairs. Nick follows me in and sits opposite me on the sofa.

“Sure is hot in here,” I say, and I take off the singlet. I can almost feel his gaze burning into me as he gets his first good look at my tits. Fifteen-thirty.

“Sure is,” he agrees and takes off his tee. I sit there watching him, my fingers teasing my nipples through the material of my bra. His own fingers start to rub along the shaft of his cock.

“So hot,” he says ambiguously, and he pushes the shorts down and pulls them off. He sits back, puts his feet up on the couch, spreads his legs, and wraps his hand around his shaft, wanking it slowly while smiling wickedly and looking me up and down. Damn, thirty all.

I stand up and take the bra off. Oh, he likes that, his little hand going faster. But, when I take off the panties as well, he slows as if he’s afraid he’s getting too close to cumming.

I go and sit next to him and adopt the same pose as his. Then I start running my fingertip up and down my pussy lips. Advantage Miss Young.

We sit there for long minutes watching each other masturbating gently. Then Nick reaches over, pushes my hand aside, and takes over teasing my pussy lips. Deuce.

It feels so much more exciting when he does it, and I’d really like to grind my pussy on his hand but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how turned on I am.

I start to reach over and he removes his hand from his cock in anticipation. As I wrap my hand around my first-ever penis my hand is trembling. Advantage Miss Young.

To start with I just skim my fingertips all over it, loving the way it twitches under my hand like a little scared bird. It’s so hot and hard and I love it. I feel his fingers are now slick on my pussy lips from the lubrication leaking out of me.

Then I see a drop of precum appear at the end of his cock. I lean over and lick it off. I can see his whole body quiver as I do it. First game to Miss Young. Miss Young leads one game to nil.

He stares at me in disbelief, then gets up off the couch and kneels in front of me. He licks me all the way from my asshole to my clit in one long, lovely firm stroke. It’s absolutely gorgeous! Well played that boy! Fifteen-love.

I’m literally trembling with excitement now. He goes back to his spot with a smirk on his face as he sees the state I’m in now. My pussy is now crying out, desperate to be filled.

I stand up, move between his legs, and bend over with my ass inches from his face. I can’t see his expression but I can imagine the view that he’s now got.

I reach back and grasp his cock and then keep bending down until I feel the head of it at the entrance to my vagina. I pause for long seconds and then drop onto it in one slow, exquisite motion. Game, set, and match to Miss Young, I think, triumphantly, and then I realize what I’ve just done.

I stop, with his cock fully embedded in my pussy. It feels so perfect as if it were made to be there, which I suppose in a way it was. It feels way too good to stop now. I’m already a brother f*er now, so I may as well make the most of it, I tell myself.

As if reading my mind his hands come round to play with my tits and he begins thrusting his groin at my pussy. I start to bounce up and down, matching my timing to his and it really does feel lovely. I thought my Tinge was nice but, somehow, the warmth of it and the way it moves and throbs just feels so much better. If only he could make it vibrate it’d be absolutely perfect.

He increases the pace and suddenly it’s become a race to cum. His fingers are doing wonderful things to my nipples but my clit is sorely neglected. I lick my fingers and put that right straight away. I’m on the home straight now, but then he stops.

“I can’t cum in you,” he says in an anguished tone. “You might get pregnant!” I haven’t stopped though, and I’m at the finishing line.

“Don’t ... worry ... about ... that!” I cry through the convulsions of my cum. It’s only seconds later that I feel a warm flood inside me as he cums too.

I’m lying back against him, glorying in my double win for ages as he cuddles me and kisses the back of my neck. Eventually, I get up, put my finger and thumb to my forehead in the classic ‘L’ for loser sign, and laugh at him. He laughs too and I bend down and kiss him long and hard on the lips before scampering upstairs to shower.

When Mom and Dad get back from shopping Nick and I are in the lounge looking at stuff on our phones. We’ve been trying to be cool about it but we keep looking at each other and can’t help giggling. Mom looks at us both suspiciously but, when we say nothing, she just sighs and shakes her head.

On Monday morning, while we’re having breakfast, the phone rings and Mom takes it in the other room; she’s gone quite some time.

“That was the surgery,” she says to me when she returns. “The smear test was ... inconclusive. You’ve got another appointment with Kerry on Wednesday at five-thirty. Do you want me to come with you this time?” She looks hopefully at me.

“No, that’s OK Mom. I know what to expect now,” I tell her. She looks disappointed but says nothing.

It’s possible that I’m the first person ever to wish for a rectovaginal exam.

During morning break Juliette sidles up to me and puts a key in my hand. “What’s this for?” I ask.

“It’s the key to the music room,” she whispers. “Meet me there after the last class.”

I pretend to think about whether to meet her but I’m just kidding myself, there’s no way I’m not going.

I’m there first and I’m hopping from foot to foot getting myself all worked up by remembering what she said about licking me.

When she finally arrives she looks just as wound up as me and we basically jump into each other’s arms. Kissing Juliette is just utterly gorgeous. Our hands are all over each other and I’m almost gasping for breath I’m so excited. There’s one thing that I’ve wanted to do ever since I saw it and I can’t wait any longer. I drop to my knees, push her skirt up, and drag her panties to the side.

“Hey, I thought I was the one who was going to sedu--” Her voice fades out as I clamp my mouth over her luscious pussy and push my tongue just as deep into her vagina as it will go. She tastes absolutely divine and it occurs to me, out of the blue, that I’ve never tasted my own, and I can’t think for the life of me why not.

“Oh, my God Sue, where did you learn to do that?” she gasps as she pushes herself into my face. I would explain that it’s my first time, but I’m told that a lady doesn’t speak with her mouth full.

My hands clutch at her spectacular ass cheeks as I suck hard on her clit hood, but the panties are spoiling it, so I pull them down to her ankles. She steps daintily out of them and opens her legs wide.

I’m in a pussy licking frenzy now and I use my hands to expose her clit. I take it in my mouth and feel her tremble as I suck and lick it gently. I move my hands back to her naked ass and caress it joyously sneaking my fingertips into the crease and teasing her little asshole. She clasps the back of my head and pulls me harder against her and I feel her legs shaking. I suck harder on her clit and press a fingertip against her asshole in tiny circles.

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