Sue's Fourteenth Birthday - Cover

Sue's Fourteenth Birthday

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 3

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Sue is a pretty teenage schoolgirl who, if anyone had asked, would probably have said that she was fairly happy with her life. On her fourteenth birthday, she gets some lovely, thoughtful presents from her family and a surprise gift of lingerie from an unknown benefactor. Things will never be quite the same for Sue again.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Doctor/Nurse   ENF  

On the way home Mom stops off at the pharmacy and we get my pills.

Sitting there, in the car, I just think to myself: this doesn’t mean I have to fuck anyone, it just means I won’t have to bother with periods anymore, and I take the first one.

I can’t get to sleep for ages that night. No matter how much I try to think of something else, the events in the surgery keep replaying in my mind. I eventually fall asleep with my hand clamped between my thighs and a fingertip in the entrance to my vagina.

The next day is a Saturday and, in the shower, I can’t help thinking about what Juliette said to me. I try to work out how I can shave back there without risking cutting myself and I can’t figure it out. The last thing on earth that I want is to have to ask Mom to put a plaster on my ass because I cut myself shaving!

Then I have an idea. I’ll wash it afterwards of course, very thoroughly, and he’ll never know.

I fetch his razor and squat down under the shower. The buzzing sensation is really nice as I shave the crack between my butt cheeks and I can’t resist running it over my puckered little hole. That’s really, really nice and, when I push it hard against my asshole, the vibrations go right through my whole groin. It’s really tempting to have a wank but my legs are already wobbling a bit from the position that I’m in and I decide to leave it till later.

In the kitchen, it’s just me and Mom.

“Will you take me to the Mall?” I ask her.

“For some more sensible underwear?” she asks me, sounding a bit disappointed in me.

“No, I want some new skirts,” I tell her.

“What, longer school skirts.”

“No, shorter non-school skirts,” I reply, and I feel myself blush slightly as I say it. She smiles at me like she’s proud or something.

“Sure,” she says. “We haven’t been shopping together for ages. It’ll be fun.”

In one store I find two lovely little pleated skirts, one yellow and one pink. I can’t decide which I prefer and I can’t really afford both, so we go to another store.

I find several and try each on and go out to show Mom. My favorite is a lovely white, tight mini-skirt but when I go out to show Mom she frowns and nods her head towards my ass. I look in the mirror and see the most horrendous VPL. I nod at her, to show her I understand, and go back into the changing room. When I come out there is no VPL because there are no panties.

“Perfect,” says Mom when I show her.

“Why don’t you buy one too Mom?” I suggest. “Dad would love it!”

“It’s way too young for me,” she protests.

“Nonsense,” I tell her. “You’ve got an amazing figure. Try one on.” She goes to the rack and picks out a couple around her size.

When she comes out of the dressing room she looks fabulous and also pantyless. She spins around in front of me.

“You look gorgeous, you’ve just got to buy it,” I tell her, and then I have a wicked idea. “And let’s both keep them on!”

We go up to pay.

“We’ll wear these,” Mom says to the cashier, who’s about her age and very good-looking.

“I’ll just take the tags off for you,” she says. She spends ages on her hands and knees behind us and, when she’s finished she looks decidedly red in the face.

“Will that be all?” she asks Mom. “We do offer a personal shopper service. I could help you both try on some of our other lovely things?”

“That sounds like it could be fun,” Mom answers her, and I’m beginning to wonder if they’re flirting. “Maybe another time ... Francine.” She makes a big show of leaning over and reading the name from a badge on her rather nice breast.

We’re starting to head back to the car when Mom hands me a ten-dollar bill and points to an outdoor cafe.

“Get me a flat white,” she says. “I’ll be back in a minute.” I guess she’s going to the loo and I get her coffee and a diet coke for myself and take a seat at the back where I can watch people going by.

I notice a cute-looking man at another table who’s reading a paper or rather he’s pretending to read a paper while checking out my legs.

When Mom appears she’s carrying a bag from the first store we went to and hands it to me.

“Let’s call it a belated birthday present,” she says. I open the bag and it’s both of the skirts that I liked. I hug Mom and kiss her, then I notice the guy again and this time he’s looking at Mom’s ass.

“Thanks, Mom, you’re the best,” I tell her. “Don’t look now but there’s a bloke behind you who can’t get enough of your bottom in that skirt.” She starts to turn her head. “I said don’t look now!” And I sit back down. She sits down too and I see her look around until she spots him.

“Oh yes,” she says. “Very nice.” I glance back at him and his eyes are out on stalks. I look back at Mom and she’s doing a full Sharon Stone on him.

“Mom!” I hiss at her. She looks at me and smiles.

“Oh don’t be like that,” she says. “It’s made his day and mine too actually. I watch as she wriggles her ass in the chair.

“Go on, give him a flash. I dare you,” she says wickedly. I’ve never refused a dare yet, and I watch his face as I open my legs. I give him a good five seconds after which my pussy is tingling like mad at the way his eyes bored into it. We both laugh as we watch him fold his paper and put it on his lap.

It’s surprising how often a pair of ladies cross and re-cross their legs while drinking a coffee and a coke, or at least it was with us.

As we leave the cafe we both blow him a kiss and wriggle our asses at him as we walk back to the car giggling like a pair of silly schoolgirls.

It’s hot that evening and I’m in a singlet and some small cotton shorts texting with Miranda when Mom comes in. She’s got on a satin robe and I can just see a lemon-colored bra under it. She sits next to me on the bed and I put the phone down.

“That was a lot of fun this afternoon wasn’t it?” she says and nudges me.

“Yes, but who knew you were such a slut.” I reply, knowing I’m pushing it a bit. She looks at me sternly, but she can’t keep it up and giggles, but then punches my arm anyway.

We sit there quietly for a few minutes.

“Do you like girls Sue?” she asks me, seemingly out of nowhere.


“I saw the way you looked at Kerry yesterday, and the way she looked back as well.”

“Yes. I like boys as well though.” I tell her truthfully.

“You must take after me, I do too.”

“Mom!!!??” She laughs and puts her arm around my shoulders which makes her robe come open a bit more and I can now see a lovely expanse of her breasts.

“Did you buy the lingerie for me, Mom?” I ask her quietly. In the end, I figured it must be her because they’re so tasteful. She’s silent for quite some time.

“Yes,” she answers finally. “Was that bad of me? I kept washing those dowdy old things of yours and couldn’t bear the idea of someone finding those on your first ... encounter.”

“Did you take my skirts too?” I ask her.

“No,” she replies. “My bet would be on Nick, I think. But whoever it was had a good idea. You look so gorgeous in that little skirt.”

I thought back over the past few days and was overcome with gratitude. I stretch up and kiss her briefly on the lips.

“Thank you, Mom. I love you so much.”

“I love you too baby,” she says fondly and cuddles me, pulling my head down between her wonderful breasts. Once more I find my lips are touching them and I kiss their upper slopes softly.

“You used to love them when you were a baby too,” she says wistfully.

“You’d suck me dry and still try to get more. But you never bit me, not once, not like that brother of yours!” she pauses. “It was lovely.” she muses, almost too quietly for me to hear.

Her bra is a half-cup at most and the edge of her areola is peeking out. A tiny tug of my fingers is all it takes for her wonderfully erect nipple to be released and I just can’t restrain myself. I take it between my lips and suckle on it as if I’m a little baby hoping to be fed.

My hands gently caress her lovely full, heavy breasts and I feel guilty for neglecting the other nipple. I free it from its lacy covering and suck hard on that one too.

By pulling the edges of the bra down I manage to uncover my mom’s gorgeous boobs completely and the bra still supports them. They look magnificent and Mom moans softly as my hands explore them and my lips suck on her nipples. I suddenly have a little panic and raise my head to look at her.

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