Sue's Fourteenth Birthday - Cover

Sue's Fourteenth Birthday

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sue is a pretty teenage schoolgirl who, if anyone had asked, would probably have said that she was fairly happy with her life. On her fourteenth birthday, she gets some lovely, thoughtful presents from her family and a surprise gift of lingerie from an unknown benefactor. Things will never be quite the same for Sue again.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Doctor/Nurse   ENF  

The next day I’m standing in front of my drawer of new underwear trying to decide what to wear. I’ve got my robe on but the front is open and my fingers are idly tracing circles over my newly silky smooth vulva.

I find a black satin thong that has no lining and my legs feel slightly weak as I imagine how amazing that would feel brushing against my smooth skin, and I try it on.

It’s every bit as nice as I thought and I can’t resist it. I find the matching bra and continue getting dressed.

As I dress it occurs to me that none of my new panties are going to be very appropriate when I have my period but, seeing as I only just had one, I decide to leave that problem for another day.

As I’m leaving for school Mom shouts to me not to be late home but doesn’t tell me why.

The panties were a mistake. The whole time I’m acutely aware of them caressing my skin and I have trouble concentrating on anything. Having said that I find myself constantly making tiny movements so that I can feel it more.

At lunchtime, I’m with Miranda and the girls chatting, and I see Juliette standing alone a little way off. She beckons me with a finger and I make some excuse to my friends and go over to her.

She moves nearer until she’s a little too close and leans in until her lips are very close to my ear.

“Did you do it?” she whispers to me. I suspect I look like a rabbit caught in a car’s headlights as I look into her beautiful green eyes. I daren’t speak and I just nod.

“Around your asshole as well?” I feel the skin of my forehead crinkle as my eyes open very wide. I still can’t speak and I shake my head.

“What happens if I want to kiss you there too?” she asks me. I’m flabbergasted. I replay that simple-sounding sentence in my head. She may want to kiss my asshole! What!? But she’s also taking it as read that she’s going to be kissing my pussy! What!? What!!? She sees the look of utter bewilderment on my face and laughs prettily.

“I’m only fucking with you, Susan,” she says right into my ear and kisses my neck softly. I’m trembling like that frightened bunny and my pussy is buzzing with excitement as she walks away from me smiling.

My friends hurry over to me.

“What was that about?” demands Miranda. “And did she fucking kiss you just then?”

“Nothing,” I croak, but I know I have to say something. “She was just asking about my perfume, and smelling it on my neck. She wanted to know what it was.” It’s a bit thin and they don’t look convinced but, seeing as the alternative is that Juliette Martin was kissing me, which is frankly unthinkable, they let it go.

Later on when I’m having a wee I tentatively have a feel in the valley between my butt cheeks. There are a few hairs there, not a lot, but more than you’d want to find if you were kissing me back there. I can’t believe I just had that thought. I’m turning into some kind of sex-obsessed lunatic!

All afternoon I keep remembering Juliette’s words and imagining what it would feel like if she was kissing my pussy and my rosebud, and in my head at least it’s pretty bloody amazing.

Between that and the rubbing of the satin on my vulva, I am in an almost constant state of arousal, and I’m really wishing I’d worn underwear with a little more absorbency. Already I’m looking forward to a little moment of personal hygiene when I get home, without being too graphic I’m feeling a little fragrant down there.

I was just about to enter my History class in the afternoon when Miranda comes up to me.

“What the fuck is the matter with you Sue?” she demands. I have absolutely no idea what she’s talking about.

“What?” I reply.

“Just now you bumped into Shaun Highmore. You know Shaun Highmore, quarterback, drop-dead fucking gorgeous--”

“Yes, yes. I know who Shaun Highmore is. So what?” I interrupt, a bit testily, she’s starting to annoy me a bit. I look around for any evidence of him and see nothing.

“So he was being really nice about it. I mean really nice! And you fucking blanked him,” she was looking at me as if I’d spat on the Pope or something. I must have completely missed the whole thing in my latest daydreaming about Juliette.

“But ... I didn’t ... I was... “ I gabber. She looks at me despairingly, shakes her head, and then she walks away.

I wonder how obsessed I must be getting to miss probably the best-looking guy in the school.

By the end of the day, I’m so horny that my desire for a wash has turned into a firm date with my Tinge.

Mom, however, meets me at the door, takes me through to the lounge, and sits me on the sofa before I can slip up to the bathroom.

“You’re pretty much all grown up now and you need to start thinking about taking precautions,” she tells me and I feel myself blush furiously.

“I remember when I was your age little Georgie Perkins cornered me after class one day.” She gets a faraway look on her face and her hand grips my knee gently.

“We were snogging and, when his hands touched my bottom, I really thought I was going to faint,” she continues. I don’t think she realizes it, but her hand begins to stroke my inner thigh ever so gently.

“And then his clever little fingers pulled my skirt up, inch by inch, until he could cup my little bottom, with nothing between his hands and me but my panties.” With each stroke, her fingers get a little higher up my thigh and it’s starting to drive me crazy.

“I remember I was in absolute heaven, and then, when he slipped his hands down the back of my panties and touched my little kitty from behind ... I felt so wet, I’d never felt so wet before that day.” She whispers softly. I know exactly how she felt, her fingers and her story are making me so horny.

“And then he took my hand and put it on his ... penis which he’d somehow got out of his clothes. It was so hot and hard and silky.” Her voice is so quiet now I’m having trouble hearing her. “He put his hand around mine and showed me how to stroke it, and at the same time his fingertip slipped inside me.” She sighs deeply, and I wonder exactly how much she is going to tell me.

“I was so excited I absolutely would have let him fuck me there and then ... but luckily, I guess, he seemed to be happy with just a handjob.” My own pussy is awash and her fingers are incredibly close to touching it.

“He was nice enough to bring me off though,” she says fondly, and I can’t help wishing that she’d do the same for me. She shakes her head and seems to come out of her reverie.

“Anyway, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the moment, which is why we’re going to see Doctor Anderson,” she says brightly.

“What for?” I ask her.

“Precautions,” she replies as if that explains it all.

“But I haven’t even got a boyfriend.”

“Nor did I when I ran into Georgie that day.”

“When?” I ask her, desperately hoping that I’ve got ten minutes to attend to my increasingly urgent needs. She looks at her watch.

“Damn,” she says. “right now, we’re a bit late actually.” I start to panic and something occurs to me.

“What happened to Doctor Stokes?” I ask her.

“Oh, she retired a few months ago. Doctor Anderson is a nice young man though, you’ll like him. Come on we’ve got to go,” she says and stands up and starts getting her stuff together.

In the car on the way to the surgery, my pussy is still tingling from Mom’s story and I’m desperately trying to work out if I can smell my arousal through my clothes, my panties are definitely damp.

My last hope is that I’ll be able to nip to the toilets in the doctor’s before we get called in, but that’s dashed when my name comes over the tannoy as soon as we step through the door.

Mom, of course, comes in with me.

I take one look at Doctor Anderson and curse my luck, he’s handsome of course. About twenty-five I guess, with short curly black hair, a strong jaw, and piercing dark eyes.

“Hi there Susan, Mrs Young,” he says in a very reassuring, deep voice.

“I understand you’d like Susan to start oral contraception?” I look at Mom with disbelief, she smiles back at me.

“Yes, that’s right,” she says. I’m processing that and feeling better as I realize it means no more periods, no more period pain, and no more tampons!

“We’ll have to do a full pelvic exam of course. If that’s OK?” He says lightly, and I full-on panic. My pussy feels like a swamp and he’s going to examine me!!?

“Yes,” my mother says. “that’s fine.” Since when does she do all my speaking for me?

“Just to confirm,” he says to me. “you haven’t had sex in the past forty-eight hours and you’re not on your period?”

“That’s right,” I answer. I kind of want to clarify but I kind of don’t.”

He touches a button on his intercom.

“Hi Kerry, could you come in here please?” he says into it.

“The nurse will be here throughout,” he says to my Mom. “but if you want to stay too that’s OK.” Mom looks at me and I shake my head at her in what I think is a subtle but unmistakable way.

“Yes, I’d like to stay,” she tells him.

When the door opens I’m hoping like hell that it’s a nice matronly woman who’ll help me to calm down, but no, Kerry has the face of an angel, is about twenty and blonde and slender. I just cannot catch a break today.

“If you could go behind the screen there, take off your things, and put this gown on for me please Susan,” he says to me and hands me a paper gown.

“All my things?” I ask, hoping he’ll say no.

“Yes, please. I’ll need to examine your breasts as well.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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