A Tale of Two Mothers - Cover

A Tale of Two Mothers

Copyright© 2022 by jonny young

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two mothers catch their sons in the act of self pleasure. They deal with it in two different ways

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Coercion   Mother   Son   Masturbation  

Now as for Mrs Wells, She was a different creature all together. Her son could do no wrong. Such a good boy who would never dream of getting into trouble. But what would you expect with his Father raising him in a respectable home, she would argue.

So it was a suprise even to her. Mrs Wells the woman who’s opinion on everything was beyond question, to find her perfect son in such a position. I mean how was her poor boy to know that Mrs Jenkins had cancelled their weekly afternoon tea get-together.

But here we were, the light of her life, sitting red faced trouserless with his Father’s supposed secret collection of erotica. The seemingly favorite one on his lap to hide his shame and give him at least a tiny bit of modesty. The look of terror and guilt on her son’s face made her heart melt and responded with a sympathtic smile in the silence between them. The tension in the room could be cut like a knife.

Woman sitting on a couch.

Just like treating a skitish horse she proceeded slowly and with care. Placing her handbag on the floor she walked calmly to the sofa and lifted a magazine. The vacated space allowed her to perch her bottom and seat herself beside him. She opened it to glance over the burlesque girls. The publication was an indulgence she allowed her husband.

Her son was suprised at his mother’s calmness. Looking at the images with the same interest that he had. Before finally turning her attention to him “These are your Father’s. You really shouldn’t have them you know.”

It was a reasonable observation from his Mother and he nodded agreement.

“What do you like about them?”

“Pardon?” He didn’t know how to answer. To him it was plain but maybe his mother wanted a reason “It’s the way they dress isn’t it. So very suductive”

She reached over and turned the page of the magazine that lay on his lap. The fact her son’s cock was just underneath was strangely erotic. She began to wonder if he could feel her hand. She stopped and pointed at a woman striking a pose in her underwear, “Oh my. What a beauty.”

He turned seeing his Mother’s smile. There was no anger there or disappointment. Returning back to the image he could feel the pressure of his Mother’s finger as it made contact with the magazine.

The erection that had subsided was starting to return. He tried to fight it but the closeness of her along with that faint touch started a swelling that he couldn’t stop.

His Mother could feel it. She could see the thin pages lifting as her son’s erection hardened.

“It’s perfectly normal. Don’t feel shame. It’s what all boys do,” She spoke quitely in his ear.

The thing was, it wasn’t any boy, but her son.

Her own arousal started to build. Why was she doing this. Her own son. ‘Why am I encouraging him?’

“Mummy likes to look too.” She added.

He remained silent. His eyes fixed more on her finger and its position than what was printed on the page.

Pulling away she looked at the lift in the magazine. Her son’s cock arching the pages. It was unmistakable. It seemed to throb.

“Would you like me to help you?”

He looked to her. There wasn’t confusion. He knew what his Mother meant, but there wasn’t resistance either as she moved her hand under the magazine and touched his bare thigh.

He let out a gasp but no protest. Her own heart was drumming. What was she doing she thought. She knew what she was doing. Her body was telling her to. The weeping cunny was driving her on as her fingers snaked over the thigh. Lifting the magazine as they reached there goal, Her son’s thick member. The heated shaft that she so carefully held.

It was such a light touch, it felt erotic when she moved. It was a caress that made her son groan.

He looked down at the unseen hand as it moved the magazine but could feel his Mother’s touch. A touch so much better than his own.

“Oh mum...”

The sigh so quite it was hardly heard. Listening to his pleasure made the gusset wet as her juice slowly seeped. The damp material clinging to her moist folds of her cunny. The sexual act on her own son intoxicating.

Suddenly his body tensed and with a small groan the hot molten cum spilled. Her delicate fingers gradually getting coated as her son’s spunk ran from his engorged helmet.

‘Mmmm my poor boy was so excited,’ she thought. ‘He couldn’t hold off but had to release. Like his erection, it was beyond his control.’

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