Simple Mistakes Can Have Severe Consequences - Cover

Simple Mistakes Can Have Severe Consequences

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Christine was a single Mom who found any talk of technical matters intensely boring. A single unwise click on an unsolicited email would have a profound effect on both her own, and her teenage daughter's lives.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

Christine received an email on her phone that looked, at first glance anyway, like it was from one of her friends. The text just said ‘You’ll love this!!’ and there was a link. Without thinking she touched on it and was shown a rubbish short video of a cat trying to jump over a gap and failing. Disappointed, she closed it down and thought nothing more about it.

Soon after that, her phone started behaving oddly: going very slowly for no apparent reason and sometimes acting in bizarre ways. Then friends began texting and ringing her to complain about receiving dodgy emails and texts from her. One of them told her that her phone had probably been hacked. When Christine admitted that she didn’t really understand what that meant, they advised her to take it to a phone shop.

She did that and, after looking at it for a while, they confirmed that it had indeed been hacked. For a tidy sum, they reset it to factory configuration and re-installed Christine’s minimal requirements. She went away thinking all would be well.

Then, a day later, she received an email with no text, but containing pictures of her daughter Elise that Christine had foolishly taken on her phone. There were a few of her in a skimpy bikini that Christine had bought for her, and some when she had been asleep one morning and had thrown off the covers. In the latter, she was naked from the waist down. She’d looked so, so beautiful, and Christine hadn’t been able to resist it.

Christine kicked herself for not deleting the photos; she had meant to but had never gotten around to it. She’d gone through a phase of being intensely attracted to Elise sexually and had gotten help from an app a friend had recommended called BetterHelp. They had helped her to better understand and control her desires.

She didn’t understand how someone could have gotten hold of the pictures, and just hoped desperately that nothing more would come of it.

Later that day she got another email this time containing snippets from the chat sessions she’d had with BetterHelp, where she’d discussed her innermost desires. It also had the details of a Bitcoin wallet and detailed instructions on how to pay $1000 into it. It was clear that if she didn’t, they would send the photos and chat sessions to all of the contacts in her address book.

Christine struggled with the instructions but finally did it, hoping that that would be the end of it. But, two days later, she got another email, this time demanding $10000. She replied to it saying that she didn’t have that kind of money. ‘Shame,’ came the response, ‘but I’m sure your friends and family will love to see the photos of your fourteen-year-old daughter’. Christine asked for assurance that this would be the last demand, and they responded that they wouldn’t ask for any more money after this lot. She told them it would take a few days and they said that she had two.

She still really had no choice and, with what she did have, and $6000 that she borrowed from her sister, she managed to pay up.

Two weeks went by and Christine had received no further emails. She’d just started to relax when a young woman rang the doorbell early on Friday evening.

Christine guessed that she was probably in her mid-twenties and she was nicely dressed. She had no reason to be alarmed and asked the girl what she could do for her. That was when she showed Christine one of the pictures of Elise on her phone.

“I thought you didn’t want any more money?” Christine asked her.

“I’m not here for money. Can I come in?”

“What do you want?”

“Is Elise home?”

“Why, what do you want with us?”

“I don’t think you want to discuss this on your doorstep,” the girl told her. Christine reluctantly let her in, and they went to the lounge.

“This is how this is going to go, Christine. You and I are going to make love while Elise watches. You will show every sign of enjoying it, and you will make every effort to make me enjoy it. Are you with me so far?” The tears were streaming down Christine’s face and she was stifling her sobs, not wanting Elise to hear her from upstairs. She nodded.

“You will not tell Elise that you are being coerced and you will not contradict anything that I say. If you fail to do any of these things I will ruin your life. Do you understand?”

“Yes, but you mustn’t hurt her,” Christine begged her.

“Agreed. I’ll give you five minutes to get yourself under control, and to sort your face out. After that any more crying...”

“Yes, yes. I get it.” Christine was resigned now to the fact that this girl could make her do whatever she wanted. She went to the bathroom and redid her face. When she thought she was as calm as she was ever going to get, she returned to the young woman. She looked Christine up and down and seemed satisfied with what she saw.

“OK. You’ll introduce me as your old friend Sophie from college. Tell her that we are going to play some naughty games and you think she’s old enough now to watch. Something like that. Just make sure that she believes it.”

“Please don’t make me do this Sophie. I’ll do anything else you want. I’ll even find more money somehow if that’s what it takes.” Christine was begging her now but was trying very hard not to start crying again.

“No, I told you don’t want any more of your money. This is what I want. Do it now!” Sophie replied harshly.

Christine went slowly upstairs, racking her brains for some way out of this horrible situation, but could think of nothing that seemed even slightly feasible. She knew that her only hope of Elise not being totally traumatized by this was for her to sell it utterly convincingly.

She went to her own room first.

“Wait in here please and I’ll get her,” she said to Sophie. She then went to Elise’s room and stood in the doorway.

“Honey, could you come through to my room? I’ve got someone I’d like you to meet.” Elise looked a bit confused but followed her. When they were both inside, Christine went over to Sophie and put her arm around her waist.

“Elise this is Sophie. Sophie this is my darling daughter, Elise,” she said as cheerfully as she could manage.

“Sophie and I were lovers for many years beginning when we were about your age,” she explained. “But then her parents took her abroad and we lost touch. We did, and still do, love each other very much, and she’s going to be sleeping with Mommy for a while.” Elise’s eyebrows had been rising steadily during that explanation and she now looked positively shocked.

“We didn’t want to hide it from you behind closed doors. In fact, we think that you’re old enough now that you might like to see how girls make love. Would you like that darling?”

“Really Mom? Are you serious?” Elise asked, astonished but also clearly excited.

“She’s very serious,” responded Sophie and, as if to make it absolutely clear, she cupped Christine’s breasts and stroked and squeezed them over her clothes.

“Well ... if you don’t mind...? and if Sophie doesn’t mind...? I suppose ... yes. I think I’d like that,” Elise replied with an uncertain smile.

“Excellent,” said Sophie happily and took Christine’s face between her hands and kissed her passionately on the mouth while her hands ran up and down her back, caressing her. Christine returned the kiss with apparent enthusiasm and hugged Sophie in return. Sophie moved her head to the side of Christine’s neck furthest from Elise.

“You’re doing very well,” she whispered to Christine and then kissed and licked her neck. Christine was amazed, and not a little horrified, to find that her body was responding to this young girl’s kissing and fondling. Elise’s mouth dropped open as she watched her mom and this lovely young girl making out.

“You’ve got far too many clothes on for my liking,” Sophie declared and started to strip Christine’s clothes off, while still kissing her on the mouth and neck every now and again. When Christine was down to just her bra and panties Sophie appeared to struggle with undoing the bra strap.

“Can you give me a hand with this please Elise?” Elise came over and Sophie was delighted to see the young girl’s hands shaking with excitement as she undid the clasp.

“You may as well take it off while you’re there,” suggested Sophie brightly, and Elise slipped it off over her mother’s shoulders.

“Wow, your tits are just as lovely as I remembered,” Sophie cried happily. “Aren’t they beautiful Elise?” she added, cupping them and stroking the nipples until they became hard.

“Yes, they’re really pretty Mom,” she replied, smiling.

“Would you like to touch them, Elise?” Sophie asked her. The young girl looked uncertainly at her mother. Sophie squeezed Christine’s nipple harshly and Christine nodded.

“Of course,” she replied. “I’d love that.” Inside she was cringing but externally she looked as happy as Sophie. Christine shivered as she felt Elise’s hands stroke her breasts with feather-light touches, and was ashamed to feel a distinct tingling in her pussy.

Sophie left Elise caressing her mom’s tits and knelt down on the floor at Christine’s side. She grasped the waistband of Christine’s panties and looked up at Elise’s face. There she saw undisguised excitement as the girl watched her slowly pull them down to her ankles. Sophie could see where Elise was looking, and it was directly at her mom’s pussy.

Sophie went behind Christine and smothered her ass cheeks with kisses. She reached around her and was overjoyed when she touched her pussy; it was shaven, and quite recently so by the feel of it.

“Look at Mommy’s pussy Elise. Isn’t it pretty? I bet yours looks just like this doesn’t it?” Sophie stroked a finger along Christine’s slit and it was slick with moisture coming from inside.

“Yes,” replied Elise, still captivated by her mom’s pussy. “It is just like mine.”

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