Lise - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Unca D

Chapter 12

Lise knelt in Megan’s living room picking up polymer construction blocks. The door opened. “Lise?”

Lise stood. “Oh, hello, Megan. The twins are napping. We were at the park for a while.”

“That’s fine, Lise. Something wrong?”

“What makes you think that?”

“You seem down today.”

“I’m worried about my boyfriend. He lost his job and now he’s in some trouble. That didn’t sound right...” She pondered. “He didn’t do anything wrong but he’s bearing the brunt of it.”

“I know that scenario well,” she replied. “Good luck.”

“Thanks. We’re going to need some.”

The mediascreen warbled with an incoming call. “I’ll get that,” Megan said and headed for the device.

“I’ll be on my way. See you tomorrow, Megan.”

Lise headed for the door. She was halfway down the block when she heard her name. Megan was half-walking and half-running after her. “Lise!” she called.

“What?” Lise turned. “What is it?”

Megan attempted to catch her breath. “I’m out of shape ... Lise, that was your owner.”

“Ms Ramina?”

“Yes -- she wants you to stop by her place on your way home.”

Lise rolled her eyes. “Am I in trouble now, too?”

“Not from me, you’re not.” Megan opened her arms and embraced her. “You’re wonderful, Lise -- you’re wonderful with the children and a good friend and I never miss an opportunity to tell Ramina so.”

Lise smiled. “You made my day.”

Ramina’s breedery was in Quadrant Two -- the opposite direction from the Zone. Getting there wasn’t nearly the problem going home would be. Lise crossed the street and waited for an inbound bus routed through Quadrant Two.

The bus stopped three blocks from the row houses comprising Ramina’s facility. Lise headed up the walk and rang the bell. A novonid youth opened the door and let her in. “Ramina wanted to see me.” she told the boy.

Ramina came from the back of the house, her long grey hair down and wearing a housecoat. “Lise -- thanks for coming. Hann, bring Lise some water. Would you like to sit under a sunlamp?”

“No, thanks, Ms Ramina.” The boy handed her a bottle of water.

“Are you hungry? Would you like some food?”

“I’m fine, mam. Why did you want to see me?”

“Let’s step into my office where we can talk.” Lise followed Ramina and sat on a sofa. Her owner closed the door and sat behind a large desk. “Lise -- I received a call from Lord Bromen today. He indicated that he would like to buy you.”

“Thom? Buy me?”

“Yes, Lise.”

“But ... but...”

“Of course I told him you were not for sale.”

“Thank you, Ms Ramina.”

“Lord Bromen is a man who is unaccustomed to being told no. He likes to get his way and he usually does.”

Lise smiled. “But not this time.”

“There’s more, Lise. Thom badgered me for a price. I explained to him that, in addition to any ... price I could put on you, there’s the matter of your surgery and registration fees, which amounted to four thousand. Plus, you are under contract to Megan for two years with an option to renew for another three. I told him without a doubt she’d be renewing. Those contracts amount to a revenue stream of another fifteen thousand. I didn’t tell him it was my intention to let you keep your wages after your debt was paid, Lise. I was making it sound as unattractive as I could.”


“I tossed out a price of thirty thousand. You must understand, Lise -- my best fertile, breeding females are worth no more than twenty-five, tops. And then, if you add the nineteen thousand for your doctors’ bills and registration, and Megan’s revenue stream.”

“I understand. Forty-nine thousand.”

“A figure I reasoned was well out of reach.”

“How did Thom respond?”

Ramina opened a drawer and withdrew an envelope. “Under the circumstances, I think it’s only fair that I give you this.”

Lise opened the envelope. It was stuffed with scrip cards. “A hundred eighty units...”

“Your wages for the past two pay periods -- less a ten percent brokerage fee -- instead of the customary twenty-five. I’ll call Megan in the morning and inform her. I imagine she’ll be paying you directly from now on.”

Lise’s jaw dropped. “You sold me! You sold me to Thom Bromen! Ms Ramina, how could you?”

“As I said, Lord Bromen is a man accustomed to getting his way. When I named my price, it became a legal ask. When he accepted, it was a binding contract. I had no way out of it. The title will transfer as soon as the funds clear the banks. I wanted to tell you, in person, as soon as I could. There is one thing I don’t understand.”

Lise buried her face in her hands. “What’s that?”

“Why was he so determined to acquire you? Novonid Rescue specializes in distress cases. You’re not distressed ... At least, I hope you’re not. I believe I treat mine fairly and well.”

“Oh, you do, Ms Ramina. I have no complaints. I know exactly why Thom wanted to buy me.”

“Why, pray tell.”

“Are you familiar with the tales of Benn Drumm and Margliss?”

“Margliss ... Certainly. She’s well known in Vyonna.”

“I believe Thom wishes to emulate Benn Drumm, with myself in the Margliss role.”

“What makes you believe that?”

“I’ve been working with Thom for ... well, since about the time I started with Megan. Thom happened across me in the park. He’s writing a book, so he claims...”

“He wanted you in it.” Ramina rolled her eyes. “You poor dear...”

“Within no time he was ... bothering me ... bringing up unwelcome topics of conversation.”

“Unwelcome, how?”

“Of a sexual nature, mam.”

“Oh, my. I have heard rumors that Lord Bromen has been afflicted with bouts of Green Fever from time to time.”

“He ... suggested behavior that I consider taboo.”

“Our society considers taboo. It does happen more frequently than you might imagine, Lise.”

“But, there are laws...”

“Yes. The laws are ... sporadically enforced. If a constable were to walk in on a mixed couple engaged in coitus, he could arrest them, charge them with fraternization and the penalties would be severe, indeed -- for both parties. However, when discreetly done behind closed doors ... Who’s to be the wiser?”

“I could complain...”

“There is no law against a white propositioning a green. From that point on, it becomes an issue of consent. Without corroborating witnesses, it boils down to one’s word against the other’s. In a dispute between white and green parties ... you can imagine which side will be given credence.”

“I don’t have to imagine. I know.”

“I always teach mine to avoid such situations with whites. The boys in particular are at risk. A white man is likely to claim it’s consensual when it isn’t -- to save his own skin. However, a white woman is more likely to claim it wasn’t consensual when it was -- to save her honor. For that matter, white men claiming they were victims are not unheard of. In any case, if there is physical evidence...”

“A novonid wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Precisely. It’s why I believe it’s a matter of prudence for one species to remain at arm’s length from the other.”

“Nothing has happened, mam. And, nothing will happen.”

“I had no idea you were falling into anything like this. I certainly don’t blame you, Lise. I feel sorry for you. I wish you had said something earlier. It might’ve induced me to be more adamant about not naming a price.”

“If he thinks now, since he’s my owner, he can simply command me into his bed ... I won’t do it. That’s something he cannot order me to do ... mam.”

“I do believe many so-called maids and valets are indeed obliged to do just that.”

“No -- it’s not right. He can’t ask me to do that. If you’ll excuse me, Ms Ramina -- I’m going to Thom Bromen’s house right now and tell him he can’t do it.” She stood and stormed out of Ramina’s office.

“Child,” Ramina called after her. “Remember your place.”

Lise pressed the stop request on the red line coach that serviced Quadrant One. The bus was making a loop near the boundary with Quadrant Four. She hopped off the platform and walked to the steps leading up to the promontory where Thom’s house stood.

She climbed the steps, reached his front door and pressed the chime.

Thom opened the door. “Lise ... Come in.”

She bit her lip in a futile attempt to contain her rage. “How could you? You’re just like all the others! You can’t have me any other way so you bought me. Well, you can forget it. You can order me to do your bidding but you can’t make me do that!” She clenched her fists and tried to control herself, but the tears were flowing.

“Lise, calm down. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“How could you not? Ramina told me just now. You bought me!”

“Yes. I bought you,” Thom replied calmly.

“I’ve heard stories in the Zone about lonely, sleazy men buying girls to be their maids. Then they have them wear little revealing costumes and keep them as their sex toys. I won’t, Thom. I won’t cooperate. I don’t care how it ends up, but I won’t. You can’t order me to do that!” She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

“Lise ... Sit and get hold of yourself. I did not buy you for myself. I’ve never owned a novonid and I’m not about to start. After what I’ve shown you about my work with Novonid Rescue I’m a bit disappointed.”

“Then why did you buy me?”

“I bought you to free you.”

“I was already free...”

“No, Lise. You were owned by Ramina. I’ve worked with Ramina for years. She’s kind and honest. I wish all the owners were like her. However, she is mortal, like I am ... like all flesh she will go the way of all flesh. You could find yourself at auction, just like Glinda.”

“But Ramina has assured me...”

“Assured you what?”

“That ... In her will, she ... She was going to donate me...”

“To the BSS?”

“Yes, with instructions...”

“Lise, those might be her intentions ... her desires. Desires aren’t always carried out. It’s up to a probate magistrate to decide what happens ... what assets must be sold to cover what obligations. And the BSS frequently disposes of novonids to make space or to raise funds. I couldn’t bear the thought of your face on that auction list. If there is one of your number who deserves freedom, Lise -- it’s you. I was determined you have it, at whatever cost.”

She sniffled. “So, you don’t expect...”

“I don’t own novonids. I’ve never owned one. I don’t believe in it. I don’t own you. Your title is held by Novonid Rescue. You are a free woman, Lise. You’re free to find your own job ... keep your wages -- all of them, no brokerage fee ... You can live wherever you like ... in the Zone or somewhere else. You can rent a room at Rescue Towers. If you decide you want to buy a house, Novonid Rescue will hold the title for you ... open a bank account for you ... whatever you need to live whatever life you desire ... pursue whatever future. Now, Lise, no one can ever buy you, sell you, lease you, or trade you again. I expect nothing in return. Nothing.”

“You mean...”

“Remember, Lise -- Novonid Rescue isn’t mortal. It’s perpetual. You can’t out-live it.”

“In return...”

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