Crazy Hot - Cover

Crazy Hot

by LiptonDrinker

Copyright© 2022 by LiptonDrinker

Romantic Sex Story: SWAT Officer meets the girl of his dreams... Or is she the girl of his dreams?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   BiSexual   Shemale   TransGender   Fiction   Crime   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   .

I had pretty much given up on dating, which was a good thing, as the Covid crap had everybody scared to death nowadays so nobody was really dating anyone always. I had given up dating because I seemed to be a magnet for crazy. My dad said I could be dropped into a million women with one that was crazy and that was the one I would date. My experience was Crazy = Hot. Not generalizing all, it was just my slice of life experience so far.

Covid or not I still worked every day. Cops, we just kept on keeping on during the panic. I had rather be working than sitting at home in my apartment, no matter how nice it was.

All the gyms were closed, however, our complex kept theirs open daily. They had hired some residents who were non-essential workers and had been laid off, to work at our complex keeping the area sanitized so to speak. They should have as much as we paid for these apartments, which I will not complain the amities were worth it. That is why people were on up to a two-year waitlist to get a spot in the Ashton. The fact is the price was way out of my range my $124,714 a year salary.

So how do I afford a luxury apartment in the better part of town? Four years ago we got a call that there was a man with a gun barricaded in a small office in a strip building. Negotiations played on for hours till the order was given to breach and take him into custody.

We lobbed tear gas through the windows and breached the backdoor. What we did not know was he was a combat veteran and prepared for SWAT to deploy tear gas. I was the first one to enter as he opened with Ak-47 dumping the mag. I hit the floor, somehow every round missed me and sprayed the door frame I came through keeping the rest of the team out.

Through the smoke I could not risk a shot at him with the hostage sitting at his feet, so I rushed him when he tried to reload. The subject had been wearing a military issue gas mask, so the gas had no effect. Luckily, the gas was so heavy in the room that he could not really see me and had just sprayed it.

Once the area was cleared my Lieutenant looked at the door frame and then at me. “Rock, if I was, you’d I go buy a damn lotto ticket as soon as I get off.”

So I bought a lottery ticket, it just happened to be several hundred million dollars that week. It was definitely my lucky day. I know most would have quit, but I had wanted to be a SWAT guy since before I could remember. My dad and two of my uncles one on each side of the family had retired from the department. So I am still a cop just with the perk of not having to worry about money.

End of last week I had been home and heard some banging in the hallway. I stepped out to find a crew of movers, gloves, and mask-wearing men were moving belongings in the apartment next door to mine. Minding my own business I closed the door and went back to my movie.

This morning I was standing in the elevator it was about to close when I heard someone say, ‘hold it please’.

Looking up I saw my neighbor coming out of her door. Oh god, she had to be insane according to my experiences she looked gorgeous from a distance. As she got closer, I knew she had to be completely nuts she was smoking hot. I mean the kind of hot that is on the ‘Local Girls Wanna Fuck,’ ads you see.

Do not roll your eyes you know you look at Pornhub too. You know those girls that they use for click-bait on YouTube videos to get you to click it and she’s is not in the video. Fucking HOT!

She was wearing yoga pants and a workout top or bra, not sure what it was, but whatever it was it had some beautiful breasts on display. She had a tummy that was just on the verge of being cut and defined. Maybe five foot even and thin, god I had a thing for smaller girls. Big blue eyes I saw as she stepped into the elevator and the most kissable lips I had seen. Ok, you get it she was a cross between a porn star and fitness model.

“Thanks, doll,” she said stepping in.

I nodded amazed I could not formulate words. My brain was saying ‘do not say shit, get out go to work and ignore the crazy lady.’ My eyes picked up no wedding ring or tan line for one.

As we rode down, she spoke first. “You are in 1007, aren’t you?”

“Um yeah, you just moved into 1009, right?”

“Yeah, we are neighbors.”

Fuck, she smiled and was even prettier. The good thing about it she was so far out of my league I did not have to worry about dating her.

“So what do you do,” I asked. “I mean work-wise?”

“Just started with the City in IT and I do a lot of freelance work. Web design for companies. You?”


That seemed to catch her attention. “You don’t look like police.”

“What are we supposed to look like?”

She laughed, “You know kind of round in the middle ... Not all tall, dark, and muscles.”

We hit the ground floor I was glad, I am not sure if it was her, but something smelled like fresh warm sugar cookies in that elevator. If it was her, she was beyond beautiful, smelled amazing, and probably was highly intelligent working for IT and being a web designer.

I held the door as she stepped out and I stepped out behind her. Fuck what an amazing ass. Rock, look away, look away I was saying under my breath.

“Well, I’m headed to work out some before work. Ummm,” she said giving that look like the shy girl shit that drives the hardest of men crazy and twisting the end of her ponytail.

“If I need police help can I call you,” she ended it with a smile that was not just on her lips it was on her eyes too? So beautiful I forgot she had asked me a question.

“Hello,” she giggled.

“Um yeah sure. If you need anything ... I’m just right next door.”

“Awesome,” she said spinning around and then turning back to me. “I’m Jessica Simms.”

“Samuel Rocko. Uh Rock, everybody calls me Rock.”

“Ok Rock, see you around,” she said and trotted off toward the gym, my eyes glued to the perfect ass till she went in the door.

Hell, I was sitting in my Corvette before I realized my cock was so hard, that I could have punched a window out with it.

My thoughts of the lovely Jessica were short-lived, my Lt. notified me I was detailed out to Narcotics for surveillance for a week or so. This was fine by me, I knew I could not breach doors, run, and gun forever, the body wears out. I had my eye set on detective someday. My Sergeant and Lieutenant had my back on that, so many times I could get put on loan to the Narcs or Homicide they got me on it.

It ended up being fifteen days I was pretty much strung out and looked pretty grungy not shaving or bathing regularly so I hit the shower and shaved but my fucking hair was driving me crazy it had been almost two whole months with no haircut. They needed to open frigging barbershops up.

I headed down to the gym the next morning, I had two days coming off to get back into regular rotation on SWAT.

I was working on some dumbbells when I heard her voice.

“Hey Rock!”

I sat up on the bench dropping the weights. “Hey, Jessica.”

Her intoxicating smile, “You can call me Jess.”

“Ok, Jess.”

“I haven’t seen you. I thought maybe you were avoiding me.”

I laughed, “no I’ve been undercover a bit.”

“That explains the shaggy look,” she said ruffling my hair.

“Ugh! It’s driving me nuts, all the barbershops closed.”

Jess ruffled it again, “I can cut it, I used to cut my dad’s and brothers.

“Oh, I couldn’t trouble...”

“Would be no trouble at all, I promise. Stop by say about five and I will get you taken care of.”

“You have clippers?”

“I do. Haven’t used them in a while but I do.”

“Ok, how much do I owe you? I need to stop by an ATM.”

“Order pizza, I have a bottle of wine and we can call it even.”

I raised my eyebrow.

“What? Can’t a girl invite a nice policeman to her place for a haircut and pizza?”

I laughed, “who says I’m nice?”

“Your eyes say it all. You are kind. So haircut, dinner, and a drink?”

“It’s a date. I mean ... Uh...”

Jess smiled that beautiful smile, “It’s a date.” She trotted off to the door of the gym and out the door.

I showered and knocked on her door at five.

She opened the door in a short black skirt and a loose-fitting white top hung off her shoulders. Her legs were thin and muscular and what guy is not a sucker for a skirt and great legs.

“Punctual,” she laughed and let me in.

Sure enough, she gave me the best of haircuts. Something about the touch of her hand as she clipped it down short, sent chills through me. Even her touch was amazing. I noticed her hands as she worked, manicured perfectly with nails that were not too long and pink polish that matched her toes. I noticed a toe ring on each foot in her sandals. Fuck I was hard as a rock under the big towel she had around me to catch the hairs.

Jess finished up and it looked great. I should go shower and wash the clippings off.”

“You can use mine if you want.”


Jess died laughing. “Ok run to your apartment, shower, and come back. It might be much to end up in a strange woman’s shower your first visit.”

“I don’t think you are strange at all. Just...”

“Well cowboy go rinse off and Ummm you might wanna get that anaconda down,” Jess said glancing toward my cock.

I know I turned red as fuck. “I...”

“It’s ok Rock, a lot of guys get a chubby when a girl rubs around on their head. It’s intimate, no worries.”

Still so red my face was burning I tried again. “I ... Jess...”

“Go silly and hurry back my tummy is growling.” She turned and went to sweep up my hair.

I was in the shower still embarrassed. I should have known not to wear damn sweatpants, so I opted for jeans on the return trip.

I got my phone out to order, “What’s your favorite?”

“Almost anything how about you?”

“Well, my favorite is pepperoni, Canadian bacon, mushrooms, jalapeno, onion, and extra cheese.”

“Oh, that sounds good minus the onions.”

I phoned the order in automatically giving them my apartment number till Jess reminded me we were at her place.

We sat on her couch talking. She was so beautiful, and she also was as I suspected, highly intelligent and quite funny.

“So you were nice enough to cut my hair and have pizza with me. What would you say if I asked you to let me fix dinner for you say Saturday?”

“You cook?”

“I do and quite well I think.”

Jess smiled sipping her wine.


“You’re just so adorable.”


“What you don’t think you are adorable?”

“Adorable is something a girl tells you like when she tells you how sweet you are etc. and asks why she can’t find a guy like you. Or says you’d be perfect for her friend.”

This amused her greatly and cause her to laugh hard.

“Well, I think you are adorable. Sometimes a girl asks that to see if the guy will say what about me. Maybe she is unsure if the guy would want to be with her. But I know what you are saying. Me ... I think adorable is sexy as hell. I definitely wouldn’t refer you to a friend if I had the chance.” She winked at me sipping her wine again.

Pizza arrived just as a thunderstorm hit flicking the power out, so we ended up eating pizza by candlelight in the living room.

I found out she was twenty-seven which blew my mind, I figured her twenty-two tops. But she had a degree in business but loved computers, so she studied and got into IT. So she was only three years younger than me.

I found it odd our politics lined up a lot. Me being a cop and pro 2A. She said her dad and one brother were military is why she aligned more pro 2A. I sat wondering just where the crazy was in her. This was the most beautiful girl I had ever met, and she was cool. She liked football, baseball, and basketball. She even wanted me to teach her how to shoot properly.

That inside voice kept telling me to run the crazy was coming but I pushed that shit aside, this girl was a bombshell and smart as a whip.

I suggested I leave at about nine shortly after the power came back on.

“You have to work on Saturday,” she asked me?


“Me either. We could see what’s on Netflix.”

We both laughed at the same time when she said that. “I didn’t mean it that way ... Maybe.” She shot me the biggest smile.

“I’m game.”

She picked a horror flick and sat down up against me on the couch pulling my arm over her. “I get scared easy,” and snuggled into my side then jumped up. “We need popcorn,” and went to opening up the cabinets.


“What Jess?”

“I thought I had some, but the box is empty.”

“I have some, microwave though, I can get it.”

This put her back to that smile that lit her face and eyes up. So we popped two bags in a big bowl and exchanged wine for soda. She noticed me looking around as she was popping it.

“What is it Rock?”

“You are so girly. I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just you have ... Well, you seem like a girly girl, but also not.” I smiled so she would know I did not mean it in a bad way.

“I bet your apartment is all man cave,” smiling at me.

“You might be surprised,” I said. “I had a lady help me when I moved in, decorate a bit.”

Jess plopped down beside me with the bowl of popcorn. “I guess I will see when you fix me dinner. Now put your arm around this girly girl, she gets scared,” laughed snuggling into me.

God, she smelled so good, it was almost like I said earlier warm sugar cookies. I was focused more on keeping my cock down than the movie for a bit. But the longer it went on, the more she jumped and snuggled into me the tighter my arm got and the less I worried about my cock.

That one over she suggested the next one up which was the sequel. Looking up at me those big blue eyes. I am not sure who did what just that our lips met in the middle softly and I heard her whimper when we kissed.

“Jess ... I...”

“Me too,” she said and pulled my head down to her again. Fuck she tasted so wonderful our kisses picked up passion till I pulled away.

“What’s wrong?”

“I really like you.”

Her smile was big, “I’m really liking you too. Is that a problem?”

“How do I say this? I don’t want in your pants.”

That caused her smile to drop a bit. “Ok.”

“Shit that came out wrong Jess. I don’t ... Ugh!”

“I get it. You don’t just want in my pants.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say my brain just won’t push it out.”

Giggling and leaning into my side again. “I can understand why it won’t push it out.”


Her hand ran so lightly across my cock. “All the blood is all down here,” she said giggling again.

I was red-faced again. Why was I embarrassed I wondered, I mean not like I have not slept with a girl on the first date?

“You know that you blushing just makes you that much more adorable ... And adorable is sexy as fuck to me.”

“Jess what I’m trying to say is yes, I’d love to. But I also don’t want to because I want you to know I’d rather spend time getting to know you. You are different from other girls I usually meet. You’re smart and successful.”

“Might not like what you find.”

“I might though. You might not like what you find in me.

“Ok. No sex for the first few dates. Deal?”

Now I was smiling. “So you want to see each other more?”

“Well yeah silly, you promised me dinner so that’s the next date. Plus you know we could hang out some and just be friends. I can try to be a good girl; you make it kind of hard being so damn sexy.”

“You make it hard to be...” Jess was laughing, and I was blushing again.

“I’m teasing you. I know what you meant. I just love you blushing. I don’t think I’ve ever had a boyfriend who blushed.”

That snapped me to reality. She said boyfriend... ‘Run Rock,’ went through my mind, but I said no to it.

“Well, honestly I’ve never had a girlfriend who was a bombshell either.”

That caused some flush to her cheeks. “I’m not a bombshell.”

“I think so, and you are a girly girl. I don’t mean that as an insult I just mean you seem more ladylike than any woman I’ve dated. You even smell beautiful to me.”

“Fuck Rock kiss me. We can kiss, can’t we?”

I loved her kisses, soft and warm. Wet but not sloppy. We ended up me laying on the couch her laying on me just kissing and my doing my best to keep my hands on her back and not that magnificent ass. Her laying on me, I wondered if she even weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet.

“Jess you are so beautiful.”

Snuggling into the crease of my neck. “You know, nobody has ever said those words to me and made it feel like you do.”

She propped her head on her folded hands laying on my chest looking into my eyes. “Nobody had made me feel as beautiful as you do right now.”

“I’m sorry they haven’t but also not sorry because you are here now, and I can tell you.”

“Adorable,” her lips softly against mine again. “Rock I feel bad.”

“Oh why”

Her cheeks flushed a little again, “I’m afraid your gonna have such a case of blue balls you won’t want me to be around.”

I laughed kissing her lips, god I loved them. “Those kisses make every bit of it ok.”

“So you won’t be mad?”


Jess nodded.

“I think it was my idea first to pump the breaks and slow it down, so you wouldn’t think I just wanted in your pants. So why would I be mad?”

“I don’t know. Just guys sometimes get mad even if they suggest it.”

I pulled her up till her eyes were directly in mine. “No Jess, I won’t be mad at all. I got to spend the evening with the most beautiful woman I ever met. I found out she’s funny and intelligent and can kiss like nobody I ever met.”

“God, you kiss good too. None of that down-the-throat tongue action. I hate that unless it’s in the throes of...” She smiled.

We lay there semi-watching the movie her laying on my chest. I hated I would have to soon leave; I could lay here all night. I guess she was thinking it too.

“Will you pull your shirt off,” she asked raising up and looking at me. I would love to just lay against your chest.”

We got up enough to get my shirt off.

“Mmmm god,” she said laying down on me again. “I could stay here all night.”

“I could let you too.”

“Would you think horrible of me if I asked you to stay and just cuddle tonight?”

“Would you think I was bad if I said yes I will?”

“No,” her lips met mine again then her tongue.

She was right I was in for a first-class case of blue balls when this was over. Somewhere we fell asleep her laying kinda on me and to the side against the back of the couch rubbing the cock trail of hair below my belly button and me rubbing her back. I know I fell asleep with a smile and was fairly sure she did too.

In the morning we both hit the gym together and it was nice. I could not help thinking this was the girl I would take home to mom and be proud to.

Finished working out we were standing talking her looking up and me that long blond ponytail hanging down when Jess looked at us in the mirror to our side and laughed.

“We look like that meme on Facebook. You know the one of the hulk looking down and that girl who is looking up at him?”

“The one where she’s blowing the bubble?”

“Yeah, that’s it. How tall are you I forgot to ask.?”



“Almost 6’3’.”

“So thirteen inches taller than me,” she smiled.

“You’re 5”2’, I asked skeptically?

Jess had the biggest grin. “Ok the DMV said I’m 5” even.”

I was laughing now, “short girls rock the world.”

I was afraid you’d think I was too short,” she seemed to flush a bit.

“Jess, I like short petite girls. My favorite actually.”

That had her all smiles.

“Plus you’re beautiful.”

She pulled my head down to her. “I want you to believe me when I say this. Nobody has ever said that and made me really feel it like you do. I see it in your eyes and can hear it ... In your heart when you say it.”

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