Jonathans Visit to the Rectory - Cover

Jonathans Visit to the Rectory

by jonny young

Copyright© 2022 by jonny young

Coming of Age Sex Story: School break on a hot summers day in 1958 has 14 year old Jonathan visit the vicar to offer help His crush for Reverend Lacey leads to a confession. And more

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/mt   Gay   BiSexual   CrossDressing   Spanking   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Clergy   .

It had been a dry hot summer. The hottest school holidays I could remember and as they where coming to a end it was looking like it would continue into a indian summer

The wheels of my cycle kicked up dust from the gravel as I peddled down the drive of the vicarage. A carrier bag of books swung from the handles

I had biked to my grandmothers to pick up some items she was donating to the church jumble sale and was in the process of disposing of them

It had been a hard ride. My T shirt and shorts clinging to my slim body. I could feel sweat on my eyebrows as strands of hair clung to my forehead and was glad to pull into the cooling shade of the impressive georgian facard

Dismounting and with carrier bag in hand I pulled on the bell cord. Hearing the distant tinkling ring I waited examining the flaking paint on the door

It was opened by Reverend Lacey. A stick thin man. And at well over 6ft tall was at least a foot taller than me

Looming over me he looked down through thin round wire glasses. He was in his sixties but strangely still had dark hair. Dyed more than likely and with a heavy application of brylcreem to keep a comb over plastered to his bald crown

“Jonathan. I see you bear gifts” He smiled. The adams apple bobbing in his long neck

“I come with my grandmothers offering” I announced grandly

“Well lets hope its gold rather than frankincense” He quibbed

With a grand sweep of his arm he indicated me to enter “could you put it in the drawing room with the rest my boy”

I liked the Reverend. Apart from my grandmother my family weren’t church goers. But I enjoyed his company. People called him prim and bookish. A confirmed bachelor. But he was always kind to me and understood my shyness

Even with me he always used flowery language and I was starting to get a crush on him and finding myself thinking about him. Especially under the covers at night

My face felt flushed but that could be put down to the hard ride rather than having just greeted the man I had been having erotic thoughts about

“Oh my” I exclaimed

I entered the drawing room and faced a pile of books clothes and other assorted items scattered across the table and floor

The vicarage was dated with old furniture and carpets but it was always tidy

“Tell me about it my boy” He answered. Placing his hands on my thin shoulders to move me gently aside to enter

“Soon as the word got out in the parish everyone decided it was a excellent opportunity to empty there attic. They decended on me like a plague of locusts”

I smiled just imagining it

“But never mind that my boy. Where are my manners. You need liquid refreshment and I shall offer such bounty”

“Orange squash would be nice” I answered with a smile

“Then squash it is”

With that he left. I placed my bag on the table and poked a few items around. Lifting up a womans floppy felt hat and turned it around in my hands

“It suits you”

I turned around as he held out the glass of squash which I took with a thank you

I placed the hat on my head and pulled a funny face and stuck my tongue out

“There. I told you it suited you” He chuckled

I gulped the squash down in one long swig feeling some of it trickle down my chin

“Steady on my boy. The well hasnt dried up yet. I can get you another?”

“Sorry” I answered. A small burp followed “pardon” I added as I took the hat of

“What are you going to do with this?” I asked turning the hat

“Oh. Put it on that pile over there with the other fine head adornments. I will put fifty pence on each one. Who knows. We may get a visit from the Hydra and finish the sale early”

I slung the hat onto the pile and placed my empty glass on the mantle

“Do you want some help?”

“Oh would you my boy. Thats most kind. Mrs Jenkins was meant to. But her husbands been unwell”

I looked at him confused trying to think who Mrs Jenkins was and got a picture of a fat elderly woman. I placed my cupped hands in front of me to silently say ‘the woman with the breasts’

“So eloquently put Jonathan. Yes the lady with the ample bosoms”

I smiled back at his kind smirk and I felt my cock stir. I didnt want to get a erection. I wouldnt be able to hide it and once it started I would have no control over it. He started to look through the pile of books

“Anything good?” I asked to take my mind from my shorts

“Mmm. Kind as your grandmother is theres no first editions here. If I could just find something rare it would sort the church repair out all by itself” He mused

I went upto the table and looked through the other donated books. I flicked through the pages on some dry subject ‘the art of hedgelaying’ and chuckled holding it up to him

“Hardly James Joyce” He retorted

“Maybe theres something juicy here” I said as I continued searching

He took the hedgelaying book from my hand and tapped me lightly on the head with it

“Well if you do. Tell me. So I can read it”

I chuckled before pausing. I looked intently into his eyes

“I will ... If you let me read it afterwards ... or”

I left it at that. I could feel my cock becoming erect. My smooth 5 inch slowly moved up the side of my thigh. I knew if it started it would be hard to stop and the bulge obvious but feeling the warm firm heat of it was making it worse

“Or?” He asked with a raised eyebrow

“Or we could read it together” I answered

My cheeks went crimson and I looked down and studied the pile of books. It was the worse thing to do. Apart from what I had just said because it more than likely drew his attention to my shorts and the thick lump that layed against my thigh

“I have a terrible reading voice” He quibbed to break the tension

“I think you have a lovely voice ... maybe I should go” I said. My eyes still on the books as I pushed the top one with my finger

“Dont be silly. Look why dont you go through that pile of clothes. You have a eye for that. And I will put mine to the books and be sure to draw your attention to something ... juicy”

I looked up and smiled giving a nod and went over to the clothes as he started going through the books. Concentating on them maybe a little to intently. Maybe due to the obvious erection I had

It felt strangly erotic being in the same room with him as my stiff cock bulged in my shorts. Both of us acting as if it wasnt a thing

For him maybe he was just trying to ignore it but it was making me more horny. To the point that my cock was so ridgid that it tented the front of my shorts

I would hold a item up to ask where he wanted it from time to time. It was normally followed by a quib from him such as to the rag and bone man before pointing at a pile. I would walk brazenly ... unashamed of my excited arousal to the point where it didnt seem a issue

“Oh this is nice. Better than anything else here” I said

It was a short sleeveless T dress with a low cut front that flared out beyond the waist that was decorated with small flowers. I held it against me. It was clearly a petite size as the bottom was half way up my thighs

“It suits you better than the hat” He joked looking up

I smiled swaying back and forth

“It does doesnt it” I chuckled as I pulled it over my head, tugging at it get ig down as it clung to my T shirt

“Be careful Jonathan. Or should I say young lady. I can get at least a pound note for that”

“Just doing some quality control” I chuckled

“Talking about quality. I imagine its time for some tea. How about I make us a pot. And scones of course”

I agreed it was a great idea and was left alone to clear the small table that was placed between two worn but comfy single seaters that faced the fireplace. Unlit due to the season but certainly a place to sit on a cold winters night with a blazing log

When I say clear the table. It involved placing the unchecked books under it. It was then that I suddenly had a idea. I went to the door to check the reverend was still in the kitchen and pulled the dress of. Quickly removing my clammy t shirt I put the dress back on before reaching under and pulling my shorts off

I neatly folded them and placed them on the pile of clothes still on the dining table. I started walking around the room amazed at the sensation. My cock was stiff tenting the lower part of the dress and I watched how my erection swung lazly back and forth under it. My bellend was swollen and sensative as the thin cotton of the dress brushed against. I started to see the dampness of my pre cum darken the spots where it leaked and wondered if I would get wrong for messing up something designated to be sold

I checked once again at the door listening and heard him still in the kitchen I couldnt resist lifting the dress up and taking hold of my erection. It felt so naughty standing in his dining room slowly stroking my cock

The Reverend Laceys footfall on the hallway along with the rattling of china elerted me and I dropped the dress and made my way to one of the single seaters and crossed my legs allowing the dress to ride up and expose the bare flesh of my smooth thighs

“Here we are my young Perseus. Nectar of the gods. Tea. Oh and scones of course”

“Thank you” I replied as he placed the rattling tray on the table

I propped my elbow on the armrest and rested my chin in my hand. Swinging my crossed leg hoping he would notice as he poured the tea. He glanced up at me to ask if I wanted sugar and saw my bare hairless arms and chest. He moved his gaze to the dining table and saw my folded T shirt and shorts

“Are you putting them in the sale?” His responce made me chuckle

“It was to hot wearing them and the dress” I answered as he sat down

“How about taking the dress of instead?”

“Ooo Reverend is that a offer?” I laughed “The dress is cooler to wear” I added before he could correct me on his meaning


“Yes please ... dont you like me in it?” I asked as I reached out taking a cream scone and started to stuff it in my mouth

“Please ... Do help yourself Jonathan” He retorted to my cake grab making me chuckle again as a few crumbs flew out of my mouth

“Yes your very pretty in it” He continued as he indicated if I wanted sugar

I made the V for victory sign and he plopped two cubes in

“To pretty for a man of the cloth” He sighed as he handed me a cup and saucer

I gulped the last of the scone down and took the saucer with a small thank you. We sat in silence as we sipped are tea, the only sound being the grandfather clock ticking. My cheeks where flushed and my cock very stiff. The reverend Lacey had just now good as admitted his attraction to me

“Do you take confessions” I asked before sipping my tea

“Oh my. This sounds ominous” He replied putting his cup and saucer on the table and folding his fingers together across his chest

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