Watching My Husband - Cover

Watching My Husband

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Barbara and her husband Roger had talked about adding a third to their bedroom games for some time. One day Roger was looking through an Internet meeting site when they spotted a potential playmate...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

A couple weeks later, we invited Kendall over to our house for dinner and drinks. We had gotten tested and got our results back, and we hoped Kendall had had a chance to do the same. I was so nervous when I heard the doorbell ring, I almost fainted.

I quickly checked myself in the mirror before hurrying to the door. Kendall greeted me with a friendly hello and a hug, and then I took her by the hand and invited her in. She was carrying a manila envelope which I assumed was her results. We walked into the living room where Roger was sitting, and she sat on the sofa across from Roger.

“Can I get anyone a drink?” I asked, being the good hostess. Kendall asked for a soda and Roger agreed, so it was sodas all around. I brought three sodas and three glasses of ice. When I returned, I sat the tray down on the coffee table, passed out the drinks, and took a seat next to our guest.

“I brought my test results tonight,” Kendall said, handing Roger the envelope.

“Yes, we have ours as well,” and he handed her our results. Thankfully everyone was clean and we had no worries about STD’s or anything.

“Also I should tell you I’m on the pill and have been for several years. So there’s no chance of having any other ‘complications’ either,” she said.

“That’s good,” Roger said.

“There is one thing I wanted to talk about ... the use of condoms. I don’t know how you feel about using them, but I prefer not to. You see, I love the feel of a man cumming in and on me. I love him to cum in my mouth, my ass, and my pussy. I also like to wear his cum - I hope you don’t mind my talking like this, but I like to feel comfortable talking about sex.

I don’t like having to talk around things and call my pussy cute little names. To me, a pussy is a pussy, not ‘privates’ or my vajayjay or some other soft name. And my tits are tits, not boobies or breasts or funbags. I like dirty talk and I like to feel comfortable talking about sex, I hope you understand,” she said.

“Of course Kendall, I also like to talk freely and as Barbara here can attest, I make her talk dirty to me and tell me explicitly what she wants. I also tell her just as explicitly what I am about to do to her. So yes, dirty talk is a regular part of our sex play.

“As for the condoms, I’m actually glad to hear that you are uncomfortable with them because I don’t like them either. I like the feeling of my cock in a woman’s pussy and wearing a raincoat prevents that feeling. Not to mention the fact that you wouldn’t feel me cumming inside you. So that works just fine with me as well,” Roger said.

“That’s wonderful,” Kendall said. The more we were learning about her the more we liked her!

“So tell me, Kendall, what kinds of things do you like to do - in bed I mean? What are you into?” Roger asked.

“Well I am what I like to call ‘try-sexual’ - I am up for just about anything fun and exciting. About the only things off limits are extreme pain, drugs, anything that causes permanent damage like scars, and the really gross stuff like poop play.

“I don’t mind a spanking if I’ve been a bad girl - and I can be a bad girl - and I don’t mind golden showers, but I know that on MeetYourMatch there are some pretty twisted people, so I like to set the limits right off.

“Bondage is fun and some of the related things like nipple clamps, spanking, and humiliation are cool too. I do like being a slut and a whore and I love being called them. Obviously, I enjoy threesomes, but also gangbangs.

“I don’t differentiate as far as race goes and I like girls as well as guys. I’m actually pretty easy to please. Oh, and I should tell you, I can get pretty loud too! I’m a moaner and a screamer!” Kendall said, blushing a little at the end of her speech.

“All that sounds just fine with us, Kendall. We have done several of those things ourselves. Barbara has never been in a gangbang and she has yet to do a threesome - hopefully you will be her first. But we play BDSM games and I have given her a shower a time or two. As for your limits, they mirror ours completely,” Roger said.

Just then Roger excused himself to go to the bathroom and I offered to get Kendall another soda. “Oh, no thank you. I would like to talk to you though,” she said.

“What about?” I asked.

“Barbara, hon, you haven’t said much. Are you sure you are okay with all this?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry Kendall. It’s just that this all sounds so wonderful. I was so afraid we wouldn’t find anyone so compatible with our likes and our needs and that we were asking too much. But you ... you are everything we were looking for!

“Kendall honey, I know that Roger really likes you – and after we met the other day at the restaurant, I was so hot and horny that I made him stop and fuck me in the park before we ever got home! I can’t wait to see you and Roger together!”

Some primal and irresistible urge in me was raging to get out. Suddenly, I turned to her on the couch and put my arms around her, pulling her into a deep, powerful and very much needed kiss.

I can’t explain, even today what came over me – I just knew that I had to kiss this woman right here and now. She moaned at my sudden and unexpected touch and then leaned her head to one side allowing me access to kiss her softly on the neck and behind her ear.

I slowly stood up straight, pulling her up with me and embraced her again, our kiss deepening further, our bodies rubbing together. Kendall took the lead a bit by slipping her knee between mine. I felt her leg against my aching pussy and automatically began humping her leg. God, I was horny! I moaned as I humped her leg and she reached up to palm my tits through my dress.

“Let’s go to the bedroom and surprise Roger,” she whispered.

“Yeah,” I sighed sexily.

By the time Roger came out of the bathroom we were both already naked on the bed. Kendall was lying on her back and I was next to her on my side with my leg across hers. We were kissing passionately and she had her hand in my hair and was grabbing me forcefully.

I liked the slight rough treatment. It was something I love Roger to do to me, to treat me like a slut and a whore. I’m not really the soft passionate “make love” type of girl. I’d much prefer the hot, nasty, sweaty, fuck me sex!

I like to be talked to treated and handled like a street whore! And this woman sensed that. She just wanted to fuck me, and knowing that fact made my pussy cry! I wanted so badly to be used and abused by someone who didn’t care about my feelings, who just wanted me for their own pleasure and use and I was sure Kendall could give me that. Little did I know, I was about to get more than I bargained for!

Roger saw two beautiful and naked women on his bed and immediately took off his pants and shirt and joined us.

“Oh my God!” Kendall said when she first laid eyes on the size of my husband’s semi-hard cock. It was just hard enough to stand erect and even semi-hard like this Kendall was admirably impressed. “Bring that yummy looking cock over here so I can get a better look!”

Roger walked over to the bed and Kendall gave me one last kiss then turned to Roger and his man-tool. She wrapped a hand around it as if she was measuring its diameter and judging just how much it would stretch her pussy out. She began tugging and stroking him gently as I came up behind her and reached around to play with her tits.

Kendall was a little shorter than me at five foot three inches tall and her brunette hair fell in loose curls to about the bottom of her shoulder blades. Her soft brown eyes were very pretty and her tight young 34C-23-35 body was made for fucking!

In contrast, I was five foot five inches tall with blonde hair about the same length, blue eyes that Roger said sparkled like pools of water when I smiled. And I brought a 36C-26-34 body to the bedroom games.

As for Roger, he was six foot tall with short brown hair, brown eyes, a muscular build, and that amazing seven-inch cock!

As Kendall admired Roger’s “equipment”, I looked at Roger and we made eye contact just long enough to have that mutual understanding. This is what we both wanted.

Kendall knew what she wanted and I was perfectly content to just follow her lead. After all my fantasy was watching Roger fuck another woman and Kendall was going to be that woman! It was the perfect change up to our normal boring sex life. She got up on all fours with her legs spread as wide as she could and started sucking my husband’s cock like it was something she had wanted all her life.

Not wanting to be left out just yet, I got down behind her and started licking and sucking her exposed cunt. I tried to see how far I could stick my tongue in her pussy. She was dripping wet, and I wanted to taste as much of her juice as I could.

My husband was moaning and grunting like a schoolboy getting his first blowjob as Kendall sucked his cock and massaged his balls in her hand. Roger had a hold of the back of Kendall’s hair and was fucking her face as hard as he could. Kendall seemed to be enjoying every bit of it.

It wasn’t long before Kendall pulled Roger onto the bed with us and pushed him onto his back. She climbed on top of his cock and faced away from him, reverse-cowboy style, so I could kiss her and suck her tits while she rode my husband.

She was rocking and bucking on his cock so hard I could barely keep up with her, so I just backed away for a second and rubbed my clit and watched this woman fuck my husband as if she were trying to prove something.

I started to realize that that was exactly what it seemed like. She wanted to out-fuck me! I don’t know why exactly, I mean if I had come upon this any other time I would be ready to rip the woman’s tits off, but at that moment I was more turned on than I had been in a long time.

Watching some other woman try desperately to juice my husband for everything his cock could provide was so fucking erotic! I started making comments to her, trying to get her to realize she was fucking a married man.

“Come on, fuck him!” I said, “Fuck him like you know you want to!”

“Oh, fuck yes! I’m grinding the shit out of him!” she panted.

“You know you love fucking a married man while his wife watches, don’t you?”

“Yes, I want you to watch me drain his cock!” she grunted.

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