Watching My Husband - Cover

Watching My Husband

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Barbara and her husband Roger had talked about adding a third to their bedroom games for some time. One day Roger was looking through an Internet meeting site when they spotted a potential playmate...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

My name is Barbara Harris and I guess the best place to start this story is at the beginning. I love my husband, Roger, very much. We have been married for ten happy and exciting years now, and our sex life is still just as hot as it ever was. Roger is a wonderful lover; caring, sensitive and imaginative. It was that last trait that was called into play in this story.

Like a lot of couples, we enjoy watching porn videos – it helps get us in the mood as well as gives us ideas for our own bedroom games. Roger knows that I like watching them as much as he does, and I even confessed to him a couple times how I sometimes fantasize that I am watching him up there on the TV screen with that bleached blonde or the big-titted Latina or whatever.

I have told him that I would love to watch him fuck another woman someday, and how the idea gets me soaked just thinking about it. I have even talked dirty to him as we watched the porn videos, saying things like “God, you are fucking that slut so good!” and “Listen to her moan as your cock splits her wet pussy wide!” and such things. The dirty talk adds to the fantasy and makes us both cum super hard.

One day, I came home from work and found Roger on the computer. He had the day off and said he was bored, so he got online. I asked him what he was looking at, and he said he originally was going to go to one of our favorite online toy stores when one of those “pop-up” advertisement things came on the screen (you know, the kind that always seem to get in your way when you are busy looking for something else!).

This pop-up was for an online dating site called “where people go to meet other like-minded singles for dating and possible relationships”. Or so the ad said, anyway.

“Uh-oh ... looking to replace me already huh?” I said, jokingly.

“No way – there isn’t anyone out there that can hold a candle to you sweetheart!” he said.

“Aww, you’re forgiven!” I said, kissing him on the cheek. I went in to change clothes and get ready to start dinner. When I came out, Roger was still on the computer looking through the ads on that dating site.

“You still on that?” I said as I walked past the desk and saw what was on the screen. He didn’t answer and just kept clicking on pictures that interested him.

Later, at dinner, we were talking about our days. I told him what happened at work, and he was telling me how we are paying far too much for the pitiful selection of channels on our cable TV.

“You sure looked engrossed in that computer screen when I got home! Find anything there you liked?” I asked playfully.

“Actually I did! There are a lot of people in our area on that site,” he said.


“Yeah, all sorts too – men and women, young and more mature, quite a selection!” he told me.

“You’ll have to show me sometime,” I said, offhand. I wasn’t really interested, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. We continued on with dinner and the conversation changed. When dinner was done, Roger went into the living room and sat down to read his newspaper while I rinsed the dinner dishes off and put them in the dishwasher.

Once I was done cleaning up the kitchen, I came into the living room and handed him his usual Jim Beam and Coke. He took it and I sat down next him on the sofa. He put his paper down and I laid my head down in his lap, purring as he stroked my hair. I loved it when he played with my hair and he loved to run his fingers through it.

“Mmmm ... that feels wonderful honey,” I cooed.

“You had a busy day, today you deserve to be pampered a bit,” he said. I looked up and smiled at him. My Roger was the best husband a girl could ask for!

I laid there luxuriating in what my sweet hubby was doing to me and feeling very good. I closed my eyes and a soft, almost imperceptible mewl came out as I fell deeper under his spell. That was what he was waiting for, and I felt his hands slowly leave my hair and trace their way lightly down my cheek, then down my neck.

I knew where he was headed. But I didn’t mind. In fact, I rolled over onto my back to allow him access to where he wanted to go. I had changed out of my office wear and was now in my comfy sweat pants and camisole top – my around the house wear when I don’t plan on going out anymore that night. I had taken off my bra when I changed clothes too, and now that I knew his intentions, my nipples began to perk up, making little teepees in my top.

Roger saw my teepees and smiled as his hands, encouraged now, moved to the sides of my ribcage and down to the bottom edge of my top. He began sensuously dragging it back up my body, exposing my waist until my weight laying on it stopped it.

“Take your top off,” he whispered. I stood up and took off my top, dropping it to the ground. I stood in front of him topless now and he admired my state of undress with sparkling eyes. He took my hand and pulled me down onto him, straddling him as I sat in his lap. He pulled me into a kiss – a long, passionate, lingering kiss.

Roger had this way of kissing me that took my breath away. Oh, he could give me a peck on the cheek or a sweet welcome home kiss, sure. But when he put his heart into it, I completely melted and became putty in the man’s hands. When he kissed me, he could ask for the moon and I would kill myself to give it to him!

It was one of those pick me up with a mop kisses that he gave me now and I felt like an ice cube in the microwave. I melted into him and pressed my now achingly hard nipples into his chest. He wrapped his big, strong arms around me and I moaned loudly this time.

His kiss lasted until I had run completely out of air and even though I would have stayed there and suffocated in his sweetness, I broke the kiss, whispering “Take me,” in his ear. I didn’t have to ask him twice. He stood up, picking me up in his arms as he did, and carried me into the bedroom.

Later that evening, after he had taken me to the very gates of heaven more than a couple times, we lay in bed, dripping with sweat and trying to calm our breathing and pulses to something more human and less like a hummingbird.

“Honey, you said that you found a lot of people in our area on that Internet dating site?” I asked after we could hold a conversation again.

“Yeah, why?” he asked.

“Were there a lot of girls on it, or mostly men?” I pursued.

“There was a lot of both, why are you asking?” he said, turning to me now.

“Well, you know how we like watching your porn movies and how I sometimes act like you are fucking the girl on the screen? It’s been a fantasy of mine for a long time to see you with another woman. I was just thinking maybe if we found the right person...” I said.

Roger sat up in bed and turned to face me. I had his undivided attention now. “You mean you want to bring another woman into the house and watch me fuck her?” he asked.

“It wouldn’t be like that. I mean first off, we would have to find someone we both find attractive and not just the first skank we find alphabetically listed on the site. And it wouldn’t be just you fucking her – I mean I would want to play too,” I said.

“I didn’t know you were into girls!” he said, dumbstruck.

“Well I’m not into girls, but I don’t mind playing with them. And if we are both there I can watch you fuck her and still have fun myself. I guess you could say I am bi-curious,” I said.

Roger sat there looking at me like he was waiting for the punchline. I’m sure he thought this was all some sort of teasing game and he was going to be expected to say something cliche’ like no one could make him feel half as good as I can. But I was serious and as soon as he realized that there was no punchline and no “pa-dum-pum” rimshot, he got even more excited about the idea.

The next day was Saturday and neither of us had to work. We slept in longer than usual, enjoying some extra cuddle time in the morning too. We got up and had breakfast and I could tell by the way he acted that there was something on Roger’s mind, but he was hesitant about saying something.

“What is it, honey? What is on your mind – you’ve been acting funny ever since we got up!” I asked.

“Have I?” he asked, stalling until he could come up with something.

“Yes, you have. Now spill it mister – what are you thinking about?” I said.

“Okay, it’s about what you said last night. About wanting to bring another woman into the bedroom with us and watch me fuck her. I keep waiting for the punchline ... waiting for you to tell me you were just teasing,” he said finally.

I pulled his chair out and straddled him sitting on his lap facing him. I put both arms around his neck. “Honey, I wasn’t joking. I wasn’t teasing you. I am serious about this. This has always been a fantasy of mine and I can’t tell you how many times during our sex I have been thinking about that while watching the videos or making up sex scenes of you me and ‘her’ in my head. If we can find someone that we fit with and we are both attracted to, then I want to do this. It’s important to me as well.

“Sweetheart, I know that having two women at the same time is every man’s dream and I wouldn’t tease you about something like this. I love you and if this can make our sex life more exciting, then I’m all for it. I want to do whatever I can to please you, baby, because you do everything you can to please me. Understand?” I said.

“You are an amazing woman, Barbara Harris,” he said.

I beamed. “I love when you call me Barbara Harris! I love being that!” I said, and I leaned forward to kiss my husband and show him how much.

We sat down together at the computer about an hour later to look through the dating site he had found. We both had some criteria for this person; first off we wanted someone younger but not too young. I am thirty and Roger is thirty-two and I know he would want someone younger, which is fine. But I wouldn’t be comfortable with some eighteen-year-old gum chewing bimbo!

We both had envisioned someone who was more than just a quick roll in the sack sex partner – we wanted someone who would be a friend as well – someone we could have over for dinner or go to the lake with. Someone we could maybe even take with us on vacation or camping sometime. A family friend who also happens to be a fuck buddy!

And it goes without saying that we would both have to find the girl attractive and pleasing. I knew Roger’s tastes because he would show me the girls on the videos that attracted him. For me, it wasn’t so critical – if he thought the girl was attractive and was enjoying himself fucking her, that alone would be enough of a turn on for me! Lastly, she would have to be single and unattached. We didn’t need the hassles of a pissed off husband, fiancé, or boyfriend and the troubles that can bring!

Once we had come to an agreement on the criteria for our playmate (which didn’t take long as we both wanted the same things), we started looking for potential candidates. This part took a little longer. We looked through dozens and dozens of profiles, but nothing seemed to fit our wants and needs. Either she was married and flirting/cheating, she was too young or too old, or something was off on all the ones we thought we liked.

After a lot of searching, Roger found a candidate that looked like she had possibilities. According to her profile, her name was Kendall, and her picture showed she had dark brown hair, brown eyes. Since there were only facial pictures on the site, we didn’t know what the rest of her looked like, but she appeared to be quite attractive.

We read through her profile information and everything sounded like what we were looking for – she met all the checkmarks; single, twenty-six years old, a local girl that had lived here for some time, everything sounded like just what we wanted. We decided that she was a good prospect and we decided to meet with her to talk to her about becoming our playmate.

We had to actually join MeetYourMatch in order to get contact information for Kendall, so Roger made an email address up for the site (we weren’t about to give strangers our main email address!) and we signed up.

We got the contact information which amounted to her member number: B-47354. We sent her an email through the site email letting her know we saw her profile and were interested in meeting and talking. We gave her our “disposable” email address so we could write without going through the dating site, and sent the email off.

It took a couple of days before we heard back from Kendall, and she wrote that she would love to meet and talk. Through our emailing back and forth it was determined we would meet at a restaurant for lunch (safety first!) and talk and see if we fit together.

We decided to meet that coming Saturday, as it would be the first day none of us had to work and we could have some time to talk without having to cut it short to go back to work.

That week seemed to drag on forever! I was eager to meet with Kendall, and I know that Roger was just as impatient. I tried to pass the time with work, but my thoughts kept fast forwarding to Saturday. What would she be like in person? Would she be someone we could play with? What would she think of us? And most importantly, what would Roger think of her?

It was very important to me that whoever we picked got along well with Roger, and that he found her attractive and sexy. Even though it was my fantasy to watch him fuck another woman, if he didn’t find her sexy and want to fuck her, then everything ground to a halt. I had watched Roger’s eyes as he looked at Kendall’s profile picture and read her bio – he seemed to be interested in her. But we would see for certain soon enough.

We passed the time emailing back and forth with Kendall, getting to know a little bit more about her. This way we would have all the awkward, getting to know you chit chat out of the way and we could talk about the reason we were meeting. Plus, if we found a problem between us we could save ourselves the trouble of the meeting. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case – the more we talked with Kendall, the more she seemed like the perfect choice!

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