The Spice of Life - Cover

The Spice of Life

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Laura's best friend Nikki was feeling down. Seems her husband wasn't the most exciting man in the sack, preferring the old reliable missionary position and that was it. But Laura has an idea on how to bring some "spice" to her life!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Laura whispered in her ear, “You fucking slut ... do you know how hot you look right now? Your huge tits, your open legs, your dripping pussy? huh? Do you?”

She didn’t know how to answer.

“You liked making my husband hard didn’t you? Did you like it when he started whimpering when you were sucking him off? Did you like the taste of him? Does that turn you on? You fucking whore ... Does it?” Answer me!”

“Yes...” Nikki moaned.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes ... Mistress,” she corrected herself.

Laura attached nipple clips to her and she groaned. Then Laura fingered Nikki’s pussy. It was sopping wet.

“You dirty slut. Why are you so wet? Do you want my husband’s dick? Do you want him to fuck you hard and cum inside you?”

Laura probed 2 fingers inside and started finger fucking her. Nikki was gasping and she was dripping. Laura stuck her fingers in Nikki’s mouth roughly, telling her to taste her juice, then Laura tasted it, scooping up more of Nikki’s juices and sticking her fingers in her mouth. Nikki hadn’t reached climax yet, so Laura stood to the side and gently rubbed the bound girl’s exposed clit, gathering her juice so it stayed succulent. Nikki was moaning in ecstasy, she couldn’t stand still. Her hips were moving, her pussy was gyrating, her legs were widening and her ass starting quivering. Laura knew what she was doing ... her Master had used the same techniques on her and she couldn’t resist them either. Techniques like gently massaging the clit until it explodes. When Nikki came, Laura moved her fingers back inside her, welcoming her honey.

Laura withdrew her fingers, licking them clean. Then she went to Adam and knelt in front of him. She may have been Mistress for a bit for Nikki, but she knew she was still her Master’s submissive! “Master, she is wet and ready for you.” Adam lifted her face to his and kissed her, chuckling softly and said “Good girl.”

Laura unhooked Nikki’s hands and brought her still trembling friend in front of Master. Nikki knelt as she had seen Laura do. Adam smiled at this, then rose. He took a handful of her brunette hair and twisted it into a makeshift rope. Using her hair as a leash, he gave the command “Crawl” and led her down the hallway to the bedroom. He told her to kneel down on the floor and keep her hands behind her back. Then he told her to look at the ground. She was very obedient and did as she was told and seemed happy to do so.

While she knelt there watching, he started undressing in front of the mirror. He dropped his pants and boxers again and then went to the nightstand and began pulling some things out of the top drawer. Nikki couldn’t see what the items were – he was blocking her view. Once he had the desired items, he turned to Laura.

“Put this one on the bed and tie her down. Arms over her head and her legs spread and tied to the footposts. Make sure she can’t move – if she get loose, you will be taking her place!” he said.

“Yes Master,” Laura said. And she knew he meant it too! Laura got Nikki up on the bed and used the heavy leather wrist restraints that he had gotten from the nightstand to secure her arms to the headboard over her head tying them together and to the headboard very securely. With her wrists done, Laura moved to secure her feet. One foot with a leather ankle restraint tied tightly to each footpost, making sure her legs were spread as wide as possible. When she finished, she turned to Adam, who had been observing her work.

“All done, Master. She won’t be escaping this,” Laura said, her eyes cast downward.

“Very good. Now it’s your turn to get undressed,” he said, smiling.

“Yes Master,” she said, looking up at him playfully. Laura began getting undressed as Nikki watched. She neatly folded her clothes as she removed them and laid them on the top of the dresser. When she had finished undressing he called her over to stand at the side of the bed next to Nikki.

“Doesn’t my pet have a beautiful body, Nikki? So soft and so sexy ... Pet has wonderfully sensitive tits and an incredible pussy!” he said, moving around behind Laura. To emphasize his point he reached around with one hand and toyed with her nipple, pinching and tugging on it until she moaned and closed her eyes, leaning her head back onto his shoulder.

“Masssterrr...” Laura moaned softly, reaching up to cup her tits. She leaned back on him and he supported her as she swayed back and forth slightly. Nikki saw her getting turned on and it only served to increase her own lust. Nikki squirmed and tugged at her bonds, testing the knots and realizing she was completely helpless.

“Sit down and watch as I play a bit with your little slut friend,” Adam told Laura. She moved to sit on the chair he directed her to. It was a large soft chair and she leaned back and opened her long legs wide apart so that her stiletto heels dangled on either side of the arms. It was a crude position but her Master liked her to be crude. Laura pushed a finger gently inside her sex and of course, it was very slippery and very wet already.

Adam turned to her and smiled when he saw her position on the chair. He bent over and fondled her breasts and kissed her deeply. She moaned into his mouth loud enough that even Nikki heard her and she wriggled again in her bonds. Laura looked at the bulge in his boxers and reached out to feel his hardness.

“Master...” Laura moaned.

“You will get your chance, my dear, do not worry. But first I think our guest needs tending to!” he said, chuckling. “But you can keep playing with your pussy if you like while you watch. I’m sure you will like the show!”

Adam walked over to the bound Nikki. He got up on the bed and moved between her spread thighs, and knelt there.

“Laura told me that your husband, Phil, doesn’t like to eat pussy and that you miss it so. Is that right?” he asked. He began tracing his finger in circles around her slit very lightly, teasing her as he spoke in a deep low voice.

“Yesss...” she moaned, licking her lips. She began to move her hips in time to his fingers teasing. He could see the wetness glistening on her swollen lips.

“And did she also tell you that I...” Adam leaned forward and kissed her on the left side of her pussy a couple inches from her slit. “love the taste...” he kissed her on the right side just like before. “of pussy?” he finished kissing her directly above her swollen clit. With each kiss, Nikki’s moaning got louder and higher in pitch. He sat back and watched the girl writhe and pull at her ropes. He flicked the lips of her pussy and tugged them gently as he ran a finger up and down her slit, just inside her outer lips. It was maddening and Nikki was quickly becoming overcome with lustful desire.

He continued his mental provocation. “In fact, I am something of an expert when it comes to eating pussy. Why Laura can tell you herself that when I eat her out, she cums over and over again. I enjoy making her cum repeatedly and often she has to beg me to stop. Isn’t that right, pet?” he asked Laura.

“Oh yes, Nikki he is wonderful ... his tongue makes me crazy. He knows just what to do to drive me out of my mind!” Laura said, her voice thick with arousal. Nikki moaned as she heard her best friend describe how he eats her pussy. Oh, she wanted to feel that so much!

“You know she gave me a taste of your pussy when she fingered you ... you taste quite delicious too. Nice and sweet. I’d sure like some more of that taste, would you let me sample that pretty pink pussy?” he said.

He looked up at her grinning wickedly. Nikki was nearly sobbing by now and looked at him through tear-filled eyes, so deep was her need that she could not speak, she merely mouthed a silent “Please...”

Adam leaned down and pulled the lips of Nikki’s pussy apart, revealing the wet, pink interior. Her pussy was dripping, offering him its sweet nectar. “Nikki, your pussy is so wet...” Adam commented, “Are you wet for me?”

“Please ... please lick it...” Nikki pleaded.

“You are going to have to learn how to ask for things if you want to get them, Nikki. Now ask me properly ... like a good slut should. Say ‘Master, please lick my nasty slut pussy. Lick my dirty filthy cunt!’,” he told her.

Nikki groaned at his words. She had never been made to talk like that but it was turning her on so much. “Master, please, please lick my nasty slut pussy. Lick my dirty filthy cunt,” she begged, her voice shaky.

“That’s more like it. If you are going to learn to be a proper slut like pet here, you are going to have to get used to talking like one,” he said. He leaned forward and, as Nikki sucked in a breath in anticipation, he gave her a long slow lick with the flat of his tongue.

OHMYGOD!” Nikki screamed as she felt his tongue on her neglected pussy. She arched her back and tossed her chocolate mane side to side as she felt what she had been missing for so long. Adam began lapping at her slit from bottom to top, ending each stroke with a flick of his tongue over her clit.

Each lap of his tongue sent lightning bolts of sexual electricity up her spine to her lust-clouded mind. Adam slid a hand under her as she raised up so he could grab and squeeze her ass cheeks even as his tongue worked her pussy from the front. Nikki was trapped between the two sensations and couldn’t get away from them.

Laura watched her friend as she got the pleasuring she so missed. She smiled as she saw Nikki’s distress, knowing that her husband and her Master was taking good care of her. In a way she envied Nikki ... she remembered fondly the first time he had went down on her ... the incredible sensations that she didn’t even know existed.

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