The Spice of Life - Cover

The Spice of Life

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Laura's best friend Nikki was feeling down. Seems her husband wasn't the most exciting man in the sack, preferring the old reliable missionary position and that was it. But Laura has an idea on how to bring some "spice" to her life!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

“What’s wrong, Nikki ... you seem a little down hon,” Laura said as she sat across the table from her best friend.

“It’s nothing,” Nikki said, looking up from her coffee.

Laura knew better than that. Laura and Nikki had been friends for a long time, ever since her and Adam, her husband had moved to Huntsville about five years ago. Adam had just gotten out of the military and they moved to Huntsville to begin their life together.

Laura and Nikki had met at a party through a mutual friend and hit it right off. Although they lived in different parts of Huntsville – Laura and Adam in the northeast part and Nikki and her husband Phil in the southern part, about 20 minutes away – they still called each other daily and got together at least twice a week. Today, they had met at a small coffee shop for an afternoon of shopping.

“Nikki, dear, I know you better than that. You are my best friend and I know when something is bothering you. Remember I’m a woman too – I know what ‘It’s nothing’ means! Now what’s wrong? You know you can talk to me,” Laura insisted.

“I’m okay, really. I’m just a little in the dumps today, I don’t know why,” Nikki said, smiling weakly.

“Well, I know the cure for that! Shopping!” Laura said, giggling. With that, Laura picked up the check and paid for their lunch and the girls left to continue their shopping at Silhouettes, a local clothing boutique they both liked.

They got out to the car and Laura had just started driving, when she heard Nikki next to her begin sobbing. She looked over and saw her best friend with her face in her hands.

“Okay, that’s it!” Laura said. She made a hard turn and pulled into a small park. It was early afternoon and just starting to rain so there was no one around.

“W-what are you doing?” Nikki asked, raising her head.

“Now Nikki tell me what is going on, and I want you to do it right now!” Laura said sternly. Laura was a couple years older than Nikki and considered herself something of a big sister to her.

“Oh Laura! I’m sorry I’m such a crybaby. It’s just ... well it’s just that things between me and Phil have sort of ... cooled off. We aren’t fighting or anything and we still make love, but it’s just ... well to be honest, there isn’t much thrill to it anymore,” she confided.

“What do you mean?” Laura asked.

“Laura, Phil is a good man and he treats me well. He earns a good living and all that, but in the bedroom he is ... pretty conservative and ... boring, Laura. He just likes it in the missionary position and he does his business and then rolls over and falls asleep! Half of the time I have to finish what he started!

“About the only time I can have an orgasm is if I am so horny I practically rape him! Oh, if he found out I was talking to you about our bedroom, he would be so mad – please don’t tell anyone about this, please!” Nikki begged.

“Of course I won’t tell anyone, Nikki. I’m so sorry honey, I know that you told me that Phil is a computer technician and that he is kinda nerdy, but I didn’t realize he was so prudish and vanilla!” Laura said.

“Yeah. I’ve tried to get him to do some little things but he is pretty stuck to his ways and he doesn’t like to experiment. He thinks people who do are sick and demented. He won’t even allow oral sex. He thinks putting one’s mouth down there – either of us – is disgusting!”

“You mean he’s never let you give him a blow job?”

“No, never. And he’s never satisfied me that way either. My old boyfriends used to like eating my pussy, but he has never even tried. I miss that so much!” Nikki said, starting to tear up again.

“Oh my God!” Laura said, flabbergasted. The two girls sat in the park silently for a few minutes, with Laura’s arm around Nikki’s shoulder. When Nikki was feeling a little better they continued with their shopping, but Laura’s mind remained on her girlfriend’s problem.

When she got home that afternoon, she began concocting a plan to help her B.F.F. and that night when she was in bed with Adam, she approached him with the idea. Adam knew that Laura and Nikki were good friends ... Nikki had been over to the house many times and he got along with her well enough.

He had also met Phil and although they were polar opposites – Phil was nerdy and not much into sports and the outdoors, while Adam was big into the outdoors and a die-hard Crimson Tide fan – he thought Phil was all right as far as he could tell.

Laura told her husband about the plan she had in mind, and they worked out some of the details. It was a risky plan, but it might just work if everyone played their part right.

The next time Nikki and Laura had their “girl’s day”, Laura told Nikki what she had come up with.

“Nikki, I have been thinking about your little problem ... you know between you and Phil. I think I have a possible solution. It’s kind of unusual and a bit extreme, but it just might work,” Laura said as they were driving down the highway to the restaurant they chose that day for their lunch.

“Oh?” Nikki asked, a bit apprehensive of the way she was presenting this idea she had.

“Yes. I hope you don’t mind, but I talked this over with Adam and we came up with an idea to help,” Laura said.

“What kind of idea? Oh I wish you hadn’t said anything to Adam ... I’m going to be so embarrassed when I see him now!”

“No, it’s okay Nikki. He was very understanding and you don’t need to be embarrassed at all. This might be your problem but it’s certainly not your fault!”

“I suppose. So what’s this plan?” Nikki asked. Laura began to explain what her and Adam had come up with to help her. At first Nikki was horrified at the idea, but the more they talked about it, Laura convinced her to at least give it a try. Finally, trusting her best friend, she agreed and they set a date to put the plan into action...

The day came that Laura had been waiting for. Nikki arrived right on time and looked amazing. Laura and Nikki had went shopping a couple days prior and Laura picked out an outfit she thought Adam was sure to like. Now standing in the doorway as Laura answered the door, Nikki opened her long coat to show her what she looked like in it.

Her outfit consisted of a pale pink strapless bustier that laced up in the back and had a zipper front. The bustier was covered in white lace and had a low cut front to accentuate her well-developed breasts. The bustier had attached garters which lead to her thigh top stockings. She wore a tiny thong panty under the bustier and finally she had white six inch CFM peep-toe pumps.

“Come on in, Nikki ... Adam is waiting for us in the living room. Let me take your coat,” Laura said, taking her coat and hanging it on a hook by the door. Laura took Nikki’s hand and began to lead her into the living room.

“Wait a second,” Nikki said hesitating. She wasn’t sure she could go through with this. It wasn’t too late yet ... she could still back out. She was scared and uncertain that this plan would work.

“Nikki, it’s okay. Adam knows what to do,” Laura said, smiling and comforting her. Nikki felt a little better and reminded herself that Laura was her best friend, she wouldn’t have suggested this if she didn’t think it would help. Hand in hand, the girls came into the living room and when Adam saw them, he rose to greet them.

“Hello Nikki. You look very nice today,” he said, “Please sit down and let’s talk for a bit.” Nikki looked down and blushed. She took a seat on the sofa between Laura and Adam.

“Okay first off, let me tell you that you are in charge here today. We can stop anytime you want to. All you have to do is say your name – Nikki – and whatever we are doing will come to an instant stop – no questions asked. Nikki is your safeword today, all right?”

“O-okay,” Nikki said.

“Good. I know you are nervous and we will take things slow and easy. I want you to enjoy what happens here today ... that is the whole reason for this. Laura has told me of your problem and I want to help you. Understand?”

“Yes...” Nikki replied, feeling a bit better.

“One other thing. What goes on here today stays here. You are not to talk about it or discuss anything that happens here outside of these four walls. The only time you and Laura can talk about today or what happens here is if you are in the car going down the highway or someplace where you are absolutely alone. Not on the phone, not in emails, and not in any public place,” Adam said sternly.

“I understand,” Nikki said.

“Good. Now did Laura tell you what we are going to do?”

“She just said you were going to help me put some excitement back in my love life – although I really don’t know how you can do that.”

“Well what do you know of BDSM, Nikki?”

“You mean tying someone up and stuff like that?”

“Well bondage is part of it. But I mean more than just tie-up games. What do you know about Domination and submission?”

“Not much. Except one person bosses the other one around.”

“I see. Well there is a lot more to it than that. Perhaps if we showed you...” he said. Adam turned to Laura, “Come pet,” he said. Instantly Laura smiled and got down on all fours and crawled over to Adam and knelt there at his feet sitting back on her heels with her hands on her spread thighs. He reached out and began stroking her hair as she laid her head in his lap.

“You see pet and I practice D/s as a lifestyle. Pet is the name I gave her when we started as Master and submissive. This is how we are when we are together. Outside the house we are still Master and submissive, we just keep it low-key.

“I don’t make her call me Master or do anything that you would be able to pick out unless you too were in The Life. She has rules she has to obey, such as she never touches a doorknob – I open all doors for her when we are together.

“She has to ask to be excused when she has to leave me. And she tells me what she wants to eat when we go out so I can order for her. Things that used to be gentlemanly and proper behavior,” he said. “In addition, she walks on my left side – or the building side of the sidewalk away from traffic, she calls me Sir when we are out in public, and a few other small details.”

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