Further Adventures With Older Ladies - Cover

Further Adventures With Older Ladies

Copyright© 2022 by Zak

Chapter 36

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 36 - These are my further adventures with older ladies ( and some not so old). I recommend you read my adventures with old ladies before you read this story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   School   Incest   Sister   Orgy   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Indian Female   Analingus   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts  

I woke the following morning in an empty bed and felt used and abused. We had fucked all night; we had swapped oral sex. We had tried every position in the book, some twice.

My cock was sore, my balls were empty, and my tongue felt like it needed a holiday.

I heard Sue beavering about in the kitchen; I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. I had a piss and took a shower; my body stunk of sex.

By the time I had showered and dressed, the smell of food was wafting up the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen just as Sue was serving up the food.

“Well, that was good timing!” Sue said and kissed me on the lips.

I sat down to a full English breakfast; Sue had cooked up a storm. There was a pot of tea, a jug of orange juice, and a plate of toast.

My plate was loaded with food, including bacon, sausages, black pudding, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, fried mushrooms, and a slice of fried bread.

I glanced across at the plate in front of Sue, she had the same but less of it.

We made small talk as we ate; it was obvious that neither of us wanted to talk about the elephant in the room.

We had just finished eating when the phone rang. Seu answered it and chatted for five minutes before passing it to me. It was my mother, just making Sue. I had packed it and was ready to go. I told her I was, and she told me she would meet me at the station.

When I put the phone down, Sue was gone. I heard the bathroom door shut, and seconds later, the shower was running.

I washed and dried the breakfast crocks, and then I made sure I had packed up all my bits and bobs.

Then I got my maths books out, made a coffee, and did some revision. Sue came down an hour later, made coffee, and we talked. She told me I was welcome back any time if I got a holiday or if I did not make it into the Royal Navy.

She washed the coffee mugs and then pulled me to her. We held each other and kissed. The kiss was full of passion and desire, and it seemed to last forever.

After the kiss, I grabbed my bag, and we headed over to the four-by-four. Sue held my hand all the way to the station. It was too busy for us to do anything more than hug. I could see that Sue was blinking back tears as the train pulled into the station.

We hugged again, and both promised we would write. I got onto the train and took a window seat, ready to wave at Sue. When I looked out of the window, she had gone.

I guess it was all just too much for her.

As soon as we were moving, I got my English books out and started to do some revision.

I worked the whole journey, apart from a trip to the buffet carriage to get a coffee and some chocolate.

I got off the train and saw my mother waiting for me, and to my surprise, so was Anna. As I walked toward them, my heart was racing. Why was Anna here?

Had Mom found out about us?

Had something happened to Siobhan?

I gave Mom a hug, and when Anna moved in for one, I felt worried

“So, Anna and I met in town earlier, and she offered to drive us home!” Mom said,

“That’s good of you!” I said, turning back to Anna.

She was out of my mom’s eyeline; she winked at me and licked her lips.

“Hey, it’s my pleasure!” she smiled.

Anna led us to the carpark, and we jumped in. On the way home, we talked about the work I had done at the stables, and Mom asked me how much of my schoolwork I had done.

Anna then said that Siobhan had called the day before and that she was having a great time at the netball camp. You must remember this was before the mobile phone and social media streams.

She was not due back until that evening. Anna dropped us off and told us we would have to come over for dinner the following weekend.

Once we got inside, I emptied my bag before ringing Sue to tell her I had made it home safe and sound. She didn’t answer, so I felt a message on the answering machine.

We sat and had coffee, and Mom asked how the trip had gone. I asked her how life was for her. She told me she enjoyed work and that Dad had been in touch and wanted a divorce.

We had Chinese takeaway that night, and I went to bed early.

I was up before the alarm got into my PE kit and went out into the back garden and did my warm ups before heading out for my run. I needed to work on my fitness and my schoolwork to make sure I got into the Royal Navy.

I ran along the streets, and it gave me time to think. Most of my thoughts were about Sue and whether I would see her again. Would she meet her old friend Jim, and would they hit it off? In some ways, I hoped they would, as I wanted her to be happy, and, in some ways, I hoped they didn’t

I got home covered in sweat as it was already a warm day, I put the kettle on and showered before getting into my school uniform.

I had tea and toast for breakfast. Mom came down as I was packing my school bag.

“Right, I am working late, so I will see you around seven o’clock!” she smiled.

I headed off, walking to school, as the weather was so nice.

When Siobhan arrived at the school gate, we hugged, ignoring the banter and giggling of the younger kids. We then headed into the canteen and got glasses of water.

Siobhan was so excited about the netball camp. She told me about the people she had met, about the training, and about the matches they had played. I was so pleased for her. She was on top of the world.

She asked me about the stables and my revision. Keren joined us, but there was no sign of Sara, and I didn’t like to ask.

The bell rang to tell us to go to our form rooms. Siobhan and I sat next to each other, and the register was called. A few kids were still missing from our class, so I guess the clap was still doing the rounds.

We were given our mock exam timetable; there were only three weeks between the mock and the real thing. I was lucky that I didn’t have that many. The following day, I had two, one English and one history. Then, on Friday, I had two more, Maths and English.

I felt sorry for those guys taking more exams. I had to ace three of them, and that seemed like a mountain to climb.

The idea of the mock exams to get into the grove for the real thing was ideal, I thought.

After our form class had all gone their separate ways, I headed off to my technical drawing class, and Siobhan headed off to her PE double session. We had arranged to meet at lunchtime.

When I got to technical drawing one of the lads was telling the teacher he would rather work on his maths as he was struggling and he didn’t need an exam in TD.

As I stood there waiting for my turn, I wondered if TD was something I could use as a backup exam. So, when the teacher was free, I asked him for an honest answer. He told me I was good and if I got my head down, I would be able to get an A or at least a B.

So that was decided I would take another exam. The teacher, Mr Patton, told me he would sort it out.

That lesson was good, I seemed to grow into it and at the end I felt good about my chances in an exam.

Then I had Maths. I worked hard in that class; it was a must-have for me. Then I had English. The teacher warned us about common mistakes and pitfalls in exams and then gave us some old exam papers to work through.

I met Siobhan for lunch; we sat at a table on our own and talked about exams and the timetable. Then, when we had eaten, we walked around the parameter of the school playing field.

That afternoon. I had a double history lesson and a free period. Siobhan and I agreed to walk home together.

I spent my free time in the library, and Siobhan met me as the bell rang for the end of school.

We walked home hand in hand. We saw that her mom was home when we got to her house. She was working in the front garden. When we got there, she took a break for a cup of tea and a chat.

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