Further Adventures With Older Ladies
Copyright© 2022 by Zak
Chapter 2
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - These are my further adventures with older ladies ( and some not so old). I recommend you read my adventures with old ladies before you read this story.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft mt/Fa Mult Teenagers Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual True Story School Incest Sister Orgy Interracial White Male White Female Oriental Female Indian Female Analingus First Facial Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Safe Sex Sex Toys Spitting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism BBW Big Breasts
My Mom woke me early on Saturday morning by hammering at my bedroom door. I had been in the middle of a great dream about my aunty Sue in her sexy undies, in my dream I was just about to take her bra off and get stuck into her big full and firm boobies.
I woke with a start. Luckily, I still had the duvet over me, and I managed to get my hand out of my boxers before Mom opened the door.
“Come on sleepy head I need to talk to you before I go to work,” she said and then I heard her walking down the stairs. I got up and headed into the bathroom to pee and have a wash. Then I pulled on a T-shirt and shorts before going downstairs.
Mom was sitting at the kitchen table eating marmalade on toast. She pushed a plate of buttered toast over to me as I sat down. Then she poured me a cup of tea from the pot before adding milk to the cup and stirring it for me.
“Good morning, Mom,” I said at the same time letting out a yawn. I took a sip of the tea to wake myself up.
I spread marmalade on a slice of toast and then took a bite out of it.
“Good morning, Zak,” She said with a smile, “Right son, now that your dad is not around there are some jobs that need doing,”
She paused and took a sip of tea.
“They are sort of jobs the man of the house should take care of, and you are now the man of the house!” she told me. Those words made me think about Dad, he had still not been in touch. In some ways I missed him being around in others I did not...
“Okay Mom, I can sort those out, have you got a list for me?” I replied with a smile. The time at the stables had taught me that I was pretty good at DIY types of jobs and also that if you put your mind to it anything was possible.
She pushed a notepad over to me. There was a long list of jobs and most of them looked well within my capability, she also passed me a twenty-pound note. That was a lot of cash in those days.
The last item on the list was to do some food shopping.
“So, are you okay with what you need to do?” she said and smiled at me.
“Yes Mom, leave me to it,” I said with a wink.
“Right, I need to get to work,” she said and got up brushing toast crumbs from her blouse.
I stood up and hugged her.
“Good luck today, Mom,” I said and kissed her cheek.
“Thanks, son, I am sure it will be fine,” she said and then she was gone. I went upstairs cleaned my teeth and got dressed.
I drank the rest of my tea and finished the toast before starting the list of jobs that Mom had left for me. I cut the grass in the back garden, emptied the bins, and did the washing up. Then I put some washing in the machine and went down to the shops. The shopping list was not huge, just some basics and something for tea.
By the time I had got home and had put the shopping away, the washing had finished. I hung it out to dry on the line in the garden. It was a sunny day and I was sure it would dry quickly.
Then I ran the vacuum cleaner around before making myself a cup of tea. The kitchen clock showed me it was an hour and a half before I had to leave to get to Siobhan’s house.
I did half an hour of English homework at the kitchen table and then packed my books up in my school bag. I took a shower, cleaned my teeth again and got dressed. The sun was high in the sky, so it was shorts and t-shirt weather.
The walk was pleasant, on the way I wondered what Siobhan’s folks would be like and if would we get some time alone. I knocked on her door and seconds later it was opened by Siobhan.
She looked amazing. She was barefooted, wearing a summer dress that showed a nice pair of legs and a nice hint of tanned cleavage. She had a nice pair of tits; I had noticed them jiggling as she ran across the playing fields a few times.
“Hello Zak, please come on in,” she said, and I walked past her. She led me into the kitchen, she had her books ready on the table. I guessed her parents were in the other room.
“Would you like a drink?” Siobhan asked as I got my schoolbooks out of my bag.
“That would be great” I replied, “Thank you!”
“We have coke, lemonade, orange squash ... what do you fancy?” she asked as she opened the door of the fridge.
“Orange squash would be great, thanks!” I said with a smile.
“Would you like ice?” she asked.
“Yes please,” I said and scoped her full shapely arse out as she bent down and took a bottle of squash from a cupboard.
She made us both glasses of squash, mine with ice, hers without and then we sat at the table and got down to some serious work. The homework was based on thirty questions, we worked together but made our answers slightly different. It was fun working with Siobhan, she was obviously very clever, and we were soon more than halfway through the questions.
Siobhan got up and excused herself and went upstairs. I heard the toilet flush before she came back down.
“Are you hungry Zak?” she asked with a smile. “I could make us some lunch?”
She looked amazing; the summer dress was showing off her curves to great effect.
“I could eat something,” I replied and shot her a cheeky smile. She looked in the fridge.
“Cheese sandwiches are the only thing I can offer I am afraid, “she said and turned back to the fridge. Her little bum looked amazing; my cock stirred in my boxers. I would have loved to lift the hem of her dress up, slip her panties down and fucker over the kitchen table there and then.
“A cheese sandwich sounds great!” I replied and got up from the table and stretched my arms and legs.
I watched as Siobhan cut and buttered some bread. There had still been no sound from the rest of the house.
“So, what are your folks up to today,” I asked as she sliced some cheddar cheese off a huge block.
“Oh, they are not around, they are market traders, so they work every Saturday” she smiled, “They won’t be home until around seven o’clock this evening.”
“And the rest of the family,” I asked, a bit embarrassed that I did not know if she had siblings.
“There is only me,” she said with a knowing smile.” how about you make us a cup of tea?”
I filled the kettle and made tea with Siobhan’s help to find the tea bags and stuff. We took the lunch into the living room. We sat, ate, and chatted. She asked me about my family, and I told her about my mom and dad’s divorce. She asked about my time at the stables, and she hinted that I might have met some nice girls.
I told her there were some, but they were all posh birds, which to be fair was not far from the truth. I did not want to appear too cocky about my time there and the experiences I had had.
Then I asked her about her family and her future and she told me that her folks worked hard and that she wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. I knew that she would make a great teacher, all the lads would be putty in her hands and if she became a nurse, she would be very caring. She was clever enough that was obvious.
It was nice just to sit there and chat about stuff, there was no pressure and no agenda. She was not the airhead that I always thought she was. There was a depth there for sure. I wondered why she hung around with Keren, and Sara as they seemed to be complete airheads.
They were the sort of girls that would put it about, get knocked up young and have five kids from five different fathers before they were thirty.
When we had finished eating Siobhan tidied up and we got back to the homework. Another hour of arduous work and we had finished all thirty questions.
“Wow it’s much easier when you have someone to work with,” Siobhan said with a smile as she packed her books away, I put my gear back in my bag and got up wondering if she had just wanted help with the homework.
Siobhan went out of the room and after a few seconds, she called out to me.
“Zak, have you got much on this afternoon?” she called.
“No, I have nothing planned,” I said truthfully.
“How about we go upstairs and listen to some music,” she said.
I followed her out into the hallway and then up the stairs into the bedroom. It was my first time in a girl’s bedroom and it was just what I imagined a teenage girl’s bedroom to be like. Lots of pop star posters and teddy bears. Everything she owned seemed to be pink and there was jewellery on every surface.
“Sit down, please?” she smiled, “I will put some music on, do you have any preferences?”
“No anything you like” I replied.
There was nowhere to sit but her bed, so I sat on the edge. I watched as Siobhan slipped an album out of its sleeve, placed it on the record deck and put the needle carefully on its rim. It was a new idea called ‘now that’s what I call music,’ there were three of them on release now and they had a good selection of tunes on them. I was not sure the series would keep going but who knows.
The sounds filled the room, Siobhan sat on the bed, she was inches from me. For the first few songs, we just sat there and listened to music. Then I felt Siobhan’s hand on mine.
“Zak, can I talk to you about something?” she asked. I turned to face her.
“Of course, you can Siobhan!” I replied, “You can talk to me about anything.”
“I wanted to explain why I don’t go to the park with the others,” she said, and her hand gripped mine tighter. I could feel her nervousness.
“Okay but only if you are sure,” I said and squeezed her hand. I was worried about what she was about to tell me.
“I don’t go to the park as the lads there are only after one thing,” she said and squeezed my hand.
“Yes, it does seem that way” I replied. The memory of the night I had gone to the park flooded into my mind.
“They try to maul you and get you into the bushes, it is horrible,” she said, her voice cracking as she said it, “they use the girls for their own fun!”
There was sadness in her voice. I turned to face her, there were tears in her eyes.
“Hey, what’s the matter, Siobhan?” I said and pulled her to me We hugged and as I held her close, I could feel that she was crying. After a few minutes, she pushed me away.
“You are such a nice guy!” she said and kissed me on the lips, just a peck. Then she got up
“I need to wash my face,” she said and left the room. She came back a few minutes later, smiled at me, and sat next to me.
“So why the tears?” I asked as she sat next to me.
“The guys are always pushing me to do more, and the other girls are taking the piss,” she said.
“Why do they take the piss out of you, they are supposed to be your friends?” I asked. She was thoughtful for a few seconds before she replied.
“The other girls, Sara, Keren well they have both been very active,” she said. That piqued my interest. I would have liked a little bit of fun with both of them or either of them to be fair.
“Sara has gone all the way with at least two guys and Keren has given the whole bunch of lads blow jobs!” she said, “she tells them she likes it, but she does not really!”
“She doesn’t? “I said, “Then why do it?”
“She thinks it makes her popular.” Siobhan said with a shake of her head, “she thinks sucking their smelly dicks makes her more of an adult!”
“Well, if they think that’s right then let them do it, but it doesn’t mean you have to,” I said.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be active...” she said, and a hint of a smile slid over her lips.
“But?” I asked and squeezed her hand.
“But I don’t want my first time to be in the bushes in the park with some lad that smells of cheap cider whilst his mates are shouting encouragement from the other side of the park,” she said and slipped her hand into mine.
“I can see where you are coming from, the first time should be special,” I said and squeezed her hand.
“Was your first time special?” she asked, and a knowing look appeared on her face.
“How did you...” I started to say but she interrupted me.
“It was just a good guess!” she giggled.
“Yes, mine was special,” and the memory of it flooded my mind. I felt myself smile.
“She was a special lady, and she was a great teacher!” I said and I meant it.
“Tell me about her, please,” Siobhan said.
So, without giving too much away, I told her how an older lady had taken me in hand and given me a great education, and then I told her about my time at the stables, again without breaking the confidence and the bond that Sue and I had.
I told her about how good it was, about the stuff we had done. She asked me if I enjoyed oral sex and I told her I did, both giving and receiving, we talked about various positions and stuff like that.
“Wow so you have been a busy boy,” she giggled, “and it seems you know what goes where and stuff?”
“I have had my fair share of fun, that’s true,” I said and smiled at her.
“Would you teach me?” she asked, “it is not that I don’t want to have sex I am just scared.”
“That’s understandable Siobhan,” I said, “but you need to think long and hard about what you just asked for.”
“It’s cool Zak, I think you are a nice lad and I think you would be gentle with me,” she said and kissed me, she did not need any lessons on kissing that was for sure.
I did not force the pace, I just let her take the lead. She was kissing me gently at first but soon the intensity and the pace increased. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, and I felt her hand on the back of my head.
I stroked her hair as we snogged. It was silky smooth.
Siobhan broke the embrace and looked me in the eyes.
“Plus, you have a lot of experience, and you will take care of me.” She said with a smile, “And I think I could trust you not to tell all the other lads at school about it.”
“You can trust me to be careful and to take care of you, and whatever we do is between us, it’s no one else’s business,” I told him, and I meant it.
I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me; she did not resist. It was a snog, a full-blown snog. It seemed to last for ages. Then Siobhan pushed me away.
“Zak, would you teach me about sex, would you have sex with me?” She asked breathlessly. “Please, Zak?”
“Yes, I will teach you about sex, but I won’t have sex with you,” I said.
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