The Bachelor Party
Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan
Chapter 2
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A sequel to "The Stripper Wife", this story tells of Donna's first opportunity to work a bachelor party for one of James's co-workers... and the fulfillment of two of her fantasies as well!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Sharing Slut Wife Gang Bang Interracial Black Male White Male White Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Voyeurism
It was right around noon the next day when the phone rang. Donna was doing a little housework before getting ready to go to work that evening.
“Hello?” she said, picking up the phone.
“Hi Donna, it’s Mike from the shop,” he said.
Donna recognized the deep booming voice of Big Mike who was aptly named as he was a large man. “Hi Mike, what’s up?” she asked.
“I just wanted to let you know that James told me what you said about your fee for the party and it all sounds great. We have eight guys who have already said they’d come and I have three or four more to ask so you should have a good crowd. Once I get a definite number, we can get together again and iron out any other details and questions. I gotta tell you, your dancing at the party is all the buzz around here!” he said laughing.
“Aww, I’m happy to do it, Mike. And you tell the boys that I’ll give them a show they won’t soon forget too! I’m excited about the party as well. Everything on my end is taken care of – I have someone who will switch shifts with me, I got the okay from work to do it, and I can borrow a couple of outfits to wear and dance in,” she said.
“I’m sure you will do great and speaking for myself, I’m looking forward to seeing you dance. I haven’t had a chance to get over to the club yet, so all this talk has me really curious ... I can’t wait to see you strut your stuff!” he said.
“Well then, I might just have to whip up a special lap dance for you then! After all the ‘best man’ should get something special for doing all the leg work! And it may be just the motivation you need to come down to the club and see me again!” she said, giggling.
“Oh, trust me, honey, it’s not motivation I lack ... it’s time! But I will try to stop by for a beer one of these days, I promise!” he said.
“I’m holding you to that promise, mister!” Donna said.
The next few days passed although they passed much too slowly in Donna’s opinion. A few days before the big night, Donna was laying in bed with James and they were talking about the upcoming party and what Mike had told her about the specifics of the job.
“Mike says he has ten guys lined up for the party, so it should be a good time and you should make some good money. I know several of them are looking forward to lap dances so you may be doing several of them that night,” James said.
“I’m looking forward to it. Danny is a great guy and he deserves his ‘last night as a free man’ to be something he can look back on fondly. All the guys at your work have treated me with a lot of respect and kindness.
“I was so scared the night that you showed up at the club with them – not only scared that you saw me there, but also that they saw me there. I was afraid that you would get hassled because your wife was a stripper.
“I didn’t care about myself – I made the decision to do this, and would have deserved whatever I got. But you were innocent of everything and you shouldn’t have been penalized for your wife’s poor decision-making.
“But the guys at your work didn’t hassle you and they still thought of me as the same person they had always known. Maybe a little sexier – I get more compliments on my looks and my body now, and I’ve gotten visits at work from a few of them. But they are always nice and well-behaved. I appreciate that and this is my chance to thank them for making me feel comfortable with all this,” she said.
“Yeah, I thought I would have to fight off a bunch of snide remarks too ... maybe even find another place to work if it got too bad. But they are a good bunch of guys,” he agreed.
Donna paused for a long time at that point. She wanted to tell him something important but needed to formulate just the right way to do it. Finally, she decided to just throw it out there and hope he would understand.
“James, can I tell you something?” she started.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Oh, God, this is hard to talk about ... there’s something I’ve always wanted to try ... a fantasy of mine that I’ve always been fascinated with,” she said.
“Oh?” he replied, propping himself up on one elbow as he faced her.
“Yeah. You see I have always gotten turn-on by ... gangbangs,” she said cautiously. She waited breathlessly to see what his reaction would be.
James thought for a minute before speaking. “What do you mean, Donna? You mean you’d like to be in a gangbang?” he asked.
“Yes, James, I really would like to try it. The idea is very hot and exciting for me,” she said.
Okay, tell me more about this ... about your idea,” he said.
“Well, James, it’s just that I have seen movies about this – porn movies – and read stories about gangbangs, and they turn me on so much ... I often wish I was the girl in those gangbang movies, surrounded by hard throbbing cocks and taking turns sucking and fucking them all. I dream about being in the middle of several guys, getting cocks up all three holes at once and even jacking off another one or two. I’ll be honest James, it’s been the source of a lot of very hot dreams and more than once I have had to ... relieve myself because of my imaginations!” she confessed.
James listened intently to what she said. He knew that when they had watched his porn movies together, the gangbang scenes always seemed to lead to the best sex afterward, but he never put the two things together until now.
“Let me think on this for a little while,” he said. “I’m not saying no, I just need to wrap my head around this.”
“Of course James. I know this is a big deal and I understand. I’d probably be the same way if things were reversed,” Donna said, and she dropped the subject for now.
Although Donna had let the subject go, James had not and he mulled over what she had told him all that night. The next day as he was headed off to work, an idea came to him ... he would give his beautiful wife her greatest fantasy!
Unbeknownst to Donna, James was working behind the scenes to organize her fantasy gangbang. He talked with a few select guys he knew were coming to the bachelor party and who he knew would show Donna a good time without any unnecessary drama or complications.
The guys would have to be single with no girlfriends to get jealous. No one needed that green-eyed monster showing up on their doorstep! They would have to be able to be discrete and most of all they had to be respectful of Donna and of their marriage. This was a fantasy of hers and once fulfilled, he didn’t want any residual “feelings” to contend with.
James found five guys that fit the bill and who agreed to help Donna with her fantasy. Four of the guys Donna knew pretty well. There was Big Mike, Paul, Alex, and Bobby. These guys had been over to James and Donna’s for barbecues, for parties, and to watch the Superbowl a couple of times. She knew each of them and would chat with them whenever she came to the shop.
The other guy, Marcus, was a relatively new guy around the shop who Donna had yet to meet. Marcus was a big black man who looked like he could play pro-football with anyone in the NFL. Being black would fulfill another of Donna’s fantasies, which was to see if the reports of black men having enormous cocks were true. She certainly hoped it was – James was a good-sized man in his own right, but Donna wanted to try a truly monstrous cock!
James kept his plan for Donna secret from her and instead worked out all the details himself telling his select buddies what was going on and asking if they’d like to help. All five of them said they would be happy to help although Marcus, being the newest of the group was a bit hesitant, thinking maybe he was being pranked. But James assured him this was on the level and that he was serious about helping his wife with her fantasy, and finally Marcus agreed.
At last, everything was set for the party. Donna was so excited that she could hardly concentrate that day. She had brought home an outfit that was one of James’s favorites and one that always seemed to make her customers at the club happy as well – a skimpy little French maid’s outfit complete with white thigh-top stockings, light gray high heels, and just for fun, a feather duster! She added a white bra and panty set just to make taking it off more fun and she was all set.
The party was to take place in one of the large two-room suites at a local hotel. The suite had a large living room area and a good sized bedroom with a nice bathroom between them. Everyone was already in the hotel room when James and Donna arrived. Donna arrived wearing her regular street clothes (this was, after all, a nice hotel!) and carrying her outfit and makeup in separate suitcases.
“Hi, James! Hi Donna!” Mike said as the pair entered the room. “Donna, let me show you where you can change and get ready. James, the bar is over there,” he said pointing. He took Donna’s hand and led her back to the bedroom, showing her the bathroom on the way past it.
“Do you need anything else?” Mike asked.
“No, James has my music mix and I have everything I need right here,” she said patting her cases.
“I’ll say you do!” Mike said with a wink, then turned to leave her to get dressed.
It took Donna about ten minutes to get ready, most of which was spent on her makeup and hair. She wanted to look perfect for these boys – it was her first private gig and she wanted it to go well so word would get out and she could do more of them. She was looking to make some really good money as well as have fun with guys she knew well so she wanted the party to be a hit.
Finally, after one more critical examination of her looks and outfit, she was ready for her debut. She walked down the short hall from the bedroom and stood in the entrance to the living room. “Hello boys!” she said striking a seductive pose.
The group looked up and amid the whistles, catcalls and glowing appreciation, James started her music.
Over the next two hours, Donna danced around the room, and gave each of the guys a lapdance, with Danny and Mike getting a little special treatment. Donna’s g-string quickly filled with dollar bills until towards the end of each set she took it off (to the delight of the entire room!)
When she got close to the end of her second hour of dancing, a couple of the guys asked her to do another hour “Aww, c’mon Donna, dance some more for us! You are so hot baby, we want more!” one of the guys said.
“Yeah, we’ll pay you! Please dance for us a little while longer!” another said.
“Okay guys, I’ll do another hour,” she said with a smile, and the whole room applauded heartily. Guys dug out their wallets and waved bills around, a few wanted another lapdance and still others wanted to offer their singles to her g-string.
Then as a final sexy act, Mike laid a twenty dollar bill on Danny’s lap. Donna knew just what to do. From across the room, she got down on her hands and knees and crawled slowly and seductively towards the groom to be. She crawled up between his legs and with her teeth she plucked the bill from his lap, being sure to nuzzle the enormous bulge that was there. All the guys hooted and howled at her brazen act and when she stood up they all gathered around her to thank her for the great job she did. She kissed each of the guys on the cheek and thanked them for being such good sports and for the generous tips they had given her.
Donna went back to the bedroom to change back into her regular street clothes and when she came out she saw a few of the guys getting ready to leave.
“Sorry we have to cut and run Donna but we have a long day ahead of us. We have to make a run to Chicago tomorrow and will have to start early if we are going to get home again tomorrow night,” one of them said.
“Well, thank you, boys, for coming and thank you for allowing me to be a part of this. I really do appreciate it and I hope you all had a wonderful time,” Donna said.
“Oh we did, honey ... you were phenomenal! Gave me something to dream on tonight!” he said.