Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 9

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

Chelsea couldn’t be happier. She had finally summoned up the courage to confess her feelings for her Master and found that he returned them in kind. In addition, she had passed all her classes with flying colors, which meant she was set for the following year, her tuition grant still firmly intact.

But for now, next years classes were the last thing on her mind. It was springtime in Chicago and she was looking forward to summertime fun and activities. She didn’t have the money to join the other college students on “Spring Break”, but that was fine with her – she had spent five wonderful days with her Master! While the other kids were out partying and getting drunk, she had been with the man she loved and who now had confessed that he loved her as well.

She had been living with her Master, Professor Diederich, full time for a couple of months now and with school out, she didn’t have the hassles that the other students did of finding somewhere to rent for the summer and moving her stuff out of the dorm. Then, once school started back up in the fall, moving it all back and setting up again.

One bright and sunny Saturday morning, Master was up earlier than usual. Chelsea was still asleep as he showered and got ready for the day.

“Wake up you sleepy little slut,” he said coming into the bedroom and throwing open the drapes. She groaned her displeasure of being wakened so abruptly and tried to roll over. But in doing so, she exposed her naked ass.

He had made it a rule she was to always sleep naked. Seeing an opportunity and not wanting to waste it, he swatted her hard with the flat of his hand, leaving a bright red hand print and causing the half-awake girl to yelp in shock and surprise!

“Yeeow! Master!” Chelsea said turning over and sitting up.

“Get that lazy slut ass out of bed, then!” he said. Chelsea got up quickly, not wanting another swat or to anger her Master.

“What do you have for me to do today, Master?”

“Well, it looks like a lovely day outside. I though we’d go for a nice drive and maybe a picnic. How does that sound to you, my little slut?”

“Oh Master! That sounds lovely! Oh yes, let’s do that please!” Chelsea said barely able to contain herself.

“Very well. I want you to go upstairs and put on a nice picnic-worthy sundress and then come down and pack us a good lunch. I’ll load up the car and we can be off.”

“Yes, Master! I won’t be long,” she said scampering up the stairs like a child. She went to her closet and went through her clothes. She found a flirty peach colored, mid-thigh length dress, with thin spaghetti straps that tied behind her back, halter-top style.

The dress plunged a bit in front, teasingly exposing the top of her tits and it gathered at the bustline, further emphasizing them. She wore a pair of matching strappy 6” heels and thigh-top nylons held up by a white garter belt. She didn’t wear panties as Master had forbidden her to wear them except during what she called her “woman times”.

She had her makeup done to perfection; she had gotten very good at doing her makeup just the way he liked to see her. She was a vision and his eyes sparkled when he saw her come around the corner of the living room.

“Do you approve, Master?” she said, slowly spinning for his viewing.

“Yes, very much. You look lovely, my slut,” he said smiling.

“Thank you, Master. I’m glad you like my outfit,” Chelsea said, kissing him.

“You aren’t wearing any panties under there are you?”

“No Master, you have forbidden me from wearing them except during my... ‘woman times’, and I’m not there yet.”

“Show me,” he said. Chelsea hiked up her dress showing him her naked, bare pussy as she blushed a bit. “Very good. Now go fix us up a suitable picnic lunch. I have to put a few things into the trunk of the car and we’ll be ready to go.”

So while Chelsea went into the kitchen to prepare and pack a good picnic lunch, Master went to gather a few things he would need on their outing. Master had more in mind for their outing than just a nice day and a romantic setting. Like always, he enjoyed turning the most ordinary and mundane things into opportunities for sexual adventures.

And while Chelsea had begun to realize this, she was still caught off-guard by how his creative mind twisted day to day things! Once he had pulled the car to the front of the house and put his things in the trunk, he went inside. Chelsea was just finishing up the picnic basket and had it on the table as she put the last things into it.

“So are you ready to go, slut?” he said as he went to look in the basket.

“Oh no you don’t, Master! No peeking until we get there!” she said smiling broadly.

He looked up at her and chuckled himself. “Okay, okay! Are you ready to go, my little slut?”

“Yes, Master,” she said and she went to pick up the basket.

“I’ll carry that,” he said taking it from her. They went to the car and after he seated her and put the basket in the back seat, they were off on their day’s adventure. He had a little park in mind that he wanted to take her to and it would take a little over an hour to get there. So once he got on the highway he decided to get things started at little early!

“Reach down between your legs slut and get that pussy primed. I will be using it soon and I want it wet and hungry for me,” he said.

Chelsea smiled and then pulled up her dress and got to work. She parted her thighs and brushed her fingers across her clit. She moaned softly and adjusted her position in her seat, getting more comfortable.

“Now remember, slut, you are only to get yourself wet and ready. Don’t you cum!”

“Yes, Master,” she said. She began fingering her clit as the nub grew hard and throbbing. She moaned again as her fingers strummed her clit and her fires were lit. Chelsea parted her fingers, trapping the sensitive bud between them as she ran her hand up and down her slit. Her pussy began getting moist, then wet as she continued toying with her sex. Her breathing became ragged and she started to pant as she grew more and more aroused. Her moans became pleas to her Master. Pleas to allow her to cum. But he would have none of it.

“Please, Master,” Chelsea whined, panting.

“No, slut. keep playing with that pussy but don’t you cum.”

Chelsea whimpered as she was denied once again. But she continued toying with her now soaked pussy. She had no choice; even if her Master had told her to stop, Chelsea was beyond the ability to. She had to continue, she had to complete her journey. Her body commanded it, and she had to obey. Chelsea strummed her clit and fingered her swollen pussy lips, moaning and shaking with desire.

“Now, slut, fuck yourself with that hand. Shove those fingers deep into that wet pussy,” he growled.

Chelsea groaned loudly at his words and slipped two fingers deep into her wet, hungry hole. She brought her knees up higher and put her feet on the dashboard to give her greater access to her screaming pussy. Master reached over and held her leg wide apart, his touch only fueling the fire as he held her leg in position.

“Oh fuck, Master! Oh please let me cum! I can’t stand it! Please...”

“Open the glove compartment,” he said. Chelsea looked in the compartment. Inside there was a small silver egg vibrator with a long cord leading to a remote speed controller.

“No Master, please!” Chelsea pleaded. But he had a plan and was not to be dissuaded.

“Give me the remote and put the egg where it belongs,” he commanded. With a childlike whimper she obeyed, knowing she had little choice in the matter. She set the remote on the center console for him and then put the egg up against her soaked and dripping pussy. He took the remote and turned it to a medium setting. The vibrations instantly brought her closer still to her orgasm.

“Ohhhh Master! Oh please, Oh please, Oh please,” Chelsea begged. She was beside herself, shaking and trembling with need, her eyes glazed over in pure lust, sweat dripping off her forehead and running down between her tits as she tried valiantly to hold back the inevitable. She bit her lip so hard she almost drew blood hoping the pain might ease the screaming ache in her loins.

Master knew she was close. So close. And he was enjoying seeing her struggle against it. But he also knew that she had to finish. He could not hold her back for much longer. He would be merciful. With one twist of his fingers on the dial it was over. He brought the device to full power and she howled.

OHHHMYGODDDD!” Chelsea screamed as the intensity overwhelmed her. She stiffened as if electrocuted and raised her ass up off the seat as her orgasm collided with her senses and the train wreck that was her mind consumed her. Chelsea bucked and twisted and humped the air as her rapture took control of her and she went over the edge of sanity.

Finally after several minutes it was over and the poor submissive girl sat in a heap on the seat, panting and sweat-drenched, trying to regain some ability to function as an intelligent being.

About the time she had regained herself, calming her pounding heart and her breathing, they arrived at the park he had set out for. Pulling into the parking lot, she noticed they were alone – no other cars or people were around.

“Good, it would seem we are alone today,” he said with satisfaction.

“Yes, Master. We must have the park to ourselves,” she said shyly. She knew what that meant...

He got the picnic basket out of the back seat and the two walked into the park a short distance until they came to a large oak tree. “This looks like a good spot, don’t you think, slut?”

“Oh yes, Master, it is lovely,” she said.

He spread out the blanket that he brought along and then sat the picnic basket down on one corner while using a couple large rocks and an old dead branch to hold down the other corners. “You get things set up and I will be right back. I have some other things to get in the car,” he said.

“Yes, Master,” Chelsea said and got to work up packing the basket and serving up the lunch she had made.

He went back to the car and opening the trunk, grabbed a black gym bag out of it and brought it back to the picnic site. Chelsea looked at it curiously but didn’t feel she should ask about it. But she was an inquisitive sort and couldn’t let it go. She looked at the bag several times while they got ready to eat. As they began having lunch, the suspense finally got the better of her.

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