Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 8

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

It had been almost a month since Chelsea had been collared and living with her Professor and Master was more than she could have ever hoped it would be. She was taking her new role as a submissive seriously and he couldn’t be prouder of her improvement. She was learning new things almost daily and putting them into practice right away.

Yes, Chelsea was becoming quite a well-trained and obedient submissive. It would seem as though Professor Diederich had chosen his assistant and his submissive well.

However, the school year was coming to a close soon and it was Finals Week. The Professor had been extremely busy getting the tests and things ready and since Chelsea was still a student in his class, she wasn’t able to be much help to him. Consequently, she found herself alone more than she was used to. And a submissive, left to herself long enough, is bound to get into trouble!

And so it happened. Chelsea was alone at home one afternoon; the Professor had went to the college to do some work and she had stayed home. She puttered around the house doing the few chores he had given her and trying to find other things she could do to be of service and keep from being too bored.

But it wasn’t helping. So she decided to take a shower and get herself ready for his arrival. He hadn’t given her a time when he would return, but he had been gone for a while so she figured he would be back home soon.

Chelsea started her shower and stepped and once the water was warmed up, she stepped in. She lathered herself up and made sure she was clean everywhere. When it came time to pay particular attention to her pussy, she made sure she was smooth and slick – she knew that Master liked her shaved smooth.

She began thinking about him and she could feel herself getting turned on. He had definitely kept her libido up and she’d had more sex with him than she’d ever had with anyone. She recalled some of the exploits that she had been through with him and she felt her desire rising. She began unconsciously fingering herself as her mind wandered back though their history together.

Soon her passion fires were raging and she was frigging herself quite excitedly. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she was bored, horny, and he wasn’t there to take care of things! It didn’t take her long to reach her tipping point and she didn’t hesitate.

She plunged over the cliff into her orgasm and she moaned as her knees went weak and she came in the shower. She panted and moaned as her orgasm washed over her like the water itself and after a couple of minutes she was steady enough on her legs to exit the shower. She dried herself off and went into the bedroom to get dressed.

But as good as the shower orgasm was, it didn’t satiate her lustful need. She still felt the need for more. She needed filled, she needed a cock! So she went into the drawer where he kept her toys. She looked around as if to make sure the coast was clear.

Of course she knew she was alone, so she opened the drawer and picked out her favorite one – a large, flesh colored vibrator that she had used many times before performing for him. She knew this bad boy would do the trick! It had never failed to bring her an earth-shattering orgasm before and that’s just what she needed now.

Chelsea took the toy over to the bed and laying down she spread her legs and fingered herself some more as she licked and sucked the vibrator, pretending it was his cock in her mouth. She sucked the phallus and got her pussy ready for the intruder.

When she felt she was wet enough and her desire took over control of her body and mind, she put the head of the plastic cock to her pussy entrance and eased it into her.

“Ohhhh yesss!” she moaned aloud. This was just what she needed! She began slowly pumping in and out of her as she moaned and gasped. Her pussy was feeling sooo good. She began moving the cock in and out of her pussy a little faster and her lust grew with each thrust.

The squishing sounds of the toy in her wet pussy, mixed with her moans and the creaking of the bed became a symphony of passion. Her moans grew louder the closer she came to her second, and much larger orgasm.

She was so caught up in her own lustful needs that she failed to hear the garage door open and close or the sounds of approaching footsteps. The Professor had come home and upon entering the house, he couldn’t help overhearing the moans and other sounds coming from the bedroom.

He stood at the door to the bedroom, opened just a crack so he could watch his submissive, while she brought herself higher and higher. He watched silently as Chelsea gave one last shove deep into her sopping pussy and screamed out her release.

OHHHHHGODDDDD!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, sure she was alone in the house. She bucked and twisted and convulsed as her tremendous orgasm took over her naked body. Tossing and arching she spasmed until at long last the waves subsides and she lay there eyes closed panting for breath, trembling as the last throes left her sweaty body.

“I hope it was worth it slut,” he said, standing just inside the door. “MASTER!” she shrieked, jumping up and dragging the sheet with her to cover her nakedness. “I, I, I didn’t hear you come home!”

“Of that I am certain,” he said, standing there with his arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently.

Chelsea, realizing she had really screwed up, dropped to her knees. “Oh Master, Oh God I am sorry. Please Master, I am so sorry.”

She placed her face to the floor, arms stretched on the floor in front of her, in a classic submissive pose. She didn’t dare look at him; she didn’t want to see what was in his face right then. Maintaining his calm, he walked up to her, stepping over her, to retrieve a chair. He set the chair down in front of her and sat down. He put his foot down on her hair which was laid out on front of her due to the way she was kneeling.

“Now, slut, here is your one chance to explain yourself. What the hell were you doing pleasuring yourself and cumming without my permission?”

“OWW! Oh Master, please I am sorry. It’s just, well, I was alone and you’ve been working so much this past week. I felt, well, neglected, Master. I know I messed up and I will do anything to make it right. Please forgive me, Master.”

“So because I had to do a little extra work and couldn’t play today, you took it upon yourself to satisfy your slutty little pussy without my permission? Is that about right?”

“Master, PLEASE!” Chelsea cried. “What can I do to apologize to you?”

“You already have apologized, slut. But you broke a rule. We have talked about the House Rules and one of the first rules was that your body is mine, therefore your pleasure in that body is also mine. Did you not understand that concept?”

“Yes, Master,” she said, still kneeling.

“Yet you broke that rule today. Well, you are going to have to be punished, I guess.”


“Of course. You don’t think I make these rules just because I don’t have anything else to do, do you?”

“No, Master,” she said, almost at the point of breaking down, sobbing. “Wh, what is the punishment going to be, Master?”

“I haven’t decided just yet. But I will come up with something befitting this disobedience, believe me. Now go downstairs and stand in the corner until I get down there. And I want you to think about what you have done today, young lady.”

“Yes, Master,” she said. With her head hung low, she slunk past him and went downstairs following his orders. Once downstairs, she immediately went to her corner and knelt there, facing the corner. She felt like she was five years old again and got in trouble for writing on the wall of her room with crayon! She knew that he was not pleased with her and that knowledge cut her to the quick. She knelt there quietly, sobbing to herself, and waited for him.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the Professor went about some other things that needed tending to. He wanted her to wait for him for a while, letting her shame and the anticipation of her pending punishment work on her mind. He knew that a submissive’s mind is a powerful thing and turning it back on her would make the lesson stick better. So he took his time getting to her.

Finally, after a torturous 30 minutes, she heard the sound of his heavy boots coming down the stairs. She gasped silently as she heard him coming and her heart skipped a beat with each step. He knew just what he was doing, making his entrance also work on her psyche. He walked up behind her until she stood only a foot or so behind her.

She knew he was there, she could sense his presence even though her face was pressed into the corner of the room. She waited for him to speak or do something but aggravatingly, he did nothing but stand behind her for several seconds.

“Stand,” he said, finally breaking the tense silence. Chelsea got to her feet still facing the corner, partly because she hadn’t been given permission to turn around, and partly because she couldn’t face him just yet herself.

He grabbed her by the hair and marched her over to the kneeling bench. He forced her up on the raised platform. “Kneel down on it,” he commanded, forcing her to her knees. She knelt on the padded base and he brought the bar over her lower legs, locking them in place. Then he fastened her wrists in the top of the device so she couldn’t move. Finally, a strap that went around her at the small of her back held her up against the front wall of the kneeling bench so she was completely immobile.

Stepping down from the raised platform the kneeling bench was on, he pulled up a chair in front of her and began. “Now, slut, you know why you are here?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Tell me, then.”

“Because I masturbated without your permission.”

“That’s right. You pleasured yourself without permission breaking one of my House Rules. And what else?”

“Master?” she asked puzzled.

“Did you not cum?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Say it. Say I masturbated and came.”

“I masturbated and ... came, Master”

“Yes you did. And had I not come home just at the right time, I would have missed the show altogether.”

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry.”

“Well, for breaking the House Rules and masturbating without permission, you will have to be punished. I believe this calls for the flogger.”

“Master, please,” she said, her voice trembling as she tried to keep from crying.

“I’m sorry slut. I don’t like this anymore than you do, but you have to learn to show restraint and self control, even when you think I’m not around.”

“Yes, Master, it’s not the flogging I am worried about. I know that you have my best interests at heart.”

“Then what is it?”

“I’m sorry I ... disappointed you,” she said. Chelsea broke down at saying that. She put her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably, her whole body shaking as she cried.

He watched her, knowing that she meant every word of it. She had made a mistake and she knew it. She was indeed sorry, that much was obvious. He thought about what to do for several moments while she cried in front of him. Then an idea came to him.

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