Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 7

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

It had been two weeks since Chelsea left school and she was excited to get back. She had missed her Master terribly; there was no Internet except at the local library, and it seemed to always be busy. So she had only been able to email him once since she had been gone.

The bus ride from the airport to the college seemed to be the longest part of her trip back, but finally she was back on campus. Since it was still fairly early in the afternoon, Chelsea quickly went to her room and called her Master from the hallway telephone.

“Sir, I am back from Farnborough. I missed you so much. Could you please come and get me? I can’t stand to be away from you another minute,” she said.

“Well, I missed you too. If you want to come out, that is fine. But for me to drive there, pick you up, and drive back would take too long. Call a cab, put a few clothes together for the next couple days, and when you get here I will take care of the cab fare,” he said.

Chelsea did as he told her, calling a cab company and while she waited for the car, she put together some things she thought she would need for the next couple days. It was Friday afternoon and school started back up Monday morning, so she packed for the weekend and then waited downstairs for the cab.

“Please hurry, I’ve missed him so much!” she told the cabbie after giving him the address. The cab ride took about 30 minutes, but it might as well been an eternity for poor Chelsea.

But at last the cab pulled up in front of the Professor’s house. She told the driver to wait and she ran up the sidewalk to the door. Knocking on it she waited, holding her breath, for the door to open.

“Hello, sl...,” was all he was able to get before she pounced on him, wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, and crushing her lips to his. She kissed him like she had never kissed him before and had he been a smaller man, he would have been bowled over by her passionate attack.

After several long moments, he was able to peel her off of him and she waited, smiling, at the door while he went down to get her bags and pay the driver. He brought her bags up and then they went inside.

Once inside, he shut the door and dropped the bags right by the door. Sweeping her up in his arms, he took her into the living room and sat down in his chair with her in his arms.

“Oh, Master! I have missed you so very much!” she said, as she touched his cheek softly with her fingertips. She looked at him with her soft green eyes misty with the beginnings of tears.

“I have missed you too, my little slut. It has been awfully quiet around here the last couple weeks,” he said. “So other than being away from me, how was your vacation?”

“It was good to see my family. My sister and her husband are doing well. And my Mom is the same as always. Mom cooks way too much food and I ate like I was starving!” she said smiling.

“Well, it’s good to have you back here. I have had to do everything myself again – I have gotten too used to your help around here!”

“Don’t you worry, Master. I am back and you won’t have to do everything yourself anymore!” she said kissing him softly. He kissed her deep and hard as Chelsea opened her mouth to allow his tongue to probe her mouth. She moaned softly as he kissed her and she melted into him, happy and content to be with him again.

His hands roamed over her body, feeling her familiar form and finding all of her favorite “hot spots” once again. As he touched her, she moaned and panted, her skin catching fire wherever he touched.

He cupped her full, firm tits and toyed playfully with the cleavage above her bra. He stroked the sensitive insides of her thigh, slipping up under her skirt to the lacy edge of her panties.

Finally, as she parted her now trembling thighs, he petted her and rubbed her pussy through the satiny material as Chelsea closed her eyes and laid her head back moaning her deep desires.

“Oh God Master!” Chelsea moaned as he caressed her, “I missed your touch sooo much!”

He pushed her up off his lap to stand in front of him. “Take off that blouse, slut,” he said. Chelsea smiled and with her hands trembling so she could hardly accomplish the task, she managed to unbutton the front of her blouse.

Before she could slip it off her shoulders though, he pulled her in close and kissed her flat stomach, working his way up her front to her bra. She had conveniently chose to wear a front close bra and in one deft move, he had unhooked it, leaving her tits free for his hot mouth and tongue to enjoy.

“OHHHHH!” she whined as his mouth closed over one nipple and he bit it softly, his teeth pinching it slightly and pulling at the stiff bud. She arched her back as he chewed on the sensitive, throbbing nipple and his hands moved up under her panties to grip her ass cheeks as he made a meal of her tits.

Chelsea pulled his head in closer, shoving more of her tit into his mouth while twirling her fingers in his hair. She wanted him to consume her, to devour her. He bit her tit harder, causing her to gasp as the pain signals raced to her brain.

But he wasn’t trying to hurt her; he knew that she wanted this. He knew his submissive well and he was giving her what she needed. His domination. His mark of ownership. His teeth marks on her fair skin and her badge of honor.

But the Professor wasn’t happy with just playing with her ass and chewing on her tit, he had missed his submissive and he wanted to reclaim her and reassert himself as her Master. Grabbing her hair, he forced her to the floor and onto her knees.

Shoving her head to the floor, her barked his order “Head down, ass up, slut.” Chelsea instantly obeyed, getting wet at his command. She was about to be used and she wanted it as much as he did. She spread her legs and made herself open for him.

Reaching between her legs, she used the fingers of one hand to spread her pussy lips, showing him her sweet pink pussy, wet already in anticipation. He slapped her ass playfully and she moaned raising it as if asking for another. He obliged her, swatting her other ass cheek before gripping her hips and putting the head of his cock at her pussy entrance.

“Have you missed this cock, my slut?” he asked teasingly.

“Oh yes, Master. Oh, I have missed it very much!”

“Do you want my cock now? Do you want my cock inside your pussy?”

“Oh yes, Master. Please fuck me with your sweet cock. Oh God, please.”

“That’s it slut, you know I love to hear you beg. Beg for my cock.”

“Please Master, please fuck me. Use your slut, Master please. I need to feel you inside me, now!” she whimpered.

He eased forward pressing the tip of his cock directly on the rim of her pussy opening. She could feel the velvety tip of his cock and she tried to back into him, but he moved away. She whined her disappointment.

“Not just yet, slut. I don’t think you are quite sincere enough yet. Are you SURE this is what you want?”

“Master please, I beg you, please fuck me! Please, I need you. I need you inside me. PLEEEASE.”

He pressed forward easing his cock into her warm wetness. She gripped the floor as she felt him enter her, mouth open and eyes wide as she felt his huge cock parting her pussy lips and filling her pussy. His cock stretched her like it always did and she groaned loudly as his cock burrowed deeper and deeper.

Chelsea was no virgin when she had met him; she had had a few boyfriends and had lost her “cherry” when she was just 17 to her boyfriend at the time. She knew what being filled meant at that time. But her Master was unquestionably the biggest she had ever known. And she loved how it made her feel so stretched and so full.

“Ohhhh, Masterrr.” Chelsea moaned long and low. She pushed her ass back at him, wanting more. She raised her ass to him begging him to slit her wide open. And he was willing to do it as well. Once she was opened and lubricated by her own drooling pussy, he began pumping into her slow and teasing at first but quickly increasing in both speed and power.

Soon he was pounding her pussy like he wanted to put a hole in her. He savagely, brutally pounded into her and she loved every bit of it. The shy, reserved girl from Farnborough had become a fuckslut! She wanted him and she wanted him hard, fast, and deep!

“Fuck me, Master. Fuck your slut. Give me your sweet cock, Master. Oh fuck.” she begged him. She began playing with her clit as he pistoned in and out of her. Nearing her orgasm she toyed with her clit harder and faster as her moaned increased in desperation.

“Master, I, I’m going to cum! Please may I cum for you? May I cum on your cock, please?” she pleaded.

The Professor, too, was on the edge of his own orgasm and as she slipped over the edge, her clenching pussy cause him to explode inside her. Together, the two were sent crashing into a mutual earth-shattering orgasm.

His grunts and growls mixed with her own screams of rapture and the sounds of their peaking reverberated off the walls on the room. She poured out her pussy juice, mixed with his cum, as he continued pounding into her until he became too soft to continue and slipped out of her with a wet plop.

He collapsed on top of her forcing her to the floor completely and they lay together, panting and gasping for air. He threw an arm over her and pulled his submissive closer to him.

Master and submissive laid on the wooden floor as long as they comfortably could, until the hardness of the floor overcame the blissful rest they were enjoying. Finally, they could lay there no more and the Professor rose, helping Chelsea to stand also.

“Go upstairs, my beautiful slut, and get cleaned up. I wasn’t expecting you tonight so I hadn’t planned dinner. A good excuse as any to go out to eat!” he said.

“Yes, Master,” she said smiling broadly. She scampered off, taking a playful swat to her ass with her as she went upstairs to get ready.

It was about 15 minutes later when a fresh and beautiful Chelsea came back downstairs. “I’m ready, Master!” she said happily as she stood before him.

“You look stunning as always, my slut. But before we go out, there is something I want to talk to you about.” He led her over to his chair and sat down, patting his lap.

“What is it, Master?” Chelsea said after sitting down in his lap and putting her arms around his neck.

“Chelsea, how long have we been doing this? I mean how long have you been coming over and staying the night?”

“A little over a month now. Thank you so much, Master, it has been wonderful.”

“I’m glad you have enjoyed it. I have been thinking, that since you spend so much time over here as it is, that maybe you should th...”

“Master please no!” Chelsea said putting her fingers to his lips. She got up from his lap and stood there looking at him. “Master I have something I need to tell you and I would like to talk about it now, please? It is very important to me. Please may I speak?”

He sat up in the chair, adjusting his position so he could listen to her.

“Master I have been doing some reading in my spare time on the D/s relationships and the customs, protocols and rituals involved. I find many of them very appealing. I have enjoyed my time here more than you will ever know Sir, but if you are about to ask me what I think you are about to ask me – what I hope you are about to ask me – then that is not the proper protocol.”


“No Sir. And we British are a proper lot sometimes, so in the interest of proper protocol, I have something to ask you.”

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