Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

Chelsea was troubled. While she enjoyed spending time with her Professor and Master, she wondered why after several meetings, nights together, and sexual games, he hadn’t actually fucked her!

Now Chelsea wasn’t an “easy” girl – it wasn’t like she expected a guy to put the moves on her on the first date. She was a shy, small-town British girl, and she was brought up to be a “nice girl”.

But even nice girls have desires! And Master had shown he knew what he was doing in pleasing a woman! So why did he not take her? Why has he not thrown her on the bed, ripped her clothes off, and fucked her like he owned her?

“Master, may I speak with you?” she asked him as they finished breakfast the next morning.

“Yes, Chelsea what is it?”

“Can we go into the living room and talk, please?” she asked.

“This sounds serious. Okay let’s go talk,” he said. He led her into the living room and she sat on the couch. He sat down next to her. “Okay Chelsea, what’s on your mind?”

“Well, Master, I was just wondering something. Do you ... um ... do you find me attractive?” she said hesitantly, not knowing if she really wanted an answer or not.

“Of course I do Chelsea, why would you ask such a question?”

“Well, Master, it’s just ... well we have been together several times. I have stayed here overnight several times. And we have played together. But you haven’t ... you know ... made love to me,” she said, blushing red.

“I see. So because I haven’t ‘made love to you’, you think I don’t find you attractive?”

“Well, Master, I just thought...”

“Okay Chelsea, on your knees,” he said pointing to the floor in front of him. Chelsea got on her knees as directed. “Now the reason I haven’t ‘made love to you’ to this point is very simple. I want our first time to be special for you.

“Chelsea, you are a special girl. I didn’t want to just take you the first chance I got. That would cheapen you and cheapen the experience. I wanted to make sure you were ready, and that I wasn’t forcing myself on you.

“Yes, I could have commanded you to lay down and taken what was mine at any time. But that would make you a slut. And even though I call you slut when we play, I do that because it turns you on, not because that is what I think of you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master. Thank you,” she said.

“Submission – being a submissive – is about giving yourself to me. Not my taking it from you. You have to give yourself over to me, at your pace and on your terms. People often look upon BDSM – or more accurately, D/s – as the dominant taking control of the submissive and making him or her obey.

“They seem to think that the Master or Mistress has the power in the relationship. When truth is, it is exactly the opposite. Your submission is a gift you give to me if and when you feel I am worthy of it.

Only after I prove myself to you can you fully submit and hand over your heart, your mind, your soul and your will to me. And only when you feel ready do I expect you to. I don’t want you to ‘roll over’ just because I use a few fancy words and sweet talk you. I want you to know deep in your heart, that this is truly what you want,” he said.

Chelsea looked at him as he spoke. She saw how serious he was as he talked to her and a small tear started forming in her eye. As he continued, it began to run down her cheek.

“Chelsea, I am happy that you decided to become my assistant and that things between us are working out so well. I have grown quite comfortable having you here and enjoy your company very much. I wouldn’t want to do anything that would spoil that or cause you to feel anything less than completely happy here,” he said reaching up and wiping the tear away with his hand.

She took his hand and kissed it. “Master I am so completely happy here. Thank you so much for bringing me here. And thank you for talking to me and for taking it slow. I understand now and feel so much better.”

“I am glad. So now shall we get on with the day’s activities?”

“Yes, Master. What do you wish me to do today?”

“Well let’s recap for a moment ... we have made you my assistant, and then you discovered this hidden side of yourself. I have given you some introductory rules, such as I want you shaved and I don’t want you wearing panties. I have had you perform for me and you have become comfortable being naked around me. I have fingered you to orgasm, you have masturbated to orgasm, and I have orally gotten you there as well.”

“Yes, Master. I have to admit I have had more sex in the last couple weeks than I can remember having for a long time!” she said smiling shyly.

“You asked me about how many girls I have had as assistants, now it’s your turn to tell me your history with boys, Chelsea.”

“Well, there really isn’t much to tell, Master. I have had a couple boyfriends, I guess. Nothing serious, the longest relationship was a year and a half. I’m not a virgin, but I haven’t slept around either.”

“I see. And what kinds of things have you done sexually?” he asked.

“Hmmm, well I have had regular sex, I have given a few blowjobs, hand jobs, you know the regular stuff. Nothing kinky and nothing like what you have shown me, Master!” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

“How about anal sex? multiple partners? Ever had sex with a woman? Anything like that?”

“No, Master. I come from a very conservative family in a very conservative society. Such things weren’t talked about, or even thought about! Where I’m from sex is almost a dirty thing and the only way we made love was missionary position. Blowjobs were something only the street girls did. And anal sex and even the doggie position were just simply not done!”

“Well, then, slut, it looks like we have our work cut out for us, now don’t we? Here in America a girl has a lot more freedoms and has to know a lot more about sexual practices if she is going to attract a man. I mean just about every girl of legal age knows how to give a blowjob! Some are better at it than others of course but oral sex is very common here.

“The same with various positions. Doggie style, cowboy and reverse cowboy, 69, spooning, and others are all done frequently here. Anal sex too, is common. So you have a lot to learn just in what is the norm here! Now add to that our BDSM practices and you have a lot in store for you, slut! Fortunately, you’re on a four year degree program, so there’s time for you to learn a lot of this.”

“Yes, Master. I just hope the scholarship helps pay for most of it, my family isn’t rich by any means,” she said.

“Well I wouldn’t worry about it. There are a lot of folks at the college that can help you. We have some excellent programs that can help students pay for necessities and some of the best grant writers in the country.”

“Thank you, Master. I do hope to stay here and complete my degree. From there, I don’t know where I will go, but at least I’ll have the education.”

“I have a feeling you will do fine wherever you go, Chelsea. And wherever you end up, they will be lucky to have you.”

“Thank you, Master,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

“Are you ready to go shopping?” he asked.

“Oh yes, Master! I want to get something to please you – something to make me your slut!” she said with a grin.

They went to a local clothing boutique called Foxy Roxy’s that specialized in sexy clothing. “We should be able to find you something suitable here!” he said. They walked into the shop and he asked one of the clerks a question. Chelsea couldn’t hear what he said, but she smiled and said something to him. Then she turned and led them both further into the store.

“Oh, Master!” Chelsea said, turning a most attractive shade of red.

“Yes, now we are talking!” he said with a smirk. The clerk had led them back to the lingerie section. But this was unlike any lingerie she had ever seen! There were cupless and shelf bras, the tiniest thong panties she had ever seen, sexy little bustiers and baby dolls, and other lingerie that had no other purpose than to be taken off again – undoubtedly by trembling hands!

He looked through the articles of clothing that were displayed picking out a couple outfits of his liking. He picked out a red cupless corset with garter straps to hold up a pair of stockings.

He also picked out a leather-look bra and panty set that had little zippers to open the cups and the front of the panty. The set also had a collar and wrist cuffs attached by chains.

Finally, because it was Chicago and winter was coming on, he thoughtfully got her a luxurious plush robe to wear around the house when it got chilly. After he had picked out the items he wanted her to have, he gave her the final instructions for her shopping excursion.

“Now my slut,” he whispered quietly, “I am going to go set these on the counter by the clerk. I want you to pick out something here that you think I will like. Something sexy that you think will really excite me.

“Once you find it, bring it to the counter, and the clerk will ring it all up and you can bring it out. Don’t show it to me – I want you to surprise me tonight. Here is my credit card, I will be in the car waiting for you. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she said. He went out to the car and she looked through rack after rack of clothes. She was under a lot of pressure, wanting to get just the perfect thing. She wanted so much to bowl him over with her choice, but she was having a very hard time of it. Finally she asked the clerk for help.

“Excuse me, miss, but I saw you talking with the Professor when we came in. Do you know him?”

“Oh yes, very well. I went to college here and he was my professor. He is a very sweet man and he and I have kept in touch since then,” she said.

“Oh, I see. Well I am supposed to pick something out here to wear for him tonight. I want it to be perfect. You have so many wonderful things here I am having trouble figuring out which one to choose. I thought if you knew him you might be able to help me?”

“Sure thing honey, let’s see, I am assuming this isn’t going to be something you wear to the restaurant or out in public?”

“No. it’s something for, um,” Chelsea faltered.

The clerk put her hand on Chelsea’s arm. “It’s okay, honey, I understand,” she said with a little wink and a smile. “I think I know just what you need.” She led Chelsea a couple racks over and showed her the outfit she had in mind.

“Oh! It’s perfect!” she said excitedly, “do you really think he will like it?”

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