Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

“OH MY GOD!” Chelsea exclaimed, her hands covering her mouth, as her eyes scanned the contents of the basement. Before her was a sight straight out of a horror movie. Professor Diederich’s basement was a fully functioning BDSM dungeon! Chelsea stood there, mouth agape on the landing next to the Professor.

“So what do you think of my little basement dungeon, Chelsea?” he said.

“I-I don’t know,” she said, still in shock.

“Well, I have collected the items you see here for many years. They come from all over the world and many of them are actual antiques, while some are reproductions based on drawings and pictures of the original device,” he said.

Chelsea could not speak. She was shocked at what she saw. This was a side of the Professor that she had not expected. He seemed to be such a nice man, so kind and polite. Yet in front of her was a scene akin to Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory. She half expected to see a pieced together body on one of the devices!

Still she could not deny the fact that as bizarre as the basement appeared to her, she felt an odd excitement in her belly and her knickers had definitely become damp. The contraptions in front of her were designed to catch and hold a person, and for some strange reason she was secretly hoping that person would be her.

“Go ahead, Miss Bell, go take a closer look at my collection,” he said, placing his hand on the small of her back and urging her on. Chelsea walked down the last three or four steps to the basement floor and timidly walked up to the first device. It was a huge wall-mounted wooden X with metal eye bolts at the end of each leg. A wide strap was mounted at the intersection.

“That is my X-rack, also known as a St. Andrews Cross,” he said, as she looked at it. She moved to the next device, still in awe of what she was seeing.

“This little jewel is called a kneeling bench. The errant victim would kneel on the pad here and be locked in place, offering up their ass to be whipped or caned as needed,” he explained. “The resemblance to the Catholic prayer bench was no coincidence. It was made so that not only did your rear feel ashamed, your mind did as well.”

Chelsea looked at the Professor as he spoke, and he smiled at the girl. She continued walking through the basement’s offerings. She came to a plain-looking wooden chair. A simple looking chair, but it had some “special features”.

“This is called a punishment chair,” Professor Diederich said, “It may look like a regular chair, but it has these metal rings all over for tying a person to it in a variety of positions for whatever purpose is intended.”

Chelsea studied the chair as she had the other pieces. The Professor watched her carefully, studying her expressions and movements to determine how she was processing the information he was giving her. He saw what he had hoped to in her, and then he made his move.

“Would you like to try one of these pieces out and see what I mean?” he asked.

“I ... um ... I guess so,” she said hesitantly. She didn’t know why, but she felt that this was what she was supposed to do. She didn’t really even think about it. Only her British upbringing made her hesitate at all. But this was something she felt almost natural doing.

“Well, why don’t we start you off with something fairly simple then, like the X-rack. Come here,” he said. Chelsea came over to the rack and the Professor positioned her in place. He fastened her wrists to the restraints at the top arms of the X and then fastened her ankles into the bottom restraints on the legs of the X. Then he fastened the belt around her waist.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Well, normally you would be naked in this rack so that I could tease and punish you. But for now this will do,” he said. Chelsea upon hearing his words moaned softly. Professor Diederich smiled at hearing her response. He decided she was ready for a more direct approach.

“So Miss Bell, you like this toy of mine? Do you like what you see here in my ... playroom?” he asked in a low growl.

“Y, yes,” she said, blushing.

“I thought as much. You see, I have been watching you since you started my class. I know that you are intrigued with this sort of thing, that is why I asked you to become my assistant. I could tell that there was a submissive hidden inside of you,” he told her.

“A submissive? What is that Professor?”

“A submissive, Miss Bell, is person who by their very nature wants to please others. He or she feels a natural inclination to serve others. Not necessarily in a demeaning way, like a slave, but being of service to another person through work or something. Such people usually have service-type jobs like maids, cafeteria workers, janitors and such.”

“Oh,” she said.

“I have seen how you carry yourself, Miss Bell. You walk with your eyes down, your head lowered a bit. I see you wait for others to go through the doorways first. You are never the first one in line, and you do not talk much in class. You are not real outgoing and prefer to stand back and observe more than participate. These are hallmarks of a submissive nature.”

“Is that bad? I just don’t think...”

“It is neither good nor bad, Miss Bell, it is just who you are. And as far as I am concerned, it is a very good trait. I appreciate the fact that you are a submissive.”

“Why is that Professor?”

“Miss Bell, do you know anything about BDSM?”

“You mean like tying someone up for sex?”

“Well that’s part of it for a lot of people, but there’s so much more,” he explained. He began to take her down from the rack as he continued. “BDSM is an acronym for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism. These are the four parts of what most people call what those who enjoy this fetish do. And for those people, that is all they know. Or want to know. But there is more, much more to this than just kinky bedroom games.”

“Oh? Like what, Professor?” she said, getting more interested as he spoke.

“Let’s go upstairs and we’ll talk,” he said, taking her hand and leading her back upstairs to the living room. They sat back down on the couch as the Professor began explaining what D/s meant and what part he played in it.

“You see, my dear, I am a Master – a Dominant that has taken the time to learn what it takes to dominate and control a woman. Not just one who says ‘Kneel at my feet and suck my cock,’ but someone who can allow a woman to kneel at his feet and suck his cock. I don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. I only enable you to do the things you want to do, what you crave to do, even when you don’t know you want to do them.

“My job is to empower you to be what you want to be. And as a submissive, you want to serve. So I allow you to serve. I knew you wanted to be my assistant before I asked you. I knew it because I knew who, and what, you were. I simply empowered you by asking you if you wanted the job. I allowed you to say yes. Understand? That is the psychology of D/s. I give you what you want, but are either unsure or afraid to ask for it.”

“I think I understand. But what I don’t know is if I am a submissive as you say, how am I to use this? What do I need to do?”

“I can help you explore this new you if you’d like. But it will be very different from what you have known. Are you ready to change your whole perspective on things?”

“Well, Professor, I am here to learn. And what you said about me has been true. I have always felt a need to serve people. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to please others. And I trust you. So yes, I would like to give this submissive thing a try. And I would like you to help me,” she said.

“Good, I am glad that you agreed. Shall we get started right now?”

“Yes, I would like that,” she said. “What do I do?”

“First off, let’s establish a few rules,” he said.


“Yes. There are some things we need to be certain about before we delve into this too deep. The first rule is that I am the Master, you are the submissive. You will call me Master or Sir when we are here together. At school, I will still be Professor, but here you will address me as Master. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she said. A tingle ran through her pussy as she said the word, and she felt an odd feeling in her heart. As if a sleeping part of her was stirring, getting ready to awaken.

“Good. Now as your Master, my word is law. You will do everything I say without question. You can ask how to do something, or you can ask what you should be learning from what I say. But you can never ask why I want you to do it. Why is because I said so. Understand?”

“Yes Master,” she said.

“Good. Now the last thing is that you and I are going to have to learn to trust each other. You will have to trust me and my decisions, and I will have to be able to trust you. And that starts with all this ... you know that what I have shown you here tonight could get me fired from the university. But if I felt that I couldn’t trust you, I would not have brought you here tonight,” he said.

“Thank you, Master. You can trust me,” she said, smiling.

“I know. Now there will be other rules but those are the most important ones for now.”

“I will remember them,” she said.

“Good. Now let’s see what I have to work with. Get undressed,” he commanded.


“You heard me. I said get undressed. I want to have a look at you,” he repeated.

“I-I can’t do that!” she said, wide-eyed.

“Yes, you can. And if you wish to become a proper submissive, you must learn to follow directions given to you. Now, proceed.”

“But Sir, I...” she started.

“Now!” he insisted with a growl.

“Yes Master,” she said. She began by unbuttoning the front of her white long-sleeved blouse. Removing it and placing it on the arm of the sofa, she reached behind her and unzipped her black above the knee skirt and she laid it on the arm of the sofa as well. She stood there in her bra and knickers in front of him.

“Continue,” he said.

She looked at him and blushed red. But she reached up and unfastened her bra, letting the straps fall off her shoulders before hesitatingly, taking the bra completely off and tossing it onto the couch.

“The panties too. You might as well shed them all. You will be naked a lot around here now,” he said.

“Yes Master,” she sighed. And with that, she hooked her thumbs under her waistband and dropped her knickers to her ankles, stepping out of them and standing beside them, completely nude now.

Chelsea Bell was an attractive girl 5’5” tall 36C/24/36, with strawberry blonde hair, and baby blue eyes. She was fair-skinned as most British girls are, and had a few cute freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her cute button nose. Professor Diederich looked her up and down as she stood in front of him, fidgeting a bit under his scrutiny.

“Turn slowly,” he said flatly.

She turned around slowly as he continued examining her. When she had completed a full circle he stopped her. “Very nice, Miss Bell. You are a very nice looking girl. You have a nice figure, nice breasts and a very spankable ass. They will serve you well.”

“T-thank you, Master,” she said, still blushing at his compliments.

“But I do see one thing that needs attending to. Your bush. It is entirely too thick. I want it shaved,” he said.

“But, Sir, that the way I’ve always kept it.”

“Well, that will change now that you are my submissive. I want it shaved smooth. Now you will find razors and shaving cream in the bathroom. Get to it. And when you are finished, come back so I can check your work. Be quick about it, too. I have other things planned,” he said.

Chelsea rushed to the bathroom and turned on the shower water, Grabbing the razor and shaving cream, she got to the task, clearing away all the hair from her pussy as quickly as she safely could. She didn’t want to cut herself, but she wanted to do a good job.

She checked and rechecked as she shaved. Finally she was baby smooth. She got out of the shower and dried off. Then she checked one last time just to make sure, and came back into the living room where Professor Diederich was still sitting on the couch.

“Let’s have a look,” he said. She stepped closer and spread her legs a bit to allow him to see her work. “Wider,” he commanded. She spread her legs wider for him. “Now put your hands behind your head and lace your fingers together. Keep them there, do not move them,” he warned. She did as he said and stood there waiting for his next command.

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