Tea and Strumpet - Cover

Tea and Strumpet

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 12

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A young girl from a small town in Great Britain comes to America to go to college - and finds the kind of education that isn't in any of the pamphlets!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Slow  

The Professor finished his speaking engagement successfully, but before he and Chelsea headed back to Chicago, he decided to take in a show at the Los Angeles Theatre Center. It was a small off-Broadway play production, nothing real famous, but she had never seen a real theatre production and he wanted to show her a little “culture” while they were there in L.A. He picked this particular show because it wasn’t something she would miss out on if she got ... distracted. Which is exactly what he had planned for her!

The show didn’t start till 8:00pm, so the pair had the day to enjoy themselves. So as they got ready to go to breakfast, they discussed what to do before the show that evening.

“Well my little slut, we have been to Disneyland and Knot’s Berry Farm. We have seen Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and Universal Studios. We have seen the Hollywood sign and some of the movie stars homes. I think you have gotten a pretty good whirlwind tour of Los Angeles, don’t you think?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. It has been a wonderful trip. Thank you again for bringing me along,” she said smiling.

“Well, Chicago isn’t known for it’s sandy beaches although we have one or two. But here in California, they have wonderful beaches. And it would be very amiss of us if we didn’t visit them at least once, don’t you think?” he said with a grin.

“Oh yes, Master! We simply must go to the beach while we are here!” she said.

“I’m glad you agree. But unlike the hot tub the other night, I don’t think we would be allowed to go there without swimsuits! So I guess we need to go shopping!” he said.

“Yes, Master. I think you’re right,” she agreed, blushing.

With that, they went downstairs to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Finishing breakfast, he called a cab that took them to a Victoria Secrets store, where Chelsea and Master spotted a very sexy bikini swimsuit. With a hot pink pushup strapless top and a blushingly small matching string tie bottom, Chelsea was a bit hesitant looking at it on the store manikin.

“Master,” she whispered, “are you sure you want me to wear this one?”

Seeing her discomfort at his selection of beachwear told him he had made the right decision. “Well since you asked, yes. We will take this one!” he said smiling wickedly. “I can’t wait to see how you look in it. And I’ll bet any other guys on the beach will be just as interested in seeing you in it too!”

Chelsea gasped and blushed again. She hadn’t thought of all the other people at the beach too! But knowing her Master wanted her to wear it was enough for her. She went ahead and got it and then they were off to the beach. They chose to go to Venice Beach since it was the most well-known and the one in all the beach movies that she had seen. She wanted to see the famous boardwalk, so after buying their swim wear, they headed off to Venice Beach.

They parked the rental car in a local parking area and walked to a nice spot on the beach. There wasn’t a lot of people there that day luckily, and that worked to his advantage too. They rented a big beach umbrella from a little stand and set up their spot.

Master didn’t want his fair-skinned submissive to sunburn so he chose the spot carefully and watched her closely. They laid on the beach for a few minutes just watching the other people a little way off. But Chelsea was anxious to get into the water.

“Master, can I go in the water? I want to feel the water on my skin. Besides, I’m getting hot here on the beach.”

“Go ahead, but don’t go out too far and stay right here in front of me. I want to be able to keep an eye on you.”

“Yes, Master. You watch over me so carefully. I love you, Master,” Chelsea said, kissing him and then scampering off to the water. He did watch over her very carefully. He loved her and wanted her safe and well. He sat there watching her for a few minutes before joining her in the water.

She smiled as she saw him wading towards her, and she playfully moved out a little deeper into the water, coaxing him to come to her. But the 5’5” Chelsea was considerably shorter than her 6’4” tall Master – a fact that she soon realized as the water reached her shoulders and it was only about halfway up his chest. She couldn’t go any deeper so she stood there as he came up the her.

“Well you are about as deep as you can go, slut,” he said.

“Yes, Master. I forgot how tall you are for a moment!”

“Come closer,” he said. Chelsea came up to him and put her arms around his neck. He reached up and in a swift and sudden move he pulled her top down with a jerk, exposing her 36C breasts. She gasped and fought the natural reaction to reach down and stop him. She kept her arms around his neck and he smiled at her – she had done just what she should have.

“Good girl,” he said. Chelsea smiled broadly. Then he cupped her freed breasts and pinched her erect nipples, causing the girl to moan softly.

“Take off your bottoms,” he commanded.

“Yes, Master,” she said, and obediently she pulled the ties on the sides of her bikini bottom, releasing the skimpy material and she brought it up and handed it to him. He tied the strings together to form a loop and put it around her neck so they wouldn’t get lost.

Master let his hands roam over her body, playing with her curves and tracing teasing lines down her sides and around to her ass. Chelsea kept her arms around his neck since she hadn’t had permission to move them and she knew that he didn’t want her interfering with his game.

She laid her head back and just allowed him to have her as he wanted. Surrendering herself to him had gotten easy now, she trusted him with her in every way. She knew her Master would never hurt her or allow her to be hurt. She had given him every part of her, heart body, her mind her heart and her soul.

All she was was his to own and use. And now with the warm ocean water caressing her nearly naked form and her Master’s touch driving her wild with desire once again, she couldn’t imagine life getting any better.

“Mmmmm,” Chelsea cooed as he worked his way around her hips to sink his fingers into her soft ass.

She pressed herself against him, her stiff nipples brushed softly against his chest and then she pulled him closer, mashing her breasts into him. Hopping up a little, she wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him take her full weight but also bringing her sex closer within his reach.

He took advantage of that fact, slipping his hands under her to support her and at the same time letting his fingers brush her exposed pussy lips. Chelsea gasped at his touch down there and she kissed him deeply as he played with her fat pussy lips and teased her clit.

“Master, please ... I want you.” Chelsea breathed as their lips parted.

He let her go for a second and dropped his swim trunks to his ankles then picked her up. Chelsea wrapped her arms back around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist again. He aimed his now hard cock at her pussy opening and she settled down on him, moaning softly as she slid down his pole.

She felt his cock part her pussy and slide deeper and deeper as she allowed herself to slide down his body. Finally he bottomed out inside her and she held herself there, feeling filled completely. She was fucking her Master in the ocean of California! She never dreamed of such a thing in her wildest fantasies back home in England!

She began softly bouncing up and down on his cock as she moaned and gasped. She clung to him, burying her face in his shoulder and neck kissing and biting him gently as the feelings inside her rose.

The whole experience was too much for her to contain. “Master, I’m going to cum. Please, may I cum for you?”

“Cum for me then, little slut. Come for your Master,” he said. Chelsea let herself go, with a stifled moan she dug her fingers into her Master’s shoulders and let the orgasm wash over her like the ocean waves she was in. She held him tightly as she came, pouring her love into the ocean that surrounded the two of them.

When she had finished she pulled her head back to look him in the eyes. Being held there and making love in the ocean was too much for the young girl. Chelsea was crying, tears of happiness running down her cheeks.

“Oh Master, this is all so beautiful! Oh, I love you so much, Master!”

He hugged her to him. “I love you too, my sweet little slut. You make me very happy and I am so glad you are mine.”

Well that just made Chelsea cry all the more! He held her tightly until she stopped sobbing. “I’m sorry I cried. I’m just a silly emotional girl!’ she said.

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way, my dear,” he said, “Now, we should probably get dressed again before we are caught!”

“Yes, Master,” she said, and let herself down off him again. He reached down to pull his trunks back up while she put her own bottoms back on then pulled her top back up into position. With them both decent again, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her back to the spot where they had laid their blanket out.

They stayed there on the beach and enjoyed the sun and surf for as long as they dared. But they had tickets to the play and had to get back to the hotel room and get changed and ready. So regretfully, they left the beach behind and went back to the hotel.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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