The Once and Future Man - Cover

The Once and Future Man

Copyright© 2022 by WestCoastWilly

Chapter 8

As it turned out, only Aldrich and Fenix left the next morning. The entertainment of the magistrate’s daughter had gone long into the night, with many of the serving girls being pulled into the fray as well. Both of Fenix’s associates had happily joined in and been welcomed like long lost comrades. The tall blonde man himself had sat with Aldrich for hours, ignoring everything going on around them.

Both men opened up to each other slowly. Questions flew back and forth between them. Aldrich needed to know both what was happening back at his new home and how loyal Fenix was to the people who sent him. If things had fallen apart in Sinton and that was the reason the army was being recalled, then maybe he would stay put and keep the men with him. He had no loyalty to his hosts, no reason to give up what he was doing to save them from their own stupidity. But if Fenix proved more loyal than he was, it would be necessary to arrange another accident to remove him and his followers.

For his part, Fenix wanted to know if this man was as capable as he appeared. Certainly, the men were convinced that he was someone worth following. Their motion to protect Aldrich when he arrived had not gone unnoticed. Fenix’s family had served in the Sinton Valley army for generations. His father, uncles, and brothers had all been killed in one campaign or another under the twins’ leadership. His father had been butchered during a reckless cavalry charge in the south the year before last. The last of his brothers had died trying to retake the coastal tower just a few weeks before it was destroyed. After receiving that news, Fenix had almost walked away. He loved his home just as much as ever, but the loss after loss with nothing to show for it had become too much. The men in his family had been in the military for so long, he simply didn’t know any other way of life.

He had heard the rumors that something big was planned to end the siege. Even more surprising had been the news that not only was it a success, the army had advanced further than it ever had before. No one he had talked to could explain how the tower had been brought down, but no one had any doubt that it had happened. Then new rumors had come that the kingdoms to the north and west were finally gathering their forces to stop the advance. In a show of rare good sense, the twins decided to be satisfied with what they had gained. Greddor had come to him personally with the orders for the army to halt its march.

In meeting Aldrich, the career soldier was surprised to find that the older man had no military experience. Greddor hadn’t provided any information other than the new commander was to make arrangements to guard their new holdings and return to the valley as soon as possible. The scattered rubble by the coast had both impressed and terrified him to his core. The man responsible had done the same on a smaller scale. Fenix had seen much cruelty and debauchery in his thirty years, it was inseparable from a life spent at war. The casual detachment Aldrich had discussing all the explosive deaths they had caused was unsettling. Thousands had been blown apart on their way to this little hamlet and they might as well have been stick figures for all the emotion he displayed.

Greddor and Nessor were ambitious and overly casual with their men’s lives, Fenix had more knowledge of this than anyone. But even they would balk at the number of people that had been turned into puddles of blood and gore just to send a message. Aldrich was a dangerous weapon. Pointed at the enemies of Sinton, he could accomplish incredible things. If not handled carefully however, he would be just as likely to lay waste to the valley. So far in their brief acquaintanceship, Aldrich seemed perfectly happy spending time with him men. Time would tell how he would react to being back in Sinton proper.

For his part, Aldrich was happy with what he heard from the new arrival. There was plenty of ‘For King and Country’ talk from the handsome man, but he could feel the doubt as well. Just enough dissatisfaction to take advantage of. As long as Aldrich could provide a better option for his men and for Sinton, Fenix wouldn’t oppose him. There was plenty of hurt and loss in the younger man that he could relate to and make use of. They both wanted power and glory. Fenix wanted it for his country to honor his fallen family members, to make their loss feel less hollow. Aldrich wanted it for himself to cement his control over this world, making himself ruler instead of outsider.

The two of them saddled their horses at midmorning the next day. Fenix listened as Aldrich dispersed the men to take up defensive positions along the main routes into their new territory. Many of them had watched these passes as bandits, now they would do the same as an official army. There was the usual soldier’s grumbling about new orders but all in all they seemed to be in a good mood. Aldrich gave each of his handpicked commanders a few grenades to discourage any enemy soldiers if needed. It wouldn’t be possible for them to make more, but by now they had seen them enough to know how they worked. It also wouldn’t hurt if their enemies saw someone other than him using the new weapons. He didn’t want them getting any ideas that taking him out would solve all their problems. Fenix’s own men were also staying behind to observe and assist with the repositioning of the army.

“All right golden boy, let’s get going.” Aldrich said as he mounted his horse.

The blonde man shook his head as he too got on his horse and left the little hamlet behind. Instead of going all the way back to the coast, they would be taking one of the passes through the mountains. It would be impossible to move an entire army that way, but two men on horseback would be able to manage it without too much trouble.

Fenix watched while Covington went over all the plans for the upcoming feast. He’d been transferred to work for the newcomer after they arrived back in the valley. Or rather, no one had objected or paid attention when he didn’t go back to his regular duties. They’d arrived to find the city a hive of activity, everyone getting ready to host visitors from all the surrounding kingdoms. An honor guard had met them at the gates, bringing them directly to the twins. Praise was heaped on Covington along with anything he wanted from the lords of Sinton. Fenix had been thanked for doing his duty and dismissed out of hand.

The blonde man was happy that the fighting was done for now, and that it had been an unbelievably successful campaign. His treatment upon returning left a sour taste in his mouth. Once again, the twins had shown their contempt for the rank and file soldiers. While he still had his doubts about Covington, at least his men were treated with respect. Aldrich had met up with him in the soldier’s mess hall after his audience with Greddor and Nessor.

“It’s a good thing we came back when we did. This ‘fest’ was going to end up a right cock-up if those two were left in charge. They would have had everyone at the end of a sword signing away everything they own. We would have been back to fighting before anyone left the room.” He said casually as he filled his plate.

The men around them listened in surprise. None of them had been on the northern campaign with him and were not used to commanders criticizing their lords so openly. Fenix could see many nodding their heads appreciatively, though there were a few that wore scowls of disapproval. When he looked back at Covington the bald man appeared to be glancing casually around the room, but his gaze settled just a little longer on each of the men that weren’t openly encouraging him. Fenix had heard many stories in the towns he’d traveled through on the journey north. He was familiar with all of the ‘accidents’ that had befallen disagreeable commanders during the drive inland. He didn’t agree with such drastic measures, especially with the regular men, not officers. He knew it would be harder to remove so many men from the ranks without raising suspicions, this was a peaceful castle, not a dangerous foreign conquest. Fenix made a mental note to talk to the men before Aldrich did. A few of them were no different from Greddor or Nessor, trading their men’s lives for any opportunity to look good in front of their lords. Those he would leave to fend for themselves, the others he would try to persuade the best he could. He knew many of them were reacting negatively just out reflex, some were fresh from training and still thrilled with being accepted into the ranks of the army.

“Were you able to talk them around?” Fenix asked. He saw even more faces turning to listen to the answer.

“Oh aye, I think so.” Aldrich answered. He lifted his empty mug to a nearby servant. “Oi, you! Fill ‘er up, will ya?”

The onlookers waited eagerly for him to finish a long drink from his freshly filled mug before continuing. Aldrich wiped his mouth and settled back in his seat, fully aware of the eyes on him.

“Took some doing, but I convinced them that everyone already knows how dangerous the army is now, no need to ram it down everyone’s throats. Not to mention I’ve just about used all the powder I brought with me. I’ve got people out now gathering everything we need to make more but that will take time. We have everyone over for a fry up, show ‘em what’s done is done and no hard feelings. We also show ‘em that we’ve got plenty more to take down any one of their fancy castles. Get everyone to sign off on what we gained and send ‘em all back home. Even got them to invite that island bird everyone is so keen on marrying.”

That last part caught Fenix by surprise. Why invite the queen of Wellon here? The island country had never cared about what happened on the continent before, why should them care now? He knew in his short time with Covington that there was very little that he did that didn’t benefit him directly, there had to be a reason for reaching out to the little island up north.

It was hours late before the dining hall emptied out and he had a chance to ask Aldrich about his plans. The big man hesitated, eyeing him closely before answering.

“Don’t believe I’m just being thorough with the invitations?” He asked.

Fenix shook his head. “Is that what you told the twins?”

“Of course, and they believed every word of it. Seemed to think it would give them a shot to marry the queen. Something about a line?”

Fenix groaned and sank lower in his seat. He explained Wellon’s courting line and the twins’ failed attempts to win over Queen Mialana.

“So, they just go there and puff out their chests for her to swoon over?” Aldrich’s laughter echoed from the stone walls of the empty hall. “How they manage to hold onto an entire country I’ll never understand. This world makes even less sense than mine did.”

This wasn’t the first time Covington had said something like that. Every time it happened the actual meaning was always just out of reach for Fenix. He tried to puzzle it out on his own unsuccessfully. Covington would explain it away, saying he meant his country or his land, but Fenix knew he was avoiding the question. No one could travel to another world, could they?

“If you don’t actually care about the queen being here then why bother? Wellon’s just a poor little island.” He asked, not really expecting a straight answer.

Alrich eyed him closely for a moment before answering. It was only the two of them in the huge room, apart from a few servants sweeping and tending the fires. He leaned forward with his elbows on the table. The gleaming, well-scrubbed, wood groaned under the weight of the big man. Fenix couldn’t help but lean in to hear what the foreigner had to say, finally the intrigue was leading somewhere.

“It’s not the queen I’m interested in.” Covington’s eyes were shining with intensity. “There’s someone that might come with here that I have a much greater interest in...”

“What do you mean she’s gone?”

Pold shrugged his massive shoulders before answering David’s question. “I mean exactly what I said. Left the night after our last council meeting from what I understand.”

“Well ... shit.”

They were in the High Priest’s office, catching up on news before another meeting with the Queen. That amounted to several rounds of drinks and Pold letting him in on everything that he had heard, the holy man was a terrible gossip. David didn’t mind, any information about his new world was useful. This news about Caelly came as a surprise. In the weeks since their last meeting no one had mentioned anything about it to him.

“Agreed.” Pold said. “Her Majesty kept it quiet for a few days, but eventually she admitted that Caelly wouldn’t be back. Wouldn’t say precisely why, just that they had had a disagreement.”

Can’t wait to sit through this awkward as hell meeting.

“Better get moving or you’ll be late boss.” Corval said from his position by the door.

All three men left to begin the long walk through the palace. Servants fluttered around them, keeping things tidy. Rosha and Liri managed to keep his house in order all by themselves, he couldn’t imagine having to deal with an army of underlings on a daily basis. Even Pold had dozens of scribes and messengers that reported to him, and that was on top of the thousands of lower priests and priestesses scattered all over the island. The out of shape holy man was soon puffing hard from the pace they were keeping.

“Is it really necessary to get there this fast?” He asked between ragged breaths.

“Didn’t you used to be a world class athlete?” David laughed. “Moving around is good for you.”

He reached over and patted the priest’s prominent belly. Pold grumbled, but jogged a little faster to keep up with Corval and David. The two younger men laughed and encouraged their friend. Soon they had reached the meeting room, Corval effortlessly sprinted ahead to open the door for them.

“Show off.” David muttered on his way into the room. Pold took a minute to catch his breath before following.

Laughter died on David’s lips as he made his way to his place at the table. The others filed in behind him, equally subdued. Queen Mialana sat at the head of the table like always. Her uncle took over a whole corner of the room by himself. Kera and Rael were already seated together talking quietly while other ministers shuffled in around them. The only thing missing was the pale blondness of Caelly. A nameless lady-in-waiting attended to the Queen. It was the same young woman that had helped her the night of the dueling feast, a second daughter of some earl from the east. Mialana couldn’t make herself learn any more than that about her, the loss of Caelly was still too fresh.

Once everyone was seated, all eyes turned to the end of the table. The Queen waved her attendant aside before beginning.

“Thank you all for coming. There has been some interesting news from the continent that we must discuss. Lord General, if you will?”

Greeg leaned forward in his corner, his low voice rumbled out slowly. “In the past few months, the Sinton Valley has almost tripled its territory. The standoff with their baron on the coast ended quite suddenly, after which, their armies moved north and turned back inland.”

David frowned. That ‘stand-off’ had ended because a castle had exploded. It pointed strongly to someone else from Earth being here. He wasn’t looking forward to hearing how many other places had been destroyed.

“There is apparently a new commander leading this expansion, not Greddor or Nessor. From the information that has come in, we can tell that there was very little resistance, and their army suffered few, if any, casualties.”

There was considerable muttering at that. The twins were known to be very casual with their soldiers’ lives. It was the biggest obstacle to their towering ambition to be the dominant power on the continent.

“Who is the new commander? Have Greddor and his brother been deposed?” Kera asked with narrowed eyes.

“We don’t have a name for the leader, just that he was a recent arrival to the valley. He was personally appointed by the twins and they’re still ruling things there as far as we know.” Greeg answered.

“Do you know when he showed up there?” David had to know.

The general and the Queen exchanged a look before Mialana responded. “Just around mid-summer we believe.”

So, whoever it is came the same time as me. That sure as shit means it’s someone else from Earth. No one said anything about other people being ‘chosen’ like I was.

There were more than a few looks in his direction. A Queen’s council by definition consisted of some of the smartest people in the country. Several of them were making the connection between their arrival times. Not to mention his unusual win in the duel with Harsk’s man and the way that tower had been brought down.

Unexpectedly, Rael spoke up from his spot next to Kera Seddan. In meetings he normally didn’t participate much outside of his area of guilds and coin. “How much farther do we think they can go before neighboring kingdoms rally together?”

“That’s just it.” Greeg said slowly. “They’ve already headed home. They’ve put their people in charge and left garrisons, but the bulk of their army has gone back to the valley.”

Optimistic talk erupted up and down the table, people were hopeful that things across the sea wouldn’t escalate further. Kera and Rael did not participate, neither did Pold. They all had too much experience to believe it was that simple. After a minute it was quiet again and Pold took the opening to ask what they all wanted to know.

“If things were going so well, why turn back?” He asked the Lord General directly.

“To put it plainly, we don’t know. Their army stopped at a small river hamlet to resupply, then new orders came in and they marched back home. We haven’t been able to find out why the sudden change. The twins would never give up on an easy conquest without a good reason, there aren’t many things more important to them than expanding their realm.”

There were nods up and down the table at that. The twins had tried several times to grow beyond their beloved valley. Their father and grandfather had tried as well.

“We may have answers to all of this soon.” Mialana held her hand out to her lady-in-waiting, who placed an open letter in it. The Queen held it up for them to see. It was short but official looking, two large signatures and was seals at the bottom. “This is an invitation for me to attend an official dinner in Sinton itself, to celebrate their recent success.”

Several of the gathered advisors balked at the idea of acknowledging the aggressive maneuvers that the twins had made. One who’s name David couldn’t remember advised the Queen it was too risky to sail there during the storm season. Another wanted to know why she had been invited, seeing as they were an island and not truly neighbors with the valley.

Mialana listened to their concerns calmly before brushing them off one by one. Attending to gather information was not the same as condoning what they had done. Sailing was risky no matter what season it was. They were invited, she believed, due to the twins’ recent appearance in the Courting Line. This could be another attempt to convince her to marry one of them.

David didn’t believe that was the re3ason one bit. Both of the twins had been to Wellon recently and would know that it wouldn’t take much to conquer it with their newfound ability to destroy defenses. He was willing to bet everyone invited to this dinner would be intimidated one way or another into handing over even more territory than they had already conquered. Either way, he was glad he wouldn’t have to go. It was enough to know there was another person from Earth on this world with him. The fact that they didn’t seem to care about how many people they killed here made him want to avoid them at all costs.

Once the arguments over whether or not the Queen would go had ended, a new round of discussion over who would accompany her started.

“My uncle, the Lord General, will of course go with me, along with a small group of guardsmen. This is just supposed to be a dinner, so I do not want to antagonize them any more than necessary. Rael, I would like you to go to get a feel for how things stand with the tradesmen and common people. You are well known to enjoy taverns, so it will not be out of place for you to visit a few in town there.”

Lokke tried to hide a smile at this while others laughed. David and Pold were among those that were amused. They had both been witnesses to Rael’s adventures in the local inns and taverns.

The Queen wasn’t done with her instructions.

“I would also like David to accompany me.” She said, looking straight at him.

“Me?” He said, a little too loudly. “Why me? I don’t know anything about diplomacy.”

Now it was the Queen’s turn to laugh. “That is very true. You do however know many things that others do not. You have also proven capable of protecting yourself. Especially in ... unexpected ways.”

David looked from the Queen to Greeg, who smiled humorlessly at him. They both wanted him to go just in case they had to protect the Queen so he could shoot someone. Even if they didn’t believe that what he did was magical, they still didn’t really understand the limits of what he could do.

Damn you Harsk. You and that stupid duel making me show what guns can do. Even when you aren’t around you manage to be a pain in my ass.

Emalyn slammed the back door of Ilex house and dropped onto a bench at the kitchen table in a huff. She tore into a loaf of fresh bread Addan had made that morning. Today had felt so different, so hopeful. A sailmaker she had talked to the day before had asked her to come back again to see how well she could do with mending and patching. Everyone had wished her luck as she ate breakfast at lightning speed and headed out. Even the rude looks and people moving out of her way hadn’t bothered her as she made her way down to the harbor district. She had cheerfully knocked on the door and asked to see the master sailmaker, just as she had done the day before.

Her good mood had faltered as soon as the older man had come to the door. He ushered her inside politely but refused to look Emalyn in the eyes. The hopeful woman’s hearing faded in and out as he explained, and her temper boiled her blood.

“Talked it over with the other journeymen ... Couldn’t convince them to overlook ... Not worth upsetting everyone ... Best of luck finding something else...”

Numbness was all that kept her from charging into the workshop to demand to know who had objected to her being hired on. The servant that had answered the door led her back out and closed the door with a sneer. The dejected redhead wandered slowly back towards home, not having it in her to try anywhere else. She had been so certain that this time everything would go her way. The sight of Ilex house caused her to break into a run, wanting to shut out the world behind its walls.

Liri had been at the table when Emalyn stormed in, talking with her mother and the cook. The sudden appearance of their newest resident caught her by surprise. She had been reaching for the bread herself before the irate woman began tearing it apart. After nearly a month, she was no longer afraid of the redheaded woman, but her sudden arrival had thrown Liri off balance. The bad mood was practically radiating off of her, along with the cold she had brought into the house with her. Boland had asked the young housemaid to help him brush down the horses that morning. She had taken one look at the frost covering everything in the garden and gone back inside.

“Um ... did things not go well at the sail maker’s?” Liri asked tentatively.

Fire flashed in Emalyn’s brown eyes as she looked up from the scraps of bread in front of her. Liri squeaked in surprise and backed away from the table. Emalyn reached out and caught her hand, pulling her back down. She was ashamed she had frightened the poor girl.

“I ... sorry.” First to Liri, then to the others. “Sorry.”

Rosha sat next to her daughter while Addan set a hot cup of tea in front of Emalyn. The cook swept up the scattered crumbs with a frown. Emalyn’s cheeks reddened as she stared into the tea rather than meet his eyes. A fresh slice of bread appeared next to the cup, covered in blackberry jam like they knew she liked.

“Try actually eating this one, it works better that way.” Addan said, now smiling at her.

“Thanks you.” She told the cook.

The tea warmed her after a morning spent walking through the cold city. A small smile spread across her face as she took a bite of the bread. Everyone around the room waited for her to finish. Emalyn didn’t see anything resentful in their looks after her outburst, only concern. It was a reminder that no matter what happened outside, if anywhere in the world was home for her, it was here. There was nothing left in Orland but an empty shack on the beach full of sad memories. People in Wellon mostly avoided her if they weren’t outright hostile. Everyone at Ilex house was always there for her, even Liri.

Mother and daughter sat across the table, waiting patiently for her to tell them about her day. The cook hustled around, getting the beginnings of dinner started, but she could tell he was also listening and waiting.

“Mas ... Master sailmaker, he want to make me job.” She wished Jaym was here. The language of the continent and the lower islands wasn’t spoken much in Orland, she’d known only a few words of it before coming to Wellon. Between immersing herself in the city and help from her young translator she’d made rapid progress, but she hated how ignorant her limited grasp of this tongue made her sound.

“He wanted to hire you? That’s wonderful! What changed this morning?” Rosha asked.

“Other workers, they complain. Owner say ... he sorry. Not want trouble. Same everywhere, no one want ‘trouble.’” She finished her tea and slumped in her seat. “No one want cursed hair. Mother, Father, make no sense. Moons just moons! Not curse anyone!”

Liri’s eyes widened at this affront to the Mother. Rosha kicked her discreetly under the table to keep her daughter from saying anything. This wasn’t the time for a religious argument. Emalyn didn’t mean any harm, the Mother was just a foreign concept to her. Orlanders worshipped a god that either lived in the sea or was made of the sea, the distinction was never quite clear to Rosha. Every sailor sacrificed some salt or some fish before a voyage to gain the god’s favor and that was about it. They had spent several nights talking about their country’s religions, but the idea that she was evil because of a moon still made no sense to Emalyn no matter how it was explained.

“What will you do now?” Liri asked. “Mom’s already asked every decent tavern in town if they’d be willing to take you on. You’ve been through every sea trade on the docks and gotten the same answer.”

Emalyn shrugged and raised her empty hands.

“Not sure. Not want give up, nothing back home go to. Keep trying? Maybe try another place.”

Rosha wasn’t surprised. Truthfully it might be easier for the young woman over on the continent. There was more variety of beliefs there, depending on what kingdom you were in. She was also surprised when her daughter spoke up to keep Emalyn there. It seemed the silly girl was like the rest of them and had grown attached to their house guest.

“You wouldn’t really leave would you Emalyn?” Liri reached out to touch her hand. Emalyn squeezed the offered hand gently.

“No want to. Happy here, like everyone.” She looked around the room to indicate the whole of Ilex house. “But no future, no op ... options. Should move on.”

Before anyone could respond, the back door opened and Jaym came rushing in, happy to be in the warmth of the kitchen. David followed behind him, careful to close the door to keep out the early winter weather. Emalyn caught Rosha’s eye and shook her head, indicating she didn’t want them to know how her morning went just yet.

“Ooh, fresh bread!” Jaym cried happily.

The boy had been in the yard practicing with his sword and helping Boland brush down the horses while David was at the palace. His cheeks were red from the cold. Jaym hopped onto the bench next to Emalyn to eat his lunch.

“No thanks Addan.” David told the cook when offered a plate of his own.

“How was the meeting this time?” Rosha asked.

“Um ... interesting.”

“Really? How so?” Liri wanted to know. She was always interested in anything that happened at the palace. The young woman was thrilled to be part of such an important household, which had interactions with royalty.

“Well, the Queen was invited to a ... uh, well a dinner I suppose. Over on the continent.”

“Oh, that’s so exciting!” Her eyes took on a dreamy quality as she imagined far off lands and elegant ballrooms filled with handsome well-dressed gentlemen.

David braced himself for the girl’s reaction to his next bit of news. “And she asked me to go with her.”

“WHAT?!” That came from Liri and Rosha both, surprisingly.

“You heard me. I’m supposed to be part of her travelling group. The ship will leave in about a week.” He told them. “So, I’ve got until then to figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do on this trip.”

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