The Once and Future Man
Copyright© 2022 by WestCoastWilly
Chapter 3
The main entrance of the palace had been in the crossbar of its A design. As near as David could tell they were still in the crossbar area. As they were ushered into the throne room, the righthand wall was made of floor to ceiling windows. He could see a large courtyard filled with trees and fountains. The room itself was enormous, a hundred feet long at least, and he would need a scissor lift to reach the ceiling. The wall on the left was covered in paintings large and small. There were scenes of battles, sitting rulers, and seafaring. As they walked down the center aisle, they passed a huge map of the island. Wellon was almost pear shaped, and if the scale was right, it was somewhere between New York and California in size. Thaladon was midway up the west coast. A few other cities were marked on the map, but he didn’t have time to study it. A clerk went down the line of hopefuls asking them their names and where they were from. When it was his turn he said, “David Winston, from Dallas in America.”
They were being pushed past the nobles and onlookers of the court to stand before the throne. The floor of the room was granite tile with mosaic starbursts spread out at even intervals. The throne itself was on a dais made of marble, two steps higher than the rest of the floor. In the center was a high cushioned chair of polished golden wood. The back was carved with a crown and waves. A large banner hung behind, the same three stars on sea blue that flew from the highest tower.
And sitting on the throne was the cutest girl he had ever seen. Maybe nineteen or twenty years old if he had to guess. She was a small woman, her feet barely touched the floor as she sat, straight backed, in her chair. Her soft brown hair was pulled back, a few loose strands left free to frame her heart shaped face. Light shined off the diamond tiara on top of her head and from her blue-grey eyes. She was dressed in a gown that reminded him of fall. It was all velvets and silk. The main body was a dark forest green with accents of burnt orange and red. To David she looked impatient and uncomfortable but trying her best to hide it. A serving girl stood silently just behind her right shoulder.
All of the candidates lined up in front of the throne as directed. David ended up on the left end facing the Queen, followed by the two men in armor. The silk squad took the center while the three poor nobles were on the right. The huge silent man from the other room stood off to the side near the edge of the dais. All of the servants were shuffled off as a group to one side. When they were all settled in line David could see the queen straighten her shoulders and raise her chin. The servant girl touched her on the shoulder, and they exchanged a quick glance.
A man in a uniform that looked uncomfortably starched stepped forward, he called out in a clear voice that could be heard down by the harbor, “Presenting candidates for the hand of Queen Mialana, long may she reign!”
Everyone in the room bowed deeply, David just a hair slower than the rest.
The speaker continued once everyone stood up, “Lord Kenterus Harsk, seventh Count of the Midlands.”
The rude silk man from earlier stepped forward from the others. He bowed before the Queen, just enough to not be completely rude. “If it’s all the same to you my Queen, I’ll wait to the end. Let this riffraff present themselves, and then the serious business can begin.”
The other candidates bristled at that, even the other silk dressed nobles standing next to Lord Harsk. The Queen frowned. “As you wish Lord Harsk, you have tried ten times before, why not one more.”
Harsk stepped back in line and the majordomo announced the next to be presented. They went down the line, starting with the poorer nobles on the right. They each stepped forward and made their case to the Queen. They were polite, but spoke with no confidence at all. The Queen smiled warmly at each of them and thanked them for coming to see her. She was very nice about it, though it was clearly a dismissal and everyone in the room knew it.
The other silk clad nobles went next. They each bowed low and proceeded to explain how much the Queen and her country would benefit from picking them. Their servants hustled forward when their lords waved them on. The first presented the Queen with gold ring with a ruby set in it. It was a thick, heavy thing. Far too big for the Queen to ever wear. She accepted the gift and quickly set it aside. The next servant brought out a large box when it was his turn. He opened it and pulled out ... a penguin. David couldn’t believe it. It was a small one, like one of those South African penguins, but it was a real live penguin. The bird shook itself after getting out of the box and waddled around in front of the throne. The Queen giggled at it but otherwise didn’t seem impressed.
Either she’s a better poker player than I would have guessed, or she’s been given some really amazing things from this Courting Line. Shit, I’d be thrilled if someone just handed me a penguin.
The two men in armor went next, one after the other. They were both from the mainland to the west, same as everyone else except Lord Harsk. It turned out the two men were brothers from a kingdom on the coast to the south. They were at war with their neighbors (David noticed a lot of eye rolling around the room at this. Maybe they were at war a lot?) and were hoping for a military alliance to go along with the marriage. They didn’t present anything to the Queen, but each pulled his sword from its sheath and laid it on the floor before the dais. The young ruler nodded her head deeply at their offers. She advised them that she was skeptical of pulling her people into someone else’s war but would consider their proposal.
When everyone else had stepped back he heard the leather lunged majordomo announce “David Winston, from Dal-las in Am-err-icka”
He shuddered at the pronunciation but stepped forward and bowed low to the Queen. She at least looked interested and responded to his bow with a nod of her head.
What do you say to a Queen?
“Good morning your Majesty. Let me just say how much I have enjoyed my stay in your city. I’m, um, sorry I don’t have any land or m ... military power to offer you. I’ve traveled here from far away to offer my friendship and my service. Please, uh, let me present you with this present.”
Present you with this present? What the hell is wrong with me?
He motioned Jaym forward. The boy stepped up to the dais and went down on one knee like he’d seen the other servants do. He left the box on the floor before the throne and quickly stepped back.
At least one of us didn’t make a fool of ourselves. I’m gonna have to give that kid a raise.
The serving girl behind the Queen bent to pick up the box and set it in her monarch’s lap. They exchanged another look and Lady of Thaladon opened the lid of the box.
Mialana opened the lid slowly, not expecting much. If it was another ‘dragon’s egg’ she was going to be sick. That was fun the first few times. Now it would just be another carved rock to go with the rest of them. She could almost build a fireplace with the ones she had. This man was handsome enough and she was curious about where he was from, she had never heard of Am-err-icka before. And what was going on with his clothes? Just pants and a thin jacket, very plain but he still somehow looked presentable. Just two more suitors to get through and she’d be free...
“Oh, my. It’s beautiful...”
Inside the box was the most wonderful gift she had ever received from the Courting Line. Laying on the green velvet inside the box was a figure of a horse. But it was like no horse she had ever seen before. Its body was platinum, with a tail and mane of gold. The hooves were made of black pearls, sapphire chips were set into the eyes. Oddest of all it had a smooth spiraled horn between its eyes that was fashioned from an opal.
She heard her lady’s maid, Caelly, gasp behind her. The Queen reached into the box and lifted it out. Light shined or sparkled from every surface. It was perfectly formed; all the muscles of a horse could be seen in its lines. There was a murmur from the crowd as they saw it. She loved it, but...
“What is it?” It wasn’t often a Queen could admit ignorance in front of inferiors, but she had to know the name of this creature.
The tall handsome man bowed again before answering. “It is called a unicorn, your Majesty. Where I’m from people believe they’re magical pure creatures.”
“What a wonderful place you must come from, to have creatures like this. And I must compliment the work of your artisans. I have never seen anything so exquisitely made.”
The man smiled. His teeth were remarkably straight and white. “I’m sorry to say you’ll only find them in stories there. And the credit actually goes to your own people. That was made here in the city, by Alden, your Highness.”
This caused an uproar in the spectators. Everyone whispering at once about how they might get something similar. The majordomo cleared his throat and the noise died away. The Queen set the unicorn back in its box and closed the lid. She rested her small hands on top and looked at the foreigner in a new light. “So, the smiths of my own island outshine the craftsmen of the wide world?”
Her eyes swept the line of nobles in front of her, lingering on the one that had presented her with that atrocious ring.
“The idea was mine and I provided some of the materials, but yeah, it’s homemade. I don’t have access to much from home so it was the best that I could do. Your subject was paid handsomely for it, I assure you.”
The Queen smiled at that. She was about to ask this intriguing stranger more about his Am-err-icka when Lord Harsk stepped forward. She wasn’t surprised at his rudeness, but it was unsettling as always.
“I really must protest my Queen! This man has admitted that he has nothing to offer. No lands, no titles, even his gift could have been made any time you wanted, coming from where it does.” Harsk had watched the exchange between this devil and the Queen with barely suppressed rage. This was his time. The Queen had stood him off long enough, there was no more reason to delay. If her parents had lived, they would have been betrothed long ago, possibly even married by now. Who did this no-account foreigner think he was?
Mialana shook her head and then waved her chamberlain over. She whispered in his ear a moment and then he returned to his position.
“The Lady of Thaladon thanks all who came before her today but asks that the room be cleared. Lord Harsk and David Winston will remain. May the Mother watch over you.”
There was plenty of quiet grumbling by the people leaving. Especially from the rejected suitors. The two men in armor retrieved their swords off the floor before they left. The silent man kept his place by the dais, apparently unconcerned about the Queen’s order. Soon it was only him and Harsk left in the room with David.
“Sir?” He jumped. Jaym had stayed behind, too small to be noticed. “Where should I go?”
He had no idea what was happening, it would be nice to have some support here. “You stay here with me, just don’t say anything.”
The Queen had been impressed by his gift. He was pretty sure HE wasn’t the one in trouble. But if she just wanted to chew this Harsk guy a new one, why did he have to stick around for it? She handed the box on her lap to a different servant that was waiting in the wings. The girl behind her didn’t move from her place. The Queen smoothed down her dress and then sat up, resting her hands on the armrests of her throne, looking as regal as possible.
“For the last time Lord Harsk, I will not have you grandstanding or trying to bully your way through my court. Is that clear?” She frowned down at the man from the dais. There wasn’t a trace of warmth in her voice.
“Yes, my Queen.” He even sounded like he meant it.
She relaxed slightly, “Now then, what is it that you want? I have been very clear that I will not pick you. Yet you return every few months to present yourself, as is your right. Do you have nothing better to do?”
Lord Kenterus Harsk bristled, “You know why. This ‘Courting Line’ is a farce. All these country barons and ... foreigners.” He gave David a disdainful look at that. “None of them are worthy of the palace or that throne. My father had already begun negotiations with yours when the fever took them. It’s not my fault that they died.”
Tears formed in the Queen’s eyes; the serving girl placed a hand on her shoulder again. The Queen reached up and held her hand, rubbing her thumb along the back of the girl’s palm. They exchanged a quick look.
David whispered to himself, “She’ll never pick any of them. These guy’s have been trying to sell a dog to a woman who likes cats.”
“Sir?” Jaym asked, confused. David shushed him with a wave.
“As I have said before to you, my Lord, those negotiations were never final. I am Queen here and I will choose whom I wish.”
Harsk barked a laugh, “Go ahead then, choose. Who will it be this time? The three from the north who offered nothing but a name? One of the brothers, who offer war? With their temperament it will hardly be the last time, they’re no different than the rest of their family. And the rest? Pale imitations to what I offer. There is no one wealthier or more qualified in the kingdom and you know it. Every month a new group of lesser men presents themselves, and every month I remain the best option for the kingdom.”
David had never heard anyone think so highly of himself. He didn’t know how big this world was but there had to be at least a few million people out there better than this guy. “Maybe she won’t pick you just because you’re an asshole?”
“Mind your own business peasant! You shouldn’t have even been allowed to be presented here. At least all the others come from old established families, whatever their other faults. But you? David Winston of Am-err-icka ... Who has ever heard of such a place? You could be a merchant captain who happened to find a few trinkets across the sea. Or some bandit that killed a worthwhile applicant and stole his gift. You have nothing more to offer, you might as well leave before you are arrested.”
Arrested? This wasn’t even his palace. He’d noticed the Queen stifle a laugh when he called him out, but she hadn’t interrupted. “The Queen asked me to stay, so I think I will. And how do you know what I have to offer? I ... I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.” Not the best Roy Batty impression but Harsk was definitely thrown by it, and the Queen looked curious. Good thing they would never know it was just a line from a movie, hiding his discomfort in bravado. The silent giant just stood there listening. David still had no idea what his deal was, he doubted this was the time to ask.
“I will decide who remains in my presence, Harsk. Be careful or you yourself will be banned from this city. You would have to actually visit your family’s lands in the country. From what I understand there are very few brothels there to occupy your time. Yes, I know how you like to spend your days. Your vaults would be fuller if you weren’t keeping every whore in the city on retainer. I have made my position clear before but let me try one last time. I will not marry you. Not even if the Mother herself asked me to. Leave this court and do not return without some sort of official business to conduct.”
Harsk opened his mouth to protest but the giant chose this moment to speak. His voice was so low and deep David could almost feel it in his chest. “That will be all from you Harsk. My niece has been more than patient. Keep pushing and you’ll have an extended stay down below.”
David watched the arrogant jerk shut his mouth and leave. He couldn’t blame him. He almost wanted to leave too. That guy sounded like if the Balrog from Lord of the Rings could talk. To his surprise the balrog-man just smiled at him. “I think I’ll take my leave as well your Highness. You know my thoughts on this situation.”
The large man bowed low to the Queen, turned and nodded to David, then left the room.
There were guards by the door, the girl servant and Jaym, and just him and the Queen in the room now. He had no idea what to do now. He hadn’t expected to be singled out like this. He’d planned to present his gift, be shuffled off to the side, and have to talk to one functionary after another to have a personal audience with the Queen. Now here he was with her and all he could think about was that giant coming back in to cave his head in if he said the wrong thing to her. Or be sent ‘down below’, whatever the hell that meant.
“That guy is your uncle?” He blurted out.
The Queen smiled, “Oh yes. He was my mother’s brother. Lord General Draedon Greeg, leader of the armies of Wellon. He likes to observe all the candidates in the Courting Line and give me his opinion before everyone makes their case. Don’t worry about him. He means well and he can’t help that voice.” The young woman actually giggled, and David was reminded of the fact that she was only around nineteen years old.
He relaxed a fraction, “Am I allowed to ask what he thought of me?”
She rose from her throne and stepped down the dais towards David. She was very small; the top of her head barely came to his shoulder. Her gown flowed behind her like water. “Come with me and you may ask.”
The Queen turned away from him and went to a panel of the wall behind the throne. She gave it a gentle push and a door popped open. Before David followed her through, he looked back, Jaym was standing at his place in front of the throne looking scared. “Your Majesty, my servant?”
“Oh, don’t worry about him. Caelly will make sure he’s well taken care of.”
As she said that the lady’s maid took the boy by the hand and led him out a different door. Jaym didn’t protest, the girl wasn’t as pretty as the Queen but her long white-blonde hair and waif-like build had clearly struck him.
Behind the throne room was a small sitting room. One wall had the same floor to ceiling windows as the larger room behind it. Comfortable, intricately embroidered couches and chairs sat around a low table. The Queen sat on a couch and rang a bell that was on the table. A footman entered noiselessly from another door.
“A pot of tea and some food please, thank you.” The Queen told him as she directed David to sit across from her. The man left without a word.
“So. What did the general have to say about me?” He sat down as comfortably as he could. He had to adjust the flintlock so it wouldn’t hit him in the ribs.
The footman arrived with a tray, set it silently on the table and left again. There was a porcelain teapot in the middle with two cut glass teacups. An array of sweets and finger sandwiches filled the rest of the tray. The Queen poured herself a cup and one for David. He declined cream or sugar and they both sat back in their seats.
“He said to find out as much as possible about you. I’ve traveled to the different kingdoms on the continent, mostly along the coast. And I see the different things sailors bring back with them when they come in. My uncle has traveled farther and for more years than I have been alive. He said he had never seen clothes like yours. And he was impressed the way you defended your servant to Lord Harsk. So, tell me about yourself, where is this Am-err-icka you come from?”
David looked down at his tea, “You’ll hardly know who I am or what I mean...”
“Excuse me?”
David was startled. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. He was trying to decide how to explain how he got here. He didn’t want to lie, but the whole truth would make her think he was crazy. “I’m sorry your majesty. I was thinking out loud. It’s a line from an old poem I like.”
The Queen’s eyes brightened, “Poetry? I love poems! You spend a lot of time reading when all anyone wants you to do is wait around to pick a husband. Come, tell me your poem.”
“Ah ... I haven’t read it in a long time. I don’t know why that line came to me.”
“Please, I’ve never heard a man recite a poem before. As Queen, I could command it you know.” She raised one eyebrow at him playfully.
“Fair point. Let me see...” Why did he have to pick Song of Myself? Of all the things to blurt out it had to be a 50 page poem? He was glad she had never heard it before.
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