The Once and Future Man
Copyright© 2022 by WestCoastWilly
Chapter 9
“Drop the anchor!”
Jaym’s high pitched voice rang out in excitement. The heavy iron weight splashed into the water amidst cheers from the crew. Sailors tossed ropes down to the dock, where men waited to secure them to giant cleats. With all of the sails secure, riggers dropped down to the deck like leaves. Rowers joined them, sweating from bringing the Sea Star safely into harbor. A long gangplank was run up to the port side and secured to the deck.
A light snow was falling over the city, several inches had accumulated on the rooftops of the buildings nearby. A dusting was already showing on the dryest areas of the ship. Mialana emerged from her cabin in a fur lined cloak and a wrap for her hands. She’d been quiet after they had escaped the storm, sticking mostly to her cabin. Her uncle had told them she was ‘out of sorts’ after surviving her first brush with violent death, but that she would be ok in time. They both waited silently as the ramp was tied off and held in place by two strong sailors. The Queen turned to look up at the bridge where Emalyn stood, overseeing the crew. The fisherman’s daughter gave her a perfect salute, fingers flat on her heart, head bowed slightly. Her forehead and cheeks were mildly sunburnt after being exposed to the sun on the open sea.
Mialana nodded, acknowledging the salute. As she set foot on the narrow plank, Jaym looked up to the bo’sun, who gave his approval.
“Her Majesty departing!” He shouted across the deck.
The whole crew saluted, which the Lord General and the Queen returned before leaving. Someone on shore must have sent word to the palace as soon as the ship was in sight, her carriage was already waiting for them on the pier. In seconds they were bundled up inside of it and rolling away, up into the city. Lokke and Corval departed next, taking horses that had been brought down with the Queen’s escort.
That just left David and Jaym waiting on deck. Emalyn said something to her pilot, Woller, who nodded and stepped away from the wheel. She left the bridge, skipping lightly down the steps to where David was waiting.
“All right, let’s go home.” He couldn’t wait to collapse into his own safe bed again.
“Crew dismissed!” Emalyn shouted.
The roar of noise was deafening. Sailors cheered and raised their fists in the air, thrilled to be given leave after such a rough voyage. Squads of carpenters and dock workers were waiting on shore to take their place. Much of the damage from the storm had been repaired already, but they weren’t taking any chances with Wellon’s flagship.
Dismissed sailors rushed past them, eager to get out of the cold. It wouldn’t surprise David if half the taverns in the harbor district ran out of booze before the day was over. Soon only the three of them were left on the ship. Many of the crewmen had patted Jaym on the shoulder as they left. They had taken to him as a kind of mascot, while the cabin boys aspired to his position. Even more of the crew had saluted Emalyn before departing. Almost no one had been fond of the former captain and in her brief time in command she had done a much better job ingratiating herself to the men.
No horses were left for them, so they started the long walk uphill towards Ilex house. Emalyn walked close to him, lost in thought. Jaym trotted ahead, eager to get home and tell everyone what had happened. David was looking forward to the warm comfort of his home. He had seen real snow only a handful of times in his life. There were only a few inches on the ground so far, a light fluffy snow, but between that and the chill wind out at sea he was ready for a nice hot fire.
All the way up the hill, the streets were swept clean of snow, leaving a thin crust of ice on the cobblestones. They received a few odd looks on the way home, but no one went out of their way to avoid them. He was worried that the return to the hostility of the city would bother Emalyn after her warm reception on the Sea Star, she didn’t appear to notice them this time.
They rounded a corner and came within sight of Ilex house. Jaym ran ahead yelling “Hurray, we’re home!”
He waited for them on the front steps, fidgeting anxiously to be let in. David took Emalyn’s hand and they too ran the rest of the way to the door. Her laughter filled the empty street and he thought there wasn’t any sound he would rather hear. Her smile lit up her face while he fished around in his bag for the key to the front door. A moment later they were in the welcoming entrance hall of home. Jaym called out to Rosha and Liri. No one answered.
That was odd, Rosha had never failed to meet him at the door when he came in that way. He didn’t know how she did it, but she always knew when he would be there. They left their jackets on hooks in the front hallway and went looking. There was no one in either of the front sitting rooms. The library, his office, and the dining room were also empty. They were all the way to the steps down to the kitchen when they heard noises.
It sounded like the wide polished table was scraping across the stone floor of the kitchen. As they got closer they could hear voices and a low moaning sound. David was in the lead with Emalyn and Jaym close behind him.
“Are you sure they won’t come back soon?” That sounded like Boland.
More moaning. “Yes, I’m sure. Don’t stop ... go faster ... that’s it. Faster ... faster!”
David walked down into the kitchen to find Liri bent over the table with Boland behind her, pants around his ankles. He heard a surprised squeak behind him. Emalyn was holding Jaym close to her, one hand over his eyes. The redhead was blushing furiously and convulsing from the effort of holding in her laughter.
The noise alerted the young couple to their audience. Boland scrambled backwards, yanking up his pants as fast as he could. He tripped over one of his boots and crashed to the floor. Liri stayed where she was, too afraid to move. Her skirts fell back into place, covering her up. She buried her face in her hands, unwilling to look at anyone. Boland managed to get himself clothed and stood up, preparing to run if necessary.
Emalyn couldn’t hold it anymore and burst out laughing. Tears were streaming down her face and her hands were holding her sides now that she didn’t have to cover Jaym’s eyes. The boy was looking down at his feet, cheeks reddening rapidly.
“Could you take him upstairs please, while I try to deal with this?” He asked Emalyn.
She went back up the stairs, still laughing. Jaym was pulled along with her.
David turned back to the two guilty looking young people. “Both of you sit down.”
Liri and Boland sat on one of the table’s benches. They glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes, refusing to look at David. He wasn’t sure what to say. They were both technically adults, so what they did was their own business. However...
“In the kitchen you guys? This is where we eat!”
Liri opened her mouth to respond but thought better of it. She looked back down at the tabletop without saying anything.
“What would Addan say about you screwing in his prep area? Where is he anyway? And your mother?” David asked.
Liri was too scared to answer him. Boland swallowed hard before speaking for her. “They both went out to refill the pantry. We ... We thought no one would be home for hours. All of our work was finished and...”
“And you thought you would scrub the table with Rosha’s daughter?” David finished for him.
“Wha ... What? I ... I would never.” Boland stammered.
“It was my idea!” Liri shouted. “I wanted to do it. It was too cold outside in the stables and no one was home. We ... we meant no disrespect Master David. We would have cleaned the table after!”
David worked hard not to laugh at that. Liri’s eyes were wide with desperation. He knew servants here could be fired for any reason. He was probably allowed to punish them if he wanted to. He’d leave whipping the help to jerks like Lord Harsk, it wasn’t something he was capable of. Liri must be worried he would sack all of them for this. Truthfully, he was concerned how Rosha was going to react when she found out. He wasn’t going to fire them for being horny young adults, but Rosha might beat her daughter black and blue for pulling a stunt like this.
“Do the two of you want to be together? Maybe get married someday?” He asked them.
They looked at each other for a moment, thinking it over, then both nodded emphatically.
“Ok, then I won’t say anything to your mother Liri.”
The young couple sagged with relief.
“But as soon as she gets home you’re both going to tell her how you feel and what you want. I don’t want any secret sneaking around in this house.”
Boland still looked relieved, but Liri paled at the idea of having to tell her mother she was in a relationship. At least they weren’t being kicked out, that was something. She was happy with Boland and wanted to be with him, she would have to tell her mother sooner or later.
“Yes Master David.” She said at last.
He was thrilled he wouldn’t have to say anything to Rosha about catching them in the act. “Good. No more hookups in the stable or in the kitchen then.”
They agreed and he started to leave the room. On the top step he turned back to them. “And clean the damn table!”
He left them to get to work and went back to the front of the house. Emalyn was in the library with Jaym, reading. She smiled at him as he passed, but appeared to have gotten over her fit of laughter. He went back to the entrance hall and up the stairs on his own. There was no fire in his room, no one had expected them to be back so soon. It was chilly but freshly cleaned. He dropped his sword and pistol belts onto the sofa, grateful to not have to carry the weight anymore. His bed had never looked more welcoming. There were a hundred things he needed to do, from the situation with his staff, to preparing for whatever Covington would try to throw at them next, to what would happen with Emalyn now that she had decided to stay. None of them felt as important currently as getting some sleep. Between the hectic ride out of Sinton and the small swaying hammocks on the Sea Star, he hadn’t had a good nights sleep in almost a week. He kicked off his boots and fell into the big empty bed, pulling the blankets up over his head to block out the cold.
It felt like his eyes had only been closed for moment, though it had actually been almost five hours, when Liri was cautiously shaking him awake. He cracked open one eye, barely noticeable through all of the covers.
“I’m sorry Master David, mother sent me up to get you. There’s a visitor in the yard.”
David groaned, tempted to ignore her and burrow deeper into his bed. Liri clearly didn’t want to bother him. In the end she was more afraid of disobeying her mother before talking to her about her relationship with the caretaker. She reached out again to pull the covers back from his head.
“Ok, ok, I’m getting up. Who is here anyway?” They hadn’t even been back a day, no one in town should even know he was home yet. If he went down there and it was Lord Harsk complaining about something again, he was just going to shoot him and go back to bed.
“I don’t know who it is. Addan and mother came back from shopping and said there was a carriage in the yard.” She backed away, holding up his boots.
He took the shoes and got out of bed. Liri left in a hurry, still uncomfortable around him after being caught with her behind exposed to the world.
There was a fire crackling in the hearth in his sitting area, taking some of the chill out of the room. Once he was dressed only his weapons were left, sitting on the sofa. Should he bring one of them just in case?
No. That shouldn’t be my go-to solution. It’s probably just someone from one of the guilds wanting to ask a question.
Sword and pistol left behind, he went down the back servant’s stairs to the kitchen. Rosha and Addan were there, the cook was starting a quick dinner while his housekeeper went over accounts. No one else was present in the kitchen. Both of them welcomed him home but didn’t say anything else, knowing he had other priorities at the moment. Addan especially was distracted, he hadn’t planned on having the owner of the house there and was far behind his usual preparations for the evening meal.
There was indeed a small carriage in the yard out back. It lacked any identifying marks on its sides. Most of the rides he’d seen in the city had a coat of arms painted on them, either representing a noble family, a guild hall, or the company that rented out the carriage. This one was painted a dark grey with green curtains blocking out the evening sun. It was also very small, only big enough for two people to fit inside facing each other.
Boland was already there, holding onto the bridle of the horse attached to the small vehicle. The driver stayed up on his post at the front. Nothing on his plain black outfit gave away who he worked for. Boland shrugged and shook his head when David looked to him for answers.
“Can I help you?” He asked the driver.
The stone-faced man didn’t even blink. Instead, the door opened and a small figure stepped out. They were covered head to toe in a deep green cloak. David backed up a step as the stranger raised their hands to the hood, pushing it back.
“Your Majesty?” He said, momentarily confused.
Her hair had been tied into a simple braid thrown over her left shoulder. She looked clean and fresh after their haphazard escape from Sinton. No tiaras or jewelry this time, just a simple dress the same color as her cloak. Too late, David remembered who was in front of him and he bowed low. The Queen’s mouth twitched into a smirk at his delayed reaction.
“Is everything ok?” David asked. She had never come to his home before and he’d never seen her travel in such a low-key way.
“Yes, I am fine.” She said, sounding shy for the first time he could think of. “May ... may I come in?”
“Of course your Highness, follow me please.” David rushed to open the back door for her. He saw Boland helping her driver unhitch the horse and lead it into the stable. He would trust the caretaker to get the driver inside when they were done.
Rosha and Addan were deep into preparations for dinner, so they didn’t immediately notice who had just come in. Jaym however, had been putting loaves of bread on the table and saw them at once. The excited boy ran over to greet their guest.
“Hi your Majesty!” He gave her a proper salute just like he had done on the Sea Star.
“Hello again young sailor.” Mialana smiled brightly down at the young boy. “I am glad you are home. It gives me the chance to thank you properly for all you did to get us safely through the storm.”
She reached into a pocket on the inside of her cloak and pulled out a silver medal attached to a sea blue ribbon. Jaym stood as tall as he could while the Queen draped it around his neck. She then leaned down to kiss him gently on the forehead. The awestruck boy blushed so hard his face was almost purple.
“I hope you will be an example of Wellon’s courage for a long time to come.”
“Oh, I will your Majesty. I promise!” Jaym said earnestly. He ran out of the room to find Liri to show her his medal.
Rosha and Addan were shocked into silence, never in their wildest dreams did they imagine they would be face to face with the Queen. They were both spattered with flour and feathers from the birds they had been preparing. Rosha tried to brush the debris off her apron, but she only made it worse. She stopped fidgeting and bowed, Addan followed along a second later.
“Oh, you must be the people that Lord Harsk had a fit over. Are you still happy here with David?” Mialana asked.
The housekeeper recovered enough to answer. “Y-yes we are, very happy your Majesty.”
David directed the Queen up into the house, saving Rosha from further embarrassment. He knew she would be hard on herself for weeks for not being at her best in front of her ruler. He’d expected Mialana to go to one of the sitting rooms in the front of the house, or to his study, but she stopped in the library instead. She smiled, looking at all the books that, even now, her people were learning from. She dropped into one of the overstuffed chairs, smiling and swinging her feet back and forth since they didn’t reach the floor.
“Most people have libraries full of romances and histories and poetry.” She said.
“Most people aren’t trying to teach a country the advancements of another world.” He poured them both a drink from the bottle on the side table and sat in the chair opposite hers. The amber liquid burned on the way down, warming him even more than the fire. “Except I’ve been gone for two weeks, so I’ve kind of abandoned my students.”
Mialana sipped at the drink. “Kera said they are doing fine. A few questions from the guilds, but nothing that cannot wait a day or two.”
The hall door opened and Emalyn ran into the room. “I heard...”
Her eyes fell on Mialana. She rushed forward, arms outstretched, but stopped short of her chair. Remembering that she was more than just her friend, Emalyn bowed low.
“Your Majesty.” She said.
The Queen giggled and set down her glass. She hopped down from her seat and hugged the taller woman fiercely. “Enough of that. I came here to see my friend.”
Emalyn laughed, lifting her off the floor easily. She set her back down and they both settled into chairs, still laughing.
“What would your guards say, to see you thrown around like that?” David asked, amused at her display.
“Oh, they would not like it at all. That is why they are safely back at the palace.” She said. “I spend every day surrounded by guards and servants looking after me. I want to be around people that just want to be with Mialana, not the Queen. I thought I had that with Caelly, but even she ... Anyway, I am sorry for showing up unannounced, but it was the only way to get out without an entire regiment coming with me. Uncle Draedon seems to think we were followed and might be murdered at any moment. I can leave if you are busy.”
“No! You welcome. Is good to have friends visit.” Emalyn glared at David as if he had actually considered kicking her out. She reached out to squeeze Mialana’s hand and then went to the double doors leading to the dining room. She pulled a cord and waited impatiently. A few moments later Liri appeared in the doorway. She too bowed low to the Queen, so intimidated that her normal chatterbox behavior was contained.
“My friend staying for dinner Liri. Ask Addan, set extra place for her, ok?” Emalyn said firmly.
Liri nodded, confused. It was the first time Emalyn had ever made an official request like that. Normally if she wanted something she just did it herself. Now here she was claiming the Queen was her friend. The poor girl left in a hurry to pass on the request, closing the door behind her on the way out. She only hoped her mother could explain what was going on. David knew he would get a severe talking to from Rosha, and most likely from Addan as well, for not telling them the most important person in the country was coming over for dinner.
“General Greeg isn’t going to send out the army to find you if you stay that late is he?” He asked.
“Oh no, he knows where I am. He agreed that being discrete was safe enough for now. Once the storm season is over, I do not think he will let me leave my room.”
David was actually relieved by that. “So you don’t think they’ll attack during winter?”
Emalyn answered him. “South is bad sailing now. Too many storms, worse than one we escape. No captain want to sail, not until snow stops here.”
“I can think of one captain that would make it through.” Mialana said.
“Lucky to survive.” Emalyn told her, blushing. “Besides, I not really captain.”
“Who says you are not a captain?” The Queen retorted, raising an eyebrow.
This caught her friend by surprise. “Mia ... Majesty?”
“No officers are left on the Sea Star. My uncle could fill the positions, but it is really my responsibility. You acted bravely in the storm and saved us all. I do not think there is anyone more respected by the crew. When the snows have stopped, that ghastly man in Sinton will come and the Sea Star must lead the way in stopping him. As your friend, I do not want to put you at risk. As Queen of Wellon...”
Emalyn knelt down in front of Mialana, resting her hand on the small woman’s knee. “All sailing risky. Orlanders say this why people have two eyes. One for watching what you do, one for the sea. Never know when it change. Cov ... Covington different kind of storm, more dangerous. Father teach not be afraid of storms, keep head on straight. I fight this storm. Fight for home and friends.”
The Queen smiled down sadly at the friend she’d just agreed to put into harms way when the time came. “Then my flagship is yours now.”
The newly promoted captain hugged her ruler gently and rose to her feet. She had tried for weeks to find work in any sea trade with no success, now she was master of the greatest ship in Wellon. She turned to the other closest person in her life.
“You very quiet David.”
It was true, he was having a hard time thinking of a response to what had just happened. He was of course happy for Emalyn, proud of her for achieving something he knew was her dream job. Then he thought about Covington, the deranged look in his eye, the hatred he had for him and by extension Wellon. He didn’t want Emalyn anywhere near that man. He was tempted to ask Greeg to lock her in with the Queen to keep them both safe.
But the fiery redhead wasn’t the type to be kept safe. She kept others safe. He remembered her standing at the wheel during the storm, her hair flattened to her face but not hiding the look of determination she’d had. He also remembered the happiness she’d expressed on the voyage south and on the way back after the weather had cleared. Emalyn grew up on the ocean and she wouldn’t be happy unless it was part of her everyday life.
That didn’t mean he was going to wave goodbye while she went to war in what was essentially a giant rowboat with slingshots attached to it. If Covington wanted to throw grenades at the people he cared about, he’d make sure they had something much better to throw back. A few months of winter might not be long enough to get it done, but he’d work those guildsmen day and night if he had to. Time to really see how much they had learned and how fast they could learn even more.
“I was thinking we don’t have much time to make your new command into a ship Sinton should be afraid of.”
Emalyn leapt at him, pulling him into one of her unrestrained hugs. David didn’t fail to notice Mialana smirking at the awkward way he hugged her back. He wished not every one of his friends knew how he felt about her. Liri reappeared to rescue him, opening the doors to the dining room and letting them know dinner was ready. Jaym was already in position to serve and translate as needed, still wearing his shiny silver medal.
Addan had outdone himself on such short notice. The Queen asked for him to spend time with her own cooks when his schedule allowed. David thought that praise would make up for the lack of notice for his dinner guest. They avoided talking about what had happened on the continent and what might happen once the storm season passed. Instead Mialana asked them about life in America and Orland. She was always eager to learn about other places.
Before long, it was time for the Queen to head back to the palace. Everyone from the house lined up in the yard to see her off. Mialana thanked them all politely, back to being the proper Queen of Wellon. Emalyn was having none of it, however. She pulled the smaller woman into a tight embrace before she could get into the waiting carriage.
“Out there, you Queen. Here, you Mialana. Friends always welcome at Ilex house.”
She eyed David, knowing she had just offered up his house without permission.
“Of course they are.” He agreed.
Not that it matters. She gave me the damn place to begin with.
The Queen narrowed her eyes at him and stood up on tiptoe to whisper something in Emalyn’s ear.
“You sure?” The redhead asked.
The smaller brunette smiled impishly and nodded.
“Ok. I think about it.” Emalyn said.
Mialana stepped up into the carriage and settled in. “I hope so. The Queen expects her captains to achieve their goals. And I want my friends to be happy.”
Her driver snapped the reins, and the horses trotted out to the street and back to the palace.
David left everyone to talk excitedly about their royal visit and went upstairs. It had been a long day, an even longer couple of weeks. His afternoon nap felt like it had never happened. His room was warm from the fire and his bed had never looked more comfortable. He stripped down and burrowed under the covers, ready to sleep for days.
His eyes were just closing when he heard a quiet knock at the door.
“What now?” He muttered. “It’s open.”
The door cracked open and Emalyn stepped in, closing it softly behind her. She was dressed for bed, she must have followed right behind him up the stairs and he hadn’t even noticed. David sat up a bit, she’d never come to his room before. She hesitated at the end of his bed, biting her lower lip. Her eyes were bright in the light of the fire, full of nervous excitement.
“Is everything ok?” He asked.
She nodded, opened her mouth to say something, then paused for a moment and closed it. Her lips pressed together firmly as she made up her mind.
“Have job now.” She said at last.
David sat up fully, back against the headboard. “I know. I am proud of you, I promise. You get to do something important and it happens to be something you’re amazing at. It’s just ... I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
She was pleased with his concern for her, not that she expected anything less.
“Have job, stay in Wellon.” She moved up to the side of the bed. “But stay where?”
“What do you mean, ‘stay where?’ Don’t you want to stay here? I wouldn’t ask you to leave.”
She smiled. “I know. I could get own house. Big house for important captain.”
“Yeah, you could. I’m sure the palace can take care of that.” He felt miserable at the thought of not seeing her every day.
“When Mia leave, she say ‘be confident, be happy.’ I happy here. Happy, with you.” She loosened the ties on her robe, letting it fall to the floor.
Her pale skin glowed in the moonlight from the window. Scattered freckles and small scars from a life at sea marked her body, but David thought he had never seen anyone so beautiful. Long legs lead up to a flat firm stomach. Her hair fell down around her shoulders, obscuring her breasts from view. She looked down at her feet, suddenly shy. Mialana had said she had nothing to worry about, that all she had to do was say how she felt, but what if she had been wrong? The moments went by and he just stared at her, not saying anything.
David tried to make his mouth work, to no avail.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen a naked woman. Get it together and say something before she thinks you don’t want her.
“I don’t ever want you to leave.” It was all he could think of.
She slipped into the bed with him, her closeness and chilled skin making him shiver. Their legs intertwined, arms reaching out to embrace each other. David leaned over her, her red curls spread across the pillow. She smiled up at him contentedly.
“That enough to start with.”
By the time the storm blew itself out, Aldrich was ready to burn down the entire village. Not only had the American gotten away, now these ignorant peasants were telling him it was too dangerous to try to sail after him. He and his men rode down the coast, leaving behind an angry family yelling after them about their father being trampled to death by their horses on the pier. Others complained about the mess they had left there, bodies piled up all over the storm drenched wood. It was none of his concern, they were welcome to eat the horses if they liked.
A few miles south they came to Sinton’s war fleet.
“Is this it?” Aldrich asked his men in disgust.
The ‘fleet’ consisted of fewer than a dozen open decked galleys bobbing at their anchors. He could see barnacles covering the hull all along the waterline on every one of them. A few sailors sat around, fishing or mending sails. No one even looked up as they rode up to them.
His men explained that Sinton never bothered with a navy, they were too focused on the rest of the continent. The last time these ships had actually gone to war all of them had been children. There was no chance any of them would be able to catch up to the American and his friends.
Aldrich didn’t bother to get off his horse, instead turning to head back to the castle. This wouldn’t work at all. What did the continent matter? He could conquer it bit by bit whenever he wanted to. Even now the saltpeter was being refined while sulfur deposits were located and mined. After a few more castles were destroyed, the rest of these medieval ‘kings’ would bend over backwards to give him anything he asked for just to stay alive.