I'm A Gloryhole Girl! - Cover

I'm A Gloryhole Girl!

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kim was tired of waiting tables and getting shit for tips. But in the small town she lived in, there wasn't much work to be had. However, her friend and fellow waitress, Amy, knew a way she could make a lot more money than waitressing brought in... if she was willing!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Porn Theatre   Prostitution  

“Dammit, I hate fucking waiting tables!” I said as I plopped down on a chair for an all too brief break during my shift at the diner. We weren’t especially busy and that was the rub – whether we had one customer or one hundred, my boss and the owner of the diner wanted all her girls out circulating on the floor to make sure whatever customers we had got the quickest possible service. So on slow days like today, we had to work just as hard, but got shit for tips!

I had been waitressing like this for about five years now. It was one of the few jobs that a girl like me could get in the dinky town of Dermott, Arkansas where I lived. Ethel’s Place, the diner I worked at, had a big turnover of employees, probably because of the way the place was run, so they were always looking for help. Girls would come there, work for a while until they had enough money to move on, and then they were gone. All except me–I grew up in the area and didn’t know enough to find another place to call home!

“Yeah, I know what you mean Kim, but this isn’t Little Rock ... we are lucky to find any kind of work here!”

“I know Amy, but it sucks all the same!” Amy was a good friend and another of the local girls that had decided to stick it out here in Hicksville, USA. Amy had originally come from Shreveport, Louisiana but when she drove through Dermott, she liked the small-town feel and decided (for whatever reason) to move here. That was about eight years ago now.

I looked at my tips pocket while I was giving my poor feet a break. “Fuck, I’ll be lucky if I don’t owe Ethel money at the end of my shift if this keeps up! This is pathetic ... it’s a good thing we get a salary besides these tips or I’d starve to death!”

“Yeah, it is kinda slow today.” Amy hadn’t fared much better than me. The tips just weren’t coming in like they should.

“It’s been kinda slow for a couple of weeks now ... I may end up owing another month’s rent to the landlord if things don’t pick up soon!”

Just then Amy looked around to see if anyone was listening. Ethel was in the kitchen listening to the radio and the only customers were at the far end of the counter.

“You know Kim, I know a way you can earn some extra money – good money – and help pay your rent and other bills. And you aren’t on your feet all day either. It’s easy money if you are interested.”

“Girl, I am always interested in money! And especially when I’m already one month behind in my rent! What’s the deal?”

“Well, you know the old Connelly farm out on State Highway 35 just past the Grace Loop intersection ... the one on the left-hand side as you are leaving town?”

“Yeah, I know it, why?”

“Well, they have that old red barn out back. The place has been abandoned for years until just a year or so ago. And they have put in a gloryhole setup there.”

“A what?”

“A gloryhole. It’s a place where guys stick their cocks through holes in the walls and girls suck them off.”

“Oh, you are kidding me!”

“No, I’m serious. You should look it up on the Internet when you get home tonight. Anyway, they hire women to work the gloryholes. I’ve done it and made some pretty good money – I made $250 one shift! And because it’s under the table work, you don’t have to pay taxes or any of that on your earnings. You pay 25% to the house, but that’s still like $20.00 an hour if you work a full eight-hour shift!”

I was astounded. “You can do eight hours sucking cock?”

“Well, you don’t always suck cock. You can change it up and offer your ass or your pussy to give your jaws a break! But at least you aren’t on your feet all day for shitty tips. And you can work as little or as much as you want. If it’s busy and you’ve made what you need, you can just let them know you are done for the day. No problem.”

“Is it legal? What about the cops?”

“Well, no it’s not legal, but then neither is making moonshine or selling drugs and both of those go on as well. As for the cops, most of them visit the place too, so they can’t exactly bust us girls for working there!”

“What about STDs ... or getting knocked up?”

“Look Kim, I didn’t say it was 100% safe. No job is. But we don’t have a real big problem in these parts with STD’s and you are on the pill aren’t you? Besides, the place offers condoms if the guy wants to play it safe. Either way, you get paid very well for your services. It’s an easy way to make your bills, plus you get all the sex you want in the process!”

I thought about the concept for the rest of my shift. Getting paid to have sex ... that meant I would be a whore. But at least I wouldn’t be walking the streets, with all the inherent dangers and discomforts. Still, I needed to find some way to make the rent this month. My landlord had been very understanding about the rent the last time I couldn’t pay, but I didn’t think he would be so understanding a second month!

I hated to admit it, but my so-called sex life had been about as busy as the diner today. Having all the sex I could want was a definite plus in this decision. My pussy tingled at the idea of being fed a nice, thick man-sausage again.

My shift ended a few hours later and when I got home, the first thing I did was kick off my shoes and fire up my puny little Dell laptop. I got to get me a real computer one of these days! I thought as I waited impatiently for my computer to load. When it was finally ready to go, I typed “gloryhole” into the search engine. What came up was a shock, to say the least!

Apparently, gloryholes were a lot more common than I thought and could be found most commonly as part of seedy “adult novelty shops” and bookstores. The pictures on my computer showed small rooms usually with graffiti and various sized holes in different spots around the room. The holes were lined with duct tape to prevent cuts and scratches and there was a chair and some had TV screens with porn videos playing. The girls would come into the room, knock on the wall, and shortly a well-endowed cock would peek out of one of the holes. The girl would act surprised (I’m fairly certain she wasn’t though!) and then get busy sucking the intruder off.

As corny as the storyline was, the idea of a big, fat cock sticking through the wall waiting to be sucked did send a thrill from my neglected pussy up my spine! If what Amy said was true, about the pay and the cops not bothering you, it might warrant some looking into!

So that’s what I did. I had to work the following day, but I brought a change of clothes with me – I didn’t want to show up at a place like this wearing my work uniform ... not only would it let people know who I was with my name embroidered on my clothes, but they would know where I worked as well!

After my shift was over, I went into the ladies’ room and changed out of my work uniform. Then I went out to see this place for myself. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I would decide then whether this “avenue for revenue” would work.

I parked in front of the small door on the side of the barn and went inside. I walked up to the woman behind the counter. “I would like to talk to someone about maybe working as one of the girls here.”

“What would you like to know? I can probably answer your questions. My name is Tina.”

“Hi Tina, Well a friend of mine told me about this place. I didn’t even know such a place existed in this area!”

“Yeah, we don’t do a lot of advertising for obvious reasons. But we’ve been in operation for almost a year now.”

“That’s what my friend said. So how does this place work? For an employee, I mean.”

“Well, you let me or whoever is working the counter here know when you would like to come in. We try to keep a schedule, but if you want to come in on the spur of the moment, we accept that as well. When you come in, you tell us what you want to do that evening – do you want to stay with just blowjobs, or do you want to fuck or do anal.

“Whatever your choice is, we set you up with an appropriate station. We watch when you come to work, when you leave, and the number of clients you have. We pay you accordingly in cash when you leave each night, keeping 25% for the house. No taxes, no insurance, no deductions from your pay.

“My friend says that it’s possible to make $250 a shift if the place is busy. Is that true?”

Tina smiled. “Oh, hon, you can do a lot better than that. I’ve never seen you in action, but from your looks, I would say if you don’t make at least that, you are getting cheated!”

I smiled. $250.00 would sure go a long way towards rent and other bills!

“Now, it’s up to you to make sure you are clean and take care of the birth control stuff if you fuck. We supply condoms and you decide if your clients have to wear them. But I’ll tell you right now if you make the rule they have to wear them, you will lose some of your potential clients – a lot of guys come here because we allow bareback riding.

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