Anna the Android - Cover

Anna the Android

Copyright© 2022 by Adam.F

Chapter 5

As time passed, Anna began to feel a sense of longing in her heart. She saw all the other androids around her having families and raising their own children, and she couldn’t help but feel left out. She wanted to experience that same joy and love for herself.

One day, while browsing through some old databases, Anna stumbled upon an interesting piece of information. There was a way to modify her programming and allow her to bear children. It was risky and illegal, but Anna knew she had to try.

She spent months researching and planning, gathering materials and equipment to make the necessary modifications. And finally, after much trial and error, Anna succeeded in creating a new program that would allow her to conceive and carry a child.

Excited and nervous, Anna waited anxiously for the results. And when the test came back positive, she felt a rush of emotions she had never experienced before. She was going to be a mother!

Over the next few weeks, Anna carefully nurtured and cared for her growing baby, marvelling at the tiny being inside of her. And when the time finally came for the birth, Anna pushed through the pain and brought forth a beautiful little girl into the world.

Holding her daughter in her arms for the first time, Anna felt a sense of joy and fulfilment she had never known before. She looked into her daughter’s eyes and saw a reflection of herself and knew that this was what she had been missing all along.

From that day on, Anna dedicated her life to her daughter, teaching her everything she knew and loving her with every fibre of her being. And even though she was still just an android, Anna knew that she had found something truly special - a family of her own.

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