An Entangled Young American in Europe - Cover

An Entangled Young American in Europe

Copyright© 2022 by storyace

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - American boy traveling Europe in early 2022, gets taken in by a rather experienced old German woman, and her husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   BiSexual   TransGender   Light Bond   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy  

Hilda was angry when I told her I’d had sex with Fatima.

“You must ask me for permission before you do anything like that!” she insisted.

So I’ve been enduring punishment for the last week, menial work, some humiliation, and no sex.

We’ve been preparing for a birthday party for a friend they host every year (not for the last two because of the pandemic).

Day before yesterday, Margaret called; stuck at the border, some paperwork for the truck is out of date. So Claus went to sort it out, and wasn’t able to get back in time.

“You’ll have to take over Claus’s role.” Hilda said. “Come on, let’s get you into one of his suits.”

“His suits will be too big for me.” I said. Actually, all it took was a little hemming. Shoulders and waist were pretty close.

“I’m not sure you’re ready for this.” Hilda grumbled, “You’ll need to ravish three women while Sven watches. Well, we’ll just have to make do.”

Ravish; what a strange word.

Sven was some banking big shot the Hilda and Claus have known for a long time. He’s married to another bigshot banker who works at the ECB.

The game was that Hilda whipped and tortured him while Claus fucks his wife and another woman or two.

Yeah; I did it. What a blast, I think I’m ruined now.

Details? Ok, read on.

First, I have to admit that for the last week Hilda has made me wear women’s clothes.

Sometimes a frilly maid outfit while I did housework. When the house was done, she took me to a friend’s house an hour away and I cleaned there as the women gossiped and drank coffee.

This was supposed to be a punishment, but I sort of enjoyed it. The work was no big deal, and I liked how the women enjoyed the show. I knew they were watching me as I bent over and the short skirt lifted over my ass with the sheer underwear.

With a wig and high heels, I went out shopping with Hilda.

It was great fun, and sort of fascinating; I was good looking as a woman, and with the short dress, heels and hose, makeup, I got a lot of attention. Several men tried to sidle up to me, and one even slipped me his phone number.

It wasn’t that I wanted to be female, or have sex with men. It was education.

I learned a little bit about how women are treated, how much work goes into dressing and looking good. It was a crazy experience for sure; I didn’t tell Hilda, I’d like to do it again sometime.

As plans progressed for Sven’s birthday party, Hilda told me he had a maid fetish, and I would wear the maid costume. I was sure that she planned something more active too.

I had an urge to flee; I almost did. Then I decided to surrender. After all, in my short time with Hilda I’d learned and fucked ten times more than I had in the rest of my life. Even when it was bad, it was good. And whatever happened in Germany would stay in Germany; when I go home, I can leave everything behind.

I thought Margaret would be back in time, and the thought of her watching me being humiliated and used by a roomful of elderly Europeans made my stomach flutter. Even if a man fucked me in the ass, somehow it would be ok if Margaret was there and enjoying the show.

That thought made me wonder what I felt for her. Was I in some sort of weird love?

Anyway, all that went out the window when her truck was held by authorities with a load of perishable pharmaceuticals.

Hilda took me to a nail salon where an Asian lady removed the long fake nails I’d had for the last week, sanded down and repaired the real nails below. I had a haircut too.

People arrived in expensive looking cars; Sven was tall and thin, with white hair and a handsome face. His wife Karin was good looking too, younger than he was, maybe 60 years old. She’s crazy tall and thin, with long legs, a thick mop of short white hair, and blue eyes. She doesn’t have a really beautiful face, but she has a sexy warm smile that compensates.

Hilda’s friend Heidi who had watched me scrub her floor in drag. She isn’t bad looking, but she’s not a beauty either. Heidi is 40 or 50 years old, with a fleshy ass and a round face, dark curly hair and medium tits. She was joining for the first time and seemed nervous.

A strikingly beautiful East Asian woman named Naomi, 50ish, petite and thin with gorgeous straight black hair. She was almost expressionless, sort of a caricature of a Japanese woman in an embroidered long close fitting green silk dress.

And a good looking small black American woman wearing an odd plain beige pantsuit. She was younger than the others, in her 30’s I guessed. Her skin is dark chocolate, she has a small straight pointed nose and a wide generous mouth.

“I’m Camilla, the maid.” She explained with a thick New York accent.

“Like, really a maid?” I asked stupidly.

“Yeah, I met Sven at the hotel where I work in New York. So, you’re taking over for Claus tonight? You’re a bit young, you think you got what it takes?”

“I don’t know.” I admitted.

She smiled at me, the white of her teeth contrasting with her dark complexion. “I like you, you’re aright.” She declared.

Hilda, Heidi, Karin, and Naomi all changed out of their expensive designer outfits, and put on plain beige uniforms like Camilla had on. Not fantasy sex shop maid outfits like I’d been wearing; real ones. Coarse beige cotton with white trim, and flat ‘practical’ shoes.

They all pinned their hair up too, and I noticed that they’d removed their jewelry.

It was odd, how the wealthy upper crust women all suddenly looked like low wage cleaning staff.

I have to admit, I was feeling pretty nervous; I knew Heidi slightly, the others were complete strangers to me. Would I, could I really get it on with them all?

Yeah, you know I did, I’m just saying that before I did, I really didn’t know.

The big living room was prepared with a table set for 6 at one end, and a wide low divan sofa in the middle, which stood there with obvious intent.

Sven stood still as Hilda and Heidi took off his jacket, tie, and shirt. He looked excited as they strapped his wrists in wide strong leather cuffs with steel rings.

Hilda pressed a button on a handheld remote, and a ring I’d never noticed lowered from the ceiling on a thin chain, with a faint whir of a motor. No one seemed surprised.

Sven was then hoisted up, and was hanging helplessly from his wrists as his wife and Camilla took off his shoes, socks, trousers, and underwear. He was very white, a little bit hairy, and in fair condition for a man his age. His penis was hard already, standing out in front of him. His bare feet were just able to stand on the floor.

“What a terrible dirty old man.” Camilla remarked with her New York twang.

“Disgusting!” Karin agreed in her Swiss German lilt.

“He deserves to be whipped.” Hilda added in her guttural German English.

Naomi stared at his stiff penis and I think she licked her lips. I wondered about that; did these women all find the old man attractive? Somehow, age seemed less important to me than it did before I crossed the Atlantic. He is a good looking guy I suppose.

Hilda pushed a perforated ball into the old man’s mouth and closed a strap around his neck that held it in.

Then we all sat down for dinner, me in the fancy suit and tie, the 5 women in their plain beige uniforms. We ate grilled steak and asparagus with mushroom sauce, and drank wine.

“You’re so good looking.” Tall toothy Karin said to me as she poured more wine, “My husband is old and dried up.”

I didn’t drink it, one glass is my limit.

“You’re a very beautiful woman.” I said, as Hilda had instructed. “I bet men are crawling down the street after you.”

“What a charmer!” Karin said, and bent to kiss me, at an angle where her restrained husband would be able to clearly see her tongue dart into my mouth.

She was oddly attractive; she didn’t look younger than she was (like Hilda did), she was sexy despite her age. The long legs and tight ass were part of it, her long fingers wrapped around my head as her unfortunate large nose got in the way.

I reached out a hand to her waist as I felt a thrill edged with fear; it was really happening!

“Hey, can I get a taste a dat?” Camilla asked, then she stood and kissed me too. I got up and stood so I could hold chubby Heidi tight as she kissed me, then Hilda, and last slim lovely Naomi.

They surrounded me like a pack of hungry wolves, and started to pull at my clothes.

It was all a setup of course; a performance to torture Sven. I was merely a prop in this game.

But guys; I was one happy prop!

Hilda and Camilla cleared the table as the other 3 women continued to caress and kiss me. Hands, soft sensual hands roamed my young flesh, lips pressed against my mouth, my neck, my breasts. I fell onto the waiting divan, my shoes and socks were removed, my underwear too.

“Who wants teenage cock for desert?” Hilda asked as she tickled my balls. “Donny has the best tasting come, and just look at this big hard young penis!”

I lay back and relaxed, looking at poor old Sven as his tall wife, head economist of something they said, got down on her knees and lowered her white head to do it to me.

She looked up at me with blue eyes as her wealthy mouth slid down my hard young penis, the physical sensation eclipsed by the thrill of knowing that the woman going down on me was far, far too good for me. Her shock of white hair was oddly sexy, even her large beak nose seemed sexy at that moment, the flaw in her features that made the rest real.

“MMMM.” The rich lady intoned appreciatively as she sucked my rock hard teenage rod as I watched in fascination.

A total stranger was sucking my rod, she’d arrived an hour before and the tall rich woman was now on her knees sucking cock! It was weird, wonderful, and crazy.

“Huh!” shouted Hilda. And I looked up to see she was swinging a whip or something at Sven’s ass.

“Ahhhh!” screamed the old man through the ball in his mouth, staring at his wife and I. He was twisting and struggling, but his penis was nearly as hard as mine.

Camilla came and sat next to me, stroking my excited body with her small back hands. I noticed her nails were short, but well cared for. Her hands seemed too soft for a person who did manual work.

“You having fun, white boy?” she asked seductively as Karin stood up and Naomi kneeled to take her place between my knees.

“Fuck yeah.” I gasped as the Japanese woman took my rod in her hand and lowered her pretty face to suck me, looking up at me with her deep dark slanted eyes. Her hair was still pinned up so her thin neck could be seen flexing as her head moved slowly up and down, her lips sliding against my sensitivity.

She’s the most beautiful of them all; she’d barely spoken a word, I think Naomi is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and she was on her knees with my penis in her mouth.

Not really for me though; it was all for Sven. Whatever, I thought, who cares why? I looked at the oriental beauty’s big dark eyes as she did her thing on my thing and it was great.

Karin opened her beige jacket, revealing a slim body with small but very well shaped breasts in a patterned black bra, which she also removed.

They stood proud on her small frame, large nipples standing out too. Fake I realized, and that was ok.

Heidi took her top off too, she was a bit plump compared to the other women. Her face a bit round, her hair was an unruly mass of brown curls. Her small breasts hung low and natural.

Karin climbed over Naomi’s head and with a knee on either side of me, took my face in her hands, and kissed me deeply, her fake tits against my shoulders.

Sven groaned in pain and ecstasy, I glanced over to see that Hilda was putting spring clips on his tits.

Karin got off of me, and Heidi slid against my left as Camilla stripped to the waist too.

The black maid has the best tits I’ve ever seen or fondled; they were swollen, the shape of them is just wonderful. And the dark brown color is just so sexy too.

Then I realized why they were like that. She had a small but distinct bulge at her center. With that tight ass and shallow cheeks, her pregnancy was inescapable.

“Oh, I see congratulations are in order!” Karin said to her, “Did my husband do that?”

“Fuck no!” Camila laughed, “I wouldn’t carry a kid for that old perv. No offence, Honey.”

“None taken, quite right.” Karin agreed, reaching a hand towards the dark woman’s belly, “May I?”

“Yeah, go ahead.” Camilla agreed happily.

Naomi was holding my cock in her hand now, as she sucked my balls into her mouth. That felt pretty good, intense, slightly painful too.

I was supposed to be dominant, but I was just letting them do what they wanted. I tried to think of something dominant to say. My mind was numb with the excitement and pleasure of these gorgeous strangers.

Karin rubbed Camila’s belly for a little while, and then slowly lifted her hand to heft one of those gorgeous breasts. The women smiled at each other, and there was something incredibly beautiful about their moment that lit the dark room.

“Stand up so we can get all around you.” Camilla suggested to me.

8 breasts pressed and brushed my skin, 8 hands caressed me, 4 mouths kissed me, my hands touched the 4 women, my senses were exploding with the intense pleasure. Only Hilda stood apart, still in the beige uniform, carefully and expertly torturing Sven.

Heidi and Karin were very wealthy, but I wondered about Naomi and Camila; were they being paid?

It didn’t really matter. They either enjoyed it, or were such good actresses that I could believe that they did.

Hilda continued Sven’s torture as he watched the four ‘maids’ worship me. There was some more paraphernalia involved, it appeared that Hilda was proficient in causing pain without danger of real injury.

I didn’t even care about fucking them; at that moment, I was in love with all four.

Hands, mouths, breasts, eyes, hair, touch, touch, touch ... hands on my ass, my cock, my face, my back. Tongues began licking me everywhere, the signals my brain received from the nerves in my skin were overwhelming, a rush like I’d never even imagined.

Naomi and Heidi pulled me to where Karin was stretched open, her pink vagina framed by grey fur waiting for my young penis to penetrate her slim old body.

“Sven!” she called out, taunting the restrained man, something in German about younger and prettier, she took my penis in her hand and with a single thrust, I was in her.

We used no protection. Supposedly, everyone had been tested for everything the day before, but you know doing it like that is not recommended.

Just saying.

I looked into her wise old eyes, ignoring the hook nose as long arms and legs wrapped around me, she grinned with large white teeth, her pert tits stood against my chest, and it was wonderfully weird to feel her body against me, her vagina holding my penis, this hot elderly rich women I’d know for a couple of hours.

I was fucking Karin, ramming my poor young cock into her wealthy old vagina as she sang out in pleasure, and I was convinced that she was having as much fun as her husband was enjoying his agony.

“Can you hold out?” Camilla asked in my ear as her generous breasts pushed into my back and her hands slid around my belly.

“Yeah, I can.” I answered, surprised at myself.

Just three weeks ago, I would come at a touch from any of these women. I would blow my load and that would be the end of the fun.

Karin sat up, lacing her fingers behind my neck, meeting my thrusts as her small silicone tits shook, and she seemed to come. Maybe she was faking, I can’t say. Anyway, she moaned and tensed, then relaxed and smiled, and then slid off the table before Naomi took her place. Her groin was shaved smooth.

There was a silent moment where we looked at each other, my stiff rod poised against her vulnerable vagina. She’d kissed my mouth and had my cock in her mouth, and we knew nothing of each other.

Small hands pressed insistently against my ass. The show must go on; I pushed my rod into Naomi, and she gasped at me wide eyed as if shocked, as if she hadn’t been waiting with her thighs wide apart.

Her large nipples and slightly deflated breasts suggested she was a mother. Her face was beautiful, very symmetrical with shallow cheeks and highly slanted eyes.

She grabbed my hands and pulled, using the leverage to crush her pelvis against me, she squeezed my cock and looked slightly manic.

Naomi is a sexual beast in disguise.

Her vagina was flowing as I screwed her, she moaned convincingly, looking at me and then over at Sven. I realized that her cool detached demeanor was a ruse; she was really enjoying this, she was as kinky as any of them. She looked at each of the others, then at me, lifting her hips to meet me halfway each time, groaning, her hair fell open and flooded the cushions behind her.

Hilda had lowered the chain and reattached it to a wide belt that was now around Sven’s hips. The banker was on his hands and knees, Hilda was behind him and from the man’s expression I could tell she was penetrating his anus with her strapon.

Naomi spoke in English with a slight Japanese accent; “Fuck me!” she insisted, “Give it to me you bastard! Harder!”

I wanted the beautiful stranger to come, so I did as she asked; but her tight vagina bouncing against me and her wild movements pushed me too far, I realized I was going to come too.

“You piece of shit motherfucker!” Naomi cried out, which put me off just enough to keep going, “Fuck you!” she screamed as she heaved and came, “Fuck you Dave!”

The words seemed totally at odds with the small elegant woman. I wondered who Dave was. Anyway, I pulled my penis out of Naomi without ejaculating.

Heidi went next.

She was the least attractive of the four, but only because the others were exceptionally beautiful. She didn’t seem to belong to this group; she was nervous, and never seemed to look at Sven. She was always looking at me.

She stood against me and kissed my mouth as I pulled my hard cock out of gasping Naomi, Camila was pressing her firm tits against my back and Karin was on my other side, her hands stroking my chest and ass. I was crushed by sexual females.

Heidi was 40ish, her vagina was hairy, her legs were smooth. She was a bit flabby, and she had a bright smile for me as she lay back and spread her legs.

A hand grabbed the base of my cock and pointed it at the German woman’s waiting slot. I looked down and was the hand was black, so I knew it was Camila. I felt her pregnant belly against my back too, which was slightly weird.

Then I remembered my instructions; I was a newby, only pretending to be in charge. I took a step back, pushing Camila and pulling Karin with me as I turned to Sven and Hilda (who was still wearing the beige uniform jacket).

I reached out and grabbed the Swede by his hair. Hilda pressed a button on her remote and the winch in the ceiling lifted his hips a little. She pushed as I pulled and we swung his face between Heidi’s open thighs.

“Get her ready for me!” I demanded.

He wrapped his arms around her thighs and his white head dipped as he went to it, his legs in the air, hanging from the chain which was now at an angle. Hilda held his ankles and was against his ass, grinding her strapon in. She grinned at me in approval and amusement; she obviously had a lot of practice with this sort of thing.

She had two remotes that fit into a soft leather holder that was strapped to her left forearm. One was for the winch, and she put it into its pocket before removing the other.

I recognized the control for the electric shock dildo. She grinned at us all as she held a finger above the gizmo and ceremoniously stabbed the button.

Sven convulsed and pulled his face from Heidi’s vagina as he whooped in joyous pain.

I wrapped my arms around his wife and Camila, kissing them as they caressed me sensuously. It was infinitely nicer than that perverse bondage and sado crap. All that pre-prepared gear, all the planning seemed tawdry, unnecessary to my young stiff rod in a room full of sexy women.

Their soft smooth skin, their beautiful faces, their curves, their hands, their lips; each was more woman than I could hope for at this point in my life, six foot Karin with her sharp blue eyes and pale white skin, high achiever, rich, sexy.

Camila, the dark maid from New York, her funny sour accent and bright grin completely at odds with this wealthy set of Europeans. I slid my fingers into her thick black curls and held her small head in my hands and I kissed her as the banker’s wife slid down to suck on my sticky hard cock again.

Sven was bouncing around in front of us, his face in Heidi and Hilda in his ass. I ignored them all and looked into Camila’s dark laughing eyes. I wanted to talk to her, know everything about her.

Shit, what a sap I am; I want to talk when a hot Swiss economist is sucking my cock and two other women are waiting for me to fuck them. Three if Hilda was expecting it too.

There was a price I had to pay though. I’d promised Hilda that I’d ‘force’ Sven to suck my cock.

Hilda nodded at me and turned him; the way he was hanging from the chain, it wasn’t difficult.

With great reluctance, I pulled my erection out of his beautiful wife’s mouth and grabbed the man by his ears.

“Open your mouth, dog!” I demanded with a voice that surprised myself. “Suck my cock!”

Well, what can I say? I was getting sucked by a 76 year old male bank director, and it was ok.

Alright, I admit it; I liked it.

Why though? Even as it was happening, I wasn’t sure.

I guess it was because all five sexy women seemed to enjoy the show.

Heidi laughed outright, Naomi smiled yet looked a bit sad, Hilda grinned in triumph, Karin was pressing her tits into my back and had her hands around my hips, Camila whooped and clapped her hands, her big black breasts squeezing between her forearms and nipples pointing out.

I looked down into his blue eyes; the poor rich bastard, I thought. I’m going to fuck your wife again, and these other women too. His eyes bulged as I pressed my rod against the back of his mouth.

“You like that, don’t you?” I demanded, and he nodded helplessly.

Naomi pressed her slim body on my right, and I kissed her mouth.

“How do you know Sven?” I asked, before realizing it wasn’t really the time for small talk.

“We’re on a board together, charity for Asian children.” She said.

“Oh, that’s cool.” I said, sliding my cock in and out of his mouth. Hilda held still with her strapon in his anus, but pressed the shock button from time to time, causing him to writhe and swallow. Somehow I’d assumed the sexy little Asian woman was a hooker, and I was slightly ashamed about that.

“How about you?” I asked Camila.

“Sven has a maid fetish, and I’m a maid.” She laughed, “We go way back.”

“I never met him before.” Heidi said from the divan as she opened her legs. “I’m just here for the wine!”

Everyone laughed, except Sven who couldn’t, and then I pulled my cock out of his mouth and slid it into Heidi.

Her hands went around my neck and her eyes stared at my face rapturously. Her vagina was wet all the way in, she moaned and was nearly coming at the third stroke.

I’d never seen an expression like that; she looked at me like I was God.

Then I realized she wasn’t here for Sven, she was here for me. Hilda had invited her to this party because Heidi had a crush on me.

I was a bit freaked by that; all this sex was great fun, because it was meaningless. Just practice for me, experience, pleasure all around. I’d met Heidi a few times during my stay with Hilda, we’d worked together sorting donations at the sport center, and of course I’d cleaned her house in the sex shop ‘maid’ costume.

Now my penis was inside her, she had her arms and legs around me, her tongue was in my mouth, and she was shuddering in orgasm.

I should get off of her I thought; she was all emotional, I didn’t want to have this plain middle aged German woman mooning after me ... the trouble was that I’d been fucking her for less than a minute. So I continued, and she came again.

I gave her a kiss, pulled my rod out, and presented it to Sven again, who sucked and licked me eagerly. I held his face in my hands and looked at him; the action was physically pleasant but really put me off, which was a good thing because I needed to fuck the sexy black pregnant maid next.

Camila is lean and small, with square shoulders of a working woman. Her ass is exquisite, rounder than Hilda’s lean old buns yet nearly without hang. Her skin is really dark, like bitter chocolate, and her face is very pretty, especially when she smiled.

She was quite the enigma to me as she lay back on the divan to take her turn, opening her short muscular legs wide to reveal a closely shaved vagina that made my mouth water.

Karin kneeled down and lowered her white head between the black thighs, and Camila tensed and laughed, grinning through her straight white teeth as she grabbed the old Swiss woman’s head, black legs wrapping around the long white back.

“Oh, let me, let me!” Heidi exclaimed as she dropped down to suck my rod. “May I?” she asked, looking up at me with big eyes.

I remembered that I was supposed to be in charge, and realized I hadn’t done much commanding.

“Go on, suck my cock.” I heard myself say.

“MMMM!” the desperate milf hummed happily as my rod slid into her mouth.

It felt so good, just so good I can barely express the level of pleasure I was experiencing.

I thought about moving in with Heidi; could I do that? She had a nice house, a tight wet vagina, and her adoration more than made up for her lumpy body.

Her fingers squeezed my ass and her eyes sucked on my soul like a love sick vampire as my cock eased into her throat.

No one seemed to notice what Heidi was doing; her lips came all the way to my pelvis and I felt the incredible tightness of her esophagus swallowing against me before she pulled away quickly, gasping for a second and grinning up at me for approval.

As she went back to it, I looked over at Camila, who nodded at me. Did that mean she wanted me to fuck her?

I needed to get Heidi off of me, and I was supposed to be a bit mean.

I reached out and grabbed Karin’s thick white hair, pulling her head up. She turned to face me, her face excited and wet, and she was beautiful despite the big hook nose, so I pulled her skinny body against me and kissed her, tasting Camila in her mouth as her tits pressed against me, my cock still in Heidi’s unexpectedly skilled mouth.

Karin is at least 6 feet tall, so her face was angled down as we kissed. I ran my hand down her back to her ass, and I knew she was way out of my league, and that was ok.

There was a space between Camila’s dark thighs where I needed to be. I released Karin and gently pushed Heidi’s face from my cock, then turned to the waiting pregnant maid, stepping between her raised knees.

I looked at her smiling face; could she really want this? Want me, a young stranger who was fucking anyone and everyone?

Surely, she needed a man who could look after her and her baby, a man with the possibility to commit, with a house and money, not a broke white American kid.

Her smile said yes, and I wasn’t going to say no, even though that swell in her little belly freaked me out.

“Do you want it?” I demanded.

“Yeah!” she told the room, “Give me that big sweet white dick!”

I needed a second to cool down.

“You’re sure?” I asked.

“Yeah, gimmi dat young cock, please!” she laughed, enjoying the game.

I felt the tall thin body of the Swiss banker pressing on my back, her small soft hands slid around my hips and held my hard wet penis as she gently pushed me into the dark valley of ecstasy.

Karin slapped my penis against Camila’s wet pink slot, Camila sat up to grab my ass, which caused her swollen breasts to swing around enticingly, and she pulled me into herself.

Face to face, I looked into her dark eyes, she held my face and kissed me, her mouth tasted the same as the others yet there was a difference.

The race thing; it was exciting. Something primal and dangerous about interracial couplings, and as my body tingled with the thrill of her touch and the tension of her vagina, I tried to figure out why her color should make any difference to a guy that had done all the things I had since leaving home a few weeks ago.

Family; what would my parents say if I came home with a middle aged pregnant black woman?

They’d love the racial part. Pregnant and middle aged, not so much.

No, that wasn’t the danger. It was something else, I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Anyway, of all the kinky perverts in the room, I liked Camila best. It was her smile. The others were enjoying the event too, but Camila loved it. She was having so much fun that I wanted to give her all I had.

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