An Entangled Young American in Europe - Cover

An Entangled Young American in Europe

Copyright© 2022 by storyace

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - American boy traveling Europe in early 2022, gets taken in by a rather experienced old German woman, and her husband.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   BiSexual   TransGender   Light Bond   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy  

I woke; there was a knock on the door; “Hilda?” we heard Margaret say.

“Shise!, I thought we’d hear them coming!” Hilda whispered as I remembered where I was, “Quick, get in here!”

She opened her closet, and pushed me through it, still naked.

It was a huge walk in with a rack of dresses on hangars and rows of drawers. I wondered why Hilda wanted me to hide? Margaret would know soon enough anyway.

“Have you seen Don?” Margaret asked Hilda, who had quickly thrown a robe over herself.

“Why, he’s not in my bedroom!” My older lover lied smoothly. “Is there something wrong? You seem upset.”

“Well, I ... No, it’s nothing.”

“Tell me, dear.” Said Hilda. “What is it? Did Claus do something? You can tell me anything, don’t worry.”

“Well, actually he ... he was a bit rude.” Margaret said.

“Sit here on the bed and tell me everything.” said Hilda.

Claus had been fine in the car [German people tend to take their driving seriously], but had gotten a bit out of hand at the highway restaurant. He’d wanted to impress his friends in the parking lot; he’d put his arm around Margaret’s hips in an over-familiar fashion as they’d walked inside.

“I had the impression he told them I was his girlfriend.” Margaret said.

“And how did you feel about that?” Hilda pressed her.

“It was sort of fun I guess, I mean with the dress and the car, and his friends all seemed nice and they had their girlfriends with them, and somehow I sort of enjoyed the game at first. They’re all so good looking and we were laughing and well, flirting I guess. But then Claus had to go a little too far you know, and he kissed me, like really, on the mouth, with everyone watching!”

“It seems to me that you are upset about it being in front of everyone, and not about the kiss itself.” observed Hilda.

“What do you mean?” said young Margaret.

“Well dear, how did you feel during that kiss?”

“Embarrassed.” Said Margaret.

“Excited?” asked Hilda. “Come on, admit it, you were out with my husband and his fancy friends, the women all had champaign, right? Except Gertrude, because she drives her Porsche. And maybe you just wanted that naughty kiss? So they would all accept you as part of the crowd. Did they all hoot and whistle?”

“Uh, yes.” Admitted Margaret.

“And did you feel hot between your legs when he held you tight in his strong arms?”

“Hilda! I’m with Donny.”

“You told me just before you left that you weren’t really a couple.” Hilda reminded her, “And that he doesn’t satisfy you.”

“I didn’t say that!” Margaret objected.

“Yes you did, right here in this room.” Hilda said, “And you told me you hoped to get ‘laid good and proper’ once or twice before you go back to America.”

“Ok, yeah, I said that.” Margaret admitted.

“Look, Claus is a terrific lover, he’s just what you want, you’re not worried about the age gap are you?”

“Well, he’s a LOT older than me.” Margaret said.

“Yes, that makes it really good.” Hilda told her enthusiastically, “An old married producer with a big cock and a Ferrari, what more could any aspiring actress hope for? And he told me already, he’s really into you. We’ve only had each other during the lockdown and it would be good for our relationship. I really want you to.”

“But what about Donny?” Margaret asked.

“You have to look after your own needs. He’ll get over it, maybe I could seduce him!”

Margaret laughed; “I don’t recommend that, Donny looks good, but in bed he’s just useless.”

“Maybe I could teach him to be better.” Hilda said as they left the room, “Come on, it’s time you got laid ‘good and proper’ by an experienced mature man.”

And there I was, naked in the closet with her shoes and clothes, my balls and my emotions all sucked out.

I felt a bit numb; I was jealous and angry, yet at the same time very happy that I was free of Margaret.

I was about to exit the closet when I heard them talking through the wall. Claus’s bedroom was on the other side.

“I’m not sure about this.” Margaret said.

“Don’t be afraid.” Hilda said soothingly, “Darling, take your clothes off so she can see what she’s getting. Don’t worry about his age, Margaret. Claus has the stamina of a teenager, the build of an athlete, and lots of experience. There, what do you say now?”

I realized that Hilda probably knew I could hear her.

Those dresses looked expensive; there were shoes too, all sorts. I opened a couple of drawers, and found lingerie, rolled stockings, accessories. I knew I should slip out of the closet, and the house, to give Claus time to take care of Margaret.

I opened another drawer, to find dildos, leather wrist straps, chains, and other sex toys that freaked me out.

“Don’t be shy dear.” I heard Hilda say, “I want you to fondle his penis while he kisses you.”

“Hilda,” Claus interrupted, and then I guess he told her to leave the room because I heard the door open and close.

The closet door opened.

“Oh, you found the toys. What do you think, see anything you’d like to try?” Hilda said.

I shook my head as I quickly closed the drawer.

“Come downstairs, we’ll watch TV in my studio.”

The basement room was comfortably upholstered and furnished. There was a video camera on a tripod and a blue screen, a desk with computer, file cabinets, and pictures on the wall of a gorgeous woman singing on stage with a band behind her. There were some CDs and an award statue in a glass case.

“Is that you?” I asked

“Yes, I was a jazz singer in the 90’s.” Hilda told me. “I was never a big star but I had a following. And I hosted a TV show for a couple of years too, that’s where I got all the showy dresses you saw.”

“So actually, you’re famous.” I commented.

“I was. Not so much anymore.” She told me. “Being famous isn’t as much fun as people think, I’m glad I don’t get recognized very often now. I have 63,000 Instagram followers though, and I still get some royalties from streaming sales.”

We watched the news on TV.

“All those refugees are arriving in Poland with nothing but the clothes on their backs!” Hilda said angrily. “I have to do something.”

She did her makeup quickly and got in front of the camera, filming an appeal for donations, clothes blankets, food. I didn’t understand the words but her emotion was great.

Then she was on the phone arranging logistics; I have to admit, I was really impressed.

“Will you stay and help?” she asked me.

“What can I do, I can’t even drive, or speak German.”

“I told my followers to bring what they can and meet me at a sport center tomorrow. We’ll need to sort, label, lift, load, I’m going to arrange a truck and driver to take it all to Poland, we need to move fast and be flexible.”

“I can be flexible.” I said.

“Yah, but just how flexible I still need to find out.” She laughed. “I wonder if Claus and Margaret are finished yet?”

“Am I really as bad in bed as she said?” I asked.

“No; but you have much to learn, you both do. Discipline, that’s the key.”

“What do you mean?” I asked for the tenth time.

“How do you think Claus and I can look this good at our ages?” she asked, “Discipline. Exercise, diet, no drugs, no smoking, no alcohol.”

“Oh, I thought you meant discipline like chains and whips.”

She laughed; “Yes, that too! And lots of sex! We play games and things to keep it interesting, you young people don’t need to bother with that because it’s all new and exciting for you.”

We sat in silence for a minute.

“Of course, we could try some variations if you want.” She said cautiously; “Threesomes are good fun. Or exhibitionism, would you like that? No, let’s keep it simple for now.”

I went back upstairs to the big living room with Hilda, the door of Claus’s room opened and Margaret stumbled out, totally naked. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes seemed to point in different directions. She saw me there and looked slightly shocked, as if she’d forgotten my existence.

“I had sex with Claus.” She said to me.

“Yes, we both heard you. Was it good?” I asked kindly.

“Yeah, really good.” She mumbled, heading into the guest room and closing the door behind her.

Hilda stood behind my chair and massaged my shoulders and neck, running her fingers through my hair affectionately.

“That went well.” She commented.

“I had sex with Hilda.” I told Margaret later when we were alone.

“Claus told me.” She said. “And? How do you feel about it?”

“Confused.” I admitted. “I guess we’re both being used, but I had fun. What about you?”

“He’s a monster!” she said, wide eyed. “I’ve never been with anyone like him, I think I need to get out of here.”

“I thought you said it was really good with him.”

“The sex was incredible.” She said excitedly, “I never had orgasms like that. But he’s like, a married old guy! If I stay and do it with him again, it’s going to get complicated. What about you, do you want to sleep with Hilda again?”

“I told her I’d stay and help with some relief work she’s planning, and she ... well, she teaches me things.” I admitted. “You and me, we’re through, right?”

“Totally, that’s for sure.” She agreed without a moment of hesitation. “What do you think, should I sleep with Claus again?”

“Yeah, I think you should.” I told her. “Soak up the experience, isn’t that what foreign travel is all about?”

Margaret squeezed my hand and smiled at me; We were friends now, and I felt more compassion for her than I had when we were lovers.

I helped Hilda cook dinner, and we all ate together. It was raining lightly outside, grey and cold, the opposite of the atmosphere in the house.

“Claus and I have been talking.” Hilda told us, “We invite you both to stay for the rest of the summer. We could use the help and well, we’re all enjoying the life, aren’t we?”

“We’ll teach you things you need to know, that they don’t teach you in school.” Claus added seriously, before breaking into a laugh. “It will be our pleasure, right Hilda?”

“Pleasure for everyone.” Hilda agreed, “What do you say, kids?”

“I’m in!” Margaret said.

“Ok, me too.” I agreed.

“Tomorrow we have a lot to do.” Claus said.

Margaret rolled her eyes from Claus to his wife. “What about ... you know. Beds.”

“You can sleep with Claus.” Hilda told her, “If you want to. How do you feel about that Don?”

“Fine.” I assured them.

I felt dread and excitement as the evening got to an end, and I went to the old woman’s bed like a sacrificial lamb.

We made out for a while, then I put in in and we did it until I had to come; she went down in me so I was hard again and we fucked into the night.

I felt pretty good about it.

“That was good.” Hilda said neutrally.

The following days were busy; hundreds of people turned up with boxes of donations, some just wanted to get rid of things, some really seemed to want to give, others came because of the opportunity to meet Hilda.

Later at the house, Claus sent me to get a tool from the garage, and I found Margaret and Hilda sweating in the gym. Margaret was sitting on a reclining bench with her legs open, and had something in her furry vagina.

“Harder!” Hilda demanded, “Squeeze, darling. Come on, a girl your age should be tight as a fist!”

The old woman saw me come in.

“Now you know my secret.” She laughed, “Tell her, Don; when you put it in me, how does it feel?”

“Tight.” I said, “Really amazing.”

“Here, take a look.” Hilda said to me, “You don’t mind do you Margaret?”

My ex-lover looked uncomfortable but said nothing as I peered between her thighs. I could see the end of a phallic object protruding from her vagina, with a tube that went to a pressure gauge, which read about 10%.

“Margaret will be as strong as I am in a few weeks.” Hilda assured us. “This is just the beginning.”

I went back to work.

That night, Margaret served dinner in a corset and heels, stockings and a suspender belt, flimsy panties, and her tits hanging in a lacy half bra.

“Nice, very tasty!” Claus said as he looked at her. “My wife is the best, don’t you think Don? Haha!”

Margaret didn’t eat with us, she stood at the corner of the room with her hands behind her back.

“Don’t worry about her, darling.” Hilda assured me, “Tomorrow she’ll be sitting here with us and you will serve, naked of course.”

I thought she was joking.

At first I was so embarrassed I could barely pour the drinks. The women both knew what I had, but Claus was looking too.

“Hey, nice cock you have there!” he laughed. Later, he put his hand on my ass.

“It’s all right.” Hilda assured me, “You need to break through some barriers.”

“Nice ass.” Claus declared, giving it a squeeze.

This was different; a big red line had just been crossed. I felt an ice cold shiver run through me.

“That’s enough for now.” Hilda told him, “Don identifies as heterosexual, we don’t want to scare him off, do we?”

“No, I need him to help me with the boxes!” Claus laughed.

Hilda and I had good hard straight reassuring sex that night. But I kept thinking of her husband’s male hand on my ass; was he bisexual?

How far was I willing to go?

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