Dora's Naked Dare - Cover

Dora's Naked Dare

by The elliptic pencil

Copyright© 2022 by The elliptic pencil

Erotica Story: Lost bets can have consequences

Tags: Teenagers   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Humiliation   ENF  

Emmy looked at her friend, “You really gonna do it, Dora?” In truth, Dora looked much less sure of herself than when she had first agreed to this challenge.

“Yeah. Sure. I already said I would, didn’t I?” Why, Dora wondered, why had she agreed. It was just stupid, just so fucking stupid.

“Dora doesn’t turn chicken,” Roddy said. He was her older brother, He should know. But he was only a year older, and like any other boy, he was mostly clueless about whatever might be going on inside a girl’s head. “Ain’t it so, Sis?”

She didn’t answer, but yeah, it was pretty true. Of that she was sure. Dora closed her eyes and took a slow, deep breath.

“You are fucking crazy. You know that don’t you?” Emmy shook her head. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Yeah. I’m probably fucking crazy. So what?” Dora settled herself into the backseat of the cramped two-door. Emmy sat next to her, her legs pulled up close, behind Roddy in the front. The driver’s seat was empty, Dave’s seat. It was his car. Dave was the only one of the four old enough to have a driver’s license. He was the one behind this odd roadtrip home. At least it had been his idea.

“It was a stupid bet, Sis,” Roddy looked at his sister, trying to judge how nervous she really was, how scared she really was. Then he looked out into the still busy parking lot. “Here comes Dave.”

Dave opened the driver’s door and looked in. He looked at Dora. “You’re not ready yet, Donut.” Dave called her Donut. It was taken from the Dora’s Donuts & Expresso shop a mile down the street from their high school. There was no relationship between Dora and the donut shop, but Dave and a couple of other kids at school had latched on to referring to her as ‘Donut’ or sometimes ‘Dora the Donut’, which she liked even less.

“I said if we lost the game, I’d ride home naked and I will. But I’m not going to sit here naked in your fucking car, in the parking lot while you yap with your buddies for half an hour.”

“Well, I’m ready to go now. So get yourself naked girl.” He grinned at Dora. “But first, you two girls swap places. I want to be able to look over my shoulder and see you squirmin’.” He concluded with a low chuckle. “Besides, I bet your brother already gets to see you naked at home. This is supposed to be my treat.”

After a moment’s pause, the boy’s watched as Dora and Emmy climbed past one another to trade places. “That’s good.” Dave was still grinning his dumbass smile. He touched a button and the car’s rear hatch clicked open. “Now you can hand over your clothes.” Dave had his cell out and began recording a video of Dora’s humiliation.

Dora screwed up her courage a notch. It would take about an hour to get home from the game where they had just watched their team’s unexpected defeat. At least it was nighttime, Dora thought in silence. But the parking lot where they sat was brightly lit and there were still quite a few people wondering around. Dora pulled off her sneakers and socks and handed them forward while Roddy an Emmy watched her, not saying a word.

“That’s a start.” Dave put her shoes on his driver’s seat. He continued staring into the backseat.

There were no walkers nearby, but there was still a lot of light coming in the windows. Dora quickly stripped off her school sweatshirt, her sports bra. While Dave was staring at her bare breasts, she casually slid her small handbag to Emmy, who slipped it behind her. She unsnapped her jeans and slid them off. Finally her panties joined her other clothes on the front seat. Dora sat back and pulled the seatbelt around her. “Okay. Let’s go!” she said. But Dave took his time looking at her. He put his cell back in a pocket, then he took her clothes in an armload to the back of the car. Dora listened as the hatch relocked closed. Dave got behind the steering wheel and looked back at Dora. He was still grinning foolishly, just like a Cheshire cat.

As Dave pulled into the lane with cars heading out a couple walked by his car and the guy did a quick double-take on Dora. He obviously realized she was naked, and flashed a thumbs-up and a smile at their car. More walkers stared into the car before they made their way to the exit. Dora sat, scrunched down with her arms folded firmly in front of her. She did her best to put any surprised looks out of her mind. Some boys in the car moving forward next to them stared at her from the backseat and pointed. One of them thumped his hand on the roof of the car a couple of times while his buddies laughed. Finally, after what seemed like forever to Dora, they were on the street and headed slowly away from the parking lot.

“Damn. This is so sweet.” Dave slapped his hand on the steering wheel in time to the music he was playing through the car’s speakers. He turned his head to get another good look at Dora as they drove past some more bright lights. “Hey guys, I need to get some gas into this beast before we hit the highway.” He looked at Dora. “You can pump the gas, Donut.”

“Fuck you,” Dora replied. “I’m not getting out of the car.”

Dave shrugged. “Well, I guess I thought you were fearless.”

“Fuck you,” she repeated. “Not even if you’d give me my clothes back.”

“Yeah, well there’s really no way I’m gonna do that, Donut.”

Soon enough, Dave found a brightly lit gas station and pulled up in a street-side u-pump lane. He got out to pay the cashier before returning to put the pump hose to the fuel inlet. He stood beside the car as he watched $20 worth of regular gas added to the car. “Alright, that should get us home.” Dave got out his cell again while he looked over at Roddy. “You and your sister need to trade places. I want to have that naked pussy riding right next to me.”

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Dora shouted. Emmy agreed.

“Well, it’s part of the deal if you want me to take you home.”

“Get me my clothes and I’ll walk. I’m fine with that.”

“I already told you I wasn’t going to give your clothes back. You want to get out and walk, fine. I doubt you’ll have much trouble hitching a ride.”

“Fuck you.”

“Trade places.”

“Fuck you.” But Dora and Roddy went ahead and traded places. It was awkward. Roddy had to get out of the car first. He used the door and his body to very inadequately shield Dora from the view of the busy street traffic. She quickly ducked from the backseat to crouching in the front while Roddy leaned the seat forward and climbed into the back with Emmy. Several horns had honked, so at least some people had seen Dora was naked. She slammed the door and pulled on the seatbelt. “Fuck you, asshole.” The car was low and had what seemed to her to be a very big windshield. Hiding herself in the front seat was even more difficult if not impossible.

Dave pulled the car onto the road. “Anybody want something from a drive-thru before we get onto the highway?” Dora glared at him.

“We don’t need anything,” Emmy answered a little too quickly.

“Well, I could use a latte for the drive home.” He pulled onto an entryway to a drive-thru coffee stand. He still had his cell out to aim at her.

“Dave, don’t,” Dora complained. She tried to cover herself better with her hands and by bending forward and turning away.

Dave ignored her and gave his order to the barista who was staring open-mouthed looking into the car.

“It’s a bet she lost.” Dave shrugged. “Just one medium hot vanilla latte.” He handed her some money. “You can keep the change, honey.”

After a short time the girl handed a paper cup across to Dave. “I’ve called the cops to report you, jerk.”

Dave got quickly onto the highway. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t think she did anything anyway.”

“You are the world’s biggest asshole.” Dora was pissed.

“Nope. I’m actually the world’s biggest prick. You want to get hold of it, Donut? I would really like that.”

“Fuck you.”

There wasn’t much conversation in the car for the next hour. Dave initiated the occasional lewd remark or jape and Dora mostly responded with a few selected expletives. Dave was managing to give about as many cars as possible a chance to look into his windows.

Dave turned off the highway and entered their small hometown. He pulled over to the side of the road. “I’m tired of listening to your crap mouth, Donut. Get your butt out of my car. He looked back at her brother, Roddy. You can walk home with her if you want, or I’ll drive you home. You too, Emmy. Your choice.”

“Get me my clothes,” Dora ordered.

“Donut, I told you. I’m not giving your clothes back. I don’t even have them. I left them in a pile on the ground behind the car when we left the parking lot.

Dora didn’t even know what to say.

“You can’t do that,” Emmy said. It was almost the first thing she had said in an hour.

“Well, they’re gone, Donut, gone.” Dave shrugged, happy with himself. “Get out.”

“We’ll go with you,” Emmy said. “Roddy and I can come up with enough between us to cover you up.”

Dora had tears, angry tears rolling from her cheeks. Dave had his cell back out recording her again. She got out of the car and stood by the open door as Roddy pushed the seatback forward so he and Emmy could get out with her.

Dave hit the gas, and the acceleration slammed the open door shut as the car jumped forward.

“No!” Dora screamed after the car moving quickly away. She stood there a long moment, naked. But there were other cars on the road. Dora ran quickly into the foliage behind her. She turned back to face the road and screamed into the darkness, “Asshole!” She repeated it again. “Asshole!” Dave’s car vanished from her view.

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