Kane's Cum Bucket Bitch - Cover

Kane's Cum Bucket Bitch

Copyright© 2022 by DiscipleN

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A straight-forward doggie dominance tale, but with many twists on the standard tropes. Silvia Joyce learns that a pet owner needs training more than her beautiful husky.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Slow  

“YEOOOWW!!! NO NO NO!! It’s freezing me!”

“You started out acting cold to the alpha when he needed a substitute bitch, Silvee. After weeks of my efforts, you continue to hold back all that is rightfully his. Let’s refresh your training.” As the ice cum’s outer layer softened from my body heat, she pushed the slippery piece through my cunt’s sphincter. I howled!

“AAAAAA IT’S BURNING MY INSIDES!!” I reached up to pry Kane’s jaws off of me. Connie tugged my arm away.

“Not for long.” She reassured. “If you’re a good bitch, I’ll wait a little before giving you the next piece to thaw.”

“I’ll be good. I’ll be good!” I babbled, the sharp cold in my cunt cut into the thin skin within. Or so it felt.

“Who is your alpha, Silvia?”

“KANE!” I cried. The burning cold was eating me from the inside!

“What are you to him?”

“I’m his bitch!”

Connie spanked my naked ass, but the slowly melting cum chip hurt far worse. “WRONG! You are just one of his bitches.”

“Who else is there?” I wasn’t thinking straight. “I’m not worthy of being his only one. I just want to know.”

“I’M asking the questions.” She crammed a second piece of iced cum into my burning cunt!

“AAAA!!” I wailed. “I’m sorry!”

“You are, but try to stay focused.”

My ass was jerking all around, frantic to dislodge the freezing chips. She spanked me again. “Control yourself, or I’ll stuff the entire bowl up your sorry twat!”

“I’m trying!” My rear slowed a little after my best attempts.

“You’re that too, Idiot.” Connie resumed her questions. “Where do you sleep?”

“At the foot of my- HIS bed...” I hesitated. “Unless the alpha wants me with him.”

“Really?” My full answer seemed to surprise her. That didn’t soften her stern questions. “Where do you eat?”

“On the floor.” I sniffed. The cold hard tiles weren’t as painful as the ice in my vag, but I worried. Someday I might have to eat without my hands.

“When do you eat?”

“When the alpha eats, but only after serving him?”

“Where do you piss and shit?”

“In the toilet, of cour-”

CRACK! Connie’s hand struck harder. “There’s no of course about it, Bitch. If the alpha wants you to shit on the floor, then you will shit on the floor and clean up whatever mess you make!”

“Yes, Ma-am!”

A third ice cum chip was forced into my suffering cunt. “I want you to remove the lid and seat from your toilet. Throw it away.” SMACK!

“OOWWWWW!! Right now?” My butt started bucking again. Although the first piece was mostly melted.

“I’m glad you asked. I’ll wait for the chips inside you to thaw a little. Consider it a mercy, for not being a complete, stupid bitch.”

“Thank you, Ma-am.”

Connie kept up my icy interrogation until I had recounted every mistake and every rule that I must obey. Each time I failed to answer, quickly or correctly, she stuffed another chip into my burning cooz. Until she ran out of chips.

I was sobbing like a new widow. The pain inside of me was truly unbearable. I fell over once, from the pain. She threatened to freeze my cunt faster if I didn’t return to my hands and knees. Each fresh chip blocked the softened previous ones from dripping their contents out of my abused pussy.

After I had taken the last frozen morsel, Connied called off Kane. “Release!”

Kane moved away and panted nearby, accepting whatever the alpha female did to me. Begging for his mercy was not an option.

“Clench your cunt, Bitch! Your alpha’s cum is starting to seep out.”

I clenched for all my aching sex was worth, which wasn’t much. The effort made my cunt even colder but I held back the warming mass.

Connie placed the bowl beneath my spread knees. “Okay, Silvee, let it go.”

“Uuugghhhh.” I exhaled. My clenched, inner muscles relaxed, and Kane’s cum dribbled out, returning to the cold bowl.

“You did good, Silvee.” Connie cooed. She even patted my head.

I grimaced, feeling the not very warmed over dog cum spill from my bitch cunt. I was never more humiliated. I looked between my arms and watched it drizzle into the bowl. My stomach wrenched sickeningly, suddenly aware my new diet was just beginning. “I’m so ashamed.”

“You should be.” Connie sounded proud. “In less than two weeks, you’ve fallen from being a dynamic, prosperous independent woman and transformed into a bitch slut who has surrendered to an animal’s lust.”

“You said that my future would be more than fucking.” I almost added that I was still earning top dollar from my clients. Hubris was bound to backfire.

“I did, Silvee.” She let the comment hang, until a few final drops of dog cum spattered into the bowl. “Here’s your life’s next major change.” Abruptly, she slid the bowl across the flooring. It halted beneath my chin. “You’ll eat dog cum, from now on.”

My stomach rebelled. The foul stuff had been inside me twice, and had been frozen once. It smelled as bad as ever. “I-I can’t do this, Connie!” I found strength in disgust.

SWAT!! “Don’t you dare call me that!” She hit my ass with something thin and heavy. She had folded Kane’s leash and whipped me. “Drink it, Bitch.” CRACK!!

“AAAAA!!” I screamed. The cold ache in my pussy was nothing compared to the fierce strike of steel chain!

“Drink it, or I’ll beat your lazy ass until you do!”

When I tried to bolt up, she was ready. “Capture!” She ordered. Kane flew up and struck me down with his furry mass. His teeth sank into my neck!

“I’m sorry!” I yelled.


I screamed from the beating.

“Obey me and the alpha. NOW, you good for nothing slut!”

“I’ll eat it!” I sobbed. I had no choice. “I lowered my face to the bowl and sucked up its vile contents. My stomach heaved and knotted, but I managed to keep from vomiting.

Before I knew it, the bowl was empty, and I licked frantically to get every drop.

“Kane, release.” Connie dropped his leash at the same time as Kane’s jaws let go of me. I fell to the cold hard tiles, knocking over the empty, spit-shined bowl.

“Next time...” She let the threat linger.

I sobbed and sobbed. My body convulsed from the pain in my ass and the horrid sensation in my stomach.

“Kane, play dead.” Connie’s next command surprised me. The alpha obediently dropped to the floor and rolled onto his back. “You suffered more than expected, Silvee. Now that you respect my absolute authority, and have obeyed, I’m going to give you a treat.”

“Cum won’t be your entire diet, Silvee, but you must never again waste the alpha’s seed.” Connie rattled the heavy leash. “I’ll know if you try to cheat him. Kane and I communicate at a level you’re unable to appreciate.”

My pain battered brain churned to figure out how she might know. The answer was simpler than one might imagine. Kane was a hunting dog. She could easily train him to find his own cum. No matter how diligently I scrubbed and washed my mistakes. I could never defeat his godlike nose. She would know if it touched anywhere except my lips, both pairs.

I had lost another part of myself to the alphas of my pack. Cum would be the mainstay of my diet.

“Crawl now, Slut. Crawl to the alpha and kiss his marvelous sheath. Take it in your hands and massage it.” She wanted him readied for a last mating with the bitch, I surmised.

Kane nearly rolled to his feet as I approached. He submitted to no low-rung bitch.

“Stay, Kane.” The alpha female signaled. He gave us a wary eye until I kissed his furry sheath and fondled it. His muscles relaxed, as if agreeing to this specific action. He gave love blinks to Connie.

After a few strokes of my hand, Kane’s red cock emerged from its protective skin.

Connie grinned when she told me. “Take him in your mouth, Slut. It’s time to teach him one of humanity’s best inventions.” She leaned aggressively at me. “You know how to give head, don’t you?”

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