Kane's Cum Bucket Bitch - Cover

Kane's Cum Bucket Bitch

Copyright© 2022 by DiscipleN

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A straight-forward doggie dominance tale, but with many twists on the standard tropes. Silvia Joyce learns that a pet owner needs training more than her beautiful husky.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   Slow  

Scranton Jones’s sheltie next door had been in heat for less than a week. The next evening, I bustled over to his house, bringing a fresh baked pie. The top crust was a bit of a mess. I’m a poor baker, well a poor cook in general, but it was piping hot. I knocked and he eventually opened the door but without a word of greeting.

“I want to apologize for Kane, Scranton.” I held out the pie. “I know he’s been barking a lot, and I know you know the reason, but I won’t blame Flufflepuss.” (his Sheltie’s name) “She must be quite a thing to deal with when she’s in heat.”

Scranton is about six feet tall, half a head taller than me. He’s awfully thin, gangly and moves like a marionette with a stick up his ass. He must have had terrible acne when he was younger, his face was pocked like raindrops on sand.

“That racket interrupts my work.” He eyed the pie in my hand, one eye enticed, the other wary. Both were dark brown. They matched his skin tone. “But I know it’s not all your fault.”

I repressed an urge to fling a hot pie to pave the holes in his face with burning, cinnamon apple filling.

“Would you like to come in?” He took a step to open space.

“No. Thank you.” I held out the pie. “Dogs remain in heat for up to two weeks or longer. I can’t keep Kane inside every minute. He’s too big! I hope you can accept this as some compensation for the future.”

“Well-” He scratched his thinning hairline. “I hope you’ll try harder to keep the noise down.”

I felt the right opportunity had arrived. “Is there a reason you have for keeping Flufflepuss fertile?” I asked gingerly. “Do you breed her to other Shelties?”

“No!” He almost barked. “She’s noth’n special, and cut’n on a poor critter ain’t right by God. But I don’t have to explain my reasons to you.” For a second, his words were highly accented. He pulled the door half closed and stepped to block me. Then he plucked the pie tin from my hands. “Good night, Ms. Joyce.”

I puffed through my nose after the door had closed. Locks clicked within it. I turned around and returned home, hungry for pie.

For the next two days, I kept Kane inside, taking him out only to pee. He saved his poop for indoors, but I was canny to his expectations. Without a proper run of the yard and play, he grew irritable. I tried running with him, but his leash kept fouling my pace and balance.

Whenever I sat to read the paper, he whined. On the morning of the second day, he barked at me. He even nipped at my shirt! “OFF!” I shouted immediately. He didn’t act rebuked. He did the strangest thing. He left - going into the kitchen.

When the awful smell hit me, I was surprised to see him come out of my room! Before I could worry that he had taken a dump in the bedroom, I was surprised again, to see my jogging shorts from two days prior dangling from his jaws. He must have stolen them out of the hamper.

He hadn’t pooped in my room. He had left his mess where it was supposed to go, on the newspapers in the kitchen. He wanted me to clean up his mess.

I simply sat staring at the sight of my dog clearly urging me to submit to his will. Shame spun up through my senses. I cringed at the thought of prostrating myself for his use.

It was the stink of his excretion that compelled me to get up. I did go and take his mess to the outside garbage, but when he tried to push me onto my hands and knees, while placing down fresh paper, I resisted and even stood up. “To your CAGE, Kane.” I pointed to the living room. “Cage!” I repeated.

The look my dog gave me, before turning away and obeying, was an expression I’ll never forget. He wanted satisfaction. It wasn’t a pleading look. He didn’t whine or whimper. He almost sneered at me.

I found myself holding my breath. I exhaled and stood stunned.

The rest of that day was uneventful, except I fantasized about cutting a hole in the fence to let Kane rape Flufflepuss. That night, as Kane slept at the foot of my bed, I masturbated with my sturdy vibrator. I loved the low frequency setting, it was almost like being fucked by- Unexpectedly, I remembered Kane’s manic thrusts against my butt. I grunted from the orgasm that filled me. It released some of my tension but none of my guilt.

Kane’s head raised above the end of my comforter. His eyes flashed from the dim light of moonbeams striking through the curtains. They accused me of hypocrisy from seven feet away.

The next day was our scheduled day to train with Connie. I was up and about early, letting Kane out back to pee, organizing my work for the day, fixing breakfast, going for a run by myself. I returned to sharp barking. “KANE, come in!” I shouted from the back door.

He stopped leaping at the fence and ran in, immediately taking a shit on the floor, not even bothering to trot two extra feet to where clean paper awaited. He looked up at me with defiance. The smell was atrocious!

“CAGE, Kane. NOW!” I was angry!

He obeyed, trotting proudly into the living room. I grabbed the papers and did my best to scoop up his large, foul mess.

I was on my hands and knees, scrubbing the tiles, when Kane marched in and mounted me! His jaws took my neck between sharp teeth which felt like they were cutting me. He even shook my neck a little.

I flinched from slight pain and proceeded to tremble as Kane began to hump his big dick against my hip.

A harsh knock at the front door surprised both of us. “Ms. Joyce! I know I’m early, but I had some new ideas.” Connie shouted.

Kane instantly pulled himself off of me and scrambled to the door. Instead of relief, I felt abandoned and dirtied. “I’ll be a minute.” I shouted back. It took a couple minutes to collect myself and straighten my clothes. I rubbed my neck, but there wasn’t any blood. I found Kane sitting patiently beside the door. I wanted to snarl at him!

“Connie, I’m glad you’re here.” I invited the trainer into my home. Kane licked her hand politely.

“Who’s a good boy?” She knelt and petted him.

I grumbled. “Ten minutes ago, he pooped outside of his area and then mounted me while I was cleaning up his mess.”

“Oh.” She gave Kane a reproachful stare.

Kane lowered himself fully to the floor, but his expression lacked repentance.

I felt left out of their silent conversation. “To be fair, I’ve kept him inside for two days. Still-”

“You’re right, Silvia.” The trainer interrupted. “He should behave better after only two days.” However, her hand continued to scratch behind Kane’s left ear. “Let’s do something about that, right now.” She stood up and marched away. “Into the kitchen.” She summoned me. Kane trotted alongside her.

“Get on your hands and knees, Slivia.” She said.

“I don’t want to reenact what happened. There has to be another way.”

“I don’t think those ways will work, after what you told me.”

“What did I tell you?”

“You were unable to follow the guidance I had set, for you to assert your authority over Kane. He’s probably very confused, especially after having his routine disrupted for the last two days.”

“But you said he should have behaved better for longer-”

“I’ve changed my mind. We need to work on you, Silvia.” Connie said with stern confidence. “We can’t have you succumbing to your submissive side when the stakes are this high.”

“My submissive side?” I rejected her assertion. “I’m well in control of myself.”

“But not when it counts, or do you want Kane to develop his alpha nature while you hesitate and confuse him?” Connie pressed harder. “From our first training sessions with Kane, I saw that you weren’t even a beta female. You may be effective at work...” She nodded at the expensive appliances and devices surrounding us. “But at home, you have to be the real you, or you’ll go mad.”

“That’s preposterous.” I didn’t stress the word.

“Then why did you hire me?” She laid it on the line. “You’re smart and organized and self-actualized. You could have learned how to train your fine husky by yourself. There’s plenty of quality resources on the web.”

“I wanted the best. Somehow the internet has the idiotic notion that you are best around.”

“And you’re paying for the best.” She confirmed. “Now get down on your hands and knees and realize - what you’re paying for is to be the one trained.”

“G-get o-out.” I stammered. I wanted to be angry at her. I wanted to escape her crazy notions. I wanted to escape the mire of emotions sucking at my soul.

SMACK! Connie slapped me, hard! “I said, on your hands and knees, Bitch!”

“OW!” I raised my hand against her, attempting to fight back.

RRROOWWFFF!! Kane erupted! He bolted up on his hind legs and batted my chest with his forepaws, growling.

“I’d be very careful what you do next, Silvia.” Connie cautioned.

“You’re d-doing this.” I blamed her, struggling to keep my balance.

“No. Your lack of spirit is the true culprit in this situation. Kane needs a strong authority to tame him. He respects mine but has lost faith in yours. Now accept that he will be in charge of you, when you aren’t working.”

“I’m not going to submit to my dog. I’ll get rid of him first.”

SMACK! The trainer’s hand stung my face harder than last time.

“STOP IT!” I cried.

“GGGRRRRGGHHH...” Kane’s growl deepened not seven inches from my face. He pushed harder, and I fell back catching the lip of the counter behind me and twisting away from his paws. Kane dropped to all fours, not at all discouraged. Connie advanced, silently threatening.

I sputtered, “No! P-please!”

“Heel, Kane.” She held her palm down at her side. The animal scurried around her legs to stand there. He didn’t look at her. His eyes were locked onto mine, contesting my will.

My knees buckled on their own accord. “What is he going to d-do?”

“He’s the alpha, Silvia. He’ll do whatever he chooses, but I think you know already.”

My knees touched the floor. I looked across at Kane who’s raised head nearly reached as tall as mine. His gaze made me feel smaller than him. “I-I guess if I have to, h-he can rub himself - until...”

Connie stepped forward and grabbed my hair. I kept mine short, but there was more than a handful to grip and tug.

“Oww.” I whined.

“This isn’t a game, not for Kane, Sil-vee.” She mocked my offer. Kane needs a bitch, and you’re going to be one for him.” Her hand gripped harder, and she pushed my head down until I had to catch myself with my hands on the floor.

“You can’t mean that.” I grasped at hope that she couldn’t.

“I’m your trainer. Kane has waited too long for you to be trained. I’ll go easy on you this time, but only if you quickly submit to his authority.”

What did she mean? Stupidly, I looked at my handsome canine as if he had the answer. It was in his eyes. I would be his bitch.

Connie let go of my hair and raised her right palm in front of my eyes. “Stay there, Silvee. Wait for him to decide.”

I stood miserably still, afraid of what Kane or Connie would do. A different feeling appeared deep within my misery, a small sphere of calm halfway between my belly button and my spine. It was a strange, tiny hope that comforted as if to say, “It’s almost over, Silvia. Soon you’ll be free.”

My trembling didn’t slow, however. It worsened when Kane strode up and sniffed my behind.

“He’s checking to see if you’re in heat.”

“But I’m not a dog.” I whined. “It’s impossible for me to be in heat.” Perhaps if Connie understood that, she would call off this incredible charade.”

“Maybe not like a dog, Silvee, but he’s already mounted you three times. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can simply tell if you’re horny.”

“How could I be?” I grimaced up at her. “What you’re doing is abominable!”

Connie’s hand struck out and grabbed my hair again.


“Don’t you dare disrespect either of us, Bitch.” She shook my head. “I was afraid that I might have to take you step by step through this lesson. But if that’s what it takes...”

Kane simply waited for the trainer to instruct me in how to submit.

“Please, no.” I whined uselessly. The calm sphere in my belly encouraged me to relax.

“I’m sorry that I have to do this for you, Silvee, but it’s for your own edification. Next time be quick to submit.” Abruptly, Connie grabbed the waistband of my dark green, polyester slacks. Without bothering to loosen the mostly ornamental belt, she tugged it with more strength than I would have guessed. A top, dog trainer needed toned muscles.

“NO! Nothatplease!” I babbled.

“Kane needs to smell his bitch, to see if you’re ready.” Connie shook my head to ensure my attention. Her next tug on my pants pulled them and my pink underwear, over and down my behind, stripping all modesty from that part of my body.

I’m not proud of my bum. It’s too big, in my opinion, but dieting and exercise hardly reduced it. It was quite toned, however, from years of effort. My breasts, I never liked how small they were, barely C-cups. I believed that men valued large tits over large asses, but who knew what a dog prefered? Unfortunately, by trying to shrink my butt, I only burned away my boob fat. I had to settle for an unsatisfactory balance.

Stripped butt naked by a power-mad woman, I cringed and tried to curl up into a fetal ball, but her fistfull of my hair stopped me cold - keeping me upright on my hands and knees.

“I’m sure men would say you’ve got a hot ass, Silvee. You better hope that Kane approves. You wouldn’t want him to be less than completely satisfied by his new bitch.”

“Don’t you hear how crazy you sound?”

“You wouldn’t believe what I’ve taught dogs for their owners - and vice versa.” She snickered. “How do you think I earned my stellar reputation among the rich and powerful?”

Suddenly, I felt Kane’s cold nose pressing into my butt. Snuffles of hot breath tickled me. He was checking to see if his new bitch was ripe. My rear jerked away or tried to. Connie swatted my butt back in line with a strong SLAP!

“Don’t you dare disappoint him!” She commanded.

Kane’s cold nose was abruptly replaced by a heavy tongue slapping up along my taint! “YIKES!” is the closest word to what I actually blurted. My involuntary flinch from the wet muscle attacking me earned a worse swat! CRACK!


“Keep still, Silvee. Your alpha is deciding if you’re worthy of his seed.”

Kane took several additional swipes with his tongue while he decided. I tried my best to bear with them. Tears filled my eyes. “This can’t be happening!” I wailed.

“It’s okay, Silvee.” Suddenly Connie was stroking my right side, near that breast. Her other hand steadied my head. “Cry if you need to, but prepare to accept your alpha’s decision.”

At that exact moment, Kane leaped up on my back and hugged me. His rough claws scraped my thick, pink blouse. I felt his erect cock poking into my behind. “Ooo, it’s so hard and sharp!” I complained.

“We’re almost there, Sweetie.” Connie continued stroking me. Her hand brushed my double clothed nipple several times, surprising me by how hard both had become. “Actually, Silvee, a dog’s dick doesn’t get hard before entering a cunt. What you’re feeling is the bone in his dick, called a baculum. His erectile tissue is still soft, but some women can’t tell the difference.”

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