Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks - Cover

Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 4

... as they came back down the stairs I said clearly and concisely, ‘there’s going to be some big changes in this house...

The children were in the family room watching ‘Frozen’ as I ushered Linda and Dee in, the kids, hearing the door, open turned, and seeing their mother, got up and rushed towards her momentarily stopping as they saw Dee behind Linda but just as quickly reached her and threw their little arms around her legs. Linda bent and kissed each of their heads and half dragged them back to the settee. “You are missing ‘Frozen’, watch the ending and then it’s bedtime, ok.” “Yes Mom,” they chorused reluctantly

Having shyly said ‘hello’ to Dee, Linda took two tired and yawning children upstairs and after a brief hiatus came back down and into the family room. Neither Dee nor I had spoken and Linda, entering the room, stared at both of us and asked, “what’s up? you’re quiet.” “Nothing is up as you say, we were waiting for you to come back down and now we need to talk.” Linda looked at me with a worrying frown but said nothing...

Turning to Dee I inquired “what is happening with you and Dave, has he kicked you out for good or is he expecting to see you back?” “I dunno, I expect he thinks I’ve fucked Mark because he hadn’t seen me for three days but when I tell him that you’d handcuffed the three of us to the bed he might be amused and take me back but I’m a bit pissed off with him so I might keep him waiting. Depends on how long I can stay here.”

I looked at both of them, my face grim and unfriendly. “Well you can stay here for a while but you will have to abide by the rules that I am now giving to the pair of you and these rules will stay for the foreseeable future.

Firstly I’m not having the pair of you laying about the house doing nothing so I expect both of you to get jobs, I know the hospital is always looking for staff so you can check in there tomorrow and sign up. Part time posts will be okay and it will enable you to get the children to school and back, sort it between you.

Secondly I will not have you bringing any fuck buddys here in my house. I don’t care who you fuck but not here or where the neighbours might see you.” “But Jim I don’t want anyone else, only you,” Linda whined.

“Yeah, like you did Friday night, you couldn’t wait to get that asshole, s cock into your cunt. Your marriage, your children, your husband, who has loved and cared for you for ten years, given you everything you desired, two loving children all instantly forgotten in your haste to become assholes woman.

The moment you dropped my hand and grabbed his, the smirk on his face and the look of adoration on yours as he took you away broke my heart and it will never be whole again. I shall never forgive you for the way you humiliated me, for the way you showed your complete and utter contempt for me.

Your vows on our wedding day, to keep only to me, to keep your body only for me, to love me through sickness and health all instantly forgotten in your eagerness to be fucked by a so called star.”

I was getting more and more angry as I told her a few home truths, my love for her having now become hate. Dee looked at me with a mixture of fear and amazement at my outburst, Linda just slumped, looked down at the floor and began to cry. “Yeah you better cry you’ve got a lot to answer for. Broken marriage, lost home and kids and a loving husband who hates you. Sob you bitch, serves you right.

Now let’s get back to the rules. If you both want to continue enjoying my hospitality you will have to either sleep in the spare bedroom or one of you will have to ready the ‘put-u-up’ in the sitting room ... Linda stopped her wailing long enough to look at me and mumble, “why can’t I sleep with you?” “After he and the others slobbered all over you,” I spat, “no thanks I don’t know what diseases you may have caught and anyway you’re now second hand goods and who would want second hand goods certainly not me.”.

I heard Dee gasp and I turned and sneered, “yeah I don’t suppose she told you, she not only fucked the asshole but three of his cronies as well.” “I was, they drugged me,” she snivelled, “I told you that.” She turned to Dee, “they gave me some green liquid to drink it made me extra horny, I didn’t know what I was doing.” She began crying again.

“You know none of that would have happened if you hadn’t waltzed off with that bastard in the first place. You couldn’t care less when you threw yourself at him; your family and husband didn’t exist, one word from him and pow! we were gone. Now you are reaping the consequences of your betrayal and the repercussions aren’t finished yet.”

You have lost everything that you held dear if, in deed you ever did, and that is now highly debatable. How you could throw away everything that we have lived for during these last ten years is beyond belief. Perhaps this is not the first time, maybe you’ve had other fuck buddys to slake your unquenchable thirst for sex, I expect I shall have to dna the children. Oh Christ, what a mess you have caused,” and I turned to Dee and continued, “and you’re every bit as much to blame...

You encouraged and helped my loving wife to cheat on her husband not caring for one second what misery you might cause, now you see the result. Fuck you both I, m going up to bed.”.And I stumbled out of the door slamming it behind me.

I was angry, very angry, I was also sad and full of despair. I entered the bedroom, undressed and got into my cold, empty bed. I lay, seething with resentment, images of my wife and her asshole lover coursing through my mind. His ugly, smug face, her fawning look; the pair of them dancing, him whispering, her smiling and nodding her head as they arranged the demise of our marriage.

There was a tap on the bedroom door and I heard Linda call my name. I ignored it. The knock came again, “Jim, please, can I come in?” “Fuck off Slut, you’re not wanted.” “Oh Jim, please talk to me, I’m sorry, so sorry, please have a little mercy.” She began to sob...”Yeah like you did Friday night. Go back to your asshole if you want company. You and I have nothing to say, we are finished. Leave me alone and stop that fucking noise I don’t want you waking my kids.”

I heard her move away, crying quietly as she did so, the guest room door opening and closing, then silence. Her entreaty had only increased my ire. I turned the whole sorry mess over in my mind and I began to think hard about my next move. Realisation flooded my mind and I knew that I was going to get through this.

I had to think of the children so I didn’t want to rush any decisions but I decided I would find a replacement for Linda, a prettier woman than Linda, a more loving woman than Linda, a sexier woman than Linda. A woman that would truly love me, love my home and love my kids and, above all, a woman who would be faithful and true, a woman who I could marry and erase this horrible nightmare from my life.

Having arrived at my goal I closed my eyes and fell into a satisfying sleep ... I awoke early the next morning, I had a busy day ahead of me with several places to go and phone calls to make. Today was, I hoped, the first day of the rest of my life.

It was still late winter and the day was dry but cold. I set about making good, old fashion porridge for breakfast. I knew the children would enjoy a warming meal inside them so out came the instant oats, evapourated milk and a little brown sugar. To the porridge Emma and Tommy could add their own choice of dried fruit, honey or jam.

I had the porridge simmering nicely and stood and listened; everything was quiet. I stood outside the living room door and heard nothing. I walked up the stairs, entered the children, s bedroom and woke them both. A little bleary eyed they tottered down the stairs and into the warmth of the kitchen. “When you are ready,” I said quietly, “you can nip into the bathroom and have a little wash, you can clean your teeth after breakfast and then I’m running you to school. OK.”

“Yes Daddy,” they both acknowledged then Emma asked, “where’s mummy why isn’t she taking us to school. “Mummy is not feeling very well this morning so is staying in bed but she will be up by the time you get back from school.”.”Is Mummy ‘kay,” said little Tommy with a rueful look on his face. “Yes, she’s fine just a little tired; so what would you like on your porridge?” “Can I have honey please,” “and I want jam,”grinned Tommy ... Washed, clean teeth, dressed in school uniform and satchels at the ready and we were off.

When I returned both Linda and Dee were sat in the kitchen. I realised that the three of us needed to exhibit some sort of normalacy so I greeted them with a smile. “Have you had breakfast,” I inquired. They both nodded their heads so I continued. “If we are all going to live here for the immediate future then I suggest we talk to each other in a friendly fashion.

What has happened cannot be changed so I would like to put our differences to one side and discuss quietly and sensibly how we can live in this house together without any animosity. I’d like to call a truce.” “But I love you I want it back as we used to be,” whined Linda.

“That cannot be,” I replied quietly, “we both have to live with the consequences of last Friday night. We have both lost something and we have to get round it. Linda you should think very carefully about your actions and why they happened and I need to think along similar veins.

“Now I’m not prepared to discuss the matter any further so let’s talk about what’s happening now. If you wish to continue living in my house,” and here Linda sobbed loudly, “if you wish to live here we need to agree on certain matters. I’ve already told you I will not accept any of your fuck buddys here or in the vicinity,” more sobbing from Linda, “and I also do not want you laying about the house. So the first task for you two is to get a job and help towards the upkeep of this house. I shall expect both of you to contribute to the cost of the utilities but, as to the food and drink,. you can buy your own and prepare and cook your own food. For the present I shall look after Emma and Tommy and do the school run until I’m happy that you both have their interests to heart.”

Linda, s sobs turned into shoulder wracking wails but I was not deterred, her crying falling on deaf ears although Dee put her arm around Linda, s shoulders and gave her a hug.

“Linda, I want you to stop making that noise, it won’t do you any good and I don’t want the children to see you like that for they will get upset too. You will have to accept the situation for what it is, the same as I do. Now I suggest you both get ready and I’ ll run you to the hospital where you may find a post that will suit you both.”.

Suprisingly enough both Linda and Dee were taken on. Linda, because of her earlier experience in computers, was introduced into the main office where she would be checking, in the first instance, all the names and addresses of the current inmates and their next of kin.

Dee, with no formal training, was employed in what they called ‘the wash room’ which entailed washing and sterilising important surgical instruments and similar items. On returning home both women were in a much better mood and were quite excited about their new positions. I dropped them at the side of the house and they looked at me questioningly.

I have to call into work I’ll catch you later. Linda you still have your house key you better have another one cut for Dee, if she’s going to be with us for awhile she may need to get in on her own, especially when you start at the hospital. I was glad that Dee was staying with us, she would be good company for Linda and would take the pressure off of me. I had no desire to mollycoddle Linda, she was the one at fault and she would have to put up with my distaste for her.

I had two calls to make, one to the bank and one to a solicitor. At the bank I closed our joint account, opened two new ones in our individual names and split the money equally. I also opened an account for Dee; not knowing her financial situation with Dave I didn’t think she would want her hospital salary paid into his account. They would both need to go in and sign.

I also cancelled our joint credit card arrangements; if Linda wanted one she’d have to sort herself out. My next call was at a solicitors office. There were several in the high street so I dropped into the first one, explained my situation and asked for divorce details, how I stood with Linda and the kids and how would I go about getting rid of my traitorous, cheating wife. I gave my email details and told them to send the information in...

I wasn’t in any hurry to get rid of the dishonest slut, time was on my side and her comeuppence would wait. On my return to the house I handed the details of their new accounts to them and explained that they would have to visit the bank, sign and pick up their Visa cards. They would then have to inform the hospital of their details; whether they did or not was not my problem.

And so life continued in a reasonable fashion. All the residents settled down and both Linda and Dee helped with the children. It enabled me to concentrate on my own job which I had neglected to a certain extent. However I was in good stead with the company hierarchy so my position was quite secure. Occasionally I could hear Linda crying in her guest room but I was not taken in. I only had to bring to mind that ‘February Sucks’ Friday night with asshole and Linda treating me as a pile of shit and then any residue of feeling for my cheating wife was soon forgotten.

And then I had a stroke of good fortune. I have, for sometime, been purchasing Premium Bonds which are a form of saving run by the state; instead of earning interest your individual bond numbers were put into a monthly draw and several ‘prizes’ of money would be awarded to the lucky bond holders.

First prize is a million and there were two of those. The next lower prizes were four of one hundred thousand and then various other prizes of lowering value finishing up with a thousand or two of twenty five pounds. I had already won several lots of twenty five which were more than I might have gained had I looked for interest only and I was quite pleasantly surprised when the bank informed me that I had won a prize of one hundred thousand.

I had to sit down and recover my breath whilst the news of my winnings registered in my excited brain, of course, this good news was not conveyed to my two female residents. I now realised that I could, at last, begin to move my cheating wife aside and concentrate on finding a partner who really loved me and who I could also trust ... So, where to start looking. I didn’t think women using night clubs, bars and similar venues would give me much of a choice, not that I had any problem with these, I just thought I wanted a more home loving woman, someone who wasn’t looking for too much excitement...

After some consideration I hit upon the idea of joining one of the many church and chapel clubs that abound in the suburbs, surely here I would find a decent woman. I would have to be careful, I didn’t want some bible punching female but I surmised I could find a woman who wanted a settled life; also I considered going on line and seeing what sort of organisations there might be where a woman would be looking for a stable relationship.

. However none of these places produced my desired lady. Amongst all the spam coming through the door was a small flier giving details of a new dance club starting at the village hall. Saturday evening I turned up, not dressed too fashionably, a pair of dark grey slacks and a chequered black and white, button down, short sleeved shirt. With my hair slicked down and some fancy after shave I was ready for whatever turned up.

I paid the entrance fee and entered the large hall. Round the walls were tables and chairs where several people sat. There were more women than men mostly keeping to themselves. At the end opposite the entrance a couple were sifting through a pile of the old type 78s all piled on a small table, music was playing out through loud speakers. I looked around, spotted an area where there were no takers, walked over and sat down. I glanced round the room, many of the patron, would be dancers, were older and there were a number of couples perhaps married or known to each other

The M.C., or record player, picked up his microphone greeted everyone, thanked everyone for coming and announcd the first dance, it was a quick step. The music started but nobody danced; I think everybody was waiting for someone else to start. I saw a group of older women chatting to each other, they were looking round, saw them look my way then whisper between themselves; seeing me watching them, they all smiled, two of them even waved, I waved back, they whispered again then one stood up, walked over to me, smiled and instead of asking me to dance said could she sit down.

I nodded my head and she took a seat. “Haven’t seen you here before,” she ventured. “No my first time,” I offered, “is it that obvious?, you’re a regular?” “Yes, there are never enough men and too many women,” she laughed, “you stand out and more important can you dance?” “Are you asking?” I smiled, “let’s go.”

I’d always been a good dancer and in no time we were skipping round the floor. I suddenly realised that we were the first pair on the floor and almost immediately several other couples came on. “I’m Jim,” I said, “and you are?” “My name is Mary,”she replied

She had on a light blue, satiny dress, it reminded me of Linda, s dress, so I wasn’t very happy. I put her age at about 50 so she was not going to be of interest to me. We danced several times and two others of the group also got me up. During a lull in the proceeding a group of younger men and women came in. They came over to me where there were some empty tables and sat themselves down.

Amongst the group was a young woman who caught my eye immediately as she was very pretty and I found it difficult not to look at her; twice she caught me looking and each time she smiled. To say the least I was quite smitten with her. I wasn’t sure whether she had a man with her so I observed. About this time the MC announced a short break and at the same time a trolley entered with refreshments.

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