Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks - Cover

Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 3: Retribution...

...”I would have regretted passing this chance up for the rest of my life.”

...”and now you can regret not passing up this chance to fuck La-asshole-Vallier for the rest of your life.”

...”I am filing for divorce in the morning.”

Linda stared at me her face drained of any colour. “Nooo!,” she cried, “we love each other, you can’t mean that, it was only one night, I’m yours now, don’t say that.” Her face crumpled up as she began to sob, the sobs getting louder as her shoulders began to shake and finally she began to wail. I was tempted to rise and comfort her but the image of La-asshole-Vallier’s smug face as he took her away to dance quickly eased my temptation.

“Linda, you didn’t give a sob last night and they won’t help you this morning so just sit down and I’ll bring you a mug of coffee.” The next part of my plan was now nigh as I made two mugs of coffee and slipped two sleeping tablets into her drink and carried them back into the family room. “Here, drink this and stop your noise, your bawling will not change anything, what’s done is done and you cannot put the clock back. It’s a pity you weren’t as remorse last night.

Come and sit down and drink your coffee it will make you feel better.” Linda stumbled over to the settee and slumped down. Her wailing had stopped but the tears still flowed. I went into the kitchen and brought back a cloth and handed it to her. “Wipe your eyes and drink your coffee, don’t forget we have to pick the kids up or had they also been forgotten in your eagerness to fuck your asshole lover.”

The mention of our children produced another flood of tears so I flapped my hand at her coffee and told her to drink. Reluctantly my faithless wife sipped at her drink and then finding some solace in it proceeded to take large mouthfuls of the sleep inducing mixture.

Within a few minutes Linda began to yawn and shortly after flopped over sideways and began to snore. I went over to her and shook her vigorously, not a sound nor a movement. ‘Good,’ I thought, “now for the next phase.”

Leaving Linda snoring I left the house slipped into my truck and quickly drove to the local sex shop. There I purchased two sets of metal handcuffs and a cock cage. Twenty minutes later I was back in the house and relieved to see Linda still snoring contentedly. Now for the next phase which I realised would need some careful thought.

I nipped back to the truck, opened the rear doors wide and then, not without some effort, picked my sleeping wife up and carried her gently through the house and eased her carefully into the back seat. I held my breath as Linda murmured some slight groaning but almost immediately she commenced snoring and settled herself down.

Shutting her door quietly I slipped into the driving seat and started the engine. I sat still for a minute gathering myself and thinking of the next part of my revenge. Then I slowly drove to my quarry, s house.

Earlier I had looked up LaVallier, s abode, you can find anything on the internet, and I learned that he lived in a ‘club-house’ which was one of a number of single-storied dwellings all concealed by shrubs and trees. I soon found the assholes home and was pleased to find his red Lotus Elan parked on the drive. I had plans for his pride and joy...

I parked up behind the sports car and, looking round, was pleased to find that I was well hidden from the road. In the side pocket, where it was always kept, I took hold of my trusty ‘Swiss’ knife and selecting the ‘pig stabber’ got quietly out of the car and quickly stabbed all four tyres of the Elan.

I watched with some pleasure as the Lotus hissed down and settled onto the metal rims

I grinned defiantly as I returned to the car and took out the bag where I had stashed the handcuffs, cock cage and the syringe containing the sleeping draught.

Now all I wanted was for LaVallier to be alone and the next important part of my plan would be accomplished. I’d gambled on the fact that the asshole having been awake most of the night fucking my soon to be ex-wife would now be resting, possibly recovering, from the exertions of last night and would be in no condition to make too much fuss.

Approaching the front door I pressed the bell button keeping my finger on the press and at the same time banged on the door. Shortly the door opened and a bleary eyed LaValiere stood there clad only in a pair of boxers.

“Who is it, wha, what da yer want?” he yawned, “who the fuck are you?” He rubbed his eyes trying to see more clearly. “What the fuck is going on?” I already had the syringe primed and I plunged the needle into his gut and activated the plunger. The syringe emptied the sleeping draught into his body in two seconds flat. “Ouch! what the fuck, that hurt.”

I quickly pushed him into the hall and shut the door behind me. The draught was already beginning to act as he opened his mouth wide and began yawning. “Quick,” I said, “where’s the bedroom.” LaVallier turned and stumbled back down the hallway and, almost falling, pushed a door open and staggered onto the kingsize bed. Typical I thought big enough for fucking on. I winced as I realised that this same bed was where my wife threw her life away but I was brought back to the task in hand when LaVallier rolled over and began snoring loudly.

This next part I wasn’t looking forward to but ‘needs must’ so I took hold of his boxers and drew them down and off his legs. His flaccid dick was my next objective and taking the cock cage out of the bag I gingerly fitted it around his penis and locked the cage.

Satisfied with my work so far I then took one pair of manacles and cuffed him, leaving the other cuff which was going on my nasty wife’s wrist. Now I was ready to bring my wife in. So good so far. Returning to the car, and again not without some considerable effort, I retrieved my wife from the back seat and carried her still snoring into the house and laid her gently on the bed on her back and next to her lover.

My intention was to strip her and handcuff her to asshole and not knowing how long the pair of them would stay sleeping I had had the forethought to bring her cell with me. I considered the possibility that they may not be found, possibly for days and Linda could at least be able to call for help.

I had stripped my wife naked taking one last look at the body I had adored and given and taken pleasure from when her cell rang. It startled me for a moment but, recovering, I checked the phone and to my amusement it was Dee calling. As soon as I accepted the call Dee was asking how Linda, s night had gone. ‘Was he big, how many orgasms did you have? thinking, of course, that she was talking to Linda. As she rattled on an idea entered my head; she was the instigator of my nasty wife, s betrayal, if I could get her round here I could have all three traitors incapacitated. What a picture that would be.

I text back that I, that is, Linda, was still at Marc, s and he would like her to come round and sample the ‘goodies’.Asking her where Dave, her husband was, she replied that he was off golfing for the day and she couldn’t wait to get here. ‘I’ll take an Uber’ she text back. ‘I’ll leave the door open, come straight in’. So the dye was cast for the final part of my revenge.


Now all I had to do was meet Dee and put her to sleep. I had taken the precaution of bringing extra tablets with me in case so now getting Dee to accept my presence was a must. I thought the best way to do it was to let Dee think that I was okay with Linda, s fucking of asshole and that I was here to pick her up and collect the kids on the way home. What I had to make sure of was that Dee must not enter the bedroom, at least not until she was comatose. LOL. I also had to come up with an explanation about the tyres although I didn’t think she’d notice being too excited about fucking LaVallier.

Fifteen minutes later I heard a car turn up and then the door opening. “Cooee,” I heard Dee call. I left the kitchen where I had made two cups of coffee and tiptoed into the hall. “You,” gasped Dee, “what the fuck are you doing here?” “Shush,” I whispered, “they’re still asleep. I’m here to pick Linda up and on the way home we’ll pick the kids up.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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