Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks - Cover

Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 2: Admission and Reparation...

I was sat in the family room in my favourite chair. The curtains were still closed, it was dark, it suited my mood. I had returned to my house after my wife Linda, s betrayal: I had already thought long and seriously about my revenge and their comeuppence. Now I, again, went through my plan, checking and cross checking till I had it firmly in my mind.

Shortly after eleven am I heard the distant roar of a sports car; I knew it was them, only an asshole would have a noisy, juvenile, attention grabbing exhaust. Sure enough the noise got louder and with a screech of brakes the car drew up outside the family room window.

I heard car doors opening and closing then my soon to be ex wife, s voice, “thank you Marc for a lovely evening,” and then, to add insult to injury, I heard the unmistakeable sound of a kiss. The hackles on my neck rose and my anger erupted. When the engine noise increased and the squeal of spinning wheels disturbed the fragile peace I knew my ex wife, s lover, the asshole LaVallier had departed but I also knew that this wouldn’t be the last we would hear of him.

I listened as the front door opened then Linda, s shrill voice, “Hi Honey I’m home,” just like she would when returning from a shopping trip. I heard her taking her coat off then her footsteps entering into the kitchen.

“Hello Jim, where are you?” she asked in a sing song voice then quiet and eventually she came into the family room. “Ah there you are,” she breezed in as if nothing had happened. “What are you doing sitting in the dark, are you alright?” “What do you care” I growled not looking at her.

“Of course I care, I love you, you are my husband, I am your wife, we care about each other.” “That didn’t seem to worry you last night,” I spat. “Yes I’m sorry about that, I wasn’t thinking straight.” “Yeah, Marc LaassholeVallier had your undivided attention.”

Well that’s all finished now and I’m back as your loving adoring wife, the same wife you married ten years ago, I still belong to you, I was only gone for one night,” “and one morning,” I added bitterly. “I suppose now your asshole lover has had his fill of you I’m back in favour?”

“Don’t be like that Jim, I haven’t changed, nothing has changed, I’m back and we can continue our lives together. You will soon forget last night and I’ll make you feel better when we go to bed.” “Huh, have you learnt some new tricks?” I spat.

“Don’t be silly, Jim, it wasn’t like that, Marc was a perfect gentleman and so were the other...” Linda fell into silence and she looked down to the floor. I couldn’t believe my ears, I was struck dumb, my brain in a whirl, it seemed that since last night my head appeared to be constantly mixed up.

Did I hear correctly, did she say ‘and so were the others’. When I looked at her, her face was ashen and I detected a tear in the corner of her eye. I slumped into my chair, if she had, indeed, been involved with others then this was more horrific than even I could grasp.

“You’d better sit down before you fall down, I’ll get some coffee and then I want all the details I am still your husband and am entitled to hear of your infidelity.” By the time I’d returned with the coffee Linda had somewhat recovered her equilibrium. “You have changed” I continued quietly. “I told you, I haven’t changed, I’m still the same loving wife you always had.” “But not a faithful wife,” I added bitterly.

“No that’s not true, I love you as much as I always have and I intend to continue to love you as a faithful wife.” “Yeah, until the next asshole type sportsman waves his hand at you.”

“How many men have fucked you in the last ten years?” Linda gasped at my question, “what do you mean? you are my only love, and do you have to use that word.”...

I repeated the question, “how many men have you fucked?” “Just you, my loving husband.” “Until last night?” It suddenly dawned on Linda the purpose of my question. “Oh that! well, yes, I’ve been intimate with you and, erm,” she hesitated for a second and then spoke out strongly, “and, and Marc.”

“He’s the second fuck you’ve had since our marriage?” “Yes and I’ve asked you not to use that horrible word, it makes loving sound awful.” “So you HAVE changed.” “No I keep telling you, I’m the same woman that left the house with you Friday night, how have I changed?”

“Your second fuck buddy means you are now second hand, used goods, your body, my cunt, you allowed another dick to penetrate, the body that you pledged to me, on oath, to keep for me and only me.” I couldn’t help sneering as I heard her choke out a sob. ‘.

“No, no, it isn’t like that, you, you don’t understand, when Marc asked me to dance I couldn’t refuse, no woman could refuse, he’s Marc LaVallier, the famous quarter back a star, a great stud, a catch for any woman. When he took my hand and led me onto the dance floor I was the envy of every woman in the club. There wasn’t a woman in the club who wouldn’t have give her right hand to have changed places with me.”

I didn’t look at her, I couldn’t look at her but I heard her voice rise slightly in pitch as she remembered the start of her betrayal, her words sounding as if she was quite proud of her selection to dance by Marc asshole LaVallier.

“You love me, I love you, you wouldn’t let one night of,” she hesitated trying to come up with a word that didn’t sound too cheap, “one night of, er, fun between me and Marc spoil ten years of a happy, loving marriage.” “You obviously didn’t mind spoiling the marriage.” I interjected...

Ignoring my point she carried on in the same vein. “It was only sex, they said you wouldn’t mind, they said you loved me too much not to allow me one night, just one night of passion with Marc the star, they said you loved me enough that you would want me to enjoy this once in a life time chance to belong to Marc just for one night...”

“And the next morning,” I added, “and who are they?” “Dee, Dave, Jane and those at our table in the club Friday evening. They were all pleased for me, they all encouraged me, they said how lucky I was that Marc had chosen me. They said you wouldn’t mind and that they would keep you occupied whilst I slipped away.

I didn’t want you to spoil my one chance of having a ‘special night’ with Marc, you do understand don’t you?, I had to go with him but now I’m back with my loving husband, nothing’s changed and I am your adoring wife again and everything will be fine.”

“And what about our special night, you promised we would enjoy just ourselves and no one else, you even turned down Dave when he asked you to dance but as soon as that asshole LaVallier put his hand out you swooned at his feet. Our night together, our own special tenth anniversary night was discarded without a second, s thought.”

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