Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks - Cover

Variation on a Theme of G. Anderson's 'February Sucks

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 1: Betrayal

Traddis’s Variation on a Theme of ‘February Sucks’ by G. Anderson. -Part One ‘Betrayal’-.

I was sat in the family room in my favourite chair, the curtains were still closed the room quite dark; it suited my mood. I cast my mind back to last night’s betrayal by my wife Linda.

The evening had started out so well, everybody excited, looking forward to the evenings entertainment; Linda and I had found our hotel room in which we were looking forward to a night of passion, our ten year anniversary, our ‘special night’ at least I thought we were...

Linda had laid out on the pillow a bra and panty set, they were dark blue with black lace edgings, I chuckled, “and when do you think you’ll be wearing them?” She smiled but refrained from answering and after rolling her eyes continued getting ready.

I remembered how beautiful she looked in her mid blue evening gown, even ravishing with the top cut just sufficient to show the first swell of her delectable breasts, my heart ached at her loveliness ... After a great meal we strolled down to the club; the cold February breeze could not dampen our spirits and the whole group were singing and laughing, everything was alright with the world.

The club was busy and Dee had done well to book a couple of tables which had been placed together so all five couples could sit round. Linda and I danced and as we returned to the table Dee excitedly pointed out that Marc LaVallier, the famous and well known quarter back had entered the club accompanied by his entourage’she almost swooned as she gasped, “oh he’s looking over here.”

Earlier I’d ordered a plate of ‘wings’ and now the bar had indicated that they were ready. After sharing round I offered one to my wife careful not to spill ketchup on her dress. Once they were finished Linda suggested we have another dance, but before I could answer Dee’s husband Dave asked, “could I have a dance, you certainly look gorgeous tonight, the prettiest girl in the room, ... oof” he gasped as Dee poked him sharply in the ribs...

“Sorry Dave, all my dances are with my husband tonight this is our tenth anniversary and our ‘special night’, tonight I belong to him.” How proud I felt as my wife looked lovingly into my eyes. “Shall we dance?” my beautiful Linda said proffering her hand.

“Let’s dance back in our hotel room,” I leered with an accentuated ogle...

An excited squeal from Dee curtailed any further chat, “oh look Marc’s coming over here.” I was holding my wife’s hand under the table ready to take her away, back to the hotel bedroom, back to a night of marital loving when a shadow fell across our table. I turned my head to see Marc LaVallier standing at Linda’s shoulder.

“I’m Marc LaVallier would you like to dance?” he smiled holding out his hand. My wife dropped my hand as if it was a hot potato reached out her hand and into the quarter back’s paw. rose and followed him onto the dance floor.

“Hmph, “Dave grunteded, “I thought all her dances were just for you.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” I groused my ego deflated like a pricked balloon.

I watched my lovely Linda dancing with LaVallier, they looked good together, he was a better dancer than me; twice I tried to get up and cut in, twice I was told to leave them, ‘she was enjoying the euphoria of dancing with a star quarter back.’...

I watched morosely as the couple danced, first a quick one, then two slow ones, I saw LaVallier whisper to my wife and noticed a smile crease her face as she nodded in acceptance to his words. I could not fault the way he held Linda, like a perfect gentleman but I was becoming more and more agitated. How dare she enjoy his company at the expense of mine...

One more dance and they returned to our table; I noticed a smirk on La’asshole Vallier’s face. Watching him turn around I didn’t notice my wife walk round the table, bend and whisper in Dee’s ear. Vallier seem to hesitate until I heard Dee call out “I need the rest room, coming Linda?” My wife nodded her head as I tried to get hold of her hand...

“Sorry Jim I need to freshen up as well.” Just before she averted her eyes I thought I noticed an odd expression on her face almost one of apprehension and then they scurried off. I watched that asshole LaVallier walk away and to my amusement he went straight to the exit door and left the club. I remember at the time thinking ‘good ribbons, he won’t be annoying anybody else.’...

A movement out of the corner of my eye caused me to turn and look towards the rest room. I saw Dee appear’she was alone, ‘already,’ I mused, ‘she’s hardly had enough time to take her pants down let alone have a piss.’ I also thought it was odd that they didn’t return together as women usual do.

Ten minutes later and my wife had still not returned. I started to get worried. “ Where’s Linda?,” I enquired of Dee. “She’s okay’she has something to do’she’s a big girl now able to look after herself.” Another five minutes and I was up at the bar imploring the barmaid to check the ladies rest room; I heard Dee behind me,...

“Okay, I’ll get this,”she said to the bar and turning to me she continued, “let’s move to the end of the bar,” and taking my hand she led me to the corner. “What’s happening, where’s Linda, is she alright, where is she?”

“Linda is fine’she told me to tell you that she loves you very much and she will see you tomorrow back at home.” “See me tomorrow?, what do you mean, where has she gone, why is she not here with me, her husband of ten years, this is our special night, what’s going on.?”...

“Linda has left the club’she’s okay’she loves you lots but she has left and has gone with Marc LaVallier and will be spending the night with him.” “Left the club, gone off with LaVallier, you’re pulling my leg, this is a joke,?” I couldn’t believe what she was saying, “my Linda gone off with that asshole LaVallier, you’re kidding,” I laughed, “she loves me too much to be tempted by that idiot.”.

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