Professor Lola G-spot - Cover

Professor Lola G-spot

Copyright© 2022 by Dave Pornwriter

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Aila attends an interesting Sex Therapy session

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

“What are you reading, darling?”

“I’ve been researching my orgasms, Mum. You know the way I keep passing out when making love. Some sites say it’s like a sensory overload – my body just can’t take so much stimulation.”

Mum strokes Aila’s shoulder. “You mean like that time on Tuesday after the swimming lesson when you just checked out in the changing room?”

“Yes Mum, it’s so embarrassing. It keeps on happening when I’m, you know, having fun with my friends.”

I didn’t mention all the other times at the pub fucking Brian, the barman.

“I found this article by a Psychology Professor working at the Bournemouth and Poole College and she is looking for trial subjects. Can I join up Mum? Please, it would be so cool to be tested.”

I showed Mum the article; it said there was a post-graduate Sex Therapy course looking for volunteers and there was a web form for applicants. Mum and I filled it in together, briefly describing my ‘problem’; stating my date of birth as 28/09/2002, sexual orientation as bisexual and the maximum number of partners as 3+.

I signed the Consent Form using my best signature ‘Ms Aila Jones’ dated 29/05/2019 and nervously clicked the Submit button.

The next day Professor Lola G-Spot called on Skype. She was gorgeous, with short bleach-blonde hair, rock-hard nipples and a West Coast deep tan (probably all over). Lola explained that she was the Visiting Professor teaching Sex Therapy and loved my orgasm videos that Mum had sent.

“Aila, could you come up for the weekend? I have some students who would love to run some tests on your orgasms. Of course, being only sixteen, we’ll need to have your Mum here – is that OK, Mary?”

Mary, my Mum, putting her hands on my shoulders, “Of course Professor, happy to help. Tell me, is G-Spot your real name? I guess it could explain your profession.”

“Wait until Saturday, I’ll explain in the Sex Labs. Now, Aila, I need you to select two students to be your fuck-buddies, one male and one female. I’m sending you a video of the team, you’ll have to excuse the nudity; it’s difficult to keep some of them dressed.”

Three seconds into the video, I’d already chosen the fit black guy – he was wearing boxer shorts, but it was easy to see he was hung like a horse.

I drooled. “That ripped one, please Professor, in the black boxers.”

“Good choice,” replied Lola. “You know that not all black men are hung like stallions, but you’re lucky I know Dale is. He can be very gentle when he wants to be. Now, what about a girl to help you?”

The video had continued playing, a smaller version of Lola had briefly appeared at the back of the group, picking up discarded underwear and sex toys.

“Can I have that girl? She is gorgeous. I want her!”

“That’s Sam, my step-daughter. She’s not really part of the team, but just sixteen, like you. So OK, I’ll ask her.”

A moment later, Sam came onto the call – all smiles and cute bare tits. “Yes, of course, you can have me, babe. Dale and I will be your perfect fuck-bunnies for the weekend. See you on Saturday. Here’s Mum again – I’ve gotta go.”

I just managed “Bye Sam” before she handed the phone back to Lola.

“OK, now to business – I’ll pick you both up around 9 AM on Saturday morning. It’s a bright red Tesla, Californian plates ‘LOLA G3’ - she shouldn’t be too hard to spot. Don’t bother with any spare clothes, Aila. You’re going to be pretty bare most of the time. One thing you must do is shave very carefully down there. We don’t want any pubic hair, the electrodes need smooth skin to stick properly.

It was agony waiting those days to the weekend. I shaved every morning, Mum checked my lips were baby-smooth, even that patch before the bum-hole that is so difficult to reach.

“Mum, what do you suppose the electrodes are for; are they going to experiment on my pussy?”

“Nipples too, I expect, baby girl. They’ll probably have you wired up to loads of weird machines for measuring your funny orgasms.”

At school, my panties were permanently damp with anticipation. I stopped wearing any by Friday; wiping away the pussy juices with tissues to stop my skirt from getting stained.

Saturday Morning: The red Tesla arrived bang on time outside the house, nobody got out and the blacked-out windows stopped us from seeing inside. Mum locked up the house, held my hand and we walked nervously out to the car. The left side front window slid down revealing a near-topless female driver – her deep tan looking perfect against the white leather seat. Mum stuck her head in to kiss Lola; they snogged for ages, staring down each other’s cleavage.

“Aila, you should sit in the back and Mary, you can sit up front with me,” patting the right-hand passenger seat.

The back door opened – I was amazed to see Dale and Sam, naked, looking much hotter than in their videos. I had barely sat down between them when Sam kissed me full on the lips, while Dale eased my shorts down over my skinny thighs and then came back up to remove my tee-shirt. Soon I was as naked as everybody else in the car as it silently pulled away into the traffic.

Looking around, “What is this car? It’s beautiful.”

“She’s my baby ‘model 3’ – probably the first in the country. I insisted the university shipped it over for this sabbatical. The service guys here are great; they had to reprogram her to drive on the left and added another processor in the trunk for my research project,” said Lola.

Peering over the seatback, I could just see the Professor’s long shapely legs encased in skin-tight, black latex leggings, with open slits, crisscrossed by laces. I had seen pictures of these in my Mum’s catalogue, but the opening always went down the outside of each thigh. Lola’s went straight down the inside of each leg and across the crotch, her dark pubic triangle clearly visible above hot pink lips. Mum had noticed too, running one hand up the inside of Lola’s thigh to slip between the lacing and massage wet pussy.

I already had a firm grip on Dale’s massive erection before Lola turned right around from the front seat to see that I was settled in OK. She must have noticed my concern at no one appearing to be driving.

“It’s OK, babe; the Autopilot copes well on these roads. Now Sam, why don’t you introduce Aila to the Special Bikini.”

It was certainly ‘special’ – just a thin strappy outline of a bikini, really. The triangular top pieces surrounded each breast without providing any cover for the nipples and the bottoms seemed to just hold my pussy lips further apart than usual. Sam smeared some jelly onto the electrodes inside each black strap. The metal felt cool against my skin, raising the nipples even further. When she and Dale were satisfied the two strange items of clothing were correctly attached to my body, they each flipped a switch on the attached battery packs.

At first, I could just feel a slight buzz across my skin, then the nipples hardened and my clit poked out of her hood. It felt like the hottest girl’s tongue sliding around my butt hole and between my pussy lips. I tried to open my eyes, but everything was a dark blur – I think I overloaded again. When I came to, Sam’s face was jammed between my thighs sucking down the last of my sweet sticky ejaculate.

“Baby you came like a train – I guess we got the voltage a bit too high.”

Lola had stopped the car and was sitting next to me, holding my head against her bare breasts.

“Poor baby girl – we fucked you up again. I’m sorry – we’ll try to be more careful, but we have some amazing measurements to process. Once we figure out what is going on inside your body, we can train that g-spot to be kinder to you.”

Once underway, Dale sat me on his cock, facing and kissing him. The monster erection slid unimpeded up inside my juicy cunt, the electrocardiogram display on the massive touch-screen up front went off the scale. He eased out and slammed back in, bouncing my body against his, Sam gently held my tits, massaging the nipples.

A video call from the team briefly flickered on the screen to confirm they were ready, looking over my shoulder, they just appeared as a mass of near-naked bodies.

Lola’s House: Lola drove like a demon up the A38 towards Poole, one hand never leaving my Mum’s crotch. The enormous screen displaying a three-dimensional live heat map of my vagina – you could clearly see the outline of Dale’s cock pounding against my cervix and the inner walls glowing bright red. When my Mum swiped the screen to rotate the image for a better view, she accidentally touched the g-spot. It felt like an electric shock through my entire cunt – I jumped off Dale’s lap into Sam’s arms quivering, blabbing “Mummy don’t do that – I can’t take any more.”

Sam held me close, gently stroking my thighs and bottom, keeping well away from the crotch until she couldn’t resist any more and dipped two fingers between my slick lips. The heat map lit up again as the cuntal area sensors picked up the insertion. This time the whole team cheered through my climax as they picked up the live-streamed data from my bikini.

Suddenly we were there – not at the university, but at Lola’s ultra-modern house, in Sandbanks; she said it was more private. The huge garage door slid open and the Tesla reverse-parked itself inside next to the college mini-bus the sex therapy student team had arrived in. Steps led us up to the huge playroom with panoramic sea views, but I couldn’t look beyond the near-naked boys and girls waiting to start the experiment.

Lola introduced us to everyone, “Class this is Aila, she’s on the pill, but she’s quite young, so show some respect. Treat her like she’s your own daughter.”

Mum laughed and then Sam laughed. “OK Mary, perhaps not like your daughter.”

I’m hopeless with names, so I just tried to remember the hair colour and bust size of each girl I kissed and cock size for the boys. The team had already reviewed the videos and sensor data and now had the opportunity to touch the real thing. Sam held my breasts from behind as each student took turns to stroke or lick my pussy – I was so wet.

“I want you to just relax – don’t fight the climaxes, just let them come”, Lola said, “so pick one more man and one more woman for your first session. Don’t worry, you’ll get to fuck them all before tomorrow, perhaps even all at the same time if you’re lucky. Now, remember team, Aila is here to regain some control over her climaxes. She has given her full consent to everything, but try to be gentle, but firm – we want to re-sensitise her, not destroy her.”

Lola stretched out on the white sofa holding my Mum’s tits to watch the fun.

Now Sam was on her knees between my feet, grasping my thighs and burying her face in my cunt – she had such a fabulous tongue. Dale stood behind me – erection pressed between my buttocks, ready to fuck as soon as I bent forward. We all sank to the thick carpet; the other boy angling his cock into my mouth, the other girl very gently sucking my tits. Dale entered me from behind as Sam lifted me onto hands and knees and slid underneath to keep her tongue in my cunt.

“Take it easy, guys, don’t let her cum yet. We need to collect loads more sensor data. You can see the results up on that screen; if the calibration is right she should be at 50% arousal about now.”

I could only nod in agreement as my mouth was stuffed with cock – I think they were seeing how much stimulation I could take before passing out again. Dale and my face-fucker had the spit-roast perfectly synchronised, alternating between one deep hard thrust, then two gentler, as the two girls’ tongues made my skin sizzle.

Mum was the first to notice I had passed out again; my juices were spewing out all over the carpet, oh shit, another mess to clear up. She had to beat Dale and the face-fucker off me; then the girls helped me onto the sofa between Lola and Mum. She said my thighs didn’t stop twitching for ages as the orgasm ran its course through my overloaded body. When I came to, everyone was crowded around a flash-looking Surface Tablet displaying my internal data. I walked over, just standing at the back of the team, holding Sam’s hand.

One tall, well-built, nerdy-looking lad that I had hardly noticed was demonstrating his theory to the group, using all sorts of words that I didn’t understand. He was pointing to a cutaway diagram on screen; the few terms I had heard of before: rectal, anterior, vagina made a warm glow between my legs. I asked Sam about the columns of sensor data scrolling up the screen, which jumped whenever he touched a place I recognised.

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