Mother Blows Best - Cover

Mother Blows Best

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: A sequel to my story "Like Mother Like Daughter" this story continues to follow John, Lisa, and Genny in their relationship together. How will Genny take to submitting to her son-in-law?

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   InLaws   BDSM   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Illustrated   .

The following story is a follow up to my earlier story “Like Mother, Like Daughter” and takes up where that story left off. If you haven’t read “Like Mother, Like Daughter” yet, please read that story first as it will provide a background to the characters and events here.

It had been a couple weeks since that day when Genny found out about her son-in-law, John, and confronted him. She remembered the way she overheard her daughter Lisa and Amy, John’s ex-girlfriend, talking in the bathroom of the bar, and how the two girls giggled and chattered about what John did to them. At first she was shocked, but then when she went to talk to him about the information she had overheard, she decided to test him.

She didn’t know why – maybe it was her meddling nature, or maybe she just wanted to see if what she heard about him was true. But whatever the reason, she pushed him ... she pushed him too far.

John had already been upset. He had made weekend plans for him and Lisa, and she had deliberately arranged something for her and Lisa to do that would ruin his plans. So John was already on edge. Genny knew that. So it didn’t take much to set John off. She simply challenged his authority over Lisa by claiming he was doing things to her against her will and as her mother, she “wouldn’t have it any more.”

Well John snapped and before Genny knew it she had been pushed face down on the sofa with her skirt hiked up to her waist getting a spanking! Imagine! Genny was getting a spanking from her son-in-law!

Well, at first she was outraged. But as he continued spanking her despite her objections and struggling, a funny thing happened ... she had started to become turned on! It was as if John knew that Genny needed to be disciplined, to be reined in and controlled.

She had been a pain in his ass, but it was only because she was so used to getting her own way. She had married a spineless jellyfish of a man and had run roughshod over him, eventually driving him off. With no one around to tell her no, she was too used to doing whatever she pleased.

Now however, she had a man – albeit a son-in-law – that would control her and rein her in. And as Genny thought more about it, she liked that. John had taken her and he had broken her like you would break a wild mare. He had tamed her and she liked this new dynamic in their relationship. Finally she found a man that she could respect!

One day when Genny knew Lisa was at work, she went over to their house to see John. Instead of just coming in as she used to do though, she knocked politely and waited for him to open the door.

“Hello Genny, If you are looking for Lisa, she’s at work,” he said.

“I know, I was hoping to talk to you actually,” she said.

“Oh? Come on in. What can I do for you?” he asked.

“Well I wanted to talk ... about what happened the other day. You know, when I came over and... “ she said, blushing as she stammered out her words.

“When you came over and what?” John asked. “What is it you are trying to say?”

“When I came over and told you what I had heard ... and I ... well, when you spanked me!” she blurted it out finally.

“Oh I see. Okay what about it?” he asked.

“Well after you spanked me and Lisa came in and ... well after all that, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I mean, I had never had anyone treat me like that. Even my own mother and father – Lisa’s grandparents – never treated me like that. I was always the princess and I was ... spoiled. No one ever really took control like that,” she said.

“Well you needed it, Genny. I mean, we appreciate all you have done for us ... loaning us the money for this house and helping us get started and all. But this is my house and Lisa is my wife now and I make the rules here,” he said.

“Oh, I am not questioning that! I understand completely and am not saying that!” she said quickly.

“Well then Genny, what is it you’re saying? What is this all about?” he asked, perplexed.

“John, this is very hard for me. I am not used to being in this position...” she said.

“Genny, just say it. We are family, just say what you are trying to spit out.”

Genny took a deep breath. “John when you spanked me, I got so turned on. You saw it yourself. And then when you played with me and teased me ... you made me beg ... Oh God, John it was so hot! I know I shouldn’t feel this way ... it’s wrong to feel like this about your son-in-law. But I can’t help it. When you took control of me, I just...”

“Genny, I understand. When I first met your daughter, she was a lot like you. Maybe not quite to the same degree, she did have you to set some rules, but your overbearing attitude did have an effect on her. She was pretty hard to control too – she had her mind on the way things were supposed to be and that was that,” John said.

“Overbearing? Yeah, I suppose I have been a bit hard to live with,” she said looking down, ashamed of how she had treated him.

“Well, Genny, you have had to be the head of your house for a long time. And it is only natural that it would make you a little assertive and bossy. I had to do a lot of work to Lisa to make her understand her place as well. But she came around to my way of thinking, and I think you understand now as well,” he said.

“I do, John, and that’s why I am here,” she said, stepping up close to him. Genny looked up into his eyes, her own moist with the beginnings of tears. “John, I want you ... to take control of me. Like you do with Lisa ... like you did with me that day. Please John...”

“Genny are you asking me to...” he asked.

“Yes, John, I want you to be my ... Master as you are to Lisa. I heard her call you that at the bar the other night and now I understand. John please, please make me your slut like you did the other day, please!” Genny sobbed on his shoulder when she had finished talking. Genny was indeed a broken woman and in need of someone to put her back together again.

John held his mother-in-law in his arms as he thought about what she had said. He knew this was exactly what she needed – she needed someone to set limits, to make her follow someone elses rules and obey. She needed to be put in her place just like he had done to Lisa. And it wasn’t as if he would be cheating ... after all, that night two weeks ago, Lisa was there when he took Genny.

Genny had watched him dominate her daughter, and then Lisa had seen him dominate her as well. And although they were family, it wasn’t really incest since they were not blood relatives. Besides, this was something they would do in the privacy of their own homes and not something anyone outside of the three of them would ever even know about.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He would be doing this to help all three of them. Genny would get some much needed reining in and structure. Lisa would get peace of mind because as things were, she was always stuck in the middle between the two of them. And he would get not one, but two beautiful women at his command and control!

He pushed Genny back a step and held her face up to his with a crooked finger under her chin. “All right, Genny. I will do this, but there will be some rules. You may not agree with or understand some of them but they are rules nonetheless and you will follow them explicitly or this whole thing will not work, understand? This is how Lisa and I do things, and the same will apply to you,”

“I understand, John. I will obey your rules. Thank you,” she said, looking at him, her eyes shining now.

“Good. Now Lisa will be home in a couple hours so I want you to come back then and all three of us will sit down and discuss this. We will all have to agree and be on the same page for this to work right,” he told her.

“Of course. I will come back once Lisa is home, then. I hope that we can work things out. I can’t take all the fighting and bickering we have been doing. I am truly sorry,” Genny said, getting up. John opened the door for her and Genny looked at him and gave him a small smile as she left.

Once Genny left, John went back to what he had been doing, but his mind mulled over what Genny was proposing. He remembered that day two weeks ago and how much fun he had in taking command of the high and mighty Genny. Bringing her down from her throne and making her beg to be his slut.

She did beg too. She begged him to make her his slut, to make her cum. It was a huge step in their relationship. Genny wasn’t the type to apologize for anything, even if she knew she was in the wrong. But that day she learned not just how to apologize ... she learned to crawl and to beg. It had been humiliating for her he was sure, but it brought a new perspective to her world. It would be good for her to look up once in awhile instead of looking down at the world all the time.

Genny was also thinking about this matter at her house as well. She had sure been taken down a peg or two lately! John had been so dominant and so powerful that day, she was very impressed how he handled her and took charge. Her husband, God rest his soul, never did anything like that. And now she craved that control, she needed that mastery of her in her life.

Genny’s hand slid down her body as she daydreamed and recalled how she felt that day, how wet he had gotten her spanking her and how he had taken her after he finished with Lisa. She could hardly believe what she had said to him after he finished making Lisa cum:

“John, would you ... um ... would you do that ... to me?” she had asked.

“You want me to fuck you? Like I did to Lisa?” was his reply.

When she said “Yes ... please,” he gave her that two word command:

“Get undressed.”

Genny was not surprised that she was wet once again remembering that day. She smiled, feeling the dampness once again in her crotch as her hand slid into the open front of her jeans and under her panties. She parted the lips of her pussy and teased her clit for a moment. A shiver ran up her spine and she closed her eyes, licking her lips.

John had went down on her after he finished off Lisa. She hadn’t had anyone eat her pussy for so long it was almost like the very first time! And John knew his way around a woman too! She had cum more that night than she ever remembered cumming before!

Genny looked up at the clock and decided she had time for a quick shower before going back over to John’s house. She wanted to look good for him this time ... after all if she wanted to impress him, looking hot was the first step!

Genny turned the faucet in the shower on, and placed her towel on the rack nearby. She removed her bra and panties while the water heated up. The steam from the shower soon began to fill the small bathroom and encircle her, beckoning her to join it.

She stepped into the shower, shocked at the water at first, but she quickly got used to it. She let the water beat on the skin above her chest, sliding down around the sides and the valley of her breasts before running down her stomach and hips. The water felt great as it ran down her body

She closed her eyes and John’s face flashed in her mind again as her hands moved over her breasts. She toyed with the nipples and then cupped her large breasts, feeling their weight, imagining it was his hands on her.

She could feel her desire rising as the water ran down her body, her hands following its trail. Her finger slides over her slit. Genny reached forward and re-positioned the head of the shower so it hit her squarely on her pussy. Sitting on her shower stool with her legs spread wide, she leaned back, her fingers lightly touched her hard clit. Genny’s breath caught in her throat before coming out as a low slow moan.


Genny pulled her pussy lips apart and felt the water sliding down, over her hand and swirling around her clit before falling down her legs. A second finger joined the first, rubbing, circling, teasing ... Her fingers plunged into the hungry hole, hard and fast.

Hooking her fingers slightly as she pulled them slowly out, they rubbed over her aching g-spot. Genny shuddered, and her fingers went back in straight and hard and deep, only to hook slowly over her g-spot again. Genny’s head tilted back against the shower wall and her back arched slightly as her breathing got heavier. A hand on her breast pulled at her nipples, rubbing them softly, massaging the creamy pale flesh.

“Ohhh ... fuck ... ohmygod...” she whimpered.

Genny’s hips pressed gently against her own hand as she pinched and tugged at her nipples and pressed her thumb on her clit. Her body shook and with a loud cry, she came incredibly hard. Genny’s own juices coated her hand and ran down her leg with the clean water of the shower.

As she slowly pulled her fingers from her quivering pussy, her other hand trailed down her stomach, and she sat there for a moment as her body and mind slowly came back. Readjusting the shower head, she rewashed her private area and legs. The water soothed away the orgasm, drawing it out, and making it last a little longer. Smiling, she climbed out of the shower and dried herself off.

Before she left the bathroom, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Could she really do this? Could she really submit like this to her own son-in-law, her daughters husband, and the man who she had berated and belittled for so long? And would he accept her ... would he even want to after the way she had treated him? She had apologized to him several times, but did he really know just how sorry she was? Did he believe her? There was only one way to find out...

Genny walked into the bedroom and went to her closet. She looked through her outfits – she did have quite a full closet of clothes. Her ex may have been lousy in bed and have all the backbone of a wet dishrag, but he did have a good job and now she has a good alimony settlement.

While they were married he used clothes and “things” as a way of substituting for any kind of relationship needs she may have. She picked out her favorite red knit tube dress, a front opening shelf bra, and matching panties. She also put on her thigh top stockings and her favorite red open-toe pumps.

Once she was dressed, she went into the bathroom and put on her makeup. She normally didn’t do too much in the makeup department – why bother, who was she going to impress? But now she did have a reason to get herself all dolled up. She did have someone to impress! So she got out her makeup case and blew the layer of dust off the lid. It had been awhile since she last used this!

She opened the case and took stock of her “supplies”, happy to see that everything was still good and not dried out or gone bad. She began getting herself ready to go back to John and Lisa’s and talk about this idea of becoming her son-in-law’s slut.

So with that frame of mind, she made herself up more than her normal degree. Usually she just did a little fountain and maybe lip gloss, opting for a more natural look. But she made herself up more this time with a dark, “smokey-eye” look evening eye makeup, red lipstick, and some blush on her cheekbones.

She smiled mischievously and added a little blush to the valley between her breasts and a hint of rouge to her nipples and areolas. Then she picked out a soft perfume and dabbed a bit behind her ears, some on her collarbones and a drop or two between her breasts.

Then, in another playful moment, she put a couple drops on her tummy just above her mound so if things went well, he would be able to smell her perfume there as well. A final brushing of her hair and she was ready. She looked at herself in the full length mirror, examining herself with exacting detail. Satisfied with what she saw, she headed over to John’s house for the big meeting.

“Hello Genny, come on in. Lisa isn’t home quite yet, but she should be here any minute. Want a cup of coffee or something?” he asked.

“Yes that would be nice, thank you,” she said. John went to the coffeemaker and poured her a cup of coffee and brought back the sugar and creamer with him to the table.

“You are looking especially nice today,” he said, noticing the extra effort she put in to look good for him.

“Thank you John. It’s been a long time since I had a reason to get this fancied up!” she said.

“Well, it was worth it. You look beautiful,” he said.

Genny blushed at his compliment and then fixed her coffee while John unloaded the last of the dishes from the dishwasher and put them in the cupboards.

“You do the dishes?” Genny asked.

“Well, I sometimes load or unload the dishwasher if I am home and not doing anything. That way Lisa won’t have a full dishwasher or full sink of dishes to come home to. I do little things like that for her to make it easier on her. It’s no big deal,” he said.

“That’s nice. My ex couldn’t even find the sink. He’d leave his dirty dishes on the table or counter or even on the floor next to his recliner in the living room. I’d have to go looking for dirty dishes!” Genny said.

They talked some more about general things until about 20 minutes later when John heard the telltale sound of the garage door opening. “Well, it sounds like Lisa is home. Why don’t we move into the living room where we’ll be more comfortable?” John said.

“All right,” Genny said, finishing the last of her coffee. She put the cup in the sink adding some water so it would clean up easier and then they went into the living room. Genny sat on the sofa while John pulled a chair up to the sofa and sat down.

“Hi honey, how was your day?” he asked Lisa as she came into the living room.

“Hi sweetheart, it was pretty good. Hi ... MOM??” Lisa said when she saw her mother stand up behind John. “Mom! You’re ... you’re ... what is all this?”

“Your Mom came over to talk to me about something,” he said.

“Oh? Why are you all dressed up? And what’s all the makeup for? I don’t understand,” Lisa said, confused.

“Sit down Lisa and we’ll explain,” he said. Lisa took a seat next to her mother, looking at John questioningly.

“Your mother here would like my help and I have agreed to see what I can do to help her out. Do you remember a couple weeks back when we had our big confrontation?” John said.

“Yes, I remember,” Lisa said.

“Well right before you came in and found me and your mother ‘discussing’ things, we had come to an agreement. You see, your mother came over after she heard you and Amy talking about me at the bar when we were there the day before. She wasn’t too keen on hearing that I spank you from time to time when you need it.

She confronted me, knowing that I was already pissed off about not going to the lake for the weekend. Anyway, she started badgering me about how you were her daughter and that I was using my domination of you to fulfill some sick fantasy. Well things got heated, and I wound up throwing her on the bed and spanking her ass too!” he explained.

Lisa listened in stunned silence as John continued...

“Funny thing is that after I had finished spanking your mother, I found out she liked it. I mean she really liked it – you mother had wet her panties, she liked it so much!” he said, grinning.

“MOTHER!!” Lisa said shocked. Genny blushed beet red as her daughter looked at her in disbelief.

“Anyway, once I found out your mother was, shall we say interested, we got to talking. She wanted to know more about this domination thing. So I began to show her how I dominate you. Before she even realized it, she was begging for me to dominate her the same way I do to you.

“WHAT?” Lisa said, “Oh, this just kept getting better and better!”

“It’s true Lisa,” Genny said. “Your father was never strict with me. Hell, no one was ever strict with me. I have been a spoiled, catered to little bitch – overbearing is how John here puts it and he’s right. I did schedule our spa day because John had weekend plans.

And I did come over that day looking to pick a fight with him. I have been terrible to him, honey, and to you as well. But John has agreed to help me. Help me learn to think of someone other than myself. He is going to help me by becoming my Master as well as yours.

“Really?” Lisa said, looking back and forth between the two of them.

“Yes ... John is going to be my Master and set the rules and make the decisions for me for a change,” Genny said.

“That’s right. I will be the one you answer to when you are bad but also...” he paused for a moment, “the one who rewards you when you are good.” he said to Genny.

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