Christmas Footsie Fuck - Cover

Christmas Footsie Fuck

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2023 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: Eugene gets a note at school to visit the lovely young guidance counselor, Miss Hanson, at her home.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Foot Fetish   Illustrated   .

Eugene wasn’t sure what to expect. He’d received a note in homeroom, a handsomely written card. It was from Miss Hanson, the guidance counselor, and it said he was expected to meet her at her house this evening at 8PM for tea and cookies. Eugene couldn’t help wondering if it was a prank, but what if it was on the up and up?

He showed up at 8PM as asked. A note was taped to the front door.

Welcome! Come in! The door is open. Leave your coat on the chair in the hall and make a left into the library.

Eugene followed the directions.

Naked woman on the floor with a dressed man in front of her

“Hello, Eugene,” Miss Hanson said to Eugene upon his entrance into the library. “I’m glad you could make it. I was just going to hang my Christmas stocking on the mantel when I realized I didn’t have anything to hang them with. Silly me. But the fire was so nice and warm. In fact, I was getting a bit toasty. So naturally I took off my clothes. But then my feet got a little chilly, so I put on my Christmas socks. Does that make sense?”

“I ... I guess so,” Eugene stammered.

“And the socks were so comfy on my feet. For a few minutes I might have fallen asleep. I’m sure I was. And I was having the most delicious dream. Do you want to know what my dream was about?”

“Um ... I guess so.”

“It was about you, Eugene. And the dream made me so wet. Do you know where I was wet?”

“Um ... I’m not sure.”

“Right here, Eugene. Right in the heart of my pussy. If it can be said that pussies have a heart. Do you think pussies have a heart, Eugene?”

“I ... I...”

“Do you know what goes good with pussy, Eugene?”

“I ... I’m not sure.”

“Penis, Eugene. Penis goes good with pussy.”

“It does?”

“Very much so. I’m certain your penis would go very well with my pussy. What do you think, Eugene?”

“I think ... Um.”

“The first step is to take it out—your penis. Go ahead, Eugene. Take out your penis.”

“I’m not sure I should, ah...”

“You should, Eugene. You definitely should. Go ahead. Ah, yes, that’s right. Mmm, just as I thought. Eugene, you have a beautiful cock.”

“I do?”

“Uh huh. And you know what such a beautiful cock deserves?”


“It deserves a footsie fuck.”

“A footsie fu...?”

Naked woman on the floor reaching up with her foot to touch the man’s cock that’s sticking out of his pants

“Yes, like this. Doesn’t that feel good, Eugene?”

“Uh huh.”

“But you know what? I need to feel you with my bare toes. Would that be all right?”

“Um, I guess so.”

“So if you would just take off my sock. Yes, that’s right. Mmm. Yes, this is good. Eugene, I love the feel of your bare cock on my toes. Do you love the feel of my bare toes on your cock?”

foot touching cock

“Uh ... Uh...”

“Of course you do! But you know what? I have a special request. I need you to fill my Christmas sock with your goodies. I need you to cover your cock with my sock. Yes, perfect. A perfect fit. And now I’m going to do something. I’m going to make you come in my sock. Yes, this special spot just behind your balls. Doesn’t that feel good? Mmm, I can see that it does. Mmm, oh Eugene. Yes! Come in my sock. Come, Eugene, come!

Naked woman on her knees in front of man whose cock is now covered with a sock

“Oh yes, Eugene. Good boy! And now we’ll go in the kitchen and have a nice cup of tea and some cookies, and after that, after you’ve restored your energy, your penis can get acquainted with the heart of my pussy. Intimately acquainted. You can fill my cunt with more of your goodies. How does that sound?”

“It sounds good, Miss Hanson. But what about this sock?”

“Oh, you can take that off now. You know what? I think, in as much as tomorrow is the last day of school before Christmas break, I’ll wear my cum-filled socks. Do you think that’s too perverse of me?”

“No, Miss Hanson. It sounds good. Um ... Do you have chocolate chip cookies?”

Naked man and naked woman sitting on bar stool in the lotus position and he’s feeding her a cookie

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