Buoyant - Cover


by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2022 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Sex Story: At a relatively early age Mitzi was what you might call top-heavy. The boys teasingly called her the unsinkable Mitzi Brown. Mitzi shrugged them off--like water off a duck's back--until one day... Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

When it comes to natural buoyancy,
There is nobody more buoyant than she.
Drowning is unthinkable
For she is unsinkable.
She’ll float, that her boobs and butt guarantee.

Woman standing in a locker room

In the hall after eighth grade science, Tommy said to Mitzi, “You must be pretty buoyant.”

“Pretty, maybe, but otherwise you’re wrong. I don’t have a niece or a nephew, nor do I possess a dick.”

Tommy’s jaw dropped.

Mitzi grinned. “Forgive me for shifting the ‘u’.”


“Inside joke,” Mitzi said. “But if you meant that I have large breasts, yeah, I’ve got big boobs, but they look bigger because I’m somewhat slight otherwise. I’ve heard people say I have a somewhat boyish butt.”

Tommy blushed.

Mitzi smiled, closed her locker, and strode off to catch the bus.

Three years later, last day of their junior year, Mitzi cornered Tommy after school. “Remember what you said back in grade school about me being buoyant?”

Tommy blushed.

Mitzi said, “Well, now you’re half right.”


“Last night my sister had a baby girl.”

“So you’re a niece!” Tommy grinned.

Smiling, Mitzi shook her head. “Silly Tommy. I’m an aunt.”

“Oh, right.”

“So to celebrate, why don’t you drive us out to Planer Pond for some swimming? We can test our buoyancy and such.”

“Uh, yeah, but I don’t have a suit.”

“Neither do I—let’s go.”

“Also I can’t swim.”

“Then you can watch.”

At Planer Pond Mitzi stripped off her clothing and splashed into the water. Tommy observed from the old wooden dock.

Naked woman floating on water, tits sticking out of the water

Floating naked woman sticking her leg straight up from the water

Thirty minutes later Mitzi emerged.

Naked woman standing in the water

“What do you think?” she asked Tommy.

“I think you’re beautiful,” Tommy said.

Mitzi grinned. “Beautiful, that’s better than pretty, isn’t it?”

Tommy nodded.

“But you may have noticed, I still don’t have a dick.”

Tommy bit his lip.

“So I was thinking, maybe I could borrow yours.”

Naked woman riding a naked man on boardwalk

Afterwards, Mitzy and Tommy lay sated upon the planks of the old dock. “That was so good,” Mitzi said. “I think I’m wetter now than when I was in the water. Thanks so much for sharing your boyishness with me.” She guided Tommy’s hand to where she was wettest. Tommy’s finger sank deep into Mitzi’s sex.

“My pleasure,” Tommy said.

“I hope you didn’t get too many splinters.”

“I’ve got a hard hide,” Tommy said.

“You do,” Mitzi said, her hand covering Tommy’s penis. “Mmm, and getting harder all the time. So good, so good,” she said, stroking the cock in time to her chant. Tommy’s finger mimicked the motion, plunging again and again into the clench of Mitzi’s cum-soaked hollow.

naked man and naked woman lying back and touching each other’s genitals on boardwalk

“Your turn to be on top,” she told him.

He rolled on top of her. His cock dove into the welcoming churn of her cunt.

“Yes,” she hissed. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard now. Hard as you can. I can take it. I’m buoyant.”

Poem by Ashley
Story and Illustrations by Mat

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