A Young Man - Cover

A Young Man

Copyright© 2022 by Westside24

Chapter 7

Over the past three months, Ken had dated Denise a total of six times. With one exception, where she was assigned to cover the destruction of a tornado, each of the dates had ended with Ken being in her bed making love to her. She was an enthusiastic lover which was starting to give Ken some thoughts about having more of a serious relationship with her.

There was a problem, however, and that was that most of the conversations they had were all about her. He thought that if the words “I” and “me” were taken out of her vocabulary she would have a tough time in carrying on a conversation. But with her looks, the body that she had, and the enjoyment he had when he made love with her, all of that was causing Ken to overlook that fault.

That shortcoming of hers was in a way solved when she became somewhat geographically undesirable. That was how he classified her when she told him she was moving to New Orleans as she had been offered and accepted the position of being a weekend news anchor. This she said was a career move. Denise said this new position involved a raise in pay along with an indication that if there was an opening for a weekday anchor she would receive strong consideration to fill that position.

The last night he spent with her gave him some fond memories. How she looked in giving him head with her long hair hanging down while his hand was in between her legs caressing her clit was something he wouldn’t forget. She would periodically stop doing it while she had an orgasm and then would resume her mouthing of his cock. He was sorry that she was moving but understood why and accepted it.

In splitting the season football tickets with Tim, Ken mentioned how he was turning over most of his duties to Tracy and now was looking for something to do.

“If you can afford to do it, why not do what you are doing with apartment buildings?” said Tim.

“Houses are one thing but I don’t know anything about apartment buildings.”

“A friend of my wife works for a realty management company. Maybe she can give you some insight as to what is involved in owning apartment buildings.”

Ken asked Tim to get him the contact information and he would give her a call.

Two days later when Ken woke up in the morning he wasn’t feeling well. It was probably nothing he thought but he did take his temperature which indicated it was above the norm. Because of that, he phoned his doctor, Scott Willman for an appointment.

The nurse said she could give him an appointment in three days and asked why he needed to see the doctor.

“I have a 101.5 fever and I have a pain in my right side.”

“Let me put you on hold for a minute and I will get back to you.”

When she came back on the line she said, “I talked to the doctor about your symptoms and he wants you to go to the emergency room at Memorial Hospital and have them check you out. Please don’t delay and go right away.”

Ken quickly washed up, dressed, and drove to the hospital. He told them what his symptoms were and they put him on a monitor and drew some blood. In a short time, a doctor came into his cubicle and said because of his symptoms and the blood work showing he had a high white blood count all indications were that Ken was having an appendicitis attack and he needed to be operated on.

He signed some papers giving his insurance information and permission to operate. Having done that he was wheeled into a room where an IV was put in his arm and that is about all that he remembers.

The next thing he remembered was waking up and feeling groggy. A lady wearing scrubs and a covering over her hair but with a pretty face came up to him and said with a strong European accent, “I removed your appendix which was inflamed. There was nothing unusual in doing this procedure and there should be no complications. We will keep you overnight just to make sure and probably release you tomorrow. Do you have any questions?”

With Ken not having any questions she turned and left.

Ken was carted up to a hospital room. He spent the rest of the day watching TV with its limited program selection and getting his blood pressure and temperature periodically checked. It was a boring remainder of the day. Despite this Ken did have a good night’s sleep even with being periodically checked by the nursing staff.

When he awoke in the morning he saw written on the board the name of Sara who now was his nurse. She did come in to introduce herself and said breakfast would shortly be here. Sara was an attractive lady somewhere around his age and it was a nice way to start the day. Breakfast did arrive and the one slice of French toast with a turkey sausage patty and a small cup of bland oatmeal was not something Ken would fondly remember.

About one hour later a woman dressed like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine came into the room and asked him to pull up his gown for her to check the incisions. He did this and because of her voice, he assumed she was the surgeon who did the operation.

Putting on some latex gloves she removed the three bandages which he could see were covering about one-inch incisions. Saying everything looked good she said she would release him from the hospital and he should make an appointment at her office in two weeks and she would remove the stitches. After saying that she turned and left the room.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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