Ultimate Surrender - Cover

Ultimate Surrender

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: I was not impressed when Simon took me to what looked like a warehouse for my birthday surprise, but I had to admit, when the beautiful, near-naked, girls started wrestling, that he had chosen well. When Alan offered me the opportunity to try it I didn't have to think for long.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

I was not impressed when Simon took me to what looked like a warehouse for my birthday surprise, but I had to admit, when the beautiful, near-naked, girls started wrestling, that he had chosen well. When Alan offered me the opportunity to try it I didn’t have to think for long.

As we drove into the car park of what appeared to be a large warehouse I was less than fucking impressed, to say the least. As the sat-nav had guided us here my mood had gone from initial excitement and anticipation, to confusion, as we entered an industrial area, to utterly pissed as we pulled in here and it declared we were at our destination.

When Simon had told me he had a surprise planned for my twenty-first birthday I was kind of expecting an expensive meal, maybe some dancing and possibly a night in a nice hotel. It didn’t look like any of those were very likely now. We hadn’t been dating for very long, about two months, but I thought he knew me better than this.

“What the fuck is this Simon?” I asked him, not trying too hard to conceal my annoyance.

“Trust me, you’ll love it,” he assured me with a grin.

As we walked through the entrance door into a reception area it didn’t look much better; still very industrial with just a young girl checking tickets.

We went through a doorway into a large open area. There were men and women on seats which were arranged around a large central circular mat. They all seemed quite animated and there was lots of excited chatter, which made me feel a little better, but not much.

I felt decidedly overdressed: I had worn a backless, mid-length red dress with matching satin panties and no bra; most of the crowd were in smart casual gear at best.

We found our seats which were right at the front and, as we sat down, I saw a large banner on the wall ahead that read ‘Ultimate Surrender’. I’d never heard of it, and the name didn’t seem to give me any clues about what it was. I glared at Simon and he made a placating gesture and mouthed ‘patience’ at me which didn’t help my mood at all.

Then a girl came out dressed in a black and white striped shirt and shorts which I guessed, correctly as it turned out, was supposed to be a referee’s outfit.

She worked the crowd for a while without actually saying much about what was going on, and then she introduced two girls: Roxy and Holly. It was actually much more dramatic than that: Roxy something and Holly the something else, I wasn’t paying too much attention.

There was much whooping and cheering from the crowd, and then the girls came out of a side door. Oh hello, I thought, this is more like it. They were lovely, and they were both dressed in tiny bikinis.

I am bi-sexual, which Simon is well aware of, and I was starting to get an inkling about what was going on. I was also starting to get a tingling at what I hoped might be going on.

The referee gave some more build-up, with stats on the girl’s past performances, and then they had to arm wrestle for who ‘kicked off’ or whatever. Finally, it got going and my hopes were proved right: the two girls started wrestling.

Initially, I thought it might all be staged but the girls were really going for it. There were arms and legs wrapped around bodies and it was really quite beautiful to watch. The bikinis they were wearing had tie-sides, and in no time their tits were out, either being untied or just popping out.

I have watched quite a lot of porn in my time but for some reason, I found these two girls, still partially clothed, wrapped around each other, much more of a turn-on than most of that. I tried to imagine how it would feel to have my pussy pushed hard against Holly’s lithe body and had to stop myself; if I kept that up there would be a puddle on my seat!

It was clear that neither girl wanted to lose, and any attempted holds caused frantic contortions and gyrations as the other girl tried to get free. At this point, I became aware that there was scoring going on. There was a big scoreboard and the referee had a hand-held device which she poked while announcing the reason for the score. Each score was also accompanied by a pinging noise. It all seemed very complicated, with terms like control and shame, but I was not really interested in the scoring, as you can imagine.

It would seem that groping of the breasts was a good thing and both girls scored some points for that, and it was fucking horny to watch as well.

Then Holly managed to pull one of the ties on Roxy’s panties and her pussy came into view. They were quite close to us and I had a superb view. It had been quite a while since I’d seen one in the flesh, and I realized then how much I’d missed them. It was bald and lovely, and Holly must have thought so too, because she went after it like a terrier after a bone.

Roxy did her best to avoid those seeking fingers, spinning and wriggling out of Holly’s grasp but eventually, Holly got her upper body clamped between her legs and, after licking her fingers briefly, she thrust two of them into Roxy’s pussy. I hadn’t been expecting that. I guess I thought there were some red lines that the girls shouldn’t cross. Boy was I fucking wrong!

Holly had no mercy, she thrust her fingers in and out of Roxy’s vagina as fast as she could. At first, Roxy was thrashing around, desperate to break free, then all the fight seemed to go out of her and Holly re-doubled her efforts. The pinging was relentless as Holly racked up the points.

By this stage, I was wriggling about on my seat and crossing and recrossing my legs trying hard to get some pressure on my clit without actually touching it.

It may have been a ploy on Roxy’s part, because she then made an almighty effort and broke free, just before the bell for the end of the first round.

Fucking hell, I thought, that’s just the first round, and already my pussy is soaking wet. There were two more normal rounds and something called the ‘Let’s get it on’ round still to go. I took Simon’s hand and he turned to me and smiled.

“Enjoying it now?” he asked me, smirking.

“I need to cum already,” I whispered in his ear, “I’m not sure I can last out till the end.” He squeezed my hand and laughed, and then the second round started.

Roxy seemed to have recovered her composure somewhat, and early on she managed to get Holly’s bottoms off. Both girls were now completely naked. The positions they got into as they fought provided some unusual, graphic, and quite wonderful views of their genitals; it was truly a joy to behold.

They both seemed desperate to avoid being fingered, I guessed because of the points that would be awarded against them. Similarly, although they both tried very hard, neither could achieve a proper face-sitting, which I thought was a real shame.

Going into the third round I got the impression that Holly was tiring, her escapes took longer and Roxy managed to fondle her pussy a few times to the accompaniment of some more pinging. Then Roxy got Holly’s upper body and both arms clamped between her legs, which gave her free rein. Again she licked her fingers before frigging Holly’s pussy without mercy, then she got her face between Holly’s legs and started to eat her out.

You could see from Holly’s face when all the fight went out of her and, rather than trying to close her legs as she had been, she opened them wide. It was beautiful to watch her face go from determination and pride to acceptance and arousal. I was hugely jealous of Holly when she came and my pussy was crying out desperately for some attention.

I can honestly say that I’ve never been more turned on, while not being able to do anything about it, in my entire life.

The referee declared that the orgasm was genuine and I absolutely agreed. I’m not sure about the rules but that seemed to be the end of the fighting.

Holly was spread-eagled on the mat and I thought it was a nice touch when Roxy gave her a big sloppy kiss on the mouth, maybe not so nice when she slapped her pussy several times while she did it though.

When they’d recovered sufficiently the girls went out of the door together. When they returned Roxy was wearing a strap-on and, to great applause, the referee declared her to be the winner.

It seemed that the ‘Let’s get it on’ round consisted of the winner doing whatever the fuck she liked to the loser. Initially, this consisted of her forcing Holly to blow her dildo, which I’ve never really seen the point of, but I guess it was a domination thing.

Then Roxy forced her onto her hands and knees and rode on her back around the mat. When she drove her in our direction I got even more excited, thinking that we would have a prime view of whatever happened next.

In a way I was right, Roxy made her take off my shoes and lick my feet. I’ve always had very sensitive feet and it felt glorious to have this naked girl licking them and sucking on my toes. I guess I should have been embarrassed because in the process she was flashing my panties to all and sundry, but, to be honest, I couldn’t have cared less, I was in heaven.

Roxy moved round behind her and proceeded to fuck her with the strap-on while Holly started to lick her way slowly up my legs. When she got to my knees I was literally beside myself with excitement. Please God, I thought, let her go a bit higher!

By the time she was halfway up my inner thighs, I was already almost cumming, and then she did it. She pushed my skirt right up and licked my pussy through my panties. I clutched at her head and thrust myself at her mouth as I came. I could feel my juices flood into my panties, and she licked them all up as best she could while Roxy plowed into her brutally from behind.

It was the most glorious cum I’d had in years, and I had completely forgotten about the crowd until I heard them applauding and cheering. A lovely lady behind me leaned over and hugged and kissed me, which was exactly what I really needed at that moment.

I’m not sure what happened after that until I suddenly realized that people were getting up to leave. In a daze, I stood up too and followed Simon out of the arena. He was strangely quiet, even more so when a man approached me and put his business card into my hand. I looked at it and saw that the main text said ‘Ultimate Surrender’. I looked up at him questioningly.

“Hi, I’m Allan. Give me a call sometime,” he said, “I think you might have what it takes.” Then he moved off.

Simon never did explain what he was pissed about, but in the end, I figured it was probably the fact that he had never made me cum that hard, either that or he was jealous of Holly. Either way, I thought. not my fucking problem.

I kept thinking about how it would feel to wrestle naked with beautiful girls and in the end I called Alan. He invited me back to their site and we sat in his, rather plush, office as he went through the rules and how the whole thing worked. He explained that they made their money selling videos of the bouts to adult websites.

“So it’s basically porn then?” I asked.

“Well yes, but if you win you don’t get fucked. You get to writhe around in the nude with some gorgeous girls and get paid for it.” When he put it like that it didn’t seem too bad at all. And when he told me what the money was, all of a sudden it sounded pretty fucking good.

“So, if I wanted to try it, where would we go from here?”

“Well, I’d put you in a bout with another rookie,” he told me, “and, if we both think it went well, we’d take it from there. Oh, and either way, you get this.” He showed me a piece of paper with a very pretty number on it for an afternoon’s work. I’d been intending to talk it over with Simon but I decided that I wanted to try it, regardless of what he thought.

“Right,” I said decisively, “let’s do it.”

“OK. Great. You won’t regret this.” Then he checked his diary. “I can fit you in on the afternoon of the 25th. How does that work for you?” That was two weeks away and I was sure I could get the afternoon off.

“That’s good for me.”

“Excellent. Be here by about two o’clock and I’ll get one of the girls to give you some pointers before the actual bout.”

“Right, I’ll see you then,” I said, and we shook hands and parted company.

I was really excited, the only problem I had was the two-week wait. I decided to make good use of it by hitting the weights at my gym as much as I could manage; I really didn’t want to make a fool of myself.

When I told Simon, he didn’t take it very well at all, and he threatened to break up with me if I went ahead. I thought about it for a few minutes. I really didn’t like his attitude and I really, really didn’t like being threatened.

“OK,” I told him, “Pack up your stuff and fuck off then.”

“Fine,” he said angrily. “If you want to end up as a porn star you go right ahead.” And he stormed off.

Normally I’m about 140lbs but in those two weeks, I managed to lose two pounds while getting a whole lot stronger.

When I turned up to my first bout I was introduced to June. She was a cute 5’1” blonde to my 5’6” and I thought I could take her no problem. OK, that’s not true, but I was quite a bit bigger than her and I hoped that would count for something.

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