The Unexpected Houseguest - Cover

The Unexpected Houseguest

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Me and my girl attended a BD/SM "munch" and while we were there, an incident involving a Mistress and her slave occurred. Then a few days later, there was a knock on my door...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Violence  

The man stepped up to kiki, placing himself behind her so he wouldn’t block the audience’s view. He picked up the paddle and raised it up over his head and placed his other hand on the small of her back. I got a look at the paddle before his first stroke and I quickly judged it about four inches wide and probably twenty inches long including the handle.

Without warning, he let fly with the paddle and it sounded in the room like a gunshot.

CRAACK! the paddle landed on the young creamy ass. The primal scream that was torn from her throat caused pet to gasp in horror and even though the room was buzzing with conversations, the entire room went silent.

But the punisher didn’t pay any attention to the room. His focus was on the girl’s ass and he didn’t give her pause. He applied the paddle, swat after swat, at a rate slightly faster than one swat per second. Just long enough for her to feel the burn between swats so they didn’t run together, and quick enough that she couldn’t recover before the next swat happened.

Poor kiki danced as best she could, but there was no avoiding the punishing blows of the paddle. She screamed throughout the thirty-five seconds it took to deliver the fifty blows. Thirty-five of the longest, most agonizing seconds of her life, I’d be willing to bet!

Unfortunately, kiki’s torment had only begun. As she sobbed, shaking in her pillory restraints, the man went back to the cart table and picked up the next implement of pain, a thirty-inch rattan cane! But before he got the cane ready to use, something else caught his eye and he picked up a pair of wicked-looking nipple clamps.

Walking around the girl, he knelt down and grabbed hold of one nipple pinching it so hard she squealed, and then he attached the clamp to the tender nub. He did likewise to the other nipple and then just for sadistic purposes, he added weights on each clamp to further cause her grief.

Once the clamps were attached and weighted, he stood and walked back around the moaning kiki and picked up the cane again.

Kiki never saw it coming, that first strike, but when it landed on the tender backs of her legs just below her ass cheeks, she let out a scream that made every submissive in the place cringe in empathetic pain. The punisher laddered his strokes as if he was a professional at this – ten strokes down, spaced perfectly, and then ten strokes back up. He did this in quick succession just as he had with the paddle. By the time he had gone back up her legs, kiki didn’t know whether to scream out or suck air in.

He set the cane down and picked up the final implement, a short section of leather belt attached to a wooden handle. For this toy, he sat down on the floor behind her. His target was her dripping exposed pussy! He gave her five hard slaps with the belt squarely on her cunt and kiki screamed once again from the center of her soul.

He got up afterward and walked around the front of kiki who was slumped, barely able to hold herself up. The punisher unzipped his pants and pulled out his large black cock. Grabbing a handful of hair, he hoisted her head up and slapped her face with his cock.

Out of conditioned response, she opened her mouth and he shoved his cock into the hole so deep kiki gagged on it. He held her there until saliva spewed out of her mouth around the cock and then he backed out to allow her to choke it up. He thrust back in and began facefucking her as she tried to suck his cock.

The man did this for a couple of minutes until he was good and hard and then pulled out, walking around to shove his cock hard and deep into kiki’s abused pussy. The young girl’s eyes got wide as saucers and she screamed out as the huge black cock thrust into her without preparation and without mercy or gentleness.

Kiki was not used to such a large cock and that, coupled with the fact she had been thoroughly whipped and spanked, made it excruciatingly painful. But that was the point. Kiki was being punished and her Mistress wanted her to remember this lesson for a long time. So the punisher fucked her hard and mercilessly, despite kiki’s screams and squeals and crying. She still wore the clamps on her nipples as well and the weight of those devilish toys swinging on abused nipples only added to her misery.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her as he drove his huge cock into her tiny young cunt over and over. Kiki must have felt she was being torn apart, although she was more than able to handle it anatomically. He fucked her hard and deep, thrusting into her as far as he could go each stroke. He reached under her and played with her clit and before long the combination of sensory inputs she had gotten scrambled her brain and without even realizing it she began to cum.

She poured out her juices and bathed her own legs in a shower of pussy juice. Her pussy clamped down on the intruder’s cock and the punisher followed kiki in his own orgasm, flooding her chamber with his white spunk and mixing with hers as it leaked out to make a wet stain on the floor.

Finished with her now, he pulled his softening cock from her and went around to her face again, shoving his cock into her mouth and making her suck and lick him clean. Then he left her there, hanging limply in her pillory, leaking cum and pussy juice onto the stage floor.

After the demonstration, I ordered pet and I another drink. Because I had already had one glass of wine, I ordered myself a straight Coke and allowed pet another glass of wine. I have a personal rule that I only allow myself one mixed drink or two beers – after that, I’m a tea-totaler. I don’t like not being in control of my faculties and anything more than a warm comfy feeling is too far gone for me. I have spent the night praying to the God of Porcelain before, but that was in my wilder, youthful days.

We were sitting at our table talking about the munch and enjoying ourselves when it happened. One of the Mistresses in the room caused an uproar that made the whole room stop what they were doing.

I heard this loud crash and the sound of glass breaking. Then the high pitched shriek of a pissed off woman.

“You clumsy fucking bitch!” the Mistress said. “Look what you did to my beautiful new dress!”

“I am sorry Mistress! I will clean it up right away!” the girl said, dropping to her knees.

“I’m going to beat your ass and THEN you will clean this mess up, you fucking whore!” she screamed. The Mistress picked up her riding crop and began savagely beating the poor slave. Stunned as was the rest of the room, I watched this for a second or two, but when the Mistress started to go too far, I stepped in, grabbing her wrist just before she landed another blow to the cringing, crying girl.

“Okay, Mistress, That’s enough. I think you may have had a bit too much to drink. Perhaps you should go home and take care of this issue in the morning when you have a clearer head,” I said in low tones so the whole room wouldn’t hear. The Mistress glared at me for a second and then with a growl, she jerked her hand away and staggered out of the room and went home.

“Pet, take this slave to the bathroom and clean her up a bit,” I said. Pet escorted the girl to the bathroom and after a few minutes, they came back.

“Thank you, Sir, for your kindness, but I had better go see if my Mistress needs anything,” she said, kneeling before me with her head down.

“I suggest that you give her the night to sober up first,” I told the girl.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you again,” she said, and then she left the munch herself.

Once the disruption was over, the room returned to its activities and the evening went on as usual. Pet and I stayed for a couple more hours and then made our exit and went home. On the way home pet asked about the evening.

“Master, I am glad you stepped in on that Mistress and her slave.”

“Yes, it was getting too serious. No one should Dom or sub while they are intoxicated. It’s just too risky – such a lack of judgment can cause serious problems. Now you see why I don’t allow myself to get drunk. If I can’t control me, how am I going to be in charge of you,” I said.

We finished the ride home quietly, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The events of the party disappeared over the next couple of days and life was back to its regular routine when one stormy, rainy evening there was a tiny knock on the door. Pet answered the door as usual and then she screamed

“Master! Come Quickly!”

I quickly ran to the door. “What is it?” I asked as I rounded the corner. There, standing in the doorway, was the same slavegirl that we had seen at the munch.

“Master Jonathan, I am sorry to bother you, but Mistress Alexa has thrown me out. I have no place to go,” she said. “After the kindness you showed me at the munch the other day I was hoping...” she said.

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