Heavy Metal Princess - Cover

Heavy Metal Princess

Copyright© 2022 by Celena

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A man finally finds a love that he thought he'd lost forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Black Female   White Male   Analingus   First   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Chancy and I had been living happily together for three years now, and luckily no one had asked any questions about why a twenty year old young woman had taken up permanent residency with a forty-five year old man. All my friends accepted her as my beautiful daughter.

She matured into an even more beautiful young woman, and in the breast department, she’d gotten her wish; they were now a double “D” cup, just like her mother was. And even though they were quite a bit bigger than they were when I’d first seen them, they were still just as perky and her chocolate nipples still sat up high. Her breasts were also unusually shaped for ones so big, in that where her high nipples were, they came to a definite point. There was absolutely no sag. I could not keep my eyes, let alone my lips and tongue, off of them. When we made love, we both liked it when she rode me cowgirl style. That way, her breasts were free for me to suckle and caress. Our love making had never wavered in the deep intensity that was there when we’d first became lovers...

One evening, she and I were out having a nice dinner, Chancy noticed that a very pretty and elegant older woman kept staring at us. When it had gotten to the point of being overly obvious, the woman got up from her table and approached ours.

She smiled and said, “Hello you two! I have something that I think we three should discuss. Would you mind if I sat down. I’m afraid that my advanced years haven’t been kind to these old knees.” I motioned for her to sit.

She said, “You two obviously don’t know me, but I’m well aware of who you are, especially you, Chancy.” Needless to say, we were both shocked. “ Before I go any further, look into my eyes, young lady. You’ll notice that they’re the same emerald green as yours are. Would you like to know who I am?” Chancy could only nod in the affirmative.

Chancy, my name is Elizabeth ... Simmons. I’m your paternal grandmother.” Chancy’s response was, “But you’re ... white. You can’t be...” Elizabeth then said, “But I am, honey. I’m your, let’s say ... useless father’s mother. I’m afraid that I’m not too proud of that. He hasn’t been the best of sons. The way he treated you ... was despicable.

You see, your grandfather, God rest his blessed soul, was Black. Oh ... and we caused quite the scandal back in those days! But we didn’t care, we were madly in love. His parents were STRONGLY against us, from the very beginning until the day your grandfather passed. They even made sure that your father disowned his own mother, simply because of the color of my skin. He didn’t even tell his wife Felicia about me. Your father pretty much hated me.”

Chancy and I looked at each other in disbelief. She finally spoke, saying, “So ... so ... are you saying that I inherited my light skin and green eyes ... from you? Are ... you ... saying that this man beside me ... is NOT my true father?” She began to openly cry. “Well young lady, you both are welcome to have a D.N.A test done, but I’m quite certain that Ric here isn’t your father.

Being that your mother never met me, or even knew about me, she automatically assumed that, because of your skin tone and those beautiful green eyes, that Mr. Hayes here almost certainly had to be your father.

To say that we were both floored would be useless. Then Elizabeth spoke up, saying, “Look, I know that you two have tried to present yourselves as father and daughter, at least in public, but you can’t fool an eagle-eyed old woman. You two are obviously hopelessly in love. And I must say, I completely approve and give you both my blessings. And since you aren’t related, I expect a wedding invitation soon, then hopefully not too long after that, I expect a great-grandchild!” Elizabeth’s eyes were sparkling beautifully.

Suddenly, Chancy broke down. Asking her what was wrong, she answered, “I’m just so very happy, Daddy ... umm ... I mean Ric. I guess I’d better get used to calling you by your name.” Then I suddenly got up from my seat and knelt down on one knee. Chancy’s crying returned in full force, but everyone knew that they were tears of joy. I said, “Chancy, my dear sweet Chancy, although I don’t have an engagement ring, may I please ask for your hand in marriage? Please make me the happiest man on this earth.” She knelt down beside me, then ecstatically said, “YES!! Yes baby, I’ll marry you! Oh my gosh! This is a dream come true! We no longer have to sneak around or love each other only behind closed doors! Oh ... I want the whole WORLD to know that you’re going to be my HUSBAND!” The whole restaurant stood up and cheered.

After everyone had settled down a bit, Elizabeth spoke up. “Chancy, you’re my only grandchild, and as of now, the only family member who’ll speak to me. To be totally honest, I really couldn’t care less if I ever see your father again, given the way he’s treated me his whole life.”

She then reached for both our hands, saying, “I’ve become a very wealthy woman, and I’d like nothing more than to bequeath it all to you two. Shall we say, a wedding gift of one million dollars, and then upon my death, everything else? I’d rather not divulge how much ‘the rest’ is here in public, but I will say that it’s more than either of you could spend in your life.”

Chancy and I looked at each other, then at her. I said, “Miss Elizabeth, I don’t think either of us know what to say ... except thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. But there’s one thing that I still feel should be taken care of. Please understand that it’s not that I don’t believe you, but if Chancy is in fact not my daughter and we can legally get married, there may come a time when we might want children. I ... we have to be sure. I hope I didn’t just offend you...” She smiled and said, “Offend me? Honey, I insist that you have a D.N.A test! I’ll even pay for it! Now, would you two mind coming to visit me this evening, after you’ve finished your meal? And by the way, your meal is on the house. I can do that, you know. I own the place.” Again, both of us were floored.

Miss Elizabeth had us join her in her limousine ride home, with the promise that her driver would return us to our car whenever we were ready to go back home.

The limousine was absolutely opulent. We were offered a very fine champagne, served in the finest crystal flutes that I had ever seen. Needless to say, it was delicious.

When we arrived at her home, it took our breath away. It wasn’t a massive mansion, because it was only her and her service staff, but it was still extremely delightful. The home and grounds reminded me of a stately British royal cottage, even though it was much much larger than any cottage that I’d ever seen.

Once we were inside and comfortably seated, Miss Elizabeth spoke. “My dear Chancy, I’m so glad that I’m finally able to get acquainted with the both of you. And now, because of my advanced age, I must be blunt, direct and right to the point. I ask that you let me say my piece, and then you may ask any questions. Chancy, I have my last will and testament in a safe deposit box that’s located at my bank. Before the evening is over, I’ll make sure that you have everything you’ll need to access my will upon my death. I am however, going to make one change to my will. I’m going to change it to include you, Ric, in my will. As it stands now, I’m bequeathing everything to you, Chancy. But I now want to include your husband-to-be. Ric, I know a lot about you. I know of the affair that you had with Chancy’s mother. I never thought ill of her for seeking love and affection somewhere else other than her home and husband, even though he was my son. I’m well aware of the heartache that he caused her. Would you two like more champagne?” She grabbed her phone and sent a quick text. Just a few moments later, a very beautiful young woman appeared with a silver tray with three more flutes of the bubbly liquid. Chancy and I were a bit taken aback by the way the young woman was dressed. She was wearing a black see-through teddy with matching pair of the tiniest panties that I’d ever seen. Her prominent dark bush was on display leaving little to the imagination. Her small, high-set breasts looked absolutely stunning, and they were topped with dark pink areolea and nipples. She was breathtaking, to say the least. As she offered us the drinks, she looked at us with her sparkling blue eyes. Once we all had our drinks, Miss Elizabeth stood up and the two shared a full body hug, then kissed each other very passionately. I was shocked, especially when I noticed that the older woman was busy fondling and caressing the maid’s perfect, naked ass. After that, the young woman bowed to us all, then bid us goodnight.

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