Heavy Metal Princess - Cover

Heavy Metal Princess

Copyright© 2022 by Celena

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A man finally finds a love that he thought he'd lost forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Black Female   White Male   Analingus   First   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Two months had passed since Chancy entered my life. That first time that we made love was burned into both our souls as something that neither one would ever forget.

Later that same afternoon, we’d gone clothes shopping for her, where I’d gladly spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on her. She’d insisted that I pick up some new outfits for myself while we were at it. It was while shopping that I’d asked her about her schooling. That’s when she informed me that she’d been taking virtual classes and had graduated with honors before she was seventeen. Needless to say, I was quite proud.

One evening at dinner, I asked, “Princess, how have you handled your Mom’s final expenses?” She shifted in her seat and was looking down at her plate, then tears began to form in her stunning eyes. “Well ... I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to pay her funeral off. None of her supposed ‘friends’ have offered any help, financially or otherwise.” I took her little hands in mine and said, “Baby, why didn’t you say anything before now? You just tell me what funeral home that you owe and I’ll pay it off immediately. No daughter of mine is gonna have a big bill like that over her head.” She looked at me through her tears and whispered, “I don’t want to be a burden on you, Daddy. Mom and I always tried to make it on our own. We didn’t have much, but what we had was ours.”

I got up to go sit beside her, then hugged her tight. “Chancy, you’ll never be a burden to me. Do you understand? No matter if we were just living as father and daughter, or ... the special love that we share, you’re mine to protect. My only regret is that I never pursued a life with you and your dear mother. It just muddles my mind to think that, if your Mom and I had gotten together when you were little, then you and I would just be father and daughter, the three of us living as a family. But then I wouldn’t be in this special relationship that you and I are in now, as lovers.” She put her arms around, gently kissed me, then said, “Daddy, Mom’s gone and there’s nothing anyone can do to change that. So that just leaves you and me. You’ve made me happier than I ever thought possible, and I’m pretty sure that the feeling is mutual. So as far as I’m concerned, we can go on living as father and daughter when we’re out and about, and as husband and wife when we’re behind closed doors.”

So that’s how Chancy and I lived our lives together. We tried our best to keep the public displays of affection to a minimum, so as not to draw unwanted attention. But behind those closed doors, it was like a perpetual honeymoon. We simply couldn’t keep our hands, and ... other parts ... off each other. Chancy was an exceptional lover, unlike any I’d ever had in my somewhat sordid past. We were deeply, hopelessly in love.

One day, after a few more months, she and I were in a guitar shop, having one of my guitars checked out by my favorite luthier. It was my favorite go-to guitar; a ‘59 Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul cherry sunburst, fitted with three Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB humbucker pickups and a Floyd Rose tremolo. She was getting some age on her, so I just wanted him to give her a good once-over.

As soon as he noticed us, he couldn’t take his eyes off Chancy. “Ric old buddy, who is this vision of beauty?” He seemed totally mesmerized. I answered, “Edward, put your eyes back in your head! This ‘vision of beauty’, is my daughter. Chancy, meet Edward. Edward Van Halen, as everyone calls him. Edward, this is Chancy. Chancy Simmons.” He finally looked at me and stammered, “Your dau ... Your daughter? When did you have a daughter? This story, I gotta hear. And Chancy, my last name is NOT Van Halen. It’s Van Buren. He’s just giving me a hard time.” I asked him, “Do you remember Felicia Simmons?” He answered, “Remember her? Of course I remember her. She was an out and out FOX! A vixen if I’ve ever seen one! I always thought you were lucky back then that she even acknowledged you, let alone hung out with you. What about her?” That’s when Chancy spoke up, and with a sparkle in her eyes and voice. “Edward, didn’t you hear Daddy when he told you my name?” She was smiling her thousand watt smile. “And did you notice that my eyes are bright green, just like my Daddy’s?” Edward sat for a few seconds until everything finally clicked. He said, “Wait a minute ... are ... are you guys saying that ... you and Felicia had a daughter ... TOGETHER? WOAH! Ric, why didn’t you tell me before now?” I answered, “Because I only found out myself just a few months ago.”

I’m pretty sure that my daughter and I had just floored my buddy. “So ... so you and Felicia ... had a daughter together that you, Ric, didn’t know about until a few months ago. Where was her old man during this? She WAS married, wasn’t she? Hold up ... you guys were ... lovers, what ... when you were first playing in British Preist? WOW! I had noooo clue!” Then, “Chancy, you have a very beautiful mother.” That broke Chancy’s smile. She started to tear up, then got up to walk away. Edward looked perplexed, saying, “Did I say something wrong?”

I got up and took Chancy’s hand. “Sweetheart, he doesn’t know.” I held her for a few minutes to calm her down. As I was doing so, I said,” Her Mom passed away a few months ago. That’s how she came to try and locate me. Felicia told Chancy about our affair, so that makes me the only family she has.” Edward looked white as a ghost. “Jesus Chancy, I’m really sorry. Your mother was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. Everybody loved her to pieces. What a terrible loss.”

My daughter quickly composed herself enough to give Edward a little smile. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me Edward. I’m gonna be okay. It’s just that it seems like I just buried her. But now I have my Daddy in my life instead of the jerk that I thought was my dad. I swear I think he held it against me for having green eyes and lighter skin than him and Mom. And now, at least the three of us know the truth.” Then she asked Edward, “Can I give you a hug? You look like you could use it.” He smiled and said, “I’d be honored, Chancy.” And so she did. She even kissed him lightly on his cheek.

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