Heavy Metal Princess - Cover

Heavy Metal Princess

Copyright© 2022 by Celena

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A man finally finds a love that he thought he'd lost forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Black Female   White Male   Analingus   First   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

My new daughter and I had gone outside to retrieve her two pieces of luggage. I asked,” Chancy, is this all you have? Your whole life up to now is in those two little bags?” She looked down at her feet, then said barely loud enough for me to hear, “Yes”. So I hugged her, then said, “Well that just won’t do. After you get settled, we’ll visit whatever stores you’d like and get you whatever you want and need. How’s that sound?” She looked at me with the beginnings of tears in her eyes and smiled the prettiest smile that I’ve ever seen.

I then said, “Chancy, just before you arrived, I was about to step out for a bite to eat. Are you hungry?” To which she answered, “STARVING! But instead of going out, can we order a pizza? I LOVE a good pizza and it’s been quite a while since I’ve had any. Pleeaase??” She put on a cute little pout, and I simply couldn’t resist. “Pizza it is!”, I answered.

When we’d finished eating, I said, ”Come on kiddo, I’ll give you the nickel tour of the house. I’ll grab your luggage and show you to the guest bedroom, now officially your bedroom, while we’re at it.”

I then led her to the room where she’d be staying. “Here it is Princess. I think you’ll be comfortable in here.” When I opened the door and stepped aside for her to enter, she looked around with wide eyes. “ OH Daddy, it’s perfect! My gosh, I don’t know what to say, except thank you. Thank you so much!” She turned around and reached up to hug me tightly and give me another kiss on my cheek. I hugged her right back and kissed her cheek as well.

The bedroom held a king size bed, with a luxurious pillow-top mattress, that had never been slept in. There was a large walk in closet with a shoe rack and dresser inside. The bedroom was large with a sofa and the TV on the wall across from it was a brand new seventy inch, top of the line example. I’d never had anyone stay overnight, but I’d wanted to be prepared if anyone did.

“My goodness Daddy! Everything is just perfect! It’s as though you were expecting me!” The smile on her face could light up the room. I said, “Well baby, I obviously didn’t know about you, but now I’m really glad that I had this house designed and built this way. There are three bedrooms, but only one master bath. It’s just across the hallway from your room. Come on, I’ll show you.”

I led her into the huge bathroom. She actually gasped when she went inside. It was as big as a normal bedroom. There was a massive granite shower that took almost one whole wall. It had multiple shower heads on both sides and one end had a built in seat. There was also a luxury soaking tub with jacuzzi jets, and the toilet and matching bidet were marble luxury models. Then there was the long, double-sink marble vanity. I didn’t think my daughter was ever going to leave. She just kept staring, all wide-eyed and smiles.

“I’ve made some really good financial investments and they’ve been very good to me. I also have my own computer software service, so I do okay. And now that you’re here, there’s finally someone to share it all with. I’ll make sure that you never want for anything, baby.”

I helped Chancy put her luggage on the bed. I then told her that there was plenty of hangars and space in the closet for everything that she had now, and for everything that she’d have after we’d shopped for her. I finally hugged her, and said I’d give her some privacy.

After I’d left, Chancy decided that a long hot shower sounded good. She stripped naked and noticed a full length mirror was in one corner of her room. She walked up to it to admire her beautiful little body.

She was perfect. She stood five feet two inches tall, and her body could be described as voluptuous. She had a delicious hourglass figure, rare in someone still in their teens. Her breasts were a perfect large C cup, and her small chocolate brown areolea sat up high on her perfect breasts. Some of the things that stood out proudly on her body was her well rounded and ample bottom, her half inch long nipples that were oh-so sensitive, and her bigger than average clitoris. It constantly peeked out from her nether lips, just begging to be sucked, and that clit was nestled inside a luxuriously long and silky forest of black pubic hair. She’d let her beautiful carpet grow “wild and free”. To put it mildly, Chancy was every man’s wet dream. Her body was built for sex, and she knew that. Although still technically a virgin, she’d made good use of a brush handle on more than one occasion.

Not thinking, she walked naked across the hall to the bathroom, carrying a white T shirt and a pair of red satin panties. After that long shower, she put on that little bit of clothing. She looked in the mirror and saw that her prominent nipples were almost poking through the T shirt. Oops! Oh well!

Needless to say, when my new-found daughter walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where I was sitting, she took my breath away! I’d never seen such a vision. She absolutely exuded pure, raw sexuality.

She evidently saw the look on my face, because she smiled and said, “Is something wrong Daddy? Is what I’m wearing ... too much?” I didn’t answer, so she walked to where I was sitting, placed a finger under my chin, and lifted up my lower jaw to close my mouth. There was a sparkle in her eyes when she said, “You can blink now, Daddy.” Then she kissed me on my forehead. I hadn’t even realized that my mouth was wide open. Boy, was I embarrassed.

I finally gathered my wits enough to say, “Uhhh ... sorry Chancy. I’m just not used to having a beautiful young girl living with me. That was ... rather inappropriate, for me to stare at you like that.” Her answer didn’t help matters. “I would’ve been upset if you hadn’t stared at me.” After saying that, I swear her nipples grew harder than they already were. AND a definite tent grew in my pants. What the hell kind of father am I? Jesus! She’s only seventeen! She’s also a very beautiful young woman. And well ... I’m a guy!

After my embarrassment settled a bit, I asked her if she’d like to watch a movie, or whatever she wanted to do. She answered, “Well, it is getting kinda late, so maybe I should go to bed, if you don’t mind.” When she stretched and yawned, her shirt rode up, baring her midriff. That’s when I noticed the sexy little belly button charm in the shape of a tiny silver feather. It looked amazing against her golden skin, which just now reminded me of caramel. Smooth, creamy caramel. I told her that it was her room and her bed, and she was free to use it whenever she wanted. She bent down to give me a quick goodnight kiss, then off she went.

What an eventful day it had been. I decided to shower and go to bed myself. As I lay there waiting for sleep to take me away, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. After all, up until just a few hours ago, I had no clue that I had a daughter. Now here she was, suddenly living with me and lying in bed herself. I finally fell asleep.

I hadn’t been asleep long when I was awakened by a faint knock on my bedroom door.

Chancy’s Perspective:

After a month of staying with friends since the day that my mom passed away, I’d finally decided that it was time to try to contact the man who was supposedly my real father. He is as good looking as Mom said he was. Although he was, at least at first, kind of a dick. After a little while though, he seemed to have softened. He also seemed to accept the fact that he has a daughter.

It’s really strange to meet him, and just a few short hours later, be sleeping in a spare bedroom in his house. One thing is certain; the man is definitely HOT! When we hugged the first time, I could swear that I felt... something, and I think that he might have felt it too.

How ever he feels about me, right now I can’t stand being alone. I need to talk to someone...

Back to Ric:

At first I wasn’t sure there was a knock on my door, because it was so faint. I decided to grab a robe and answer. I walked to the door and opened it. There she was, looking completely lost and wiping big tears from her eyes. I asked,

“Chancy, what’s wrong Princess?” That’s when she began crying profusely, so I opened my arms wide and she fell into me. She said, “Oh what am I going to do, Ric? I miss my mom sooo much! And now I have no one. Mom kicked my so-called dad out a year ago, because she got tired of the constant verbal abuse. I don’t even know where he is! My gosh! I have no one in this whole world!” She began crying harder and harder, so I held tighter and tighter.

After several minutes, she finally began trying to compose herself, so I gently said, “Listen to me young lady, you’re not alone, sweetheart. You’ll never be alone. Do you hear me, Princess?” I held her at arms length so I could look into her beautiful green eyes. “Chancy, you’ll never be alone because you’re here now. I’m your father and you’re my daughter, my Princess, and I love you.”

I wiped the tears from her eyes. Then she asked,” Ric, umm ... Daddy, can I stay in here with you tonight? I just ... I just don’t want to be alone. Oh ... I miss my mom so much. I ... I ... I don’t know if I can go on without her. She was my best friend. I ... I ... oh my GOSH!”

She burst into tears again, so I let her go and took her tiny hand in mine and led her towards my big, comfortable bed. I said, “Lie down baby. I’d be honored to hold you all night if that’s what you need. I know that if someone would see us in bed together, it might raise an eyebrow or two, but I don’t care. You need me, so come on Princess, let me make you feel better.”

Chancy did in fact lie down, and it’s effect on me was both immediate and embarrassing; my cock became rock hard. I started to lie down myself, and she asked, “Aren’t you going to take off your bathrobe?” To which I answered, “I’m afraid that I can’t. I ... umm...” That’s when she just happened to glance down to notice that my robe was extremely tented. She got red in her face, then asked, “Ummm ... is that ... because ... of ... me?” My face was so red that it must’ve been hot enough to light a cigarette. I stammered, “I’m sorry Chancy. This is awkward. And embarrassing.” She started to giggle, then said, “Look, we’re both adults here. I’ll just turn my back, then you can take that silly robe off and get under the blankets. Okay?”

So that’s what we did. Since it was a Friday night, sleeping in wouldn’t be a problem. Once she got in bed, she slid right over and snuggled up next to me. She finally said, “So you ... sleep in the nude?” I answered in the affirmative. What she said next surprised me. “Turn your back for a minute, because I sleep nude too.” I turned onto my other side and felt her rustling around, presumably removing her T shirt and panties.

She then said, “Okay, you can turn back over now. I hope you’re not too embarrassed. Evidently neither of us like wearing anything to bed. I personally like to feel the sheets against my skin. You?” “Me too” I answered.

So there we were, basically two people who met only a few short hours ago, were now lying in bed together, and both naked as the day we were born. The biggest problem with that was, I’m forty-two and she’s seventeen. Some might frown on the idea.

Chancy was snuggled tightly up against me, with one arm draped across my chest. I was extremely aware that her naked breasts were against me too. She then began to run her hand over my chest, saying, “Your chest feels really hairy and muscular, and I just have to see it.”

She pulled the blankets down to expose my chest, and in doing so, she also exposed her beautiful breasts. “I just LOVE your hairy chest, Daddy. You’re in really great shape, so I’m not sure if I can keep my hands off of it. You don’t mind, do you?” She kept running her hand through my short ‘n curlies. It was causing an unfortunate reaction, to say the least. My cock hadn’t been this hard in ... well ... EVER! My God, now what to do with it?

Then she looked up at me and said, “You know, you having the ... umm ... reaction that you have ... well, it’s very flattering. It makes me feel ... really sexy and desirable. It makes me feel like a woman.” I answered her by saying, “Chancy, you ARE very beautiful and VERY sexy. But ... umm ... you’re only seventeen, and I’m not. I’m also your father. At least it looks like I am. I mean, there hasn’t been a D.N.A. test, but given the facts that have come to light in these last few hours, I don’t think it’s necessary. There’s also the fact that I’m twenty-five years older than you are, we just met, and here we are, naked and sharing my bed. Is there anything else wrong with this picture?”

Her answer didn’t help matters. Not even close. “Fuck what’s appropriate. You and I are alone and I’m seventeen, not twelve. I’m officially a consenting adult.”

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