A Mother and Son Weekend Out - Cover

A Mother and Son Weekend Out

by Tim Craig

Copyright© 2022 by Tim Craig

Incest Sex Story: A mother and her son plan for a fun weekend together at a cottage park, but their weekend gets washed out by a terrible electric storm and they are forced to stay indoors. However, they do discover a way for them to make the weekend turn out wonderful despite the storm and being trapped inside.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   .

Janine was looking over a few vouchers that she picked up at a travel agency. She was looking to see where she and her son could go when the weekend took hold. The vouchers were for small weekend cottages that can be rented for a small price. Her son, Shane, was in his late teens and still in school. Shane would help his mother out whenever she needed him to help her with things. He was always there for her and she always appreciated it.

Janine had been widowed for a number of years. Her husband died while still young. Her other child, a daughter named Lana, was away at college. Janine supported herself and her children, when they were both still living together in the house, by working as a receptionist for a local hotel. This coming weekend, she had a rare weekend off and wanted to spend a weekend away from home for a change, alongside her son. She continued looking over the vouchers trying to decide which would be the best one to go to. Her son also had a part time job so he could help his mother with finances whenever needed. This coming weekend, he also had a rare weekend off, plus no school on Friday, but he was unaware of what his mother was thinking about as he was watching TV in the living room.

Janine then looked at one voucher and felt that this would be a great place to go to. It was called “The Sunrise Cottage Park”, which was alongside a beach for swimming and so that Janine could get a suntan. Her own son could also run along the shore as he was very athletic as most young men were his age.

Although Janine was in her late forties, she still looked very attractive for her age. She had beautiful big boobs and was very slim as she took care of herself. Her daughter Lana was the same way, only not on the same length as her mother. Shane worked out a lot and always went for a run in the mornings before heading for school or for work if he worked a weekend morning. Janine had long and straight ash blonde hair. Her son Shane was a light brown haired and hazel eyed young man who looked very handsome. Her daughter Lana almost looked like her, but her hair was natural blonde.

After getting up from her chair in her bedroom, she went downstairs to show her son the voucher for the cottage place that she chose for them to spend their weekend together.

“Shane” Janine began as she waked into the living room as he watched TV. “I’ve found a great place for the both of us to spend this upcoming weekend together.”

“Oh yeah, mom,” Shane answered gladly. “Where?”

Janine showed him the voucher for “The Sunrise Cottage Park” and that it was alongside a beach for swimming and other fun things. Shane looked at it and smiled. He also looked through the voucher and read what benefits that the place had other than being alongside a beach.

“I like what this place offers, mom,” Shane said “It looks kind of fun and also, relaxing at the same time.”

“I knew you’d like it,” she replied. “Let’s get our bags ready and I’ll make the reservations for us.”

Shane went upstairs to his room to get some clothes and stuff packed for the weekend trip. Janine also went into her room to do some packing as well. After she was finished, she phoned the park to make the reservation. After a few minutes, she hung up and checked up on her son to see if he was finished.

“I’m all packed, mom,” Shane said. “You?”

“Same here, son,” Janine answered. “I also made the reservation. We’ll leave here Thursday afternoon when you get home from school. We need to get away from here for a change as I am tired of just being here at home.”

“Me too, mom,” Shane agreed. “I also could use a break away from home. as well.”

The following day, which was Thursday, Shane had returned home from school. He and his mother placed their bags in the trunk of her car and after they went inside the car, they buckled up as Janine started the engine and they left their driveway.

On the way there, they stopped at a small grocery store to pick up some food that they would eat while at the cottage park for the weekend. They were planning to have some fun and just soak in the atmosphere of the weekend that they were going to spend together.

When they arrived at the cottage park, Janine paid for their weekend stay and they headed for the sixth cottage, which was the one that they were assigned to.

After taking their bags out of the car’s trunk, Janine locked the doors of the car and they headed inside.

When they were inside, they looked and saw that there were two beds and a small kitchen with a stove that had a built-in oven. There were also a couple of chairs and a table for eating at.

After they put their bags down, they decided to relax as it was a long drive. Janine yawned as she was sitting down.

“This looks great, mom,” Shane said. “This is a nice little place with some home type things.”

“I know, son,” Janine agreed. “This is why I picked this particular cottage place out. It looked like fun and also, with all of the comforts of home.”

Shane looked out a rear window and saw the beach. To him, the beach looked nice and also, very clean.

“Gee, I can hardly wait to run alongside the beach tomorrow,” Shane said.

“Yeah, I know,” Janine answered. “While you run alongside the beach, I will lay in the sun and work on getting a tan.

Later on, they had a light evening meal of hot dogs and potato salad. They didn’t want to eat too much as they needed to sleep. They threw their plastic plates away in the garbage can provided after they were finished eating.

I am gonna shower, Shane,” Janine said. “After that, you also can shower, and we can get ready for bed. We have a big day planned tomorrow and I would like it if both of us were well rested.”

After Shane was finished, they both got into their beds and Janine turned off the lights by clapping her hands to do so.

The following afternoon, Shane was running alongside the shore while his mother, Janine, was laying in the sun on a beach towel working on a suntan. Janine wore a red bikini that fit very comfortably on her. Her nipples also were perky through the bikini bra. She watched her son run alongside the shore back and forth. She noticed that her son had a very athletic type body as he did work out a lot. The sight of his body was a turn-on for her at times, but since he was her son, she never really thought too much about it, and quickly dismissed the whole thing altogether.

As Janine was looking up at the sky, she noticed that a big black storm cloud was coming up over the water. It was rapidly approaching the shore.

“Shane!” Janine yelled. “Let’s get back into the cottage house right away! That’s a storm cloud and it’s dangerous to be near the water when a storm happens! C’mon Shane and let’s get back into the cottage house now!”

Shane immediately rushed to his mother as Janine was picking up the beach towel. They both ran together to the cottage house as fast as they could.

After they both went in, Janine closed the door quickly while also locking the door behind her. Within seconds, the thunder started cracking and lightning soon followed, with a heavy downpour of rain coming down like it was in buckets.

“That was a close one,” Janine said while she was panting. “We almost got caught in that storm.”

“I know,” Shane replied also panting. “That storm was coming really fast. It’s a wonder we both made it here in one piece.”

Shane then went over to the clock radio that was on the nightstand. He turned it on and barely could get anything in as a result of the storm. He did manage to get a news flash as he kept tinkering with it to get something in.

“We are now in the midst of a terrible electrical storm,” The radio announcer said. “According to the weather radar, the storm won’t let up until early Saturday evening as heavy rains and continuous thunder and lightning will be continuing until that time. We advise those who are living within this area to please stay indoors until the storm passes early tomorrow evening. We will keep up to date on this storm if anything changes.”

Shane turned off the radio in disappointment. He also saw a look of disappointment on his mother’s face as well.

“The weekend is a total washout,” Janine said sadly. “It won’t be any fun staying in this cottage all weekend until the storm blows over.”

“I know how you feel, mom,” Shane replied sympathetically. “I feel the same way about being stuck in here all weekend. I guess we’ll have to make the best of it, somehow.”

“We’ll figure something out, Shane,” Janine said in an assuring way. “I know we will. Right now, I’ll shower. You can shower after me. We might as well call it in early as there is nothing to do right now because of this storm.”

The very next morning, Shane woke up as he had to use the bathroom to pee. He was wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton fly briefs as he got out of bed to head for the bathroom.

About a minute later, he left the bathroom after flushing the toilet He then looked out the window and saw that the storm was still raging furiously. He got back into bed after doing so.

About ten minutes later, Janine got up out of bed to look out the window. She was wearing a white nightgown. She saw that the storm was still raging and although it was daylight, the sky looked densely dark as the black storm clouds made it look like it was dark rather than daylight. After closing the curtain, she saw that her son was sleeping soundly. She also had to use the bathroom to pee. She walked quietly so she wouldn’t disturb her son from his sleep.

About a minute later, she left the bathroom after she flushed the toilet and went back to bed.

A few hours later, Shane was waking up as his mother was also waking up. They both yawned sleepily as they were waking up. They both sat up after they pushed the covers off of them. They also looked at each other as they were sitting up.

“Good morning,” they both greeted each other in unison.

Janine turned the lights on by clapping to do so. The room was dark as a result of the storm raging outside.

“The storm is still raging out there,” Shane said. “The rain is really coming down hard.”

“I know, son,” Janine answered. “I saw that earlier when I had to use the bathroom.”

“Me, too, mom,” Shane replied. “This storm is really making this weekend a drag. I was really hoping for fun and also, while working out by running, I hoped that I could meet any girls around here who also would want a little fun with a guy like me.”

“Really son?” she replied. “You were really hoping for that, huh?”

“Yes mom,” he answered disappointedly. “Now, with this storm raging, I won’t even get to meet any girls out here. I was really hoping to get some satisfaction and loving, but now, it’s not gonna happen.”

“You were really hoping for that, my son?” Janine wondered. “What was it that you were hoping for?”

“You wouldn’t understand because you are a lady and I’m a guy,” Shane answered.

“Try me, Shane,” Janine tried to assure him. “I may be a lady, but like you, I was also young once, only I was a girl then, but even then, I understood what guys really wanted and needed. I even had quite a few boyfriends back in my school days before I even met, and later, married your father. You can talk about anything to me, my son. You don’t have to be shy.”

“Well mom, “ Shane began, though he was a little nervous. “Like every guy, I yearn to get some, you know, from a girl and maybe, get to also, well, you know, to her.”

“Don’t use the term ‘you know’. Spit it out,” Janine encouraged him. “Also, don’t be so nervous. As I said, you can talk about anything without hiding anything. C’mon Shane, let it all out.”

“Okay mom,” Shane replied, still nervous. “Every guy always wants to get some pussy from a girl. Plus, he also hopes to make love to her using what he has on her and hopes to please her, which was what I was hoping for this weekend, but now, with this storm, it will never happen and that really disappoints me.”

“My son,” she said. “You’re just being a young man. It’s quite normal and natural. Heck, when I was your age, I gave my pussy to a lot of guys who wanted some and also, I have taken in many of their cocks within my own cunt. I understand very much, my son. It was fun and gave me some satisfaction that I made them happy while they were making me happy. Again, it’s quite normal and natural and there is nothing wrong with you.”

Shane started feeling a little bit better, but he still felt a little nervousness after revealing all of this to his mother. He couldn’t believe that his own mother would ask him about his life. He then got up off of the bed, but he couldn’t hide the fact that his own cock was rock hard and bulging out of his underpants.

Seeing the bulge of her son’s hard cock in his underpants, Janine was starting to feel hot and moist between her legs. She also was starting to feel an intense horny itch of her own cunt. Seeing the bulge of her son’s prick was making her own pussy really hot. She hadn’t had a man screw her in a long time. She also was getting turned on after her own son shared his own life with her. Plus, seeing the bulge in his underpants also turned her on.

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