Persuading Mom To Pose - Cover

Persuading Mom To Pose

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A high school photography buff gets a new camera as a present from his mother then he asks her to "model" for him so he can try it out. The photo shoot goes a little further than either expected it to though...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Spanking   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I was a junior the year that this story takes place. I was about halfway through the school year and the second quarter was drawing to a close. In a couple weeks, I would have a change in some of my classes and I was looking forward to one in particular. You see, in my school, there were some classes that ran the whole school year long like the basic classes – Math, English, History/Social Studies, and Science. Then there were others, the electives, that lasted for two semesters. This was so that everyone had a chance to take some of the fun classes like woodshop and home economics.

The class I had signed up to take the next semester and was looking forward to was Photography I. Photography had always been a hobby of mine and I really enjoyed taking pictures with my little pocket digital camera. But I wanted to learn how to take more than just tourist type snapshots – I wanted to be a real photographer! I wanted to take the kind of photos I saw in travel magazines. I wanted to go to exotic places and see exotic sights and meet the people of these strange places.

One day when I came home from school, Mom was home waiting for me. She was sitting on the sofa which sat on the opposite wall of the living room as the front door and facing it. She had a box sitting on the coffee table in front of her and a big smile on her face when I walked in.

“Hi honey, how was school today?” she asked. Not an unusual question – she was always interested in my schoolwork and my day. But what was unusual was that it was only 3:30 in the afternoon – Mom didn’t get off work until 5:00 and she didn’t usually get home until around 5:30.

“It was okay – what are you doing home so early?” I asked her.

“I have a little something for you. Come sit down next to me,” she said.

I took off my jacket and hung it on the hook next to the door and went to sit on the sofa next to Mom. She turned to me, “Jimmy you have been a wonderful help to me since Dad left us. You have grown into a very handsome, very special man. I don’t know where you got it – your father certainly wasn’t anything close to the man you have become.

“But enough of that. I know you are looking forward to your photography class ... heaven knows you’ve talked enough about it! You have done very well with your other classes – what is your GPA now?” she asked.

“It was a 3.8 last time I checked,” I said rather proudly.

“Well, you are set to be the first in our family to graduate high school and I want to make sure you keep that GPA up. So I got you a little something for next semester’s class,” she said. She slid the box across the coffee table until it rested in front of me.

I looked at her puzzled. “Go on, Jimmy, open it up,” she said. I picked up the box and examined it. It was about eight inches wide, six inches tall and five inches deep. It was wrapped in two layers of plain white wrapping paper so I couldn’t read through it. It didn’t rattle or make any noise when I shook it either.

“Open it, you silly boy!” she said again. Mom was more excited about the contents of this box than I was it seemed!

I tore open the box – inside was a brand new professional grade digital camera! “Oh wow, Mom! A new camera!” I said. I set it down and hugged her. “But how – this camera is ... so expensive!”

“Honey, don’t worry about the cost. I was able to make a deal with the camera store and I have been making payments on the camera for awhile. So it wasn’t a big cost all at once. Besides, you are going to be a big-time photographer – you can pay me back when you become rich and famous!” she said.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said, “I can’t wait for my photography class to start now so I can start taking photos!”

“So you like it?” she asked.

“It’s perfect!” I said as I took it out of the box and put the batteries in it. “I can’t wait to start playing with it!”

“Well you just sit here and play with your camera – there are way too many buttons on that thing for me! I’m going to start getting dinner on,” she said.

“So, what’s for dinner?” I asked.

“Well, how does pot roast sound? I put it in the slow cooker just before I left for work after you left for school. It should be about done,” she said.

“Oh, Mom! You know I love your pot roast! I love everything you make – you are a great cook!” I said.

“Well thank you, sweetie, I’m glad you enjoy my cooking. You make it a pleasure,” she said.

After dinner, I went back to reading the instructions on my new camera while Mom did some laundry. When she was done, she came into the living room where I was sitting with my new toy. On Friday nights like this, she liked to unwind and put the work week to rest with a glass or two of wine and she had brought a glass of white wine with her.

“Man, Mom, this camera is great! It can do all sorts of things!” I said, “Now all I need is something to take pictures of and get used to this camera. Hey, you wanna be my model?’ I asked. I clicked off a pic or two of her sitting in her chair.

Let me take a second to describe my mother here. Mom is a thirty-five-year-old receptionist for an investment company. Because of her job, she always dresses very nice – you never see her in jeans, or even pants for that matter, unless she is at home. She’s also the type of woman who never goes out in public unless her hair and makeup are perfect. It used to drive Dad crazy waiting for her to get ready to go anyplace – but when she was ready, she was always a head turner!

Mom is about five foot three inches tall and she is what some might call a bit chubby, but I like to refer to as voluptuous. She isn’t a skinny runway model but the curves she does have are well placed and very attractive – I’ve seen her “work a room” and she is never alone for very long! But while she appreciates the compliments and attention, she never forgets that she is always the lady and not a cheap slut!

With long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and full lips, Mom has a very pretty face. She has a nice chest with DD cup breasts and a nice round ass to match. She has a smile that would warm a snowman’s heart and when she smiles, her eyes sparkle like they have glitter in them. She is the kind of Mom that everybody wants to hang around and growing up, ours was the house that everyone congregated around. Which made Mom happy – on the weekends she would have cookies made for everyone and there was always a bunch of us kids hanging out in the pool or watching TV downstairs in the den or something. She loved having them around too, but as we all grew up the “gang” kind of petered out until it was just the two of us these days.

After I took that first picture of Mom, I looked at it on the LCD screen on the back. She was sitting in her chair with her legs crossed at the ankle. Her skirt was up a little above mid-thigh and she had her heels still on from work making her legs seem longer. It was shot from the right side and she was looking at me with her head slightly tilted back. It was a very professional looking photo if I do say so myself and as I examined it critically it occurred to me that how hot she looked. I had never thought of my Mom as sexy – that just wasn’t the way I looked at her growing up. I knew that men found her attractive and I did too. But sexy? She was Mom! Still, it was a good picture...

“Wow, Mom! This picture turned out really nice. You look good in it!” I said as I showed her the picture on the LCD screen.

She gave me one of her famous smiles. “You really think so?”

“Hell yes” I answered enthusiastically. “You look really pretty. Do some more modeling, I want to take some more pictures of my beautiful model Mom!”

“Oh yeah, right ... I’m a real ‘Victoria Secrets’ type! Why would you want pictures of your old mother?” she asked.

“Mom you are far from old. In case you haven’t looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you are very pretty. I mean the camera doesn’t lie and it really likes you. C’mon Mom pose for me for a few more pictures ... please?” I asked.

“All right,” she said, setting her wine glass down. She stood up “What do you want me to do?” she asked, smiling.

“Well, let’s start with you putting your hands on your hips and smiling for me – you know ... a Betty Grable kind of thing” I suggested.

“Betty Grable huh. Hmm, let’s see. How’s this?” she asked.

I watched her through the camera as she smiled at first and giggled shyly. I always loved the way she giggled – it was so cute and I knew that if she was giggling, things were okay. I hadn’t heard it as often as I used to and I missed it. I started snapping a few pics while coaching and encouraging her. “That’s really nice Mom. Yeah, I like that one too. You are pretty good at this stuff. Ooh, that was a good one! Now can you slowly turn around now and look back over your shoulder at the camera ... keep that pretty smile!” I said.

Mom did as I asked, slowly turning as I took pictures. Seeing how comfortable she was getting in front of the camera (or maybe it was the wine) made me decide that I wanted to see how far I could go with my “model”. I wanted to see if I could get her to pose sexy for me. I had my stash of magazines and had seen loads of pics on the Internet – could I get my Mom to do stuff like that? When her back was turned to me, I was treated to a good view of her round and very shapely ass in her dress skirt.

“How’s that, sweetheart?” she asked while looking back at me.

“That’s perfect Mom. You look absolutely amazing, you really do. I want to take a lot more pictures of you. Seriously, I think I can get some really great pictures of you with this new camera.”

“Aww sweetheart, you are just saying that!” she said blushing a little at my praise.

“No, I really mean it, Mom. I want you to model for me some more,” I said.

“Well maybe another time, honey. Right now it’s getting late and your ‘model’ had a hard day,” she said. I put my camera away and didn’t say any more about the subject. But I sure thought about it!

The next day I woke up as usual. But it would prove to be much more than a “usual” day. I picked up my camera from the nightstand and brought it to the breakfast table with me. As we sat down to eat breakfast Mom looked at me with my camera. “Were you going to go out and see what you can take pictures of today, honey?” she asked.

I was going to, but it looks like it’s going to rain. Maybe if it clears up later I might. We’ll see,” I said.

“Well, I have to go to the grocery store and the post office. But I’ll be back in a couple hours,” she said.

“Okay Mom,” I said. And as she pulled out of the driveway, I turned on the TV to see if there was something worth watching until she got home.

A couple hours later, I heard Mom pull into the garage. I helped her bring in the groceries and put them away. She looked frazzled so once we were done I took her hand. “Come with me Mom,” I said. She looked at me puzzled, but she took my hand and I led her into the front room. “Sit down,” I told her pointing to her chair. She sat down still wondering what I was up to. I put her feet up and said, “Now you just sit right there. I will be right back.” And I went into the kitchen to get her a glass of iced sweet tea made just the way she liked it.

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